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F Fa al ll l R Re ea ad di in ng g O OA AA A: :

This Wednesday, October 8

the students will be taking the fall reading Ohio Achievement
Assessment. We encourage you to talk with your child about the importance of testing
and taking your time to go back over and check your work.

Please make sure your child gets a good nights rest and eats a healthy breakfast.
(Breakfast will still be provided as usual at the school.)

Important Events

10/8 Fall OAA
10/13 No School
10/23- No School for Conferences 12:00-6:00
10/27 Grade cards go home
10/28 SCOT Pride
10/31 Fall party

This month we will continue reading short stories and
nonfiction texts. We will be focusing on comparing and
contrasting, inferences, the main idea of a story, and text
features in nonfiction texts.

RL1/RI1: I can ask and answers questions before, during,
and after reading a text.

Language Arts: Parts of
We will be creating a parts of speech booklet that will
include; noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, and

L1a: I can explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in
particular sentences.

Math: Multiplication
We have just started multiplication in math! We will be
learning different strategies and working on our math

OA1: I know that the X in a multiplication problem means
groups of.
OA3: I can use different strategies to solve subtraction,
addition, and multiplication problems.
Science/Social Studies:
We will be learning about rocks and soil this month in
science! Social Studies we will begin a unit on

October 3
will be my last day at
school before my maternity leave
begins. Ms. Hewitt will be here
taking my place while I am gone. If
you have questions or concerns
her email address is, or you may
contact her here at the school. I will
be periodically checking my email
as well; so if there is an issue that
you would like to address, you may
also contact myself as well.
Mrs. Clay-Davis
A Peak into


Mr. Bailey
Mrs. Clay-Davis
Mrs. Smith

Our Bag of
Goodies for
See you Soon!

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