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This book focuses on the impact American chattel slavery has had on the mindset of African
Americans many generations after their emancipation. Dr. DeGruy makes us familiar of her
experiences in South Africa and how comparable the attitudes of the people are to those in America.
By explaining this, she emphasises the deepness of the wounds of slavery within the African
American community, and how the survival mechanisms of the African people who were forced to
be slaves have been passed down the generations. Consequently, to this very day, many of these
mechanisms which included lowering the value of the black child to protect them from white
oppressors have become the root of self hatred, fear and low self esteem within the black
community. We are also introduced to the term Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome; firstly the word
trauma is defined as an injury which may have been inflicted by an outside, usually violent, force,
event or experience. This injury may be experienced in various ways which impacts the individuals
overall outlook on life. Finally, the author emphasises the need for us to not only understand the
causes of the mental enslavement and trauma, but the need to also embrace the courage and
strength of our ancestors, and focus on how we can harness that strength in order to advance as a
Chapter 1: I Dont Even Notice Race
The author continues to dwell on her South African experience. This time, she focuses on the
difference in the attitudes of people after the Apartheid which ended only a short time before she
visited, to the attitudes of Americans whose similar situation had theoretically ended over 30 years
before. She saw that to many of the South Africans, the ending of the Apartheid was enough reason
to move foreword and create a more equal South Africa. However, she accredits the continuous
racial hostility in America to the constant denial of Americans, particularly white Americans that
racial injustice still exists. This denial prevents Americans from moving foreword as South Africans
did. The author also nullifies the myth of race, stating that its meaning is not related to the biology of
an individual, because all humans are practically the same in this sense. The division of racial
categorisation can contribute to peoples belief that a particular racial group is superior, and that all
others outside this group are inferior. This has existed and still exists in America today. This is racism.
Finally, the author mentions the importance of relationships within the African American
community. Our progress may be affected or encouraged when there is a sense of connection with
what we are learning or experiencing. Focusing this idea into the lives of African American children
may be a very positive thing as she expresses that the most effective motivator for black children is
love. She begins to touch upon the effect of a lack of relationship in the society as a whole, which is
Chapter 2: Whole to Three Fifths
This chapter evaluated the racial divide scientifically. It took us through the differences between,
and the meanings of facts (being something that is proven and exists), beliefs (someones own
theory) and truths. These were linked to various ideas proposed by famous scientists. Many of their
ideas and theories can be experimented and proven, however their studies which tried to prove the
natural existence of racial superiority were simply beliefs and not facts. This is dangerous as people
believed them despite their lack of factual evidence. Phrenolgical studies tried to prove that black
people and in fact people who were not white, were less superior to white people. One reason why
people wanted this to be true was to lower the status of other races to the extent of dehumanizing
them. This is a psychological coping mechanism known as cognitive dissonance which eases the
conscience by separating the mind from the idea that you are doing something wrong. This links to
the idea that slave owners and law makers over the last 2 centuries had: By presenting the African
American individual as 3/5ths human, they are committing a lesser crime, or even no crime at all
because an emotional being is not being hurt or affected.
Chapter 3: Crimes against Humanity
This chapter compiles many of the injustices African American people have faced from the moment
they were captured from their homeland in Africa, until they illusionary freedom. Discrimination in
the workplace and overrepresentation of African Americans in prisons is also a cause for concern.
Half of prison inmates in America are African American (statistics around 2005), however only 12%
of the population consists of them. If this pattern continues, it is predicted that for every black male
that attends university, 100 will be arrested. It is evident to both those who are black and who are
not, that three hundred and eighty five years of physical, psychological and spiritual torture have
left a mark on the black community.
Chapter 4: Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome
This chapter focuses on this idea, and helps us to understand that we should explore how our past
influences our present. From self esteem to devaluing others, this chapter investigated the
psychological effects slavery has had on the black community in greater depth. By reiterating what
was said in previous chapters, the author links these effects to the idea of trauma. We are asked
what trauma is and how it manifests itself in order to clearly see the link between slavery, and
behaviours in and towards the black community today. Trauma happens as a result of an event, and
in this case, this very long event was slavery. The syndrome aspect of the abbreviation is defined by
a pattern of behaviours that is brought about by specific circumstances. So in addition to living with
internalised mental trauma, one can also exhibit behaviours as a result of an incident. We are also
told in this chapter that these behaviours and ideals can be passed on to the next generation of the
peoples affected. In addition, this trauma and its effects can be experienced by those who are not
black. This chapter tied in the ideas that have been presented to us throughout the book and told us
why we actually do certain things even though we are unconscious of our action sand unaware of
their origins.
Chapter 5: Slaverys Children
This chapter speaks about how the effects of Slavery have been passed onto the descendants of
those who fought the original battle. By giving us an anecdote, DeGruy also tells us that not only is
their pain still around, but their triumphs and strength in times or hardship have made our society
what it is today and we are enjoying many things our ancestors did not because of their lives. It is
because of their lives that we are where we are today, or can reach where we want to be. So
inasmuch as we may think about and also be victims of the long lasting effect slavery had on our
ancestors, we are also reminded that we are products of their victories. In addition, The author
continues to talk about PTSS, and also introduces us to healing methods for example positive racial
socialisation. Understanding PTSS and also ways to heal it are key to the growth of the black
community and help us to deal appropriately with the disrespect we may face, and know when
insult becomes assault and how to deal with it accordingly.
Chapter 6: Healing
The task of becoming a better human is never ending is one of the most inspiring lines of the
chapter. The healing process is just one step to completing the task. By acknowledging our past, we
can become stronger as we remember how brave and resilient our ancestors were. Therefore
negative connotations associated with being black e.g. laziness can be discarded. Our past helps us
to have a brighter future, we must ensure that the things which try to hold us back are unsuccessful.
This chapter emphasises that we must go through a healing process in order to continuously develop
ourselves into better beings. We must build upon our strengths which are within, and remember the
strength our ancestors had. We must build on our self esteem which comes from answering the
question of whether or not were creating or destroying. Finally, we as a community must increase
our capacity to love and to assess whether or not our people, our culture, and our environment are
made better as a result of our environment.
The book ends with an extract of a note from Thomas Jefferson, one of Americas founding leaders.
He acknowledges the consequences of slavery and legacy it will leave. In years to come the
unremitting despotism and degrading submission on either the part of the slave or master
would eventually haunt the nation. But in our community, the author admonishes us in the last line
to Let the healing begin.

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