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The DSM-IV stands for:

a) Depressive Symptoms Manual
b) Diagnosing and Serving Mental Disorders
c) Detailing and Surveying Mental Disorders
d) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Behaviour that is acceptable on some occasions but not others is a definition of
which type of normality?

a) Historical
b) Situational
c) Functional
d) Statistical

According to the medical definition of normality, which person would most likely
be considered normal?

a) A man suffering from schizophrenia
b) A child with poor eyesight
c) A boy wearing pajamas to school
d) A woman with depression

In earlier times it was considered abnormal for women to seek a career and
remain unmarried. However in recent times such behaviours are considered
normal. To which of the following approaches to normality does this example
least apply?

a) Sociocultural approach
b) Historical approach
c) Situational approach
d) Medical approach

What sort of approach does the DSM-IV take to classifying mental illness?

a) Graded
b) Dimensional
c) Categorical
d) Transitional

One reason why categorical approaches to the classification of mental illnesses
(disorders) tend to be preferred by mental health professionals is because these

a) Are easy to use
b) Avoid stigmatization through the use of diagnostic labels
c) Allows consistency between mental health professionals
d) Less time consuming


An advantage of using dimensional approaches to classifying mental illnesses
(disorders) is that they

a) Are the most commonly used classification system in Australia
b) Produces an individual profile including the severity of different symptoms or
c) Clearly describes different categories and sub categories of mental disorders
d) Provides common language between health professionals

The DSM-IV uses a multi-axial system, the 5 axes include:

a) Graded, transitional, international classification of diseases and related health
problems, psychological disorders
b) Clinical disorders, developmental disorders, general physical/mental conditions,
severity of psychological stressors and highest level of functioning
c) Categorical, dimensional, DSM-IV, ICD-10, transitional
d) Clinical disorders, symptoms

Define Normality

1 mark

Explain the difference between a mental health problem and a mental illness - use

4 marks

Identify one limitation of categorical approaches and one limitation of
dimensional approaches when classifying mental illnesses.

2 marks

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