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Making metal dice.

Gather 13 of 2 flat stock

Use the cut-off saw to cut 6 * 2 coupons
Using calipers or a ruler, scribe a line down the center of each square.
o Do this twice so you have an cross in the middle
Divide the distance from the edge of the plate to the middle and divide by two
o Use this measurement to draw a line on all four sides of the cube
You should now have nine points where lines intersect
Use these points to counterpunch for the holes you are about to drill for each side of your
o Show your teacher before you drill the holes
o Remember you should have numbers 1 through 6 represented on the sides
Set up the drill press and use a drill vice to drill the holes in your stock
o Use cutting fluid to cool the bit
Use a larger drill bit to chamfer the edges of your drilled holes.
Plan the order in which you intend to weld your dice
o First weld an open square using gas (Hint make two angles then join them)
o Next use the mig welder to weld your top and bottom
o You may want to put something inside the cube to jingle
Show your welds to your teacher for evaluation
Clean up your welds using a bench grinder
Write your name on your dice using a marker or tape and a pen
Hand in your dice for evaluation

1 2 3 4
An attempt at
preparing coupons
and laying out parts
Coupons cut and
most of the layout
completed before
beginning welding
All coupons and
layout well prepared
before beginning
Excellent, accurate
preparation of all
coupons and layout
before beginning
Welds hold but may
include pitting, holes
or other defects.
Joints are functional
and there is evidence
of effort to achieve
penetration and
well-formed beads.
Joints well-formed
rigid, well cut and
very good weld. No
pitting, holes, high
spots etc. Clean.
May not be 100%
Pretty. Evidence
of attention to detail.
Well-formed joints.
Rigid and well cut.
Excellent welding
with clear
penetration. Little to
no defects. Evidence
of attention to detail.
The correct number
of holes are drilled
on each coupon.
A good attempt to
drill and chamfer
holes accurately.
Holes are mostly
drilled accurately
and chamfered.
Holes drilled
accurately and
chamfered. The dice
is laid out correctly.
A project was
completed but may
not have been within
the parameters or not
well finished.
A solution was
completed and an
attempt was made to
complete to a good
Evidence of a good
attempt to create an
esthetically pleasing
Esthetically pleasing
shape, decoration
and finish.

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