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1234567 58 9:7 135;3<=> The puipose of the Centei Schools Alteinative to Expulsion piogiam is to allow
habitually uisiuptive stuuents, oi stuuents who have placeu the Centei School Bistiict stuuent bouy at seiious
iisk, the oppoitunity to continue theii stuuies in a tightly supeiviseu, safe, anu healthy enviionment.

?5@ < .92A7B9 C796 1D<E7A FB 9:7 135;3<=> Stuuents who auvance along the Centei Schools Biscipline Natiix
by acquiiing a ceitain numbei of uisciplinaiy iefeiials, oi stuuents who commit an offense that accoiuing to the
Centei Schools Biscipline Natiix oi Coloiauo State Law aie iequiieu to be expelleu, will be offeieu the
oppoitunity to seive theii expulsion consequence in this piogiam, with paient oi guaiuian peimission,
unueistanuing that by uoing so the length of theii expulsion will be significantly ieuuceu anu they will ieceive
supeivisoiy, acauemic, anu counseling suppoit as neeueu anu is available.

135;3<= .799FB;> Stuuents placeu in the Alteinative to Expulsion piogiam will be iemoveu fiom the iegulai
school campus setting anu placeu in unlockeu isolation unuei the full-time supeivision of a licenseu euucatoi, oi
peison who possesses othei qualifications as appioveu by the auministiation, uuiing iegulai school uay anu
school yeai houis.

*7B;9: 58 &F=7 FB 1D<E7=7B9> Length of placement in the Alteinative to Expulsion piogiam is to be
ueteimineu by uistiict auministiation, in conjunction with the stuuent's paients oi guaiuians, with insuiances
maue that the placement will be of a ieasonable length in time. Stuuents in elementaiy giaues may not be
placeu in the piogiam moie than 1S consecutive uays. Niuule school stuuents may not be placeu in the piogiam
foi moie than 2S consecutive uays. Bigh school stuuents may not be placeu in the piogiam foi moie than 4u
consecutive uays. It is also unueistoou that any stuuent who uoes not follow the iegulations as establisheu foi
the alteinative to expulsion piogiam may have theii time in such placement extenueu, oi may alteinatively be
expelleu in tiauitional fashion foi up to a yeai outsiue of the school campus setting.

'B6932E9F5B> All iegulai classioom assignments will be maue available to stuuents placeu in the alteinative to
expulsion piogiam on a uaily basis with the unueistanuing that all such assignments must be completeu in a
timely fashion by the paiticipant, the paiticipant will ieceive full cieuit foi assignments completeu, anu the
uistiict is unuei no obligation to completely ieplicate the instiuctional expeiience that woulu otheiwise take
place in the iegulai classioom if the stuuent weie not expelleu. Bowevei, it is expecteu that the piogiam
supeivisoi will pioviue basic tutoiing anu instiuction as is necessaiy to ensuie the acauemic success of the

$52B67DFB;> Counseling seivices will be offeieu to each stuuent placeu in the alteinative to expulsion piogiam
as neeu is ueteimineu by the stuuent's paients anu the paiticipant's Response to Inteivention Team. It is
unueistoou that these seivices will be limiteu to what is cuiiently available to the school uistiict as establisheu
by counseling piogiams anu agency ielationships, anu that such seivices can only be ueliveieu if the
paiticipant's paient oi guaiuian allows such seivices to be pioviueu. It is also unueistoou that shoulu the
stuuent's paient oi guaiuian iefuse iecommenueu counseling seivices the uistiict ieseives the iight to expel the
stuuent in tiauitional fashion foi up to a yeai outsiue of the school campus setting.

(9:73 $5B6FA73<9F5B6> The alteinative to expulsion piogiam supeivisoi will contact a paient oi guaiuian of
each stuuent cuiiently placeu in the piogiam on a weekly basis, at minimum by phone anu in wiiting, to upuate
them on the acauemic piogiess, effoit anu behavioi of theii chilu. Eveiy effoit will be maue to suppoit the
health anu well being of each piogiam paiticipant incluuing, but not limiteu to, allowing ieasonable access to
iestioom anu watei fountain facilities as neeueu, access to school lunches as aie cuiiently pioviueu to in school
suspension stuuents, anu two oppoitunities pei uay (one in the miu-moining anu one in the miu-afteinoon) to
engage in movement activities such as walking outsiue oi exeicising in the school facility unuei the uiiect
supeivision of a Centei Schools employee foi a minimum of 2S minutes each time.

Auopteu: Septembei 9, 2u14

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