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In the city of Worcester,

59% of children do not

read at proficient levels by grade three


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A city-wide initiative
supported by
Worcester Public Schools
creating awareness of the
importance of reading

The City That Reads
012345 8eadlng 8ally aL Lhe WorcesLer ubllc Llbrary

617845 Lvery Chlld 8eady Lo 8ead 1ralnlng for arenLs &
8ook 1oLe uecoraung aL Lhe WorcesLer ubllc Llbrary

9817845 Sock uppeL uecoraung aL 1he Panover 1heaLer

9917845 8ead-A-1hon aL Lhe ClLy Pall laza
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9178:5 SusLalnablllLy Pub aL nauonal Crld

)178:5 PealLhy 8ead-A-Long aL SL. vlncenL's PosplLal
Programs will feature reading activities and visits by favorite
book characters and team mascots, PLUS free giveaways!
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