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Action Plan/Praxis

CI 5045: Professor McClure

Joanna Bolick
Action Plan
Preliminary Research
For the culmination of my Praxis Project I decided to create a resource guide of
bilingual and dual-language Hispanic texts and other tools including online websites,
lesson plans, and suggested programs, to assist teachers, media coordinators, and
librarians in their planning and programming. Based on last weeks interview with
Maureen Anderson I decided that my first step would be to visit the West Asheville
Library where Maureen had worked with the childrens librarian to create a collection of
Spanish books. I was also curious to see if I could locate some of the books mentioned in
the resources I used for my annotated bibliography.
Included here are a few photos from my visit.

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Insights gained
After reading the Naidoo and Lopez-Robertsons Spanish Bilingual Book
Publishing and Cultural Authenticity and considering the authors perspective that not
every Spanish bilingual book is equal in the quality of translation or representation of the
Latino culture (2007, p. 24) I was initially surprised by the size of the Spanish collection
at the West Asheville Library: it includes board books, childrens titles, chapter books,
young adult fiction and reference materials. I found myself wondering if their philosophy
perhaps had been quantity over quality, but quickly realized that because I was neither a
qualified translator nor more than a beginning Spanish speaker/reader myself that there
would be no way for me to determine if the books were culturally authentic or accurate.
Then I felt sort of foolish for undertaking this project in the first place, until practicality
set in and I realized that I could still choose resources that would benefit those of us who
are not well-versed in Spanish but do work with Hispanic children in our everyday lives.
I would just need to narrow my focus to the dual-language titles for instruction purposes,
though I could still also depend on the recommendations from other sources in my
annotated bibliography for trusted books to help expand existing/newly formed Spanish
book collections.

Resource Guide
(designed as a separate document and inserted below)

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick

Spanish Childrens Books and
Resources for Programming
By Joanna Bolick
Appalachian State University
CI 5045-375: Professor McClure

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick

Table of Contents

Dual-Language Titles for Story Time & Read-Aloud
Spanish Collection Suggestions
Web-Based Resources


This iesouice guiue featuies iecommenuations foi uual-language titles (featuiing both Spanish anu
English) foi use uuiing stoiy time oi ieau-alouu piesentations, Spanish chiluien's books to expanu oi
stait a new libiaiy oi meuia centei collection, anu web-baseu tools incluuing websites, lesson plans,
anu piogiams. These iesouices aie uesigneu to assist elementaiy school teacheis anu meuia
cooiuinatois, as well as chiluien's libiaiians, in theii bilingual planning anu piogiamming.
In consiueiing !"#$%&#'("#() +,-$). /01 2-013 +,4) 5 6)#7%8$0"7 the authoi uiew on hei
expeitise as a ieauing teachei anu futuie chiluien's libiaiian, incoipoiating titles that holu wiue
appeal foi all chiluien anu stuuents as well as auuitional titles ieseaicheu uuiing this pioject.
When consiueiing 29#',.: ;0$$)<-,0' 2"(().-,0'. foi inclusion the authoi, an English speakei who
uesiies to impiove hei Spanish, iealizeu that she coulu not be consiueieu an authoiitaiian on the
subject. Theiefoie, in auuition to the authoi's favoiites seiies anu populai chiluien's titles oiiginally
publisheu in English, this iesouice guiue incoipoiates book suggestions fiom 4 auuitional souices:
the aiticle "Spanish Bilingual Book Publishing anu Cultuial Authenticity" by }amie Naiuoo anu }ulia
Lopez-Robeitson, oiiginally publisheu in !"#$%&"#$"'(# *+,%+- Wintei 2uu7, "Se Babla Bilingual."
compileu by chiluien's libiaiians thioughout the 0niteu States anu publisheu in ./%#0'+1 (10
2%3'('%+4, Wintei 2uu9, "the bilingual book club: a family affaii," publisheu in 5+(&/+' 2%3'('%(1 in
2uu9, anu the website Bia! Biveisity in Action (uia.ala.oig).
=)>%?#.)7 6).0"1<). is a compilation of infoimative websites, songs, suggestions foi lesson plans,
anu piogiamming iueas foi elementaiy school teacheis anu libiaiians.

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick

Dual-Language Titles for Story Time & Read-Aloud

0ne of the benefits of uual-language titles is that they allow stuuents to absoib both English anu
Spanish languages thiough auuitoiy anu visual piesentation. Bowevei, theie aie a few things to keep
in minu when selecting uual-language titles: 67$+ $/+ 078%1(1$ #(19"(9+ : %4 ;19#%4/ <#(&+0 =%'4$ 7' %4
><(1%4/ <#(&+0 =%'4$? @'+ $%$#+4 (1 (&&"'($+ '+=#+&$%71 7= A%4<(1%& &"#$"'+ -/+1+,+' <744%3#+? @'+
%##"4$'($%714 (<<+(#%19 +17"9/ $7 /7#0 B7"' 4"3C+&$4D %1$+'+4$? E4 $+F$ #%,+#B (10 +19(9%19? Because
ieau-alouu books also neeu to have a lively uynamic to them, anu allow foi lots of expiession while
ieauing, the authoi peisonally ievieweu the majoiity of the titles listeu in this section.
The annotateu list below incluues SpanishEnglish book paiis, books featuiing piimaiily English text
with Spanish phiases inteispeiseu, anu books that incluue complete stoiies in both Spanish anu
English. Please note that the stoiy time & ieau alouu book iecommenuations incluueu aie piimaiily
intenueu foi use with pieschool anu lowei elementaiy school giaues: K - 2
. Pioposeu titles woulu
also woik well foi family liteiacy piojects as a way to biiuge the language uiviuecommunication gap
between families, chiluien, anu instiuctois.
PreK 2

Abuela by Arthur Dorros
Dorros, A., & Kleven, E. (1997). Abuela. New York: Puffin Books.
The story (partly imaginative) of a little girl and her grandmother exploring Manhatten. Includes Spanish phrases.
Are You my Mother?/ Fres Tu Mi Mama? By P.D. Eastman
Eastman, P. D. (1995). Eres tu mi mama?. New York: Random House.
A little bird is looking for his mother. Written in both Spanish and English.
Azul El Sombrero, Verde El Sombrero by Sandra Boynton
Boynton, S. (2003). Azul el sombrero, verde el sombrero. New York, N.Y: Simon & Schuster Libros para Nios.
Sandra Boynton is funny in any languages: a Spanish board book about animals wearing colorful clothes. Pair
with Blue Hat, Green Hat if desired, thought the author personally believes the Spanish version is more fun.
The Bossy Gallita retold by Lucia M. Gonzalez
Gonzlez, L. M., & Delacre, L. (2009). The bossy gallito: El gallo de bodas. New York: Lorito Books Inc.
Set in what appears to be Latin America, the story of a rooster who takes quite a while to arrive at a wedding.
Buenos Dias, Buenas Noches / Good Morning, Good Night by Michael Grejniec
Grejniec, M., & Alejandro, A. (1997). Buenos dias, buenas noches. New York: NorthSouth Books.
Appealing illustrations accompany this book full of simple phrases in both Spanish & English.
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Fire! Fuego! Brave Bomberos by Susan Middleton Elya
Elya, S. M., & Santat, D. (2012). Fire! Fuego! Brave bomberos. New York: Bloomsbury Children's Books.
Rhyming text that incorporates Spanish words into English text. An exciting, fire-fighting read-aloud.
Gathering the Sun by Alma Flor Ada
Ada, A. F., Zubizarreta, R., & Silva, S. (1997). Gathering the sun: An alphabet in Spanish and English. New York: HarperCollins.
Set in the fields, this book includes poems for each letter of the alphabet in both Spanish & English.
Gracias Thanks by Pat Mora
Mora, P., Dominguez, A., & Parra, J. (2009). Gracias: Thanks. New York: Lee & Low Books.
A biracial Mexican/Caucasian boy lists some of the things he is thankful for.
Oso pardo, oso pardo, qu ves ah? By Bill Martin
Martin, B., Carle, E., & Mlawer, T. (1998). Oso pardo, oso pardo, qu ves ah?. New York: Holt.
Pair with Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? for a fun and classic read-aloud for all.
Perros! Perros! Dogs! Dogs! By Ginger F. Guy
Guy, G. F., & Glick, S. (2006). Perros! Perros! Dogs! Dogs!. New York, .N.Y.: Greenwillow Books.
Follow all kinds of dogs through the town as they cause a ruckus and have lots of fun.
Quiero a mi Mama Porque / I Love my Mommy Because by Laurel Porter Gaylord
Porter-Gaylord, L., & Wolff, A. (2004). Quiero a mi mam porque-- =: I love my mommy because--. New York, N.Y: Dutton
Children's Books. Highly engaging illustrations of mom/baby animal relationships. Text in Spanish & English.
Rubia and the Three Osos by Susan Middleton Elya
Elya, S. M., & Sweet, M. (2010). Rubia and the three osos. New York: Disney/Hyperion Books.
Beautifully illustrated retelling of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears. English text with Spanish phrases.
Siesta by Ginger F. Guy
Gibson, G. F., & Moreno, R. K. (2005). Siesta. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Vibrant illustrations accompany an adventure about two young children and a stuffed teddy bear.
Skippyjon Jones Collection by Judy Schachner (includes 5 titles)
Schachner, J. (2010). Skippyjon Jones Collection. New York , NY: Scholastic.
Skippyjon jones is a lively cat that happens to think hes a chihuahua. Oh so popular with kids, these silly,
romping cat/dog stories include Spanish words and phrases throughout.
Waiting for the Biblioburro by Monica Brown
Brown, M., & Parra, J. (2011). Waiting for the Biblioburro. Berkeley: Tricycle Press.
Primarily in English, Ana, a young girl who loves to read, waits for the traveling library (the BiblioBurro) to arrive.

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Spanish Collection Suggestions

When consiueiing titles foi iecommenuation the authoi fiist consiueieu populai titles in English that
woulu likely have appeal foi all chiluien (example: A(''B G7$$+' by }.K. Rowling.) The authoi believes
it's impoitant to incluue populai English titles in tianslation because stuuents anu chiluien will be
obseiving theii peeis ieauing these titles anu may uesiie equal access to the titles as well. (The main
goal heie is to fostei stuuent engagement in the act of ieauing in a social enviionment such as a
classioom oi libiaiy.)
As mentioneu in the intiouuction, the authoi also ielieu on thiee peei-ievieweu scholaily aiticles as
well as an Ameiican Libiaiy Association sponsoieu website in oiuei to compile othei collection
suggestions listeu below. In keeping with the emphasis on elementaiy school-ageu chiluien
suggestions aie incluueu foi two age levels: Piek - 2
anu S
- S
, though the authoi fully
acknowleuges that Spanish collections shoulu also incluue iefeience mateiials as well as titles foi
juveniles, young auults, anu auults. Books aie fuithei categoiizeu into two sections: Favoiite Seiies
anu Inuiviuual Titles. Please note: the list below incluues books in Spanish, bilingual books,
SpanishEnglish book paiis anu a few books in English that emphasize Bispanic themes, figuies, oi
PreK 2
Favoiite Seiies to Consiuei (web links foi seiies aie listeu, iathei than inuiviuual citations):
Clifford the Big Red Dog / Clifford, El Gran Perro Colorado
Dr. Seuss titles
Junie B. Jones
The Magic School Bus / El Autobus Magico
The Magic Tree House
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Sandra Boynton board books

Inuiviuual Titles to Consiuei
Calling the Doves/ El Canto de las Palomas by Juan Felipe Herrera
Herrera, J. F., & Simmons, E. (1995). Calling the doves =: El canto de las palomas. San Francisco, Calif: Children's
Book Press.
Elenas Serenade by by Campbell Geeslin
Geeslin, C., Juan, A., & Atheneum Books for Young Readers. (2004). Elena's serenade. New York: Atheneum
Books for Young Readers.
Frida by Jonah Winter (Spanish edition)
Winter, J. (2002). Frida. New York: Scholastic.
La Mariposa by Francisco Jimenez
Jimnez, F., & Silva, S. (1998). La mariposa. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin.
El Milagro de la Primera Flor de Nochebuena by Joanne Oppenheim
Oppenheim, J., & Negrin, F. (2003). El milagro de la primera flor de Nochebuena: Un cuento mexicano sobre la
Navidad. Cambridge, MA: Barefoot Books.
My Name is Celia/ Me LLamo Celia by Monica Brown
Brown, M., & Lpez, R. (2004). My name is Celia: The life of Celia Cruz = Me llamo Celia : la vida de Celia Cruz.
Flagstaff, Ariz: Rising Moon.
Night of Las Posadas by Tomie dePaola
DePaola, T. (2001). The night of Las Posadas. New York: Puffin Books.
Storytellers Candle/ La Velita de los Cuentos by Lucia Gonzalez
Gonzalez, L. M. (2008). The Storyteller's Candle = La velita de los cuentos: Spanish/English. San Francisco,
California: Children's Book Press.
Toms and the Library Lady by Pat Mora
Mora, P., & Coln, R. (2000). Toms and the library lady. New York: Dragonfly Books.

High Appeal
Colors/Colores by Eric Carle
Carle, E. (2008). Colors = Colores: My very first bilingual book in English and Spanish. New York: Grosset &
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Counting Ovejas by Sarah Weeks
Weeks, S., & Diaz, D. (2006). Counting ovejas. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
Here, Kitty, Kitty! / Ven, Gatita, Ven! by Pat Mora
Mora, P., & Surez, M. (2008). Here, kitty, kitty! =: Ven, gatita, ven!. New York: Rayo.
Lover Boy/ Juanito el Carinoso: A Bilingual Counting Book by Lee Merrill Byrd
Byrd, L. M., & Delgado, F. (2006). Lover boy =: Juanito el carioso : a bilingual counting book. El Paso, Tex: Cinco
Puntos Press.
Mama Goose: A Latino Nursery Treasury by Alma Flor Ada and F. Isabel Campoy
Ada, A. F., Campoy, F. I., Surez, M., & Hefferman, T. (2004). Mam Goose: A Latino nursery treasury = un tesor
de rimas infantiles. New York: Hyperion Books For Children.
Margaret and Margarita / Margarita y Margaret by Lynn Reiser
Reiser, L. (1996). Margaret and Margarita =: Margarita y Margaret. New York: Greenwillow Books.
Play Ball! by Jorge Posada
Posada, J., Burleigh, R., & Coln, R. (2010). Play ball!. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Reader.
Sweet Dreams / Dulces Suenos by Pat Mora
Mora, P., & Surez, M. (2008). Sweet dreams =: Dulces suenos. New York: Rayo.

Angles Ride Bikes and Other Fall Poems by Francisco Alarcon
Alarcn, F. X., & Gonzalez, M. C. (1999). Angels ride bikes and other fall poems. San Francisco, Calif: Children's Bk. Press.
Iguanas in the Snow and Other Winter Poems by Francisco Alarcon
Alarcn, F. X., & Gonzalez, M. C. (2001). Iguanas in the snow and other winter poems. San Francisco: Children's Book Press/Libros
para nios.
Laughing Tomatoes and Other Spring Poems by Francisco Alarcon
Alarcn, F. X., & Gonzalez, M. C. (2005). Laughing tomatoes and other spring poems =: Jitomates risue~nos y otros poemas de
primavera. San Francisco, Calif: Children's Book Press/Libros para ninos.


Favoiite Seiies to Consiuei (web links foi seiies aie listeu, iathei than inuiviuual citations):
American Girls Collection

Beverly Cleary titles
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick

Diary of a Wimpy Kid / Diario De Greg

Geronimo Stilton

Harry Potter

Roald Dahl titles

Scooby Doo

Star Wars

Inuiviuual Titles to Consiuei

Delores Huerta: A Hero To Migrant Workers by Sarah Warren
Warren, S. E., & Casilla, R. (2012). Dolores Huerta: A hero to migrant workers. New York: Marshall Cavendish Children.
Floating on Mamas Song by Laura Lacamara
Lacmara, L., & Morales, Y. (2010). Floating on Mama's song =: Flotando con la cancin de mam. New York:
Katherine Tegen Books.
Good-bye, Havana! Hola, New York! by Paula Wiseman
Coln, E., & Coln, R. (2011). Good-bye, Havana! Hola, New York!. New York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
La Larona: The Crying Woman by Rudolfo Anaya
Anaya, R. A., Crdova, A., Lamadrid, E. R., & Anaya, R. A. (2011). La Llorona: The crying woman. Albuquerque:
University of New Mexico Press.
La Malinche: the Princess Who Helped Cortes Conquer the Aztec Empire by Francisco Serrano
Serrano, F., Ouriou, S., Serrano, P., & Barbeytia, L. (2012). La Malinche: The princess who helped Corts conquer
the Aztec empire. Toronto: Groundwood Books.
My Diary From Here to There/ Mi Diario de Aqui Hasta Alla by Amada Irma Perez
Perez, A. I., & Maya, C. G. (1900). My Diary From Here To There/Mi diario de aqui hasta alla: Spanish/English. San
Francisco, California: Childrens Book Press.
Sylvia & Aki by Winifred Conkling
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Conkling, W. (2013). Sylvia & aki. S.l.: Yearling Books.
Tia Isa Wants a Car by Meg Medina
Medina, M., Muoz, C., & Candlewick Press. (2011). Ta Isa wants a car. Somerville, Mass: Candlewick Press.

High Appeal Chapter Books

And The Earth Did Not Devour Him / Y No Se Lo Trago La Tierra by Tomas Rivera
Rivera, T., & Vigil-Pin, E. (1995). --y no se lo trag la tierra. Houston: Arte Pblico Press.
Becoming Naomi Leon by Pam Munoz Ryan
Ryan, P. M. (2004). Becoming Naomi Leon. New York: Scholastic Press.
* Yo, Naomi Leon by Pam Munoz Ryan
Ryan, P. M. (2005). Yo, Naomi Leon/Becoming Naomi Leon. New York: Scholastic Paperbacks.
Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez
Alvarez, J. (2002). Before we were free. New York: Laurel Leaf Books.
* Antes De Ser Libre by Julia Alvarez
Alvarez, J. (2004). Antes de ser libres. New York: Dell-Laurel Leaf.
Case of the Pen Gone Missing: A Mickey Rangel Mystery / El caso de La pluma perdida: Coleccion Mickey
Rangel, detective privado by Rene Saldana
Saldaa, R., Amador, B., & Villarroel, C. (2010). The case of the pen gone missing: A Mickey Rangel mystery = El
caso de la pluma perdida : coleccin Mickey Rangel, detective privado. United States: Lorito Books.
Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan
Ryan, P. M. (2007). Esperanza rising. New York: Scholastic.
*Esperanza Renance by Pam Munoz Ryan
Ryan, P. M. (2002). Esperanza renace. New York: Scholastic.
An Island Like You by Judith Ortiz Cofer
Cofer, J. O. (2009). An island like you: Stories of the barrio. New York: Scholastic, Inc.
* Una Isla Coma Tu: Historias del Barrio by Judith Ortiz Cofer
Cofer, J. O. (1997). Una isla como t: Historias del barrio : para mi familia aqu y en la isla. Mxico, D.F: Fondo de
Cultura Econmico.
Love, Amalia by Alma Flor Ada
Ada, A.F. (2013). Love, Amalia. New York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
*Con Carino, Amalia by Alma Flor Ada
Ada, A. F., & Zubizarreta, G. M. (2012). Con cario, Amalia. Nueva York: Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
Maxs Luche Libre Adventures: Maxmillian & the Mystery of the Guardian Angel by Xavier Garza
Garza, X., Oliva, F. M., Gmez, S., Crosthwaite, L. H., Gonzlez, C. C., & Cinco Puntos Press. (2011). Maximilian &
the mystery of the Guardian Angel: A bilingual lucha libre thriller. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press.
My Name is Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada
Ada, A. F., & Thompson, K. D. (1995). My name is Mara Isabel. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks.
* Me Llamo Maria Isabel by Alma Flor Ada
Ada, A. F., & Thompson, K. D. (1996). Me llamo Mara Isabel. New York NY: Aladdin Paperbacks/Libros Colibri.
Upside Down and Backwards/De Cabeza y Al Reves by Diane Gonzalez Bertrand
Bertrand, D. G., & Hernndez, K. (2004). Upside down and backwards =: De cabeza y al revs. Houston, Tex:
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Piata Books.

Web-Based Resources

Lesson Plans & Teachei Resouices

Anchor Charts set to Song: a blog created by 3 dual language/bilingual teachers

Awesome Library: Spanish Lesson Plans

Bilingual storytime lessons: provides guidelines for 2 story time lessons

Calico Spanish: You Tube page for Calico Spanish that includes videos and songs

Casa Notes: an easy tool for creating customized notes to send home to parents

Orange County Library Systems podcasts: features podcasts of many bilingual titles's%20Podstory

Piogiams Suggestions

Childrens Day/Book Day: El dia de los ninos/ El dia de los libros
Otherwise known as Dia, this celebration held yearly on April 30th embraces diversity and also
reflects a librarys year-round commitment to celebrating cultural diversity.
Suggested resources:
Mora, P., & Lpez, R. (2008). Celebrate Children's Day/book day =: Celebremos el da de los nios, el
da de los libros. New York, NY: HarperCollins.
Dia publicity Toolkit:

Ideas for starting an English/Espanol Conversation Club
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick

National Hispanic Heritage Month

From September 15 October 15

Tips on Providing Spanish Storytime
Article and Videos:


Americas Award Facebook Page: Facebook page for the Americans Award
Colorn Colorado: A bilingual site for families and educators of English Language Learners
Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom: for use during English/Espanol convo club
Dia: Diversity in Action: Celebrating Childrens Day/Book Day everyday through books
I Teach Dual Language: a blog packed with ideas, resources, and links
Spanglish Baby: Raising bilingual kids blog
Spanish Playground: Resources for teaching Spanish to children

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Final Reflection
Although slightly intimidated by the enormity of this project and my lack of
knowledge of Spanish after visiting the West Asheville Library, I realized during the
implementation process of writing the resource guide that I do have a lot of knowledge
and experience with childrens books to offer to this project. For instance, when selecting
and reading through the titles for story time & read-aloud I knew that the books would
need to be dynamic and engaging both in text and visuals. What also made the selection
process of story time & read aloud books easier was reading through the titles as if I was
presenting them to children I figured if I could figure out the Spanish words and
phrases and present them convincingly that these books choices would work well for
those teachers or librarians who have a limited knowledge of Spanish. I discovered some
new titles I cant wait to read, as well as Spanish versions of old favorites. While
determining the titles for the older grades (3
) I did need to rely more on the
suggestions included in my annotated bibliography. I also realized from the lack of
resources that there is a great need for more Spanish titles for this particular age group as
Incorporating Flavor
What I appreciated most about reading Naidoo and Lopez-Robertsons 2007
article, Spanish Bilingual Book Publishing and Cultural Authenticity, is the emphasis
on el sabor (p. 35) or flavor. It was important to me to attempt to select titles that were
authentic to the experiences of the children I or other teachers would be working with.
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
The conversation with Maureen Anderson was so helpful to me in this regard, as I really
felt that I had a better understanding of where these children are coming from.
Remembering Emily and Ulyssa, the girls from Mrs. Moores class that I wrote about in
my initial reflection, also aided me, as I knew that children just coming to America would
need a variety of titles at all different reading levels, even if they would be silent at first
during story times or in school. Just like infants in some regards, new immigrants need a
variety of resources to start absorbing and learning about the new world around them.
What I personally like about dual-language books in particular is that they are a
way to help bridge that understanding between the home language and the new language.
That said, sometimes I found that my desire to retain flavor and incorporate the new
language were in conflict. While I was researching titles I read a scathing review of a
dual-language book on Amazon because the author had inserted Spanish words into a
predominately English text. I can see the review writers point immersion is absolutely
a good way to go. But its not always possible, and I believe that dual-language books
serve an important purpose.
The other part where I struggled regarding flavor was in the decision to include
Spanish versions of popular series originally written in English. What finally cast my
decision in regard to including those series is that I believe that readers should receive an
equal opportunity to read and engage in good books. Although I cant vouch for the
reliability of the translations in each of the series I included them because I know their
appeal in the classroom and at the library.
Closing Thoughts
Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
Just yesterday I read an article on NPR entitled, As Demographics Shift, Kids
Books Stay Stubbornly White (Blair, 2013). According to author Elizabeth Blair, A
report by the Cooperative Childrens Book Center at the University of Wisconsin-
Madison found that only 3 percent of childrens books are by or about Latinos even
though nearly a quarter of all public school children today are Latino. Reading this
article just drove home the importance to me of including a diverse collection of
childrens books in school and public libraries as well as creating programs that work
with ALL the families within your school or public library community. Although I chose
to focus on Spanish childrens books the need is certainly great to incorporate all cultures
as well. Public libraries and school libraries need to reflect the demographics of their
local community as well as introduce children to the world.
In the article Blair mentions Vaunda Micheaux Nelson, a librarian in Rio Rancho,
New Mexico, and states, She says that young children need to see themselves
represented on the page so that they will continue reading. I believe this to be true.
Incorporating diverse childrens books in our library collections is crucial because its a
way to provide these children with a voice. Children like Emily and Ulyssa, who have
just arrived in America from Mexico. Children like Edson, pulled out of an orphanage in
Ethiopia and immersed in an elementary school in Candler, North Carolina. Children like
Mikayla, looking beyond the stack of slavery stories for strong black women who
represent her, and thousands more I havent met yet but hope to soon.

Action Plan/Praxis
CI 5045: Professor McClure
Joanna Bolick
American Library Association (2013). Dia de los ninos, Dia de los Libros | Dia! Many
Children, Many Cultures, Many Books. Retrieved June 15, 2013, from
Colorin Colorado (2011). Colorn Colorado: A bilingual site for families and educators
of English language learners. Retrieved June 28, 2013, from
Naidoo, J., & Lopez-Robertson, J. (2007). Spanish Bilingual Book Publishing and
Cultural Authenticity. Multicultural Review, 16(4), 24-37.
NPR (2013, June 25). As Demographics Shift, Kids' Books Stay Stubbornly White : Code
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