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Contextual Factors

Room 135 in building F of Greenwood High School is on the lowest floor of building F.
There is a stair case to the right of the classroom door that leads to uer floors of the F building!
or to the outside area near the ortables. There is a long hallwa" leading into room 135 that
contains three sets of boo#cases. $ne boo#case is full of leisure reading materials which are
made a%ailable to all students& it is on the right side of the hallwa" when entering the classroom.
There are also two identical boo#cases laced beside one another on the left side of the hallwa"
entering room 135& these boo#cases hold reference materials 'dictionaries! thesauruses! etc.(
There are three windows in the classroom& one on the left side of the bac# wall! one on the bac#
side of the right wall 'which is the emergenc" exit(! and one on the forward side of the right wall.
)ll three windows go from the floor to the ceiling of the room. There is a large cabinet on the left
wall of the room which contains a %ariet" of classroom materials. )lso on the left wall! there are
fi%e des#to comuters and an )merican flag. Toward the front of the right wall of the room!
there is a whiteboard disla"ing the bell schedule! school*wide beha%ior exectations! and the
Greenwood High School mission statement. $n the right wall! toward the bac#! there are two
osters& one of the osters disla"s Costa+s le%el of thin#ing! and the other oster disla"s Costa+s
le%els of ,uestions. $n the bac# wall! there is a decorati%e #night statue! a oster of a ainting!
and an academic %ocabular" list. The front of the classroom consists of- m" des# 'left(! .rs.
Co/art+s des# 'right(! a 0romethean board 'center(! a whiteboard 'center(! and a bulletin board
Common Core ower standards for 12) grades 3*14 are disla"ed on the bulletin board.
The date! standard for the da"! academic %ocabular" word for the da"! 5ord within the 5ord
honors %ocabular" list for the da"! and dail" tas#s are all disla"ed on the whiteboard in the front
of the room. The number for the class+s Remind alication is also disla"ed on the board in the
front of the room. )bo%e the whiteboard! the 5.6.C.$.R osters are taed to the wall! and the
emergenc" escae route bluerints are osted on the wall to the left of the door. The classroom
sur%eillance camera is mounted to the ceiling on the right wall! toward the bac# of the room! and
abo%e the window. )CT and S)T registration dates for the 7418*7415 school "ear are osted on
the left wall.
)ll of these details allow me to roerl" lan for emergencies& se%ere weather! intruder!
fire! and earth,ua#e drills are all deendent on the uni,ue la"out of m" classroom. There is
amle room for m" students to be rotected during the re%iousl" mentioned situations. ."
students can clearl" see their dail" bell and tas# schedules! the 0romethean board! and the rules
and regulations! and 6 can easil" monitor! and assist m" students in this en%ironment.
6 ha%e a total of four classes& three of the classes are ninth and tenth grade le%el students
ranging from ages 18*19 "ears! and one of m" classes includes :uniors and seniors ranging from
ages 1;*1< "ears. First bloc#! from <-34 am to 14-44 am! 6 ha%e ninth and tenth grade students
e%er" da" of the wee# for 1nglish 66 Honors& there are a total of 35 students in this class. There
are 73 females! 17 males! 19 )frican )mericans! 15 Caucasians! and 8 Hisanics. Second bloc#!
from 14-45 am to 11-35 am! 6 ha%e a lanning eriod! and from 11-85 am to 17-15 m! 6 am
scheduled for first lunch. Third bloc#! from 17-74m to 1-54m! 6 ha%e an )=6> 1lecti%e for
ninth! tenth! ele%enth! and twelfth grade )=6> students. This course alternates between a class of
ninth and tenth grade students and a class of ele%enth and twelfth grade students. 6 ha%e ninth
and tenth grade )=6> on .onda"s! 5ednesda"s! and e%er" other Frida". There are 33 students
in this class! and it is made u of 3 males! 78 females! 73 )frican )mericans! < Caucasians! and 7
Hisanics. $n Tuesda"s! Thursda"s! and e%er" other Frida"! 6 ha%e )=6> :uniors and seniors.
There are 19 students total in this class! and it is made u of- 3 males! 13 females! 15 )frican
)mericans! and 1 Caucasian. >uring fourth bloc#! 6 ha%e a class of ninth and tenth graders for
1nglish 66 Honors e%er" da" of the wee# from 1-55 m to 3-34 m. This class of students
consists of a total of 75. The demograhics of these 75 students are- 15 males! 14 females! 11
)frican )mericans! and 18 Caucasians. )ll of the Hisanic students in m" classes are 1S$2
students! and 6 ha%e a Sanish dictionar" on the resource boo#shelf at all times.
6t is necessar" that 6 am #een to m" surroundings! and students+ surroundings. 6n the e%ent
that there is an emergenc"! 6 will be reared to ta#e the roer stes to #ee them safe and
accounted for. 6 am e,uied with a roster at all times in order to #ee trac# of who is resent
during classroom acti%ities! and also school*wide emergencies. 6n addition to this! it is
imerati%e that 6 am aware of m" students+ demograhic information so that 6 ma" teach them to
the best of m" abilities. Certain situations! disabilities! cultural asects! and language barriers are
#e" elements in a student+s learning rocesses. 6 ha%e also ta#en the school+s resources into
account when lanning m" lessons. The students and 6 ha%e access to se%eral comuter labs! i0ad
carts! and the media center b" aointment and rotation. 6t is imortant to include as much
technolog" and outside resources as ossible& this will allow students to grow intellectuall"
outside of the classroom as well as inside. )lso! all students?arents of students ha%e been as#ed
to sign u for Remind& this alication allows me to send out reminders! notes! and
announcements to all of those registered %ia cellular hones.

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