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Cross-Curriculum Priority
Year 10 Integrate unit o! "eia an
$Ientity an story-telling%
&ee' () &enesay Lesson
100 Minute session
Lesson *) Stuents continue to e+,lore issues ,resente t.e scri,t/ T.ey 0egin to
e1elo, an iea !or t.eir scri,t/
Goal) 2or stuents to gain a strong 'no-lege o! scri,t -riting !ormatting an e1elo, a conte+t an
ieas 0an' to su,,ort t.eir -riting/
3esources4 materials: Library (LRC), Pens, paper, celtx (computer script writing program) computer access,
images that link to cultural identity.

Aims an class rationale
o! t.e class)
Cross Curriculum Priority resource: cross the ustralian Curriculum, the boriginal and !orres "trait
#slander histories and cultures priority pro$ides opportunities %or all learners to deepen their knowledge
o% ustralia by engaging with the world&s oldest continuous li$ing cultures. "tudents will understand that
contemporary boriginal and !orres "trait #slander Communities are strong, resilient, rich and di$erse.
!he knowledge and understanding gained through this priority will enhance the ability o% all young
people to participate positi$ely in the ongoing de$elopment o% ustralia.

!he ustralian Curriculum: 'athematics $alues boriginal and !orres "trait #slander histories and
cultures. #t pro$ides opportunities %or students to appreciate that boriginal and !orres "trait #slander
societies ha$e sophisticated applications o% mathematical concepts.
"tudents will explore connections between representations o% number and pattern and how they relate
to aspects o% boriginal and !orres "trait #slander cultures. !hey will in$estigate time, place,
relationships and measurement concepts in boriginal and !orres "trait #slander contexts. "tudents will
deepen their understanding o% the li$es o% boriginal and !orres "trait #slander Peoples through the
application and e$aluation o% statistical data.
E* "oel)
!his model is used throughout my lesson as # begin with engagement, as a group we
brainstorm and explore ideas and concepts. # gi$e students a strong understanding and
rationale. !hen we elaborate on these ideas and students continue with independent
work and then during our re*ection, as a group, we e$aluate what students ha$e learnt
and what they need to impro$e on.
Access Prior 5no-lege4
O,ening lin'
(0 minutes

Ne- In!ormation4 "ini-

60 minutes

"tudents brainstorm all o% the important elements o% a script and %ocus on key ideas that they
must contain within their own (including per%ormance)
Ideas such as:
Character de$elopment
!hemes+,iews+,alues o% the ideas and content
Literary de$ices: tone, emphasis, language, enunciation
../e will then link these themes and concepts to appropriate parts o% "tolen. "tudents will see
the clear link between the script they ha$e read and how that translates+in*uences their own
writing practices. ..
... -ormati$e assessment...
!his task uses %ormati$e assessment through class discussions and $erbal reiteration %rom
students o% their understanding about the content and the topic. # will ask pro$oking 0uestions
to each student about the content and any areas in which they may be struggling, this will
assist my teaching practice by assisting the identi1cation process o% student le$els and where #
need to %ocus my e2orts to continually engage and educate the students.
"ini #e0ate4 #iscussion
"tudents will begin a debate, responding to pro$oking 0uestions on the board as the stimuli o%
their discussion. 3uestions like:
#% your character makes a bad decision does that ine$itably make them a bad person4
Can good people do bad things4
5y omitting a characters culture in a text are you censoring or concealing something %rom
your reader4 6es+7o
/hat makes us ustralian4
888 !his acti$ity will show students knowledge and skills and assist them in their work.
Peer re1ie- an !ee0ac')
9i$es students the skills to monitor and impro$e on their own learning as they are
expected to edit a peers work and gi$e constructi$e %eedback, hence leading to personal
re*ection o% their work they are producing and general work ethic.
"tudents swap workbooks and edit the work ha$ing to identi%y x: areas o% poor writing ($ague,
A,,ly 5no-lege4 &or'
Time4Catc. lin'

6* minutes
Stuents -ill t.en .a1e an o,,ortunity to 0egin -or'ing on t.eir ,ort!olios once
t.ey .a1e com,lete t.eir -riting -or's.o, tas'/
;se o% #C! application <pinterest& is used %or students begin to create their digital port%olios and
accumulate $aluable resources.
"tudents ha$e the opportunity to work on their port%olios and begin:
1nding $isual stimuli that links to the themes, philosophies and concepts explored within their
5egin researching per%ormance styles+costumes+set design and use their pinterest board as a
%orm o% inspiration and to allow them to continuously model their work upon a $isual image.
-ind images that representation ustralian and #ndigenous cultures
$oid stereotypical images and representations during this port%olio process.
"tudents work in teams (decision making and team work)
!hen they are expected to work independently, writing, using $isuals and then the #C! resource o%
pinterest. !he combination o% tasks %ocuses on the idea o% 9ardener&s 'ultiple #ntelligences.
1* minutes
s a group we re*ect by using %ormati$e assessment strategies o% exit(slips in which students are
expected to respond to a set o% 0uestions that link to the new knowledge they ha$e gained. !his also
links hea$ily to the units summati$e assessment task as it is beginning to %orm stronger data o% students
knowledge o% script writing, themes and port%olio production.
8 "tudents ha$e a chance to share with the group some o% the things they sourced on pinterest and we
discuss many di2erent ways o% using the #C! program in the %uture.

Assessment an lin's to
..."ummati$e assessment...
8 Port%olios production
8)arly stages o% script writing
us,els strands:
Compare the purposes, text structures and language %eatures o% traditional and contemporary texts in
di2erent media (C)L=>??)
)$aluate the impact on audiences o% di2erent choices in the representation o% still and mo$ing images
;nderstand that people&s e$aluations o% texts are in*uenced by their $alue systems, the context and the
purpose and mode o% communication (C)L=>?>)
Compare and e$aluate a range o% representations o% indi$iduals and groups in di2erent historical, social
and cultural contexts (C)L!=?:B)

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