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Unit Plan Inventory

Unit Title: Environment/Weather

Author: Jewel Beckett
Language/Level: Spanish/7
School: Grove Jr. High School
Scenario/Unit Overview: This unit will e !ocusing on the vocaular" and concepts o! the environment
in a Spanish#speaking world. Weather$ climate$ and ecos"stems will e taught$ incorporating other
su%ects such as math$ reading$ histor"$ science$ and language arts. &t the eginning o! the unit$
students are e'pected to have a ver" asic knowledge o! the topics in English$ ut at the end o! the unit$
students will e ale to connect with the environment using the target language onl".
Stage 1: What Students Should Know and e A!le to "o
Enduring (nderstanding) Students will understand that the environment in!luences ever" aspect o! their
personal lives$ as well as the lives o! ever"one else.
Essential *uestions) How are separate Spanish#speaking countries di!!erent ecause o! their
environments+ ,n what wa"s does the environment a!!ect the students$ as well as human societ" at
Targeted Standards: #Ta$en %ro& A'T(L)
Standard -..) Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variet" o! topics.
Standard -./) Students present in!ormation$ concepts$ and ideas to an audience o! listeners or readers
on a variet" o! topics.
Standard ..-) Students demonstrate an understanding o! the relationship etween the practices and
perspectives o! the culture studied.
Standard /.-) Students rein!orce and !urther their knowledge o! other disciplines through the !oreign
Standard 0.-) Students demonstrate understanding o! the nature o! language through comparisons o!
the language studied and their own.
Outco&es/O!*ectives/Progress Indicators:
Students will e ale to use simple vocaular" to descrie the weather. Students will e ale to use
1hacer2 in the correct manner. Students will e ale to descrie a Spanish#speaking countr"3s climate
and ecos"stems$ using simple grammar and simpli!ied vocaular".
,n order to meet the o%ectives o! this unit$ students must know simple concepts in English relating to
the environment. The" must know how to make a simple tale o! data. Students must have previous
knowledge o! reading a thermometer.
Stage +: ,ow Students Will "e&onstrate What They Know and 'an "o - Per%or&ance.!ased
Inter/retive Tas$ and 0u!ric: Students will read authentic te'ts such as a weather report$ answering
4uestions on a worksheet. The" will also watch a newscast and listen to a song aout the environment.
& poem descriing the countr"side would e appropriate.
&ccording to the ruric$ students will then write a short paragraph aout what the" learned !rom the
selection$ using vocaular" words. 5ive vocaular" words should e used properl".
Inter/ersonal Tas$ and 0u!ric: Students will e divided into pairs. Student A will have a slip o! paper
with in!ormation on it !rom a certain countr"$ as well as some 4uestions aout the countr". Student B
will have a slip o! paper with di!!erent in!ormation and di!!erent 4uestions. The" must ask each other
4uestions to determine the answers to their sheets.
&ccording to the ruric$ 4uestions and answers must e 678 in the target language. The" must e
complete sentences.
Presentational Tas$ and 0u!ric: Students will e paired. The" will give a 0#9 minute presentation aout
the environment and climate o! a Spanish#speaking countr".
&ccording to the ruric$ there should e minimal inter!erence o! English. Students are allowed to use
notecards to %og their memories during the presentation$ ut it should not e entirel" written down.
There should e at least : visuals.
Stage 1: Pre/aring Students to "e&onstrate What They Know and 'an "o
(unctions: Students will identi!" ecological patterns in South &merican Spanish#speaking countries.
Students will descrie weather in di!!erent countries. Students will ask !or in!ormation and give it when
Structures: Students will use 1hacer2 to descrie the temperature. ;Hace sol hoy.< Students will use 1ser2
to descrie environment in other countries. ;Es fro en el norte de Espaa.< Students will use 1estar2 to
descrie current weather conditions. ;Est lloviendo.<
2oca!ulary) Students will use ad%ectives such as rain"$ hot$ snow"$ cold$ wet$ humid$ dr"$ sunn"$ and
3aterials/0esources: &uthentic te'ts !or each student$ as well as corresponding worksheets. Simple
songs !rom pop culture$ and their l"rics printed out !or each student. White oards/erasers/markers !or
each student. =irar"/computer la time. >olored paper.

3a*or Lesson To/ics/Per%or&ances:
eginning: ?iscuss the weather toda". ?iscuss t"pical weather !or the di!!erent seasons. Have the
students talk aout how the weather will a!!ect their weekend plans.
3iddle: ?iscuss how weather !its into ecos"stems and climate. ?iscuss overall climate.
Go over the con%ugations and uses o! 1hacer$2 1ser$2 and 1estar.2
Have students ecome more com!ortale with conversing in Spanish " having them work in pairs to
e'change in!ormation.
Have students work on understanding vocaular" " listening to authentic sources.
4nd: E'plore di!!erences etween countries with distinct ecos"stems and climate. Have the students
present on their countr"3s climate and environment.

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