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5020 Panther Pkwy Seville, Ohio 44273 800.321.5583 330.769.5583 Fax 330.769.9334 www. b l ai r r u b b er .

c o m
Section 15 1
Section 15: Inspection
Inspection & Spark Testing Procedures

1. Pre-Cure Inspection
The following guide should be used by a qualified inspector.

A. A complete check against all rubber lining details on customer prints and
specifications should be made to assure the rubber lining has been applied to the
proper areas and with the correct gauge stock.

B. General appearance should be observed and noted.

C. All laps should be closely inspected for looseness and uniformity.

D. Detection of trapped air can be accomplished by holding a light near the surface
while looking down the stock face for shadowed areas. If these are found they
need to be rolled down while bleeding the air with a hypodermic needle or cut out
to remove all trapped air and patched, refer to Section 16 Repair Procedures.

E. Spark testing should be performed by qualified persons with a high frequency
spark tester set at the recommended voltage, depending on the lining being
tested. See the section on Spark Testing Rubber Lining below.

F. If a leak is detected, this area should be marked and patched prior to curing.
When a rubber lining is patched prior to being cured it is considered an overlay.
Overlays can be considered identical to a lap seam in integrity. See RMA,
Bulletin 6, paragraph in this Section.

2. Post-Cure Inspection
A. Repeat Steps A through E of pre-cure inspection.

B. Check the durometer of the rubber lining to ensure the rubber is cured in
accordance with the rubber lining specification. For accurate durometer
readings the following conditions apply:
1. A minimum of 24 hours after cure and lining has cooled to ambient temperature
(70F, 21C). Higher temperatures will give lower durometer readings and lower
temperatures will give higher readings than specified. The 24 hour period is
necessary to ensure cooling and allow the rubber to rest.
2. Durometer readings must be taken on a flat surface.
3. The durometer instrument must be within the right scale: A for soft and semi-
hard, and D for hard rubber.
4. The instrument must be calibrated.
5. The operator must use a calibration block to get the right feel for the right amount
of pressure to be applied to indicate the proper durometer.

5020 Panther Pkwy Seville, Ohio 44273 800.321.5583 330.769.5583 Fax 330.769.9334 www. b l ai r r u b b er . c o m
Section 15 2
Section 15: Inspection
Inspection & Spark Testing Procedures

6. We recommend taking an average of 5 readings per rubber panel this will result
in less error. These readings must be done in a variety of locations on the rubber
lined part or vessel particularly at the top and bottom.
7. Keep a record that includes the durometer and location of each reading.
8. The reading of 1/8 thick rubber will be different than on the same rubber that is
gauge. Durometer specifications are based on the lab results which are taken
on thick rubber in accordance with ASTM D 2240.

Durometer readings do not produce consistent reliable results except under very
controlled conditions. However, experience and good judgment in taking
durometer readings, even under a variety of conditions, can produce reliable
decisions as to the proper state of cure.

C. All blows (trapped air), blisters, lifted seams, leaks and other defects that are
detrimental to the integrity of the rubber lining must be repaired. See Section 16
Repair Procedures.
3. Spark Testing Rubber Lining

Spark testing can cause more damage and leaks than it may discover if done
improperly. One of the biggest mistakes is done when specifying the voltage. If the
voltage is too high it can cause leaks if too low it will not find leaks. The proper way to
spark test is to calibrate the voltage to a known leak. This procedure is detailed below.
The purpose of spark testing is to determine if there are leaks in the rubber lining, and if
so, their locations. The purpose is not to test the conductivity of the rubber lining. In
testing, one must be careful not to cause pinhole damage to the rubber. There are many
variables to be considered and controlled during voltage testing. To illustrate the
complexity of this process, listed below are the conditions one must be aware of:

1. Spark equipment conditions and wand configuration.
2. Tester calibration and stabilization.
3. Lining polymer type and filler content.
4. Rubber lining complexity
a. Flat surface
b. Contoured ID and OD
c. Corner angles, etc.
d. Wrapped and stretched radii
5. Lining gauges
a.1/8 through 1/2
6. Operator training and certification
7. Environmental conditions
a. Curing water impurities
b. Condensation or humidity
8. Spark testing frequency
9. Rubber surface contamination

5020 Panther Pkwy Seville, Ohio 44273 800.321.5583 330.769.5583 Fax 330.769.9334 www. b l ai r r u b b er . c o m
Section 15 3
Section 15: Inspection
Inspection & Spark Testing Procedures

In spark testing, it is recommended that the equipment be calibrated for testing. To
calibrate use a control metal-lined test plate made with a lining thickness equal to that of
the liner being tested. For example, 1/8 would have two layers; 3/16 would have two
layers or 1/4 would have two layers. The lining material on the coupon shall have a
leak to the metal substrate, made with a 22 gauge hypodermic needle or comparable
piercing tool. Then, move the spark tester with the wand laying flat across the rubber
section, over the lining. A pinhole leak will be seen as a sharp white or blue arc jumping
from the spark tester wand through the lining to the metal. It is essential that the tester
be adjusted to allow for ample spark discharge for that lining thickness. A general white
or blue luminous corona of current may be observed; this is not an indication of a leak.
This control test plate can be used throughout the entire procedure to insure the tester
retains its calibration.

The probe shape is very important. The wand should be L shaped, measuring 12 on
both sides of the L. This will allow coverage of 12 per pass with the wand. The wire
diameter should be approximately 3/32, with a 1/2 radius at the bend. Also, the tip
should be turned up to eliminate the end discharge. On the intricate parts of the
configuration, a fan probe is recommended, similar to a snare drum brush. Care should
be exercised not to stop and concentrate on any one area. The wand should be passed
over the rubber in a continuous sweeping stroke, approximately 10 inches per second.

The spark voltage settings are quite imperative to be proportioned to the thickness of the
lining to be tested. The following range of voltage is recommended as a starting point for

1/8 (3.2 mm) 6,250-8,500 volts minimum
3/16 (4.85 mm) 10,000-12,500 volts minimum
1/4 (6.4 mm) 12,500-15,000 volts minimum

Materials such as neoprene and graphite loaded linings require even lower voltage
ranges; 7,500 volts for 1/8 and 3/16, and 10,000 volts maximum, for a 1/4 thickness.
Spark testing should be done only when it is considered necessary. Frequent spark
testing leads to extensive repair work. Used linings generally have less electrical
resistance, especially after several years of service. Where the salts have saturated the
surface, or the solution has penetrated the lining, spark testing becomes more sensitive.
Cracked linings also have a loss of gauge in the cracked area. Spark testing here must
be done with extreme caution, with the lowest voltage necessary to produce a spark.

Always remember to keep the spark testing equipment moving constantly, as it could
burn through the lining and leave leaks if left in one place.

5020 Panther Pkwy Seville, Ohio 44273 800.321.5583 330.769.5583 Fax 330.769.9334 www. b l ai r r u b b er . c o m
Section 15 4
Section 15: Inspection
Inspection & Spark Testing Procedures

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