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How to assemble your

excerpts into your own ideas
• POINT: Write a sentence here that introduces
the information in The Great Gatsby excerpt and
the peer-reviewed excerpt.
• EVIDENCE: insert an excerpt from The Great
Gatsby that describes the situation in the peer-
reviewed source.
• PEER-REVIEWED: Insert an excerpt from one
peer-reviewed source.
• INTERPRETATION: Write down the keywords
from the point, evidence, and peer-reviewed
research. Reshuffle them so they make sense.
Rephrase them in one sentence that tells the
reader what you told them in this PEPI section.
Sample PEPI
• P: When people have a high degree of leisure time, they
often engage in activities that glamorize consumerism.
• E: “ ‘When I was here last I tore my gown on a chair,
and he asked me my name and address—inside of a
week I got a package from Croirier’s with a new evening
gown in it’” (Fitzgerald #).
• P: Leisure time has been redefined “as consumption
time” and “has been crucial in sustaining capitalist
growth” (Chaplin 41).
• I: The evolution in the twentieth century from long days
of work to new opportunities for leisure time also
introduced common practices of materialism, which was
a shift away from spiritualism and emphasis on family.

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