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Wyant (2014)

4th grade
CLASS SIZE: 22 Students
30 Minutes
UNIT: Catching and Passing
LESSON #: 4 of 4
Overhand throwing and catching
Overhand and underhand throwing skills, high and low
catching skills, spatial awareness
FACILITIES: Black Top/ Grass Area/ Main Gym
8 Wiffle Balls
4 Buckets
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs):
Psychomotor: SWBAT perform overhand and underhand passes by correctly executing
the cues of the skill. SWBAT receive these passes by using the correct catching
techniques of either high or low.
Cognitive: SWBAT discuss the strategies being used as a team to make a pass and throw
towards a certain distance and reach a target. SWBAT explain the importance of each cue
of the skill.
Affective: SWBAT include positive attitudes and spatial awareness concepts in this
lesson in order to effectively accomplish the task(s) by expressing traits such as: smiling,
positive dialogue, and encouragement.
Health-related: SWBAT recognize the physiological responses to exercise and will be
engaged in MVPA for at least 50% of the lesson time.
Instant Activity: Keep away 7 minutes
Students will be grouped into groups of three (3). While two (2) students are trying to throw a
bean bag to their partner the person in the middle will try and take the bean bag away. If the
last person who threw it gets it taken away then that person takes the place of the person in
the middle.
Students will use overhand/ underhand throwing skills along with high/ low catching skills.
Dr. Wyant (2014)
Activity #1 Catching the Jewels
Time 21 Minutes
Set up
Time Activity/COTS Refinement Organization
1 Minute
Students will be introduced to
the task they will be performing
today. This also includes rules
of the game.
Home Base
20 Minutes
Capture the Jewels:
Students will be separated into 4
teams. Goal of this game is for
each team is to pass the pass
three (3) times before trying to
score a shot in the opponents
Students have to underhand or
overhand pass the wiffle ball to
a teammate.
If an opponent intercepts the
wiffle ball, they must take three
(3) steps before passing. Once
again they must restart their
three (3) passes before making a
Students have
to take 3 steps
before passing
the ball to a
Two basketball
Dr. Wyant (2014)

Closure: 2 minutes
Class reviews what skills we learned today: overhand passing and catching.
Class discusses strategies to keep good personal space and the importance of each cue
of the skill. Ask about the cues for passing and catching, and other strategies used to
cover distance to make it to the target.
Assessment plan:
In addition to the systematic observations that will assess motor differences, time spent
in physical activity; you should spend this session assessing the affective skills of your
students and cultural differences you may see emerge. Take notes on the following and
include in your reflection journal:
- What languages did you hear the students speak?
- Who did the students partner with if given a choice?
- During down time who did the students socialize with?
- Were the students able to work effectively and without conflict with their
partners/teams? If not, what factors seemed to be causing conflict?
- What evidence of teamwork/communication did you see? (e.g. high fives etc)
- Did the students request any activities/sports? If so, what were they?
- What role does Maria play? How do the students respond to her? Does their
behavior change when she is around?
- Did you learn anything about the students home life/background? If so, what?

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