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Name:________yujin Hong_________ Student number: 01670788______________________

Clash of the Civilizations Close-up: Israel and Palestine

As you watch, take notes to answer these questions. Write small- you may learn more later in the film.
1. What was the intifada? When did it happen
!t is a re"o#t to the !srae# by the $a#estine. !t happened in 1%87 at the &irst time.
'. What happened a&ter the 6(day war in 1%67
)his war didn*t ma+e situation better. ,ather it brought the su&&er &or both !srae# and $a#estine. -!n a pre(
empti"e atta.+ on /gypt that drew Syria and 0ordan into a regiona# war in 1%671 !srae# made massi"e
territoria# gains .apturing the West 2an+1 3a4a Strip1 3o#an Heights and the Sinai $eninsu#a up to the Sue4
5ana#6 Si7(days war. 8'0191 :pri# 19;.
9. :..ording to the $a#estinian .hi#dren1 why does the #and be#ong to them
/ng#and and 0ews were interrupt their #and to o..upy and .on&#i.t happened.
<. :..ording to the re#igious !srae#i 0ews1 why does the #and be#ong to them
=)he /arth is the >ord?s and a## it .ontains1 the wor#d and those who dwe## in it= 8$sa#m '<:1;. 0ews peop#e
thin+ they ha"e right to #i"e where the >ord permitted. So !srae#i thin+ #and be#ong to them.
@. How do se.u#ar 0ewish .hi#dren "iew the situation di&&erent#y &rom re#igious 0ews How does the
memory o& the ho#o.aust in&#uen.e their "iews
Not on#y $a#estine but 0ews got the ho#o.aust &rom the war. )hey a#so need the army to &ight to war and got
the .ount#ess "i.tims. !t re#ates their &ami#y. Sin.e their &ami#y member o& men shou#d go mi#itary to &#ight
and not guarantee #i"e and ba.+ to home. !t is rea##y &ear issues &or 0ews .hi#dren1 too.
6. What is the signi& o& the +ey that the $a#estinian boy*s grandmother gi"es him
)he be#ie& that he .an sur"i"e
7. How are the $a#estinian .hi#dren di&&erent &rom the !srae#i .hi#dren How are they simi#ar
)hey are not di&&erent. When they meet ea.h other1 they .an &ee# they are simi#ar .hi#dren. )hey don*t want
to &ight ea.h other.
8. How are these .hi#dren di&&erent &rom the way you were when you were their age How are they simi#ar
to you
)hey are more mature. When ! was that age1 ! was busy to p#ay. /"en ! got a e.onomy .risis in that time in
Aorea1 By &ami#y #i"ed usua##y. ! don*t ha"e big troub#e during the #i&e. 2ut they are su&&ering &rom the #ots
o& things be.ause o& the war. )hey .annot #i"e their #i&e sa&e. )hey ha"e to wait their &ather who#e #i&e
without guarantee they #i"e.
%. 2ased on this "ideo1 why do you thin+ $a#estinians wou#d not want to simp#y di"ide the #and into two
.ountries Why do you thin+ !srae#is wou#d not want to a##ow $a#estinians to be.ome !srae#is
$a#estinians is the origina# owner o& the #and1 but be.ause o& /ng#and*s doub#e .ontra.tions1 the !srae#is
interrupt their #and. So they want to +eep and sa"e their own territory.
)hey ha"e di&&erent re#igion. So ! thin+ they ha"e di&&erent mind ea.h other1 and they don*t want to
.ombine and #i"e together. )his is why two o& them sti## ha"e the war.
10. Write down at least @ Cuestions that o..ur to you during the &i#m.
What &or the war
Why they study so hard
Why .hi#dren got su&&er &rom meaning#ess war
What is the re#ationship between !srae# and $a#estine
/7.ept po#iti.a# &a.tor1 what is the di&&eren.e between them

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