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January 2011Infosys Placement Paper:-

1) In a game of dice, 2 dice thrown at each turn.The score at each turn is taken as the product of number on
2 dices.there were five turns(rolls).second roll is 1 less than first n (like this ... the relationship between third
n second,third n fourth,fourth n fifth ) were given.Find the score in first roll,second roll,third roll,fourth roll.(us
giving an idea abt !uestion and don know the e"act relationships).
2) #atri" problem repeated from prev paper
there are $ males %,&,' and $ females (,),*. the+ pla+ed 1, games of
golf altogether.
1. % scored -.
2. ( scored 1/0
$. ) scored 1/2.
.. 1 scored 1//.
2. & and ' scored -0 and -, and don3t no who3s score what44
0. %3s wife beats '3s wife.
5. there are two couples whose sum of scores is same.
6etermine who3s wife is who and scores of & and '.
$) % girl had several dollars with her. she went out for shopping and spent half of them in shopping
mall,being generous she had given 1 dollar to the beggar. %fter that she w!ent for lunch and spent the half
of the remaining and gave 2 dollars as tip to the waiter.Then she went to watch a movie and spent the half of
remaining dollars and
gave autorikshaw7wala $ dollars. This left her with onl+ 1 dollar.8ow man+ dollars did she had with her at the
.) % person sa+s that his son is 2 times as old as his daughter and his wife is 2 times older than his son and
he is twice the age of his wife . The sum total of all the ages e!uals the age of the grand mother who
celebrated her ,1st birthda+ toda+.
8ow old was his son4
2) % bargain hunter bought some plates for 9 1.$/ from asale on saturda+,where price 2 was marked off at
each article .:n monda+ she went to return them at regular prices,and bought some cups and saucers from
that much amount of mone+ onl+.
the normal price of plate were e!ual to the price of 3one cup and one saucer3.In total she bought 10 items
more than previous. saucers were onl+ of $ cents hence she brought 1/ saucers more tahn the cups,8ow
man+ cups and saucers she bought and at what price4
0) % eweller prepared a window displa+ each displa+ing $ of the 5 ems at a time . The+ were
meth+st,opal,sapphire,emerald, rub+ and garnet.6ispla+ed according to the following conditions;7
1 % sholud alwa+s be displa+ed on the left window and 6 on the right.
2 <ub+ should never come with an+ of 6 or =.
$.> should alwa+s be with ?.
then some . !uestions were asked on this. eas+
@1 which combination is appropriate4
@2 which condition is correct in the right window4
@$ <ub+ can be displa+ed with following other two4
@. ? can be displa+ed with the following other two on left side window4
5) <acing competition.Barticipants were from $ tribes
?onorean7alwa+s sa+s truth
#idorean7alternativel+ sa+s T and F ,not with an+ particular start.
Cororean7alwa+s False
% sa+s71. ' obstructed me at the last moment ,which caused me to losethe race.
2. ' alwa+s speak true
$. c is the winner.
& sa+s 7 1. % is the winner.
2. c sa+s false alwa+s.
' sa+s7 1.& won the <ace
2. I didn3t caused an+ obstruction to % at the last time.
I6entif+ the tribes of each.
,) % boss tells 1D0 th of his life in child hood,1D12 of his in +outh and 1D5 of his in bachelor,five +ears after his
a son was born whom was died four +ears ago at half his final age. find the boss age.
. ANS.:74 ths solution a!"a12"a7 "#......
-) Two thieves went to the museum to stole the diamonds first thief stole half of them and while going he
took another two and left. ?econd, third and fourth did the same and there was Eero diamonds at the end.
8ow man+ diamonds initiall+ at the beginning4
?imilar to F. Co. 1-$ ?tolen #angoes from ?hakuntala 6evi 7 #ore BuEEles %ns; 5-
1/) %, &, ' are the husbands and 6, >, F are their wives not in that order. The+ are pla+ing the =olf
following these conditions. 6, >, F and & scores are as follows 1/0,1/2,1// and -..% and ' scores are -,
and -0 not in that order as their names are not displa+ed. Two couples get the same score. & wife beat the %
wife list out the wives names and the scores the+ got.
$us %ife Score &otal
A ' () 102 200 100 1()
* + (4 10! 200 10! 200
, - (! 100 (! 102 1()
11) % women with dollar bills goto the shopping he spent half of the mone+ she had for shopping as she was
so kind she gave one dollar to the beggar.she went to the hotel and spent half of the remaning and she gave
2 dollars to the waiter,the she bu+ some goods with half of the remaining and she gave $ dollars to the
receptionist. how much mone+ she had in the begining4
come in the reverse order 1G$H.and twice of it ,G2H1/ and twice of it 2/G1H21 and twice of it .2.
12) .% conducter in the bus ask the man how old the bo+ is.the man replied that m+ son is five times older
than m+ daughter and m+ wife is five times older than m+ son and i am twice older to m+ wife and our ages
summed upto m+ granmother whose age is ,1 +ears.can u tell me the son age4
ans; 2 +ears
"H1 therefore son age is 2 +ears old
1$) .find out who is oldest and who is +oungest from the following statements...
a)either % or & r the oldest
b)either ' is the oldest or & is the +oungest.
ans; % is the oldest and & is the )oungest
1.)one bo+ tells three ppl to guess mule color..
number one sa+s its not blk
number two sa+s its eiterh brown or gre+
number $ sa+s its brown.
..the bo+ then sa+s one is atleast l+ing ans atleast telling truth...finf mule color
ans gre+4
12) 2 men take turns walking and riding one horse that the+ share...walking speed
.kmDhr..riding speed rides for some time and ties horse for the other walking fellow and
continues walking......the+ keep going on like this alternatel+ ..find time that the horse rests
10) 5 ppl have holida+s on 5 diff da+s...and the+ give conditions like %3s hol is $ da+s
before & etc etc...we have to find the da+s on which the+ take holida+
2.0 subects $ ppl teach 2 each...some craE+ conditions and we gotta find the subect for
each..i cant reall+ recall clearl+ so wh+ confuse u gu+s
15) % Iad+ (sa+ I) is a philanthropist. she goes to a restaurent,
orders food and pa+s half the amount she has and another doller to a
waiter as tip. she then goes to a mall, does some purchases and pa+s
half the amount left and another 2 dollers to a begger outside. %t
last she goes to a book store, takes some books and pa+s half the
amount left and another $ dollers to a begger outside. she then
checks that she onl+ had a doller left to her. 8ow much mone+ she had
initiall+4 %Cs. .2 9
1,) Three couples are pla+ing golf together. The men are >, & J T while women are # = J 8. the+ pla+ ,
#, =, 8 J > score 1/0, 1/2, 1//, -. respectivel+. while & J T scored either -0 or -, as it was unresolved
to error at scoreboard. *hen finall+ resolved the+ found that two of the couples scored same. It is given that7
>3s wife scored greater than &3s wife. *ho3s whose wife J how much the men scored each4
1-) % lad+ bu+s some plates in 1$/9 with 29 off ever+ item. she then returns the plates for the same amount
ne"t da+ to e"change them for some cups J saucers. >ach saucer costs onl+ $9 each and the no. of
saucers is 1/ more than cups. %ltogether she takes 10 more items than before. If she had to bu+ onl+ cups,
how man+ of them she could have
been taken home on the first da+4
2/) Impressed b+ admiration of the bo+ b+ stranger, the father
said K#+ son is five times as old as m+ daughter and m+ wife is five
times as old as m+ son. I3m double the age of m+ wife and m+
grandmother is as old as the sum of ages of all of us and she is
celebrating her ,1st birthda+.K what is the age of the bo+4
ANS. # yrs
21) %, & J ' participate in a race J one of them wins. The+ belong to
three communities7#, C,
:. : alwa+s speak the truth, C alwa+s lie and # alternate. >ach of %,
& J ' belongs to one communit+.
% ?%)?;
1. I would have won the race if ' had not interfered me at the last movement.
2. ' alwa+s speaks truth.
$. ' is the winner.
& ?%)?;
1. % wins the race.
2. ' is not a 3C3.
' ?%)?;
1. I hadn3t interfered with % at the last movement.
2. & wins the race.
Tell, who3s who4
22) 8arr+ is a friend of %"+ and %m+. Two statements are given about
1. if one of %"+ and %m+ is oldest then another is +oungest.
2. >ither 8arr+ is the oldest or %m+ is the +oungest.
*ho is the oldest4
ANS. A.y
2$) sons age is 2 times daughters.mother is five times son.father is 2 times wife.
Total of all age is =randpas who is celebrating ,1st &Lda+.
Ans:-# yrs
2.) :ne woman bu+s plates worth 1.$/9 at 2cent discount each plate.Then she e"changed the plates
for sausers J bowl where one bowl J one sausers costs e!ual to one of sausers which costs $ cent
is1/ more than bowl. no of saucers J bowl is 10 more than no of plates.
22) K:ne7si"th of m+ lifeK, said m+ boss, KI spent as a child, ne"t one7twelfth as an old bo+, one7seventh J 2
more +ears in politics J socialiEation. This brought me upto when Mimm+ born. Mimm+ was elected for the
governer four +ears ago, when he was half m+ present age.K
8ow old is m+ boss4
ANS.: )4 yrs.
(8owever, I overlooked that 3one7seventh3 part, J got
20) % 'ouple decided to travel a north countr+ side .so the+ decide to travel a minimum amount on car the
first da+ and the second and subse!uent da+ a distance of 2/ miles .If the+ travel a total amount of 1/,/
miles. Find he distance traveled on the .th da+ and the - da+.
25) % card board of $. N 1. has to be attached to a wooden bo" and a total of $2 pins are to be used on the
each side of the card bo". Find the total number of pins used .
2,) 6uring a BiEEa buffet where % eats more times 2.. than &, and & eats 0 times
less than '.find the leat number of times all the three has to eat.
$/) Iast )ear m+ cousin came to m+ place and we pla+ed a game where the loosing one has to give one
choclate to the person who won the game .%t the end of the vacation,i.e the da+ m+ cousin was leaving she
counted number of games that i won an she won.%t last she gave me a total of , choclates even though she
won about 12 games.
Find the mumber of games that we pla+ed.
$1) % tree on first da+ grows 1D2 of its siEe second da+ 1D$rd of its siEe on the previous da+ similarl+ than and so on.u have to calculate after how man+ da+s the tree will be 1// times of its original siEe.
ans 71-, da+s
$1) three person are there let % & ' one alwa+s tell truth one alwa+s lie and one sometimes tell truth
the+ are standing in straight line the first person who is seniormost and alwa+s tells truth tells in middle % is
standing the middle one sa+s ' is in the third position the last one sa+s & is in second position ie middle
$2) %,&,',6and > are uniors and F,=,8,I are seniors +ou have to make three groups each containg three
person such that in each group one senior is there and some other conditions which i cant recall e"actl+ but
was like that if this person will be in group than this cant be in the same group .
$$) there are 1// teams in a football knockout tournament how man+ mathces should be held to get the
winner answer is -- ie one less than the no of teams bcoE in ever+ match on team goes out
$.) .% car traveling with uniform speed. There r 12 poles. % car travel from 1 to 1/th pole in 1/ seconds. the
poles are e!uall+ spaced. then how man+ seconds it takes to reach the 12th pole4 (.)
$2) % bo+ ump to the river from the bridge. 8e swim opposite direction of the stream.
%fter 1/// +ards he noted that his hat was fallen at the bridge. The he goes to take the hat. 8e didnOt
change his speed.*hat is the velocit+ of stream4 (.)
$0) Pncles % bought a 8at J ?uit for <s.12.%unt+ & bought a ?uit with as much as cost of uncleOs 8at. Then
reaming cost
he bought 6resses. 6resses cost is one rupee more than his hatOs cost. Then she told him his hatOs hat is 1
and Q cost of
her hat. The+ spend e!ual amount on their purchase .
a. Then uncle said how much is the cost of 8at.
b. 8ow much the+ spend altogether 4 (.)
$5) There are 15 brown ties,1$ red ties, - green ties, 2 blue ties and 2 white ties.Then a man takes a tie.
so, how man+ times he at least take tie to get the 2 ties In same colour4 (0)
$,) #rs. &arbinger bought some plates on ?aturda+ for 91.$/, when ever+thing was being sold two cents
below the regular price. ?he e"changed those plates on #onda+, at their regular price, for cups J saucers.
'ost of one plate e!uals cost of one plate J one saucer. ?he returned home with 10 more articles than
before. ?ince, saucers cost onl+ $ cents each, she bought 1/ more saucers than cups.
The puEEle is, how man+ cups could she have bought on ?aturda+, for 91.$/4
ANS.: 1/ cups
$-) #r and #rs %&' purchase suit and hats for 12 <s. then from remaining mone+ #rs. %&' purchase %
dress. ?he shaid K #+ dress cost is more than 1 <s from +our hat3s cost.
she also added Kif we divide our mone+ and then purchase and cost of m+ hat is $ and 1D2 times +ours hat
then we had spend e!ual mone+K
a. K if that K condition fallows what is price of his hat4
b. Total amount spend 4
ans. hat0 ! 1s 2 &otal 0 22 1s. 3 not sure4
./) #+ rack contains , <ed colour ties, 1$ violate colour ties,1/ &lue colour ties, 2 Bink colour ties, . green
colour ties. If electricit+ gone and i want at least two ties of same colour then how man+ ties i should take out
from m+ rack4
Ans : ! ties.
.1) Two trains leaving from two station 2/ miles awa+ from each other with costant speed of 0/ miles per
hour, approaches towards each other on diffrent tracks. if lenght of each train is 1D0 mile. when the+ meet
8ow much time the+ need to pass each other totall+4
ANS : 10 sec. 3 not sure4
.2) %ll handsome, fair skinned, muscular, lean, emplo+ed, and rich men are tall.
%ll handsome men are fair skinned.
?ome muscular men are handsome.
?ome muscular men are not fair skinned.
%ll lean men are muscular.
Co lean man is handsome.
Co fair skinned man who is not handsome is rich.
%ll tall men who are neither fair skinned nor muscular are emplo+ed.
1. pramod is not fair skinned. *hich of the following must be true 4
a) pramod is emplo+ed
b) if pramod is muscular, he is neither handsome nor lean
c) if pramod is tall, he is emplo+ed or muscular.
d) if pramod is not emplo+ed, he is muscular.
e) if pramod is tall, he ma+ be muscular or handsome, but not both.
2. which must be false if the information given is true 4
a) no lean men are fair skinned.
b) some fair skinned are lean.
c) some rich men are both fair skinned and muscular.
d) some tall men are neither fair skinned nor emplo+ed
e) some rich men are lean
$. which of the following can be deduced from the information given 4
a) all rich men are handsome
b) some rich men are handsome
c) some rich men are emplo+ed
d) some rich men are muscular
e) all rich men are handsome, muscular, or emplo+ed
.. which cannot be shown to be true or false on the basis of the information given 4
I. Co fair skinned or muscular man is emplo+ed
II. ?ome muscular men are fair skinned but not handsome
III. Co fair skinned man both handsome and lean
a) I onl+ b) II onl+ c) III onl+ d) I and II e) II and III
.$) In #ulund, the shoe store is closed ever+ #onda+, the bouti!ue is closed ever+ Tuesda+, the grocer+
store is closed ever+ Thursda+ and the bank is open onl+ on #onda+, *ednesda+ and Frida+. >ver+thing is
closed on ?unda+.
:ne da+ %, &, ' and 6 went shopping together, each with a different place to go. The+ made the following
% 6 and I wanted to go earlier in the week but there wasnOt da+ when we could both take care of our
& I did not want to come toda+ but tomorrow I will not be able to do what I want to do.
' I could have gone +esterda+ or the da+ before ust as well as toda+.
6 >ither +esterda+ or tomorrow would have suited me.
*hich place did each person visit 4
..) The Covice hocke+ tournaments are on for beginners. Must three teams are in the league, and each
pla+s the other two teams ust once. :nl+ part of the information appears in the result chart, which is given
Team =ames *on Iost Tied =oals For =oals against
% 2 1 /
& 2 1 1 2
' 2
The scoring pattern in the tournament is as follows;
Two points are awarded to the winning team. In case of a tie, both teams are awarded one point, so the total
points in the standings should alwa+s e!ual the total number of games pla+ed ( since each game pla+ed is
counted as one for each of the two participating teams). :f course, total goals scored for and goals scored
against must be the same, since ever+ goal scored for one team is scored against another.
The games are pla+ed in the following order; =ame 1; % Rs &A =ame 2; % Rs 'A =ame & Rs '
'an +ou determine the score of each of the above games 4
.2) % recent murder case centered around the si" men, clam, flip, gront, herm, mast, and walt. In one order
or another these man were the victim, the murderer, the witness, the police, the udge, and the hangman.
The facts of the case were simple. The victim had died instantl+ from the effect of gunshot wound inflicted a
shot. %fter a length+ trial the murderer was convicted, sentenced to death, and hanged.
R #ast knew both the victim and the murderer.
v In court the udge asked clam his account of the shooting.
R *alt was the last of the si" to see flip alive.
R The police testified that he picked up gront near the place where the bod+ was found.
R 8erm and walt never met.
*hat role did each of the following pla+ in this melodrama 4
a) #urderer
b) Rictim
c) Mudge
d) *itness
.0) % alone can do a work in 0 da+s & alone can do in , da+s with help of c the+ finished the work in $
da+s.If the agreed sum is 0./ what is the share of c.(refer r.s agarwal)
.5) % bo+ goes to school from his house.on one fourth oh his wa+ to school,
he crosses a machiner+ station. %nd on one third of his wa+ to school, he crosses a <ailwa+ station. 8e
crossed the machiner+ station at 5;$/ and he crosses the <ailwa+ station at 5;$2. *hen does he leave the
house J when does he reach the school 4 (2#)
.,) .% drives a car four times a lap 1/,2/ $/,0/ kmph what is the average speed.
.-) .speed of boat in still water 1/ km,if speed up stream is 2. km and speed down stream is 10 what is
speed of the river.
2/) If grand father age is sum all the three grand childern whos age r in e!ual interval what is the age of the
grand father4

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