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Bachelor of Education (P-12) Year Four

ACP - End of Year Report 2014 Page 1 of 7


Bachelor of Education P - 12 (ABED)
Preservice teachers are required to complete an Applied Curriculum Project Report (using this proforma) on completion of their project. This
form is to be completed by the preservice teacher(s). Reference should be made to the ACP Plan developed earlier in the year. A brief
comment by the School Partnership Coordinator (or nominee) is also required. This document must be word processed.
This Final Report must:
Describe the project and its outcomes
Provide evidence of how the aims of the project were met or not met and why with reference to the relevant educational theory and/or
literature or policy cited in the plan
Comment on the progress according to the action plan included in the Plan and advise of any changes to this plan and the reasons for any
Evaluate the success or otherwise of the expected measurable outcomes with reference to the evaluation methodology described in the

Submission Deadline: Each preservice teacher is required to submit this report to their Praxis Inquiry lecturer no later than the week
commencing 13
October, 2014.
Preservice Teacher to complete Sections 1 - 4
ACP Mentor Teacher to complete Section A

Preservice Teacher submitting this report Anna Le Student ID 3753669
ACP Title Outdoor Learning Space
School/Setting Yarraville West Primary School
Address 30 Powell St, Yarraville VIC 3013
Phone (03) 9314 7714 Fax ___________________________________________
Partnerships Coordinator Sally Emery
ACP Mentor(s) ____________________________________________________________________________________
Additional ACP Preservice Teacher (PST) team members (where applicable)
PST Name Brenda Easton Student ID 3794107 Campus Footscray
PST Name ___________________________________ Student ID _________________ Campus_____________
PST Name ___________________________________ Student ID__________________ Campus____________
PST Name ___________________________________ Student ID__________________ Campus_____________

1. Brief Description of the Project and its Outcomes

Our ACP for Yarraville West Primary School was to redecorate an existing outdoor area into an inviting
colourful outdoor learning space in the junior school area. This was at the request of Yarraville West
Primary School. The need to develop this outdoor learning area was identified by the school. A prior
outdoor learning space had to be abandoned by the school due to security concerns that accompanied the
learning space as it was positioned along the fence line of the school. The students were visible from the
outside of the school and unfortunately attracted unwanted attention from deviate members of the public

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that would inappropriately observe the children at work and play. This behaviour was deemed a security
risk by the school and in the best interests of student safety the school nominated a more secure area in the
school to developed. This could be argued to be

Yarraville West Primary school had previously identified that an outdoor learning area would benefit prep
and junior school students would benefit from accessing an outdoor learning area. The thought was that the
students access to the area would positively assist the students to adapt to the structured routine and
environment required by students to positively progress through the structured curriculum.

2. Provide evidence of how project aims were met or not met and why with reference to
relevant educational theory/or literature or policy cited in the plan.

3. Comment on progress according to your Action Plan and advise of any changes to this
plan and these reasons for any changes.

Yarraville West Primary School has over 700 students. This means that outdoor areas within the secure
school grounds must be developed and accessed effectively. Our task was to transform an existing but very
ugly and unengaging outdoor area into an attractive engaging area for the students in the junior school.
This main task was achieved by the team of Victoria University 4th year students. The area is now a
colourful and engaging area that is utilised by the junior school.
This is the original are often referred to as The Cage.

This area was unattractive and therefore teachers, students and parents avoided using the area.

The Transformed Area. The Vertical Garden.

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Here is an example of the team working with parents, displaying student art work and incorporating
sustainable vegetation and resourcing water consumption. The area is colourful and inviting.

This photo depicts
teaching staff
(Sarah), parents,
students working
with us in the area
and Gerry the school
Maintenance staff

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Benson being
serenaded by young
harmonica player. A
student initiating
creativity in the
learning space.

Anna, conferencing
with prep students
on colour and
artistic design.
student contribution
into their learning

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Results!! Annas
beautiful design and
interpretation of
students wishes.

Anna working with
two of her students.
Behind are examples
of student artwork.
Anna engaging in
sustainability cross
priority constructing
the vertical garden.

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Benson, and Tate.
Tate at times can
struggle to cope in a
classroom. This
photo depicts a
positive engaging
experience for Tate,
learning in the
outdoor learning

4. Evaluation
Evaluate the success or otherwise of the outcomes with reference to the evaluation methodology described in the plan.

Section A Professional skills displayed by the preservice teacher in the completion of the project
(ACP Mentor Teacher (or nominee) to complete)
e.g., problem solving, negotiating, project management, planning, team work, time management, evaluating,
communicating, reporting, researching. Also, whether expected outcomes, as identified in ACP Plan, were

Please note Additional pages may be added if space provided is insufficient.

Signatures Date

Applied Curriculum Project Mentor Teacher:

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ACP - End of Year Report 2014 Page 7 of 7

School Partnership Coordinator:
Preservice Teacher:

Please Tick Victoria University may use this information to advertise and report on the work of Project Partnerships
Preservice teachers must ensure that all signatories (above) receive a copy of this ACP Report. Preservice teachers
are to submit a copy of this plan to their Praxis Inquiry lecturer no later than the week commencing 13

This report is downloaded from the PP Website at

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