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SAP AG Version 2.

Solution to the CIAP Requirement for Brazil
provided by
This document describes the prerequisites and the general development procedure
to cover the Brailian !"AP requirement in #$% #elease &.0B.
The standard components Financial Accounting '(")* Asset Accounting '("+AA)* and
Controlling '!,) are involved in this solution* -hereby a minimum con.iguration is
required .or !,. The solution consists o. employing standard .unctions o. the three
speci.ied components* a report* and a program that have been developed speci.ically
.or !"AP.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2
2. Prerequisites 2
2.1 Customizing and Other Configurations 2
2.1.1 Controlling (CO) 2
2.1.2 Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
2.2 Others !
. Procedure "
.1 Creation of Asset #asters "
.2 Acquisition Postings "
.2.1 Acquisitions in Asset Accounting "
.2.2 Acquisitions $ia #aterials #anagement (##) "
.2.2.1 Further Prerequisites for the Integration "
.2.2.2 %AP &nhancement '
.2.2. (imits of Integration '
.2. Acquisitions $ia )ransfer '
.2.* Acquisitions $ia Asset under Construction (AuC) '
.2.! Others '
. #onthl+ Credit Amounts ,
.* -etirements ,
* CIAP O$er$ie. -e/ort ,
*.2 Out/ut of the CIAP O$er$ie. -e/ort 0
! 1oing (i$e .ith CIAP 0
!.1 CIAP for Assets Alread+ Purchased in the Current Fiscal 2ear 0
!.2 CIAP for Assets Purchased in Pre$ious Fiscal 2ears 13
!. 4o. to Insert the IC#% Amount for an Asset Alread+ Purchased5 13
" Coding &6am/le for %AP &nhancement (AI7)333*) 11
' CIAP 8efore (ei 132 12
'.1 Introduction 12
'.2 Procedure 12
'.2.1 #onthl+ -e$ersals 12
'.2.2 -etirements 1
'.2.2.1 %election %creen 9 Program-%/ecific %elections 1
'.2.2.2 %econd %election %creen 1
, Com8ining the former CIAP .ith (ei 132 1*
%am/le Access Paths for -elease *.3:. 1"
1. #enu Paths 1"
2. I#1 )ransactions 1"
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
1. Introduction
To manage the asset/s "!0S credits and the calculation o. the monthly amounts over
the &+year period* valuation and depreciation .unctions o. ("+AA are used. All "!0S
values are stored in a separate depreciation area -hich has to be created
additionally via !ustomiing. "n this area* ordinary depreciation is carried out using a
unit+o.+production depreciation method that allo-s calculation o. the credit amounts
the &+year interval on a monthly basis. (or each individual branch* the system posts
these monthly credits periodically to (" and !,.
A ne-ly developed report allo-s all asset values related to "!0S and !"AP to be
displayed* including retirement data and 1ota (iscal document numbers i. they -ere
posted via the above+mentioned program.
2. Prerequisites
2ou can .ind all paths .or the .ollo-ing transactions 'speci.ied in bold italics) in the
appendi3 to this document.
2.1 Customizin and !ther Confiurations
The .ollo-ing e3planations presume that basic !ustomiing .or (" is already available
in the system '!ustomiing o. the company code).
2.1.1 Controllin "C!#
The .ollo-ing settings are only necessary i. you -ere not using the !, component
- !reate$copy a controlling area in !, '"0G transaction Maintain Controlling
Area). Activate the components Cost centers 'or Order management 5 see
belo-). Assign your company code to the controlling area.
- 6se Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents to create intervals
.or the controlling document numbers .or group COIN.
2ou need to per.orm the .ollo-ing steps .or !, components that are already active4
- !reate !"AP cost elements in !,. These primary cost elements are later entered
in the account determination in ("+AA .or the !"AP areas 'see belo-).
- !reate !"AP cost centers and cost center groups in !,. The cost centers are
entered in the asset master and are used a) to assign assets to a speci.ic branch*
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
and b) in the depreciation posting run to post the asset/s monthly reversals o. the
!"AP area.
- As an option you can create cost center groups to represent the branches. These
groups consist o. several cost centers. 2ou create the hierarchy o. cost center
groups$cost centers in the !, master data maintenance 'transaction Standard
1ote4 ". con.licts -ith e3isting active !, components occur* you can use internal
orders instead o. cost centers to represent the branches.
2.1.2 Asset Accountin "$I%AA#
a) !hart o. depreciation and depreciation areas .or !"AP
". a chart o. depreciation is already in use* it has to be complemented -ith the !"AP
area '"0G transaction Copy Area).
". there is no chart o. depreciation in use in your system* you have to create one '"0G
transaction Copy reference chart of depreciation / depreciation areas).
Define depreciation areas
7e.ine the depreciation area .or !"AP as .ollo-s4
- Real dep. area4 set this indicator
- Posting in G/L4 enter % ',nly depreciation posted in the General 8edger)
- 6nder 90anagement o. values9 set the .ollo-ing indicators: Acquisition and
production costs 'AP!)* Positive net oo! value* and Negative net oo! value.
"!0S credits are treated as AP! values.
1ote that you must not create parallel areas o. the !"AP area:
Please note the .ollo-ing naming convention .or the !"AP area4
The long te3t o. the !"AP area must start -ith !"AP* -hich needs to be -ritten in
capital letters 'in the language in -hich you logged on or in
Portuguese). This is the prerequisite .or identi.ying the !"AP area in
case o. purchasing via "aterials "anagement '00).
Specify transfer of APC values
(or the !"AP area* enter area 0; in the #al$ 'Value .rom depreciation area)
.ield. 7o not set the Iden '"dentical o. acquisition value) indicator.
Specify transfer of depreciation terms
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
(or the !"AP area* do not enter an area in the $$r '7epreciation terms .rom
depreciation area) .ield. 7o not set the Iden 'Parameters copied .rom area)
Assign chart of depreciation to company code
". you created a ne- chart o. depreciation* assign this chart to the company code
being used.
b) 7epreciation <eys
Define calculation key

!opy a calculation <ey and change the settings as .ollo-s4

- %ep$&pe4 1 ',rdinary depreciation)
- Class4 % ',ther depreciation)
- Set the Automatic calculation indicator 'all other indicators are not used)
- %ep.met'.4 S '1o. o. units$Total no. o. units)
- Rem. li(e4 do not set this indicator
- )ase value4 0; 'Acquisition value)
- *+rate4 0*00
- Period control4 enter 0; .or all controls 'Pro rata at period start date)
- 8evels4 not used
- Scrap value and 0ult.+shi.t use4 not used
Define depreciation keys

!reate one depreciation <ey .or each branch. All <eys use the 'same) calculation <ey
=ust created be.ore. >nter this calculation <ey in the Ordinar& deprec. '"nternal
calculation <ey .or ordinary depreciation) .ield. ,nly set the Acq. onl& allo,ed in
capitali-ation &ear indicator.
Define unit!of!production depreciation
Select your company code. (or each depreciation <ey 'branch) you maintain the
number o. units 5 total units and period units 5 per depreciation period and year.
These numbers represent the monthly .actor as .ollo-s4
0onthly .actor 'in decimals) $ &? @ period units $ total units
>3ample4 "n period 2 o. year 2000 the monthly .actor -as calculated to be AB.
The .ollo-ing entry should be added4
2ear4 2000
Please note that as o. release &.CB the calculation <ey has been replaced by corresponding
calculation methods 'see #$% standard documentation).
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
Period4 2
Total units4 ;00.000.000
Period units4 ;&D.?%% '@ 0.0A $ &? 3 ;00.000.000)
1ote4 The accuracy o. this calculation depends on the number o. digits .or the total
units. To avoid rounding di..erences* choose a large enough value.

Determine depreciation areas in the asset class
7o not .orget to activate the ne- !"AP area in all relevant asset classes. (or all asset
classes enter a use.ul li.e o. .our years and 9!"AP9 as the depreciation <ey 'the
system proposes these values -hen you create a ne- asset master).
c) G$8 accounts and posting rules
Assign "/# accounts
!hoose the chart o. accounts .or your company code. (or each account allocation*
maintain the depreciation accounts in the !"AP area .or ordinary depreciation. >nter
the account that -as de.ined as cost element in the ./pense account (or ordinar&
depreciat. .ield. "n the Acc. dep. accnt. (or ordinar& depreciation 'Accumulated
depreciation account .or ordinary depreciation) .ield* enter a contra account to the
cost element account .or planned depreciation. Be sure to choose accounts that have
not been in use be.ore 5 to separate the !"AP amounts .rom depreciation amounts in
other areas.
Specify intervals and posting rules
(or the !"AP area* choose "ont'l& posting as the posting interval. Set the Assign
cost centers indicator so that the depreciation run ta<es the cost centers into
account. 7o not set the 0moot'ing indicator.
2.2 !thers
- 2ou need to assign a cost center 'or internal order) to all assets .or -hich the
!"AP solution should be usedE you enter this assignment in the asset master
- Fhen you post acquisitions directly to an asset in Asset Accounting* the !"AP
amount has to be activated in the !"AP area. 2ou can either do this manually
-hen you post the acquisition or you can use the SAP enhancement C'ange
amount posted (or certain areas 'A"1T000&). (or details* to the
documentation .or this enhancement in Transaction S0,7. 6se Transaction
!0,7 to create a customer pro=ect using enhancement A"1T000&.
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
&. Procedure
&.1 Creation of Asset 'asters
>nter the correct branch+speci.ic depreciation <ey in the asset master '%epreciation
areas screen). Assign the asset to a cost center 'or to an internal order i. pre.erred 5
see above).
&.2 Acquisition Postins
&.2.1 Acquisitions in Asset Accountin

!hec< i. the !"AP amount in the !"AP area is correct* and then post the .ull !"AP
amount '.ull "!0S credit amount .or the .our year period) + to the !"AP area
'manually or via user e3it). ". you do it manually* choose %epreciation areas and enter
the !"AP amount there. The 1ota (iscal '1() number must be entered in the
Re(erence .ield.
Fith the .irst acquisition* the asset/s &+year !"AP period starts in the period the
acquisition -as posted. Thus* subsequent acquisitions have to be posted to sub+
numbers to distinguish bet-een di..erent !"AP intervals.
&.2.2 Acquisitions (ia 'aterials 'anaement "''#
". an asset is purchased via 00* the "!0S amount is trans.erred directly .rom 00 to
("+AA into the !"AP area that has been created .ollo-ing this
documentation 'see section 2.;.2 '7e.ine depreciation areas)). ". an
asset is purchased via 00* ma<e sure that you post deductible ta3es in
the purchase order. 1ote that one material line item has to be posted
entirely to one asset.
As a result* t-o asset line items are created4 one .or the acquisition to all areas
e3cept the !"AP area* and a second one -hich posts the "!0S amount only to the
!"AP area. Both postings use the same transaction type.
This transaction type is de.ined in !ustomiing 'Default transaction types for $%!
AA posting transactions& .or transaction code A)1O '9Asset acquis. autom. o..set.
posting9). This transaction type must not be limited to certain areas.
&.2.2.1 $urther Prerequisites for the Interation
The "!0S ta3 line item must have a base and a ta3 value greater than ero '.or
e3ample* no deductible ta3 is posted in the case o. consumption. There is no need
.or paying it bac< in the course o. the monthly reversal).
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
&.2.2.2 SAP )nhancement
(or the acquisition via 00* you need to use the SAP enhancement C'ange amount
posted (or certain areas 'A"1T000&). 0a<e sure you set the amount to be posted to
the !"AP area .or re.erence procedure R"RP to ero 'see the coding e3ample in
section C). The system creates a ne- document that only .ills the !"AP area -ith the
respective amount.
". you already applied this SAP enhancement .or the direct acquisition in Asset
Accounting 'see section 2.2)* ma<e sure that the coding o. both applications does not
con.lict -ith each other 'see section C).
&.2.2.& *imits of Interation
". you .ollo-ed the naming convention .or the !"AP area 'see section 2.;.2) and
implemented the user e3it correctly 'see section %.2.2.2)* automatic
posting is carried out .rom the logistics invoice veri.ication as .ollo-s4
Per line that is posted to the asset* an asset document is posted. Subsequent actions
'movements) are not done automatically4 "n the case o. cancellation* correction* or
other activities* the asset document must be posted manually.
As a prerequisite .or the automatic posting* at the moment o. using the logistics
invoice veri.ication* the creation o. a 1( -ith the relevant "!0S amount is required
'an e3ception -ould be e.g. .uture delivery).
&.2.& Acquisitions (ia Transfer
". an asset is received via* the use.ul li.e in the !"AP area must be .our years
so that the !"AP amount is calculated correctly. "n addition* the ne- asset needs to
<eep the original depreciation start date in the !"AP area.
&.2.+ Acquisitions (ia Asset under Construction "AuC#
". an asset originates .rom an Au!* the "!0S amount does not appear automatically
in the !"AP area. The "!0S amount can be posted manually to the !"AP area o. the
targeted assets. To do this* create the !"AP area .or the Au! and the targeted
assets. Fhen you e3ecute the settlement .rom the sender '.or e3ample* internal
order or FBS element) to the Au!* use the capitaliation <eys to change the
settlement amount in the !"AP area to ero. A.ter the .inal settlement to the targeted
assets* the !"AP area -ill then be empty. "n a last step* post the "!0S amount
manually to the targeted assets using a transaction type limited to this area.
&.2., !thers
"t is important to al-ays enter the 1( number as the re.erence in all asset postings
relevant to !"AP.

SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
&.& 'onthl- Credit Amounts
- #un the report 'odelo 2 'once per branch) to determine the monthly .actor 'at
the period end). "nsert the monthly .actor into the corresponding depreciation
<ey 'see menu path Activity!dependent depreciation key).
1ote that the monthly .actor determined by 0odelo 2 is only a proposalE the
customer can choose to use it or not.
- >3ecute the depreciation run to post the !"AP values to (" and !,. ).ce/tion4
"n period ;2* you must e3ecute the ("+AA standard report Recalculate
0e/reciation be.ore the depreciation run is carried out 'see menu path
Recalculate 'alues).
- !arry out !, reporting '.or e3ample* e3ecute report 0is/la- Actual Cost *ine
Items for Cost Centers) to list the "!0S credit amounts per branch 'by cost
center or cost center groupE you can select the !"AP cost elements).
&.+ Retirements
"n the case o. complete retirements -ithin the &+year period* no .urther credits can be
claimed .or the retired asset. "n case o. partial retirements* the .uture proportional
credits -ill be calculated automatically by the system.
+ CIAP !(er(ie1 Re/ort
". the ta3 authority requires an overall list o. !"AP payments .or the last ;0 years*
e3ecute the ne- !"AP report Re/ortin of )storno 'ensal and Retirements for
Assets 'RA%D(R)C%AP)R*P+R,& to display the !"AP values per company code or
branch 'cost center) and$or per asset number range 'or other appropriate selections).
Since no legal layout is required* the report displays all values in an ABAP list.
+.1 Selection Screen 2 Re/ort%S/ecific Selections
The start date .or the reporting period must be entered in the $ransaction start date
.ield* and the end o. the reporting period must be entered in the Report date .ield.
'1ote4 The usual restrictions regarding reporting dates .or asset accounting reports
apply to this report.)
The selections .or the transaction types o. acquisitions and retirements do not
necessarily have to be .illed. The system automatically selects transaction types that
SAP considers to be relevant to this report. They are selected as .ollo-s4
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
"n the case o. acquisitions4 all transaction types belonging to transaction
type group 13 'acquisition).
"n case o. retirements4 all transaction types belonging to transaction type
groups 23 'retirement)* 2, 'retirement o. current year acquisition)* &3
'retirement o. prior year acquisition)* and &2 'retirement o.
current year acquisition).
". you speci.y your o-n selection* the de.ault setting -ill be ignored.
2ou also can insert the state inscription 'inscriGHo) on the selection screen.
"n addition* you are able to control the page numbering. 2ou can speci.y both the
number o. the .irst page and the total number o. pages per boo<.
The Ne, page parameter determines -hether the data .or each asset is displayed on
a ne- page.
(or per.ormance reasons it is recommended to ma<e use o. the %&namic selections
.unctionality4 choose the date in.ormation such as First acquisition on or Capitali-ed
on and speci.y a start date such as e.g. 23.24.5222 .or the start date o. lei ;02 in
your state. The %&namic selections .unctionality reduces the e3ecution time o. the
report by using appropriate date selections to .ilter out assets to -hich !"AP does not
apply. The separation bet-een old !"AP la- and lei ;02 'compare chapter ?) is
ensured by running the program t-ice4 once -ith the old !"AP area and a second
time -ith the ne- one.
+.2 !ut/ut of the CIAP !(er(ie1 Re/ort
The vendor o. the asset is ta<en .rom the asset master data.
(or the sections .ntrada the selected acquisitions are listed* and .or 0a6da the
corresponding retirements.
The 1ota (iscal numbers are ta<en .rom the document .ield Re(erence.
#etirements are only reported in the section .storno por 0a6da ou Perda i. they have
been posted by the program Calculation o( .storno por 0a6da ou Perda. This
program inserts a re.erence number into the asset accounting document -hich
ma<es it possible to .ind the corresponding document in (". ,nly -hen this number is
available can the retirement be reported.
, Goin *i(e 1ith CIAP
A.ter you have implemented the SAP !"AP solution* all assets acquired a.ter-ards
are automatically ta<en into account. (or !"AP+relevant assets that -ere capitalied
be.ore the implementation* some additional issues must be considered.
,.1 CIAP for Assets Alread- Purchased in the Current $iscal 4ear
". an asset -as acquired in the current .iscal year* the SAP !"AP solution can be
applied. But you have to be a-are o. the .act that the calculation o. the monthly "!0S
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
credit amounts can only be correct in the sum .or the -hole year. The .irst months o.
the !"AP year that have already passed can only be summed up to one amount 5
either in a repeated depreciation run .or the month be.ore the current one* or in a
normal depreciation run .rom the current month on. A.ter the .irst depreciation run o.
the respective asset* the amounts o. the monthly "!0S credits -ill be correct in each
Acquisition date4 (ebruary 200; '.irst !"AP period)
"mplementation date o. !"AP solution4 Iune 200; 'depreciation run has not been
e3ecuted yet)
#epeated depreciation run* 0ay4 !"AP monthly "!0S credits as a sum .rom
(ebruary through 0ay
1ormal depreciation runs .rom Iune on4 !"AP monthly "!0S credits calculated
correctly .or each .ollo-ing period
"n the case o. such a late integration o. the asset into the SAP !"AP solution* the
Re/ortin of )storno 'ensal and Retirements for Assets report -ill not be able
to list the individual amounts .or the months be.ore the implementation. 0onthly
"!0S credits -ill be ero .or those months* but the sum o. those amounts -ill be
reported in the .irst period o. implementation.
,.2 CIAP for Assets Purchased in Pre(ious $iscal 4ears
The application o. the !"AP solution provided here is limited. 1o calculations can be
provided .or the previous years. (or the current .iscal year* the asset can be included
in the !"AP solution as described in section D.;.
". the old asset -as purchased be.ore the 8a- ;02 became e..ective* it can be
included in the !"AP solution -ith the .ollo-ing restriction4
"n the case o. retirement or o. such an asset in the current !"AP year* the
correction amounts calculated by the Calculation of )storno /or Sa6da ou Perda
program might not be correct and should be corrected manually. The !"AP
calculations -ill be correct in all o. the .ollo-ing !"AP periods.
(or more details concerning this see section ?.
,.& 7o1 to Insert the IC'S Amount for an Asset Alread- Purchased8
". an asset -as purchased be.ore the implementation o. this solution* the original
"!0S credit amount has to be posted to the !"AP area manually. 2ou must use a
transaction type limited to the !"AP area.
The use.ul li.e in the !"AP area has to be .our years* and the depreciation start date
must be the .irst day o. the period o. the .irst acquisition.
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
9 Codin ).am/le for SAP )nhancement "AI:T333+#
In Release +.3B5
The .ollo-ing coding is an e3ample o. the program to be inserted into
;<I:T=3, in #elease &.0B .or the acquisition via 00.
data: my_icms like m_anep-anbtr. " ICMS amount. Zero per default
if i_anbz-bukrs = BRAS. "!!! I"S#$% "&M# '( $#)#*&"% C'M+&", C'-#

if i_anbz-a.typ = $M$+.
/ part0: postin1 from MM: clear 2alue in CI&+ area
m_anep-afabe = 02. "!!! I"S#$% CI&+ -#+$#CI&%I'" &$#&
m_anep-anbtr = 3. " 2alue is 3
append m_anep.
/ part4: manual postin1
/ If you do not .ant to insert t5e correct ICMS credit manually6
/ you can insert t5e codin1 5ere. ,ou need to in2esti1ate6 5o. t5e
/ ICMS credit 7.5ic5 .ill be posted to t5e CI&+ depreciation area8
/ can be deri2ed from t5e accessible data.
if i_anbz-b.asl = 100. "!!! I"S#$% %$&"S&C%I'" %,+# 9S#-
m_anep-afabe = 02. "!!! I"S#$% CI&+ -#+$#CI&%I'" &$#&
/ my_icms = ... " ICMS amount calculation
m_anep-anbtr = my_icms. " my_icms calculated by you
append m_anep.
As of Release +.,B5
Analogously* the corresponding e3ample as o. #elease &.DB -hich has to be inserted
into include ;<APC=3,4
data: my_icms like m_anepi-anbtr. " ICMS amount. Zero per default
if i_ants-bukrs = BRAS. "!!! I"S#$% "&M# '( $#)#*&"% C'M+&", C'-#

if i_rlambu-a.typ = $M$+.
/ part0: postin1 from MM: clear 2alue in CI&+ area
m_anepi-afabe = 02. "!!! I"S#$% CI&+ -#+$#CI&%I'" &$#&
m_anepi-anbtr = 3. " 2alue is 3
append m_anepi.
/ part4: manual postin1
/ If you do not .ant to insert t5e correct ICMS credit manually6
/ you can insert t5e codin1 5ere. ,ou need to in2esti1ate6 5o. t5e
/ ICMS credit 7.5ic5 .ill be posted to t5e CI&+ depreciation area8
/ can be deri2ed from t5e accessible data.
if i_rlambu-b.asl = 100. "!!! I"S#$% %$&"S&C%I'" %,+# 9S#-
m_anepi-afabe = 02. "!!! I"S#$% CI&+ -#+$#CI&%I'" &$#&
/ my_icms = ... " ICMS amount calculation
m_anepi-anbtr = my_icms. " my_icms calculated by you
append m_anepi.
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0

> CIAP before *ei 132
>.1 Introduction
To manage the asset/s "!0S credits and their reversal over the D+year period*
valuation and depreciation .unctions o. ("+AA are used. All "!0S values are stored in
a separate depreciation area -hich has to be created additionally via !ustomiing. "n
this area* ordinary depreciation is carried out using a unit+o.+production depreciation
method that allo-s calculation o. the reversals during the D+year interval on a
monthly basis. (or each individual branch* the system posts these monthly reversals
periodically to (" and !,. The system does not automatically process the payments
o. the monthly reversals 5 the user must do this.
"n the case o. retirements during the D+year period* a ne- program calculates and
posts the "!0S amount -hich has to be reversed according to the !"AP la-. The
calculated "!0S amount to be reversed can be posted automatically i. you assign
G$8 accounts. ". you do not -ant to use this automatic posting .unctionality* you can
also run the ne- program in the test mode and then post the calculated amount
manually. But <eep in mind that i. you do not use the automatic posting .unctionality*
no reporting -ill be provided.
(inally* a ne-ly developed report allo-s all asset values related to "!0S and !"AP to
be displayed* including retirement data and 1ota (iscal document numbers i. they
-ere posted via the above+mentioned program.
>.2 Procedure
>.2.1 'onthl- Re(ersals
- #un the report 'odelo 2 'once per branch) to determine the monthly .actor 'at
the period end). "nsert the monthly .actor into the corresponding depreciation
<ey 'see menu path Activity!dependent depreciation key).
1ote that the monthly .actor determined by 0odelo 2 is only a proposalE the
customer can choose to use it or not.
- >3ecute the depreciation run to post the !"AP values to (" and !,. ).ce/tion4
"n period ;2* you must e3ecute the ("+AA standard report Recalculate
0e/reciation be.ore the depreciation run is carried out 'see menu path
Recalculate 'alues).
- !arry out !, reporting '.or e3ample* e3ecute report 0is/la- Actual Cost *ine
Items for Cost Centers) to list the due amounts per branch 'by cost center or
cost center groupE you can select the !"AP cost elements).
- 0anually post the payments in (" per branch.
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
>.2.2 Retirements
"n the case o. retirements -ithin the D+year period4
- Post the retirement's) in ("+AA. >nter the 1( number in the Re(erence .ield.
1ote4 !hoose the same asset value date as the posting date. The
retirement must be posted in the same period as the retirement is e..ective.
- #un the ne- !"AP program Calculation of )storno /or Sa6da ou Perda
-RA%D(R)C%AP)R*,%R*# to calculate the payable "!0S amount. This
program can also post the payable "!0S amount in (" .or the retirements
selected in the output list. Fhen (" postings are made* the program updates
the te3t .ield o. the corresponding ("+AA asset retirement posting -ith the
document number o. the (" document. 20 digits are reserved .or this entry. %0
digits can be used .or other purposes.
- Partial retirements4 ". there are several partial retirements .or one asset in the
same period* it is important to run the retirement program Calculation of
)storno /or Sa6da ou Perda in bet-een the retirement postings.
- Be a-are that i. you reverse a retirement in ("+AA* you also have to reverse the
corresponding (" document that has been created by this report.
>.2.2.1 Selection Screen 2 Proram%S/ecific Selections
,nly asset line items o. the speci.ied period -ill be displayed .or selection.
". the program should also post the !"AP correction* the necessary (" data must be
speci.ied on the selection screen.
The Relevant transaction t&pes .ield does not necessarily have to be .illed. The
system automatically selects transaction types that SAP considers to be relevant to
this report. These are transaction types belonging to transaction type groups4
23 'retirement)
2, 'retirement o. current year acquisition)
&3 'retirement o. prior year acquisition)* and
&2 'retirement o. current year acquisition).
". you speci.y your o-n selection* the de.ault setting -ill be ignored.
>.2.2.2 Second Selection Screen
". you are not using the test run* you are able to enter a value in the Correction
amount .ield. Jere the user can change the suggested amount 'user is responsible
.or doing this).
2ou can choose the correction amounts to be posted to (" by setting the indicator on
the le.t side.
Postin the Correction
The original asset posting document -ill be enhanced in the header4
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
KL!K as an additional sign* K!ompany codeK* KPosting document number/ and M!urrent
.iscal year/.
(or e3ample* ?CBRAS313333313@2333 -ould belong to company code B#AS*
posting document number 0;00000;0N* and .iscal year 2000.
This enhancement leads to t-o important e..ects4
- The same asset posting document cannot be selected .or a second posting o.
the !"AP correction.
- The !"AP overvie- report -ill no- be able to identi.y this posting document
and to document the early retirement.
". you do not use the correction program but -ant to use the overvie- report* it is
very important that you manually ma<e the entry o. the enhancement described
above. ". this is not done* it -ill be impossible .or the report to .ind the posting
A Combinin the former CIAP 1ith *ei 132
". you -ere already using the .ormer !"AP solution and have to change over to the
procedure .ollo-ing the ne- requirement o. 8ei ;02 you -ill have to ma<e the
.ollo-ing changes in customiing4
A ne- depreciation area has to be created to di..erentiate bet-een already e3isting
assets and the ne- ones* .ollo-ing the ne- rules o. credit control. 2ou should also
deactivate the .ormer !"AP area in the !ustomiing 'Determine depreciation areas
in the asset class) so that -hen creating a ne- asset master* only the ne- !"AP
area is o..ered. To ma<e sure that the ne- assets are only posted to the ne- !"AP
area* .ollo- our naming convention .or the !"AP area4
The long te3t o. the !"AP area must start -ith !"AP* -hich needs to be -ritten in
capital letters 'in the language in -hich you logged on or in Portuguese). This is the
prerequisite .or identi.ying the !"AP area in case o. purchasing via "aterials
"anagement '00).
"n consequence* ma<e sure to change name o. the .ormer !"AP area 5 e.g. to Mold
!"AP/. 0a<e this change o. the long te3t in all languages used by you. This ensures
that the retirement report can only be e3ecuted .or the previous !"AP area.
". you have been using the SAP >nhancement 'see section C)* change the entry .or
the !"AP depreciation are to the ne-ly created area.
As subsequent acquisitions have to be posted to sub+numbers to distinguish bet-een
di..erent !"AP intervals* there -ill also be no problem -hen acquiring ne- parts to an
asset that .ollo-s the old !"AP la-. The ne- acquisition -ill .ollo- the ne-
(or the ne- credit control* ne- (" accounts and a ne- cost element di..erent .rom the
cost element already used .or the .ormer !"AP solution has to be created in !,. The
(" accounts are needed in the account determination o. the ne- !"AP area. See
sections 2.;.;. and 2.;.2 c).
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
"n addition you -ill have to create a ne- depreciation <ey .or the ne- credit control.
2ou can use the same calculation <ey as you did .or the .ormer !"AP depreciation
". you apply this !"AP solution to the old and the ne- version o. the 8a- in parallel*
you should consider the .ollo-ing4
>very asset must have e3actly one o. the !"AP areas* never both* and these
areas are distinguished in the system by the naming convention as described
The retirement report cannot be used .or the ne- !"AP area.
The overvie- report Calculation of )storno /or Sa6da ou Perda
RA%D(R)C%AP)R*P+R, has to be e3ecuted separately .or both !"AP areas.
The separation bet-een old !"AP la- and lei ;02 'compare chapter ?) is ensured
by running the program t-ice4 once -ith the old !"AP area and a second time
-ith the ne- one. The assets -ill then be listed accordingly. "n addition the
d&namic selections in the selection screen o. the report should be used to reduce
the e3ecution time.
"t is recommended to create report variants .or the assets .ollo-ing the old !"AP
la- and .or the assets .ollo-ing lei ;02.
(or old assets4 choose the appropriate !"AP area and in addition choose a
dynamic selection .or date in.ormation such as First acquisition on or
Capitali-ed on and speci.y a range such as e.g. 23.27.3884 to 73.35.5222.
(or the ne- assets4 choose the appropriate !"AP area and in addition choose
a starting date via single value selections9 e.g. 23.24.5222.
!hoosing the dates in the same -ay as in this e3ample 5 -ith an overlap* you
can ma<e sure not to lose any asset in your report because the ne- lei ;02 is
becoming e..ective at di..erent dates in di..erent states. T-o dates are
possible4 0;.0;.200; '.or e3ample .or Sao Paulo) and 0;.0?.2000.

SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
Sam/le Access Paths for Release +.3B.
Please note that some paths might be di..erent in higher releases 'see standard #$%
1. 'enu Paths
Standard hierarchy -C+&
Accounting !ontrolling !ost centers 0aster data Standard hierarchy
Activity!dependent depreciation key
Accounting (inancial accounting (i3ed assets Tools 6pdate settings
7e.ine activity+dependent depreciation
Select your company code and enter an adequate number o. units 'note that
the entry .or the Period unit is calculated via $otal units 3 monthly
.actor $ C0).
Recalculate 'alues
Accounting (inancial accounting (i3ed assets Tools #ecalculate values
Report .Display Actual Cost #ine %tems for Cost Centers.
Accounting !ontrolling !ost centers "n.ormation system #eport selection
!ost center accounting 8ine items !ost !enters4 Actual 8ine "tems

2. I'G Transactions
Maintain Controlling Area
!ontrolling !ontrolling General ,rganiation 0aintain !ontrolling Area
Maintain Number Ranges for Controlling Documents
!ontrolling !ontrolling General ,rganiation 0aintain 1umber #anges .or
!ontrolling 7ocuments
Copy Area
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting ,rganiational Structures !opy
re.erence chart o. depreciation$depreciation areas !opy$delete depreciation areas
Copy reference chart of depreciation / depreciation areas
SAP AG Solution to the !"AP #equirement .or Brail Version 2.0
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting ,rganiational Structures !opy
re.erence chart o. depreciation$depreciation areas !opy re.erence chart o.
Define depreciation areas
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation 7epreciation Areas 7e.ine
depreciation areas
Specify transfer of APC values
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation 7epreciation Areas
Speci.y o. AP! values
Specify transfer of depreciation terms
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation 7epreciation Areas
Speci.y o. depreciation terms
Assign chart of depreciation to company code
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting ,rganiational Structures Assign chart
o. depreciation to company code
Define calculation key
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting 7epreciation 7epreciation$Valuation
Oeys 7e.ine calculation <ey
Define depreciation keys
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting 7epreciation 7epreciation$Valuation
Oeys 7e.ine depreciation <eys
Define unit!of!production depreciation
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting 7epreciation ,rdinary 7epreciation
7e.ine unit+o.+production depreciation
Determine depreciation areas in the asset class
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting Valuation 7etermine depreciation
areas in the asset class
Assign "/# accounts
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting "ntegration -ith the General 8edger
Assign G$8 accounts
Specify intervals and posting rules
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting "ntegration -ith the General 8edger
Post depreciation to the general ledger Speci.y intervals and posting rules
Change 'ie/ 0Default transaction types for $%!AA posting transactions
(inancial Accounting Asset Accounting Transactions Speci.y de.ault
transaction types

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