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Name: Samantha Dunaiski Site: Pike Lake Preschool

Description of Activity:
Hike/ Pinecone Hunt
Type of Activity:
Outdoors Nature Activity
Ae roup: !"# years old
Num$er in roup: %hole &lass / '( &hildren
Openin )uestion/*nvitation/Prop/+iner Play:
*,m A Little Pinecone
-sun to *,m A Little Tea Pot.
*,m a little pinecone
/ro0n and small
* live in a pine tree1 oh so tall2
%hen the cold 0ind $lo0
* dance and hop"
Do0n to the round 0ith a
&oncepts 3 Skills:
Descri$e a characteristic a$out a pine cone2
&ompare a pinecones2
Point out differences and similarities2
)uestions to ask:
%hat does your pinecone look like4 %hat does it
feel like4 Does it have a smell4 %here did you
find it4 Ho0 $i is it4
"Ask the children if they kno0 0hat a pinecone is2
56plain that 0e 0ill $e oin outside and tryin to
find them2
"7ive each child their o0n $ro0n paper $a to
collect their pinecones2
"Let the children search for pine"cones2
"/ein discussion2
"Ask each child to descri$e their pinecone2 %hat
does it look like4 %hat does it feel like4
Does it have a smell4 %here did you find it4 Ho0
$i is it4
"%hen discussion is over1 let the children kno0 0e
0ill $e usin our pinecones for an art activity later
in the day2
8aterials Needed:
"/ro0n Paper /as
Performance Standards:
9ses 8ulti"Sensory A$ilities to Process
*nformation :
9ses senses to e6plore and e6periment 0ith ne0
9ses senses to enerali;e and apply prior learnin2
Potential 7uidance Techni<ues Needed:
"5ncourae the children to safely et their pine
cones into the $uildin2 =These pinecones have
never seen the inside of a classroom $efore> Let,s
$e very entle and $rin them inside so they can
see our preschool2?
WITC Instructor Use Only:
/@ Activity Plan is developmentally appropriate
/@ Activity Plan is comprehensive
/' Professional presentation/spellin 3 rammar is correct

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