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Fig. 1.1. Diagram of the right eye, seen from above, showing the struture of the eye, retina,
fovea, an! i"iary bo!y.
1. cornea region
2. cornea
3. anterior chamber
4. Schlemms canal
5. ora serrata
6. zonule
7. posterior chamber
8. lens
9. iris
10. ciliar bo! an! process
11. ciliar muscle
12. "itreous bo!
13. an! 18. choroi!
14. retina an! its magni#ie! "ie$
15. an! 20. sclera
16. #o"ea
17. optic ner"e !is% &papilla or hea!'
19. pigment epithelium
21. optic ner"e
22. a(ons o# ganglion neurons
23. bipolar neurons
24. ro!s
25. cones
Fig. 1.#. $istoto%ogra%hy of eyeba"" an! surroun!ing e"ements.
Stain) hemato(lin an! eosin.
1. con*uncti"a o# eeli!
2. ciliar bo!
3. iris
4. cornea
5. lens
6. retina
7. choroi!s
8. sclera
9. muscles o# eeball
10. lacrimal glan!
Stars in!icate a location o# "itreous bo!.
Fig. 1.&. O%ti nerve with retina.
Stain) hemato(lin an! eosin.
1. optic ner"e trun%
2. brain meninges
3. optic ner"e sheaths
4. optic ner"e !is% &hea!'.
Fig. 1.'. (iroso%i struture of ornea.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. strati#ie! non+%eratinize! epithelial laer
2. ,o$mans membrane
3. stroma
4. -escements membrane
5. en!othelium.
Fig. 1.+. $istoto%ogra%hy of strutures "oating in the anterior %o"e of eyeba"".
Stain) hemato(lin an! eosin.
1. cornea
2. anterior chamber
3. iris
4. posterior chamber
5. lens
6. lens epithelium
7. lens capsule
8. anterior chamber epithelium
9. corneal epithelium.
Fig. 1.,. (iroso%i struture of "ens.
Stain) hemato(lin an! eosin.
1. lens capsule &basal lamina'
2. lens epithelium
3. gro$th zone. lens epithelium transmitte! to lens #ibers
4. lens #ibers
5. nuclei o# lens #ibers &cells'.
Fig. 1.-. .ayers of retina.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. "itreous bo!
2. internal limiting membrane
3. optic ner"e #ibers
4. ganglion cells laer
5. internal ple(i#orm laer
6. internal nuclear laer
7. e(ternal ple(i#orm laer
8. e(ternal nuclear laer
9. e(ternal limiting membrane
10. outer segments o# ro! an! cones
11. pigment epithelium.
Fig. 1./. Shemati !iagram of ro!e an! one.
/. 0(ternal nuclear laer. Snaptic communications $ith bipolar neurons.
//. 1etabolic region. Snthesis o# protein2 phospholipi!s an! 345.
///. 5hotosensor region. 1a%ing o# preceptor potential.
1. inner segment
2. mitochon!rion
3. cilium
4. outer segments o# ro!s an! cones.
Fig. 1.0. Shemati !iagram of the mutua" re"ations between the basis e""s of the retina.
Arrows in!iate the entering !iretion of the "ight into retina
1. internal limiting membrane
2. a(ons o# ganglion cells &optic ner"e #ibers'
3. ganglion cells
4. internal ple(i#orm laer
5. bipolar neuron
6. e(ternal ple(i#orm laer
7. inner segments o# the ro! an! cones
8. e(ternal limiting membrane
9. pigmente! epithelial cell
10. cone
11. ro!
12. outer segments o# the ro! an! cones
13. horizontal cells
14. ra!ial glia &16ller' cells
15. amacrine cells.
Fig. 1.11. $ori2onta" setion of the eye"i!.
Stain) hemato*y"in3eosin.
1. space o# con*uncti"a section
2. strati#ie! non+%eratinize! epithelium o# con*uncti"a o# the eeli!
3. subcon*uncti"al laer
4. striate! muscle #ibers
5. tarsal &1eibomian' glan!s
6. !ucts o# tarsal &1eibomian' glan!s
7. bulb o# eelash.
Fig. 1.11. Sagitta" setion of on4untiva an! eyeba"".
Stain) hemato*y"in3eosin.
1. con*uncti"a o# the eeli!
2. superior arch o# con*uncti"a
3. episcleral laer
4. stroma o# the sclera
5. subarachnoi!al lamina
6. Schlemm7s canal
7. anterior chamber
8. anterior chamber en!othelium
9. transition o# scleral con*uncti"a to corneal epithelium
10. #ol!s o# con*uncti"a o# the eeball
Fig. 1.1#. 5oh"ear.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. mo!iolus
2. osseus spiral lamina
3. membranous spiral lamina
4. organ o# 8orti
5. cochlear !uct &scala me!ia'
6. scala "estibuli
7. bon labrinth
8. membranous labrinth
9. tmpanic &mi!!le ear' ca"it
10. tensor tmpani muscle.
Fig. 1.1&. (agnifie! %iture of bottom %art of fig. 1.1'.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. cochlea o# bon labrinth
2. cochlear !uct &scala me!ia'
3. "estibular &9eissners' membrane
4. tectorial membrane
5. organ o# 8orti
6. stria "ascularis
7. basilar membrane
8. !en!rites o# neurons o# spiral ganglion
9. scala tmpani
10. Spiral ganglion.
Fig. 1.1'. Shemati !rawing of organ of 5orti.
1. e(ternal cuboi!al supporting &8lau!iuss' cells
2. e(ternal limiting columnar cell &:ensens cell'
3. e(ternal hair epithelial cells &e(ternal cochleoctes'2 sensorepithelial cells
4. tectorial membrane
5. internal hair epithelial cell &internal cochleocte'2 sensorepithelial cell
6. internal limiting cell
7. internal phalangeal epithelial cell
8. e(ternal an! internal epithelial columnar cells
9. e(ternal phalangeal epithelial cell
10. e(ternal basal granular &secretor' cells &,ottchers cells'
Fig. 1.1+. Organ of 5orti.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
/. 8ochlear !uct &scala me!ia'
//. Scala "estibuli
///. Scala tmpani
1. stria "ascularis
2. "estibular &9eissners' membrane
3. tectorial membrane
4. internal spiral tunnel
5. basilar membrane
6. organ o# 8orti
7. tunnel o# 8orti
8. !en!rites o# neurons o# spiral ganglion
9. osseus spiral lamina
10. spiral ganglion.
Fig. 1.1,. Shemati !rawing of rista am%u""aris of semiiru"ar !ut.
1. semicircular !uct
2. ampulla
3. en!olmph
4. cupula
5. "estibuloctes tpe /2 pri#orm "estibuloctes2 sensor "estibular cells tpe /
6. "estibuloctes tpe //
7. supporting "estibuloctes.
Fig. 1.1-. Shemati !rawing of mau"a of utri"e.
1. statoconia &otoliths'
2. en!olmph
3. cilium
4. glcoprotein laer
5. sensor "estibular cell tpe //
6. sensor "estibular cell tpe /
7. supporting cell.
Fig. 1.1-a. $isto"ogia" struture of o"fatory region of nasa" avity.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. ol#actor epithelium
2. !ucts o# ,o$mans glan!
3. secretor cells o# ,o$mans glan!
4. ol#actor threa!s.
Fig. 1.1/. Shemati re%resentation of o"fatory region of nasa" avity.
1. sustentacular micro"illi
2. !en!ritic bulb
3. intercellular *unction
4. ol#actor cilia
5. nucleus o# sustentacular cell
6. a(on o# ol#actor cell
7. basal epithelial cell
8. ol#actor &,o$mans' glan!
9. bo! o# ol#actor cell
10. basal lamina.
Fig. 1.10. 6"trastruture of a%ia" as%et of o"fatory e%ithe"ium.
1. !en!rites o# ol#actor receptor cells
2. !en!ritic bulbs
3. !en!ritic cilia
4. sustentacular cells
5. sustentacular micro"illi.
Fig. 1.#1. (iroso%ia" struture of fo"iate %a%i""ae of tongue.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. oral ca"it
2. s;uamous strati#ie! non+%eratinize! epithelium co"ere! o# apical sur#ace o# #oliate
3. taste bu!s
4. lamina propria
5. lingual glan!s
6. lingual muscle
7. !ucts o# lingual glan!s.
Fig. 1.#1. (agnifie! histo"ogia" %iture of the taste bu!s "oate! in fo"iate %a%i""ae.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. epithelial laer
2. taste bu!s.
3. taste cells
4. taste pores
Fig. 1.##. $isto"ogia" struture of the irumva""ate %a%i""a.
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
5. s;uamous strati#ie! non+%eratinize! epithelial laer co"ere! the apical sur#ace o#
circum"allate papilla
6. !ense connecti"e tissue elements
7. taste bu!s
8. taste &0bner' glan!s.
Fig. 1.#&. $isto"ogia" struture of the taste bu!s "oate! in "atera" surfae of irumva""ate
Stain) hemato*y"in an! eosin.
1. epithelial laers surroun!e! o# circular cle#t
2. circular cle#t surroun!e! o# circum"allate papillae
3. taste pores
4. taste bu!s.
Fig. 1.#'. 6"trastruture of the taste bu!.
1. circular cle#t
2. taste pore
3. s;uamous strati#ie! epithelium
4. nucleus o# clear epithelial taste cell
5. nuclei o# !ar% epithelial taste cell
6. nuclei o# basal epithelial cell.
Fig. 1.#+. Shemati re%resentation of the taste bu!.
1. mucosa o# tongue
2. supporting epithelial cells
3. micro"illi
4. taste &sensor' cells
5. ner"e #ibers
6. basal epithelial cells.

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