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Contextual Factors

TWS Standard:
The teacher uses information about the learning-teaching context and student individual
differences to set learning objectives, lesson objectives, plan instruction and assessment(s).
Discuss relevant factors and how they may affect the teaching-learning process. Include any
supports and challenges that affect instruction and student learning.
Merrywood Elementary is a public school that is located in Greenwood, South Carolina.
Merrywood is a part of Greenwood, school district 50. This school serves children in grades
kindergarten through 5
. The school also serves children who qualify for special education
services. The Greenwood school district offers occupational therapy, speech therapy, applied
Behavior analysis, and ESOL services to students who qualify.
Greenwood District 50 has been working hard to provide new school facilities for each of the
schools in their district. So far, not all of the schools have been rebuilt but many have.
Merrywood is one of the schools that has been recently rebuilt. The school is the same design
as many of the other schools that are being built today around South Carolina.

Classroom Factors
Team Atkinss classroom is a very warm and inviting place. Mrs. Atkins and I have
worked very hard to make sure that the classroom is conducive to the learning of our students
this year. The dynamics of the class have changed from that of last year. Therefore, we have
had to rethink the classroom environment and the layout of the room. The class size is smaller
this year but the needs are much more severe. The students in this class need very hands on
learning experiences. They need someone within an arms length at all times to assist and
prompt in whatever they may be doing at the time. For this reason, we have arranged the
tables in a U shape, as pictured below. One will notice that there is a rocking chair stationed
in the center of the U. A teacher can sit in the center of the U in this chair and can reach all
students from this position.

Merrywood has been working hard to incorporate a lot of technology into their school! All
classrooms and special area rooms are equipped with smart boards and smart board technology
applications. Many teachers use these boards daily and allow students to interact with the
smart boards, as well. Most of the students at the school are very familiar with the smart board
and know how to manipulate it without any direction.
In previous years, Merrywood has provided each grade level with an ipad cart that has been
housed with the grade level chair. Everyone has been encouraged to use the ipad car in their
classrooms to engage students in exploratory learning. Teachers have been responsible for
signing the ipad cart out, using the ipads and returning the cart to the grade level chair. Due to
tremendous interest in using the ipads in the classrooms, the school has decided to provide
each child with an ipad that will be kept at school. The teachers are extremely excited to have
this opportunity for their students and for their future classes.
Furthermore, teachers will be provided with Google Chromebooks in 2015. These Chromebooks
will take the place of the laptops that the teachers use currently. The teachers are open to the
change but are concerned about getting the new technology because the Chromebooks will not
work with their smart boards and will also not work with Microsoft products. They will be using
desktops to run the smart board and will be using Google docs for any documents that they
view or create.

Merrywoods new facility is equipped with most anything that a teacher or student could need in
order to succeed. All of the classrooms are equipped with bathrooms so that students and
teachers do not have to leave the room during class time. The classrooms also have doors that
lead to a playground for their grade level. Each grade level has its own playground.
There are several workrooms for the teachers to use that are equipped with laminators, copy
machines, dye cutters, paper cutters, and rolls of butcher paper. Teachers are afforded this
equipment in order to provide their students with the best quality education possible.
Student Characteristics
There are a total of 6 students in Mrs. Atkins TMD special education class, ranging from grades
1 to 5. The majority of the students served in this class are labeled as having autism. Two
students have a developmental delay. Below is a chart that gives information about the
students in this class:

Student Age Grade Gender Race Category
6 1
10 5
Male White
Devin 7 2
Evelin 6 1
Female Hispanic Autism
KeZion 6 1
Savanna 8 3
Female White Autism

Amarius is a 6 year old African American male. He has many academic strengths but
functions approximately 3-4 grade levels below his same age and grade level peers. In
general, he requires much individual attention and repletion of skills to ensure long-
term learning and generalization. Below is an explanation of Amarius strengths and
areas in need of improvement in the areas of English language arts, math and
English Language Arts
Currently performing on a prekindergarten/kindergarten level
*locating body parts on self when named: enjoys pointing out eyes and nose on himself
and others
*imitating sounds of letters and beginning sound of words
*matching letters of name to a template
*selecting books of interest and manipulating the book appropriately; will interact with
books independently by turning pages and looking at illustrations
*completing fill-ins for familiar songs and indicating preference for hearing certain
songs; enjoys watching reflection of self when participating in movement songs
In Need of Improvement:
*copying his name from a model
*identifying familiar people and objects when named
Currently performing on a prekindergarten/kindergarten level
*counting orally up to 10 with minimal prompting
*developing in the area of counting objects with 1:1 correspondence
*sorting objects by category or by color
*matching colors, numbers, and shapes
In Need of Improvement:
*identifying numbers 1 to 10
*Counting up to 10 objects with 1:1 correspondence
Currently performing on a prekindergarten/kindergarten level
*imitating simple words using the first syllable of the model provided
*using signs and approximations to request reinforces
In Need of Improvement:
*imitating entire words when models are provided
*using sign to communicate
*using augmentative communication for expression

Cameron is a 10 year old white male. He performs approximately 4 to 5 levels below
his same age and grade level peers academically. He requires much individual attention
in the classroom setting to ensure long term learning and generalization of academic
material. Below is an explanation of Camerons strengths and areas in need of
improvement in the areas of English language arts, math and communication:
English Language Arts
Currently performing on a prekindergarten/kindergarten level
*stating his first name when asked
*identifying teachers and classmates by name/recognizing them when named
*attending to the visual class schedule
*participating in discussions about activities and events in his school day
*recognizing high frequency schedule words when paired with picture prompts
*recognizing restaurant names/logos found in the community
*singing familiar songs and engaging in body movements led by models
*manipulating books appropriately
In Need of Improvement:
*discriminating first name from the names of his classmates
*identifying safety/survival words and/or logos when named
Currently performing on a prekindergarten/kindergarten level
*counting orally up to 10
*participating in sequencing numbers 1-10
*participating in counting dates on the calendar board to determine the days date
In Need of Improvement:
*identifying numbers 1-10
*counting given sets of up to 10 objects
producing final consonants in words with 38% accuracy/producing medial consonants in
words with 42% accuracy
*identifying pictures and objects by pointing to the correct choice in a given set of two
*communicating in short sentences
In Need of Improvement:
*producing final and medial consonant sounds in words
Devin is a 7 year old African American male. He performs approximately 4 to 5 levels
below his same age and grade level peers academically. He requires much individual
attention in the classroom setting to ensure long term learning and generalization of
academic material. Below is an explanation of Devins strengths and areas in need of
improvement in the areas of English language arts, math and communication:
English Language Arts
Currently performing on a kindergarten/ 1
grade level
*repeating words upon request
*recognizing first name in print and signing first name
*vocalizing words in familiar nursery rhymes and songs
*tracing first name
*identifying common objects by signing
In Need of Improvement:
*identifying general knowledge concepts (body parts, clothing, colors, foods, school
materials) when named
*tracing first and last name
Currently performing on a kindergarten/ 1
grade level
*counting to 10 with minimal assistance
*identifying numbers 1-10
*sequencing number 1-10
*sorting objects by color and category
In Need of Improvement:
*counting objects with 1:1 correspondence
imitation of vowel+consonant words- 20% accuracy; imitation of
vowel+consonant+vowel words- 10% accuracy
*imitating all vowel sounds and most consonant sounds
*imitating consonant+vowel words consistently
*Using signs and verbal approximations to request reinforces
In Need of Improvement:
*producing ending sounds of vowel+consonant and consonant+vowel+consonant
*adding to the number of items that he can request using sign or word approximations
Evelin is 6 year old Hispanic female. Evelin has special needs that would affect her
involvement and progress in appropriate kindergarten activities with typically developing
peers. When compared to typically developing children, Evelins academic ability levels
are comparable to those of a 0-3 year old child. She requires much individual attention
in the classroom setting to ensure long term learning and generalization of academic
material. Below is an explanation of Evelins strengths and areas in need of
improvement in the areas of English language arts and math:
English Language Arts
functioning on a prekindergarten level
*pointing to body parts
*imitating most sounds of letters
*matching letters of first name with model
*completing fill-ins with familiar nursery rhymes and songs
In Need of Improvement:
*using magnetic letters to spell first name with and without a model
*labeling familiar people, actions or objects, upon request
functioning on a prekindergarten level
*sorting objects by category or by color
*copying AB patterns
*copying block designs using a model
*matching colors, shapes and numbers
In Need of Improvement:
*pointing to and/or naming numbers 1-10 upon request
*counting to 10 with correct 1:1 correspondence
KeZion is a 6 year old African American male. He has a developmental delay that
affects his involvement in appropriate kindergarten activities with his same age and
grade level peers. He requires much individual attention in the classroom setting to
ensure long term learning and generalization of academic material. Below is an
explanation of KeZions strengths and areas in need of improvement in the areas of
English language arts and math:
English Language Arts
functioning on a prekindergarten level
*Pointing to two body parts; head and ears
*Identifying people that he knows in unfamiliar pictures
*signing some common words
In Need of Improvement:
*identifying body parts, eyes and mouth
*identifying letters
*identifying colors
*repeating verbalizations
functioning on a prekindergarten level
*stacking objects on top of one another
*building with legos
*putting together a puzzle with knobs
*putting blocks in a row
In Need of Improvement:
*sorting objects by shape and color
*categorizing objects that are similar
*understanding the concept of one
*completing an abab pattern
*putting together a six piece puzzle with knobs
Savanna is a 8 year old white female. She has difficulties that affect her involvement in
appropriate activities with her same age and grade level peers. She requires much
individual attention in the classroom setting to ensure long term learning and
generalization of academic material. Below is an explanation of Savannas strengths
and areas in need of improvement in the areas of cognitive and social communication
Cognitive Skills
functioning on a prekindergarten level
*visually following objects moving in horizontal, vertical and circular directions
*imitating motor actions that are commonly used
*demonstrate the use of at least two pairs of common opposite concepts
In Need of Improvement:
*reproducing part of an interactive fame in order to continue a game
*grouping objects according to size, shape and color
*demonstrate a functional use of 1:1 correspondence
Social Communication
functioning on a prekindergarten level
*following one step directions with contextual cues
*recognizing her own name
*gesturing or vocalizing to greet others
*locating common objects and people in familiar pictures
In Need of Improvement:
*locating objects and people with and without contextual cues
*following a persons gaze to establish joint attention
*following two step directions with and without contextual cues

Instructional Implications
Each student in this special education classroom is unique and special. They each
have their exceptional characteristics that make them a valuable part of TEAM
ATKINS. With that being said, each student also has individual learning needs that
must be met in order for adequate academic progress to be achieved.
Primarily, it is of upmost importance to make sure that the basic needs of all
students in the classroom are met. If basic needs are not met, one can be certain
that learning will not take place. The environment from which these children come
each day is beyond the control of any teacher or assistant. Ideally each child feels
valued and loved both at school and at home. Each child should be cared for and
provided with all of their basic needs both at home and in school, as well. However,
all too often children come into school both tired and hungry. Greenwood District
50 schools provide their students with a hot breakfast each morning. This helps to
ensure that all students get adequate nutrition and that they are ready to learn! All
classes, including Mrs. Atkins class, eat breakfast in their classrooms.
Breakfast in Mrs. Atkins room, like all other meal times, serves as a learning
opportunity for these students. Because many of these students need to learn very
basic skills for life, meal times lend themselves perfectly to teaching and learning
opportunities! During this time students are taught skills like making a meal choice,
opening milk or juice cartons, drinking from cups, using forks or spoons to feed
themselves, and using a napkin to clean their face and hands. Students also learn to
stay seated during meals and to clean up their area when they are finished.
Students in this class are also provided with two other meals besides breakfast.
Lunch is served to the students mid school day. Many of the students receive free or
reduced lunch from the cafeteria. Before the students leave they are provided with
a snack. Mrs. Atkins sends a note home with the students at the beginning of the
year asking parents to send their childs favorite foods to share with the class for
snack. Some students will bring snacks but most students do not. Mrs. Atkins
usually has to provide the class with snacks each day but she does not mind because
she feels that the students learn best when they are operating on a full stomach.
To begin the day for TEAM ATKINS, students immediately come into the room, put
away book bags, folders and coats in their appropriate locations and begin working
on their basket tasks. Basket tasks are different for each student and are based on
their individual IEP goals and objectives. During basket task time, teachers and
assistants are working closely with students to foster academic growth in areas of
need. Many of the tasks require a teacher or an assistant to present material to a
student. Therefore, teachers and assistants must be hands on during basket task
activities. Furthermore, it is important for teachers to notice when students make
gains or when they hit a block and need some scaffolding to overcome difficulties.
Basket tasks are changed each week for each child based on their individual growth
and needs. Not all students will master their basket tasks and that is okay. The
teacher may decide to keep that task in the basket or to replace it with another task
to teach a specific skill and return that task to the students basket at a later time
when they are more prepared to accomplish the activity. Assessment is also easily
embedded into basket task time! Teachers can observe basket task activities and
record data for many assessment purposes. Below is a picture of two student

Throughout the day students will need times for movement! These children have a
hard time maintaining focus and often need brain breaks. For this reason, TEAM
ATKINS leaders try to make sure that students get adequate time between work
sessions to explore and learn through movement and authentic experiences. TEAM
ATKINS also realizes the importance of capitalizing on learning opportunities at all
times! It is important for students to learn and grow through exploration and
teachers are facilitators. It is important to facilitate appropriate play during these
times of not structured academic exploration.
Choice time- During choice time students are allowed to make choices about
the activities in which they will engage. Students may choose to work a puzzle,
color, play with learning toys, or engage in games on academic websites.
Body Boogie- Body Boogie is a special time during the day for students to get
some exercise and learn through play. Body Boogie takes place after lunch each day
in the gym or in the sensory room. In the gym students are encouraged to play with
balls, frisbees, holahoops, etc. TEAM ATKINS leaders are encouraged to take part in
facilitating language and appropriate play during this time.
Troop Regroup- Troop regroups take place when a TEAM ATKINS leader
notices that students need a time to regain focus. A troop regroup may be a walk
through the halls, a follow the leader game around the classroom, or an abbreviated
recess time.
ABC Music and Me is also a developing part of a TEAM ATKINS day. This program
has not yet been implemented but will be implemented shortly! This program will
facilitate language and will help students gain an understanding of important
School and Community factors
Mrs. Atkins Classroom is a part of Merrywood Elementary school. Merrywood is a
part of Greenwood School District 50. This school serves children from diverse
cultures in grades pre-kindergarten through fifth. A total of 529 students are served
at Merrywood. The breakdown of number of students per grade is as follows:
Pre-K K 1
19 83 100 96 80 76 75 529

Enrollment counts found at
Merrywood, along with other schools in the district 50 area, serves students from
diverse ethnic backgrounds. Many of these students are English Language Learners
and require additional services to ensure that they function to their full potential in
their least restrictive environment. 2% of Merrywoods students are Asian, 33%
African American, 11% Hispanic, 51% White, and 3% consider themselves to be of
an ethnicity not listed here. The breakdown of number of students of each ethnicity
is listed below.
Asian Black Hispanic White Other
8 177 59 269 16

Student Ethnicity Statistics found at
Many of the students served at Merrywood Elementary are from low income
families. For this reason, a great number of students are eligible for and receive
free or reduced lunches. Depending on a students financial situation, they may be
responsible for no part of their school lunches and these students receive free lunch
daily. Other students may be responsible for paying only a portion of the price of
school lunch and these students receive lunch at a reduced rate daily. Finally, some
students do not qualify for free or reduced lunch and are responsible for paying the
entire price of school lunch. At Merrywood 57% of students receive free lunch, 5%
receive reduced lunch, and 39% pay full price for their lunch. The breakdown of
number of students who receive each type of lunch is listed below.
Free Reduced Full Pay
299 24 206

Student lunch statistics found at
Additional Explanation:

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