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Stroke (CVA) - this happens when blood flow to the brain is cutoff.

Blood and oxygen are being cutoff

and this can result in permanent brain damage. The main reason for strokes are High Blood Pressure.
Cholesterol, diabetes, being African American, and being 55 and older are other causes. The two major
strokes are Ischemic and Hemorrhagic. When a blood vessel becomes blocked it is an Ischemic stroke.
When a blood vessels becomes weak and bursts this is a Hemorrhagic stroke.
Multiple Sclerosis- this disease occurs mostly in young women. The myelin sheath degenerates which
exposes the nerve cells. This slows nerve signals down or can stop them all together. Attacks can last a
day or up to a month, the attack is the followed by remission. This disease affects muscle, urogenital
structures, and the nervous system.
Alzheimers- type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms
start off slow, mostly just short term memory loss, as it progressives you dont remember much and
interferes with everyday activities. This disease usually starts at 65 and up but early onset can occur as
young as 40 years old. There is no cure available.
Epilepsy- a brain disorder that causes many seizures a day. Since the brain is damaged it sends bogus,
abnormal signals that triggers multiple seizures. Causes include brain trauma, stroke, and other diseases
such as Alzheimers. It can also be caused from infection by HIV/AIDS or Meningitis. It starts at an early
age usually between the ages of 5-20 or around death. You can have a petit mal seizure or a grand mal
seizure, it varies between patients. A person with epilepsy will know if they are about to have a seizure
from their aura.
Meningitis- this is a bacterial infection of the membranes covering the spinal cord and brain, commonly
known as the meninges. In this the cerebrospinal fluid becomes grey and cloudy. If this goes untreated it
can result in brain damage or even death. It occurs the most in adults under thirty and kids. To see if you
have this disease a doctor will perform a spinal tap. If the fluid is grey and cloudy that means you have it.
To treat it, you will be prescribed antibiotics.
Parkinsons Disease- this disease is caused when the neurotransmitters have a decreased amount of
dopamine. This disorder can lead to involuntary shaking and tremors. This disease predominantly occurs
in men over 50. It also occurs in women, and if someone gets it under 50 it is usually hereditary.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) - disease of the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that prevents
voluntary muscles movement. The only known cause is to get this disease through genetics, if thats not
the case it is unknown. ALS weakens muscles until it is impossible to walk, getting up, or even
swallowing. It is difficult to breathe and swallow but patients can still think and reason. A patient will be
paralyzed and will not live much after he/she has been diagnosed.
Huntingtons disease- A genetic disease that kills nerve brain cells. Chromosome 4 is affected and you
have a 50% chance to get it if one of your parents have it. If both parents have it you will get it, and if
you dont have it, it is impossible to pass it down to your kids. Symptoms can include paranoia,
hallucinations, irritable, and being moody. There is no cure, treatment is based on keeping the person
functioning as long as possible.
Tourettes Syndrome- this is an inherited disease that makes the person make quick repeated
movements or sounds. These are uncontrollable ticks. It occurs in boys 4 times more than girls. If you
have Tourettes syndrome one will usually also have OCD or ADHD. Medicine is not given to people with
mild cases because the medicine can damage them more then help them. It occurs before the age of 18
and is the worse in the pre-teen and early teen years.
Catalepsy- this disease causes muscle rigidness and the inability to not move. It can also cause a
numbness to pain. This is a disease that usually occurs in patients with Parkinsons disease or epilepsy.
Body parts become hard to move and they start to lose control. It slows sown body functions unti the
point breathing is near impossible.

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