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Universidad Catlica de la Santsima Concepcin

English Teaching Programme

English as a Foreign Language Mehodology
Unit : Level: !" year
#ate: $%
&ugust' $(!) Length: *( min Student +Teacher:
Timothy &l,orno-
#iego .arrido
Carolina /e,olledo
&ims: By the end of the lesson students will be able to make predictions about what they want to be in the future, orally.
E0ponent: What do you think you will be in the future?
In the future, I will be a nurse
Target Language: time expression + subect + will be + noun
TE1T: !ew "ction T2P3C: #he $uture
/e4 Planes y Programas: 2F CM2' &E
&ssumed 5no6ledge 7 Content' voca,ulary' strategies8
9oca,ulary a,out :o,s
&nticipated Pro,lems ;<<and Solutions
%s may for&et 'ocabulary related to obs (se ))*s to reinforce pre'ious knowled&e related to obs usin& 'isual aids
%s may &et confused and use a different +ake students repeat the structure
tar&et lan&ua&e

,ictures in a
Stages P/2CE#U/E 7=hat T and SS are going to do8 Time
=hat 3>m going to say
LE&# 3?
# asks %s -uestions about what obs they
# shows pictures of different obs.
# asks %s if they see themsel'es in a
certain ob.
# asks ))*s about obs usin& pictures.
# tells %s the form of the model sentence
and make them repeat orally. "fter that
writes it on the board usin& the example

/ min
01 min
2ood mornin& class, how are you? #he lesson for
today is to talk about your future as professionals or
the obs that you like.
What are the obs that you know? 3nurse, doctor,
teacher4 5Is there any ob that you like the most?
!ow I am &oin& to show you some pictures and I want
you to tell me the names of each ob.
)an you see yourself workin& as a lawyer in the
6%howin& picture of a lawyer6 Is this a doctor?
6%howin& picture of nurse6 Is this nurse workin& at a
When you want to talk about what you would like to
be in the future, you ha'e to say. In the future, I
would like to be a7an8 !ow, repeat after me. In the
future, I would like to be a8 "&ain. In the future, I
would like to be a...
In the future, I would like to be a nurse
time e0pression @ su,:ect @ 6ill ,e @ noun
# pro'ides %s the interro&ati'e form of the
structure and makes them repeat a&ain.
What would you like to be in the future?
A: In the future, I would like to be a nurse
# presents to the %s a 9 minutes 'ideo
about a children talkin& about what they
would like to be in the future.
Practice &ctivity !:
# &i'es the instructions of a drillin&
%s are di'ided in two bi& &roups, one with
the -uestions and the other with the
answers. #hen, one &roup of %s ha'e to
form a circle and the other &roup ha'e to
form a bi&&er one surroundin& the smaller
circle of %s. ?ach % has to be placed in
0/ min
9 min
0/ min
#he form of the lan&ua&e we use to talk about
predictions is.
time e0pression 73n the 4uture8 @
su,:ect 738 @
6ould li5e to ,e aAan @
noun 7doctor' la6yer' teacher' astronaut' etc8
When you want to ask to someone else what would he
or she like to be in the future you ha'e to ask. What
would you like to be in the future? and after that the
person may answer . In the future, I would like to be
a nurse. @epeat after me. What would you like to be
in the future?... !ow a&ain, What would you like to
be in the future?
!ow, we are &oin& watch a short 'ideo of other
children around the world who talk about what they
would like to be in the future.
"lri&htA <etBs di'ide the class in C &roups. #hese rows will
form a hu&e circle and the rest of your classmates ha'e to
form a smaller circle into the bi&&er one. Done? EF, so now
each student from the smaller circle has to face the partner
that is in the bi&&er circle. Gou all must be face to face with
a classmate from the opposite circle, because the one that is in
front of the other, so there is one student
with a -uestion and one with an answer.
"fter that, the % in front of the other has
to interact and ask the -uestion or answer
usin& the piece of paper. ?ach interaction
should not take more than minute. $inally,
%s of the surroundin& &roup ha'e to rotate
in order to chan&e partner and repeat until
he7she matches the initial partner.
# &i'es %s short pieces of paper with
different -uestions and answers for those
-uestions related to what they would like
to be in the future and obs.
Practice &ctivity $:
# tells %s to &et in pairs and discuss about
a set of picture that # is &oin& to show on
a ,,#.
#he pictures will be about different types
of obs, and %s ha'e to choose two obs
that )hilean people would like to choose
to do in the future.
%s ha'e H minutes to discuss and then
present to the class at random &i'in& one
reason per picture.
# asks %s to &et in pairs and then explains
to %s the role6play task. %s will ha'e to
create a role6play about what they would
like to be in the future usin& the structure
pre'iously tau&ht.
# asks %s to &et in pairs. #hen, # explains
%s the task about a role6play acti'ity.
01 min
the bi&&er circle will &et a piece of paper with a -uestion and
the one that is in the smaller circle will &et the answer.
Interact each other and then rotate until you arri'e to your
ori&inal position.
!ow I would like you two &et in pairs and I am &oin&
to show you a set of pictures about different obs. Gou
ha'e to discuss with your partner and choose two obs
in the pictures that you think that a )hilean youn&
person would like to do in the future. Gou ha'e H
minutes to discuss, and I will choose pairs at random
to share your opinion and explanation about it. <etBs
&et to work.
"lri&ht, the followin& acti'ity is about a role6play.
,lease &et in pairs and in 0/ minutes you ha'e to be able
to prepare a 9 line dialo& about what would you like to be
in the future usin& simple future. It has to be set in a #alk
%how context, so one of you is &oin& to be the
Iournalist and the other one the Inter'iewee. DonBt
for&et to use the 'ocabulary seen about obs.
%s ha'e to create a 9 line role6play about
what they would like to be in the future
usin& the structure pre'iously tau&ht. Ene
% will be the Iournalist and the other
will be the Inter'iewee. #hey ha'e to
perform like they were in a #alk %how
Ss have only !( minutes to create the
While %s are creatin& the role6play, #
monitors each pair in order to help them if
they ha'e any problem.
Ss have C minutes to practice the roleB
"fter they finish practicin&, each pair has
to present the role6play to the whole class.
$inally, the teacher &i'es short feedback
to each pair.
H1 min
"s you finish, I will ask you to perform your dialo&s in
front of the class. If you ha'e any -uestion you can ask
me. <etBs startA
"dapted from (ni'ersity of %ussex

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