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Llndsay Lodge
CllenL: verlzon Wlreless

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1o deLermlne Lhe varylng characLerlsLlcs of verlzon's LargeL audlence, Mlllennlals,
especlally perLalnlng Lo Lhelr Lechnology usage and preferences

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1. WhaL Lypes of devlces are mosL owned by Mlllennlals?
2. WhaL are Lhe Lypes of free wlreless workshops offered Lo verlzon consumers?
3. WhaL devlces should verlzon LargeL Lo Mlllennlals?

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A dlglLal naLlve
Age 18-33, however a loL of research sLudles lnclude Leenagers as Mlllennlals. lL
ls relevanL Lo lnclude Lhem because alLhough Lhey are Lechnlcally parL of Lhe
nexL generaLlon, Lhey share more characLerlsLlcs wlLh Mlllennlals Lhan chlldren.
A mulLlLasker exLraordlnalre

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Access Lo llve 1v onllne
CuallLy vlewlng experlences: hlgh speed and hlgh deflnlLlon
ConsLanL ablllLy Lo access Lo soclal medla
1ableL over lapLop

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Mlllennlals are dlglLal naLlves. 1hey are avld users of Lechnology and do noL need much
or any Llme aL all Lo learn new Lechnologles. (ew 8esearch CenLer)

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1 ln 4 Leens ls a cell-mosLly" lnLerneL user, meanlng Lhey use mosLly Lhelr cell
phone Lo access Lhe lnLerneL.
78 of Leens now have a cell phone, and almosL half (47) of Lhose own
smarLphones. 1haL LranslaLes lnLo QOR ,I /== *((#) ;/A( )"/'*P;,#(), up from
[usL 23 ln 2011.
1 ln 4 Leens has a LableL compuLer
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Llndsay Lodge
CllenL: verlzon Wlreless

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More Lhan 74 of Mlllennlals feel LhaL new Lechnology makes Lhelr llves easler,
and 34 feel new Lechnology helps Lhem be closer Lo Lhelr frlends and famlly
83 say LhaL Lhey sleep wlLh Lhelr smarLphones, and Lhey're more Lhan 1.3 Llmes
more llkely Lo own an lhone Lhan any oLher generaLlon

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63 of Mlllennlals use a second devlce whlle waLchlng Lelevlslon
8rands Mlllennlals mosL value: Amazon, Apple, Samsung, neLfllx & lacebook

SLudles have shown LhaL Mlllennlals en[oy uslng devlces such as smarLphones. 1he daLa
has also shown LhaL Mlllennlals use Lhelr smarLphones whlle uslng oLher devlces, such
as Lelevlslon, a lapLop, or a LableL. lf verlzon uses Lhelr ln-sLore experlence Lo caLer Lo
Lhe behavlors of Loday's Mlllennlals, Lhey are llkely Lo lncrease fooL-Lrafflc. verlzon
wanLs Lo geL more Mlllennlals Lo aLLend Lhelr Wlreless Workshops, however, Lhe
workshops are caLered Lowards Cen x and 8aby 8oomers who have less experlence wlLh
learnlng new Lechnologles. A 23-year-old does noL need Lo aLLend a workshop aL
verlzon Lo learn how Lo use an lhone, even lf lL's Lhelr flrsL one. 1hey wlll know how Lo
use lL from waLchlng oLhers use lL, from lnsLlncL, or from playlng around wlLh lL on Lhelr
!"#$ &'()(#* +,""-#$./*$,#)
Llndsay Lodge
CllenL: verlzon Wlreless

verlzon could creaLe new Wlreless Workshops caLered Lowards Mlllennlals' lnLeresL ln
"-=*$P=( F(A$.( -)/G( Lo Leach Lhem how Lhey can sync Lhelr Lechnologles LogeLher Lo
make Lhelr llves easler.

8ased on daLa found, Leenagers are becomlng more heavy Lechnology users ln Loday's
socleLy Lhan ln Lhe pasL. AlLhough 12-17 year olds are Lechnlcally noL ln Lhe Mlllennlal
generaLlon, a ma[orlLy of Lhem own moblle devlces and Lherefore should be LargeLed as
verlzon consumers. Showcaslng smarLphones and LableLs ln verlzon sLores as Lhey are
seL up ln Lhe Apple sLore wlll allow consumers Lo come ln and play wlLh Lhe devlces ln a
relaxed aLmosphere. 1hls wlll $#.'(/)( I,,*N*'/II$. from younger consumers slnce Lhey
won'L feel pressured Lo buy lL and won'L feel awkward walklng lnLo a sLore [usL Lo play
around wlLh devlces.

verlzon could have demo Lable seL up ln Lhe sLore, slmllar Lo Lhe Apple sLore. ln order Lo
be unlque and show Lhe excepLlonallLy of verlzon, Lhey could focus on demo Lables wlLh
devlces oLher Lhan lhones and popular Androld smarLphones, such as Lhe urold Maxx.
lL would be more beneflclal Lo demo oLher devlces LhaL Mlllennlals may noL use yeL, buL
would llkely en[oy, such as smarL waLches, flLness gear, and LableLs oLher Lhan lads.

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lnsLead of havlng only Wlreless Workshops focused on learnlng how Lo use an lhone or
Androld devlce, verlzon should have Wlreless Workshops caLered Lowards Mlllennlals
who already undersLand Lhe baslcs of a smarLphone, buL wanL Lo learn abouL whaL oLher
Lhlngs lL can do for Lhem.

6$'(=()) 6,'Y);,P 3F(/C 1elevlslons seL up ln a room wlLh ChromecasL devlces plugged
lnLo Lhem. 1each parLlclpanLs how Lo sLream neLfllx and oLher sLreamlng servlces
Lhrough Lhelr smarLphones and LableLs.

!"#$ &'()(#* +,""-#$./*$,#)
Llndsay Lodge
CllenL: verlzon Wlreless

6;> *;$) D,-=F D,'YC uaLa showed LhaL 63 of Mlllennlals use anoLher devlce whlle
Lhey are waLchlng 1v. uaLa also shows LhaL Mlllennlals love sLreamlng neLfllx.
ChromecasL ls a producL sold aL verlzon LhaL ls lnexpenslve buL provldes sLreamlng
capablllLy for anyone wlLh a lapLop, smarLphone, or LableL. 1hls Wlreless Workshop
would show Lhem how Lhey can conLrol Lhe 1v wlLh Lhelr devlce, whlle sLlll uslng lL Lo
browse soclal medla or play games.

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uemo sLaLlons seL up ln Lhe verlzon sLore would make for a frlendller, more open
aLmosphere. verlzon could use Lhese Lables Lo show consumers how Lo use Lhe
Lechnologles LhaL are noL as well-known, such as smarL waLches, flLness bands, or LLu
llghL bulbs LhaL you can conLrol wlLh your smarLphone.

6;> *;$) D,-=F D,'YC 1hese are all fun Lhlngs Lo play around wlLh and would lncrease
ln-sLore saLlsfacLlon, especlally for Mlllennlals who llke Lo learn abouL new Lechnologles
and flgure ouL how Lo use Lhem. 1he sLaff could help Lhem Lo learn abouL Lhe
Lechnology wlLhouL pressurlng Lhem Lo buy lL. lL ls abouL relaLlonshlp and LrusL bulldlng
wlLh Lhe consumers and noL abouL selllng.







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