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i did all this already but it got saved over so i have to redo it all and im well bothered

Analysis No: 1 / 2 / 3 Student Name: Date:

Questions Artist: Led Zeppelin
Song name: rock n roll
Performance: Monsters Of Rock ( Moscow 1989)
1. Describe how the
following musical elements
are being embellished /
developed throughout the

1a. Rhythm - e.g. use of
repetition, syncopation,
note durations
" Rock N Roll" uses syncopation in the rhythmic improvisations followed with a lot of drum
fills and short rapid notes. There is also a Varity of empathies on different notes in the
improvisations. The drums start the piece with a big drum solo/fill
1b. Melody - ascending
descending repetition,
intervals, scales, modes,
shape / stepwise motion
Robert Plant does a lot of rapid ascending of his notes and does it in a very conjunct but rapid
manor. The guitar improvisation consists of a lot of repetition of the main riff but with slight
variations and inter weaving with chord progression during the song and the solo its self varies
from the written one with more ascending melodies and use of scales and a variety of step

1.c Dynamics - crescendo,
decrescendo, accent, loud
and soft passages
During the guitar solo it is louder to help highlight the solo, Jimmy accents the high notes of
the solo by holding the note duration and adds vibrato frequently.
1d. Tone clean,
processed, articulation
The guitar tone is mildly distorted one and has a small amount reverb to add colour to the tone.
It has a very noticeable "70's rock" tone. Robert's voice is very raspy but still has clear

2. Identify potential OHS
risks or challenges posed
by the performance style.
Little security, people could climb on stage
More than likely extremely loud and no hearing protection
drug overdose

3. Describe how the
musicians interact with the
other band members
They interact well with each other and seem to share a strong bond of friendship and
connection in the music and can tell what each other are about to do especially in

4. Describe how the
musicians communicate
with the audience before,
between and after
They start the performance by Robert simply yelling "let's go", then the drums do a small solo
and the band then comes in and play along they seem to have a good constant stage presence
with jimmy and Robert working both ends of the crowd.
5. What cues musical or
visual were used to start or
end improvised sequences
of music?
Drum fills seemed to start and finish the piece whilst vocal cues seemed to be the main source
of transitions.
6. Describe the use of
rhythm, dynamics, texture
used by the accompanists
whilst the solo is being
The rest of the band continue playing the main section of the piece while solos are being played.

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