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I'd wear my heart on my sleeve to reach you

You guard your love with iron
You're hiding ehind your silence
I'm reading etween your lines
I'm a eauti!ul mess eside you
I'll try to "retend you're lind
I'm iting my tongue# it's eager
I'm !ighting to uy my time
I'm lovestung# So lovestung
$alt%ing around with my !ragile glass heart in my hands
I'm lovestung# So lovestung
I mas&uerade ut I'm learning that I can't "retend
I'm lovestung
You ste" on my toes# we're clumsy
$e can't seem to sway in time
'ause I'm red when you're lue
(nd you're di!!icult too
)ut I'd argue with you anyday
I'm lovestung# So lovestung
$alt%ing around with my !ragile glass heart in my hands
I'm lovestung# So lovestung
I mas&uerade ut I'm learning that I can't "retend
I'm lovestung
Lovestung Lovestung
The sli""er will rea*# midnight will chime
(nd the star that we wish on will !ade over time
'ause growing "ains ache# + tem"ers collide
)ut love li*e wine will grow sweeter with time
'ause we're lovestung
So lovestung
$e're scared to death ut we're learning the thrill o! the !all
I'm lovestung# So lovestung
$alt%ing around with my !ragile glass heart in my hands
I'm lovestung# So lovestung
I mas&uerade ut I'm learning that I can't "retend
I'm lovestung

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