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Sharon Tooney


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Whole Number 2
Terms 1-4

Number & Algebra
Terms 1-4: Addition and Subtraction 2
Terms 1-4 : Multiplication & Division 2
Terms 1 & 3: Patterns and Algebra 2
Terms 2 & 4: Fractions and Decimals 2

Statistics & Probability
Terms 1 & 3: Data 2
Terms 2 & 4: Chance 2

Measurement & Geometry
Term 1: Length 2 / Time 2/ 2D 2 / Position 2
Term 2: Mass 2 / 3D 2 / Angles 2
Term 3: Volume and Capacity 2 / Time 2 / 2D 2 / Position 2
Term 4: Area 2 / 3D2 / Angles 2

Sharon Tooney


Addition &
& Division
Fractions &
& Algebra
Length Area Volume &
Mass Time 3D 2D Angles Position Data Chance
K 1
Yr 1 1
Yr 2 1
Yr 3 1
Yr 4 1
Yr 5 1
Yr 6 1
NB: Where a content strand has a level 1 & 2, the 1 refers to the lower grade within the stage, eg. Whole Number 1 in S1 is for Yr 1, Whole Number 2 is for Yr 2.
Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the
reasoning used MA2-3WM
applies place value to order, read and represent numbers of
up to five digits MA2-4NA
Background Information
The convention for writing numbers of more than four digits
requires that numerals have a space (and not a comma) to
the left of each group of three digits when counting from the
units column, eg 16 234. No space is used in a four-digit
number, eg 6234.

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: largest number, smallest number, ascending order,
descending order, digit, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands,
tens of thousands, place value, expanded notation, round
Refer also to language in Whole Numbers 1.
Recognise, represent and order numbers to at least tens of
apply an understanding of place value to read and write
numbers of up to five digits
arrange numbers of up to five digits in ascending and
descending order
state the place value of digits in numbers of up to five digits
- pose and answer questions that extend understanding of
numbers, eg 'What happens if I rearrange the digits in the
number 12 345?', 'How can I rearrange the digits to make
the largest number?'
use place value to partition numbers of up to five digits and
recognise this as 'expanded notation', eg 67 012 is 60 000 +
7000 + 10 + 2
partition numbers of up to five digits in non-standard
forms, eg 67 000 as 50 000 + 17 000
round numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand or
ten thousand
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


represent and
order numbers
to at least tens
of thousands

Doubling and Halving
Write on the board a selection of whole numbers between 20 and 50:
21 24 28 32 35 38 43 46
Ask students if they can double any of the numbers straight away (e.g. 21, 32). Cross out
these numbers and record on the board, for example, 21 2 = 42, 32 2 = 64.
Ask students to use their books and to work in pairs to double the remaining numbers.
Go through the numbers one by one, inviting students to the board to explain their method
to the class. Look for these methods:
using known facts, for example
19 2 is 2 less than double 20;
splitting the number into tens and ones or units, for example
28 2 is double 20 + double 8;
splitting the number in other ways, for example
38 2 is double 35 plus double 3.
Use a diagram to show students how they can always double a two -digit number by
doubling the tens and doubling the ones or units.

Ask students to use this method to double 28, then 36, doing as much as possible mentally.
Support: provide concrete
materials where appropriate

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
markers, paper and

Doubling and Halving With Money
Review previous lesson, show the class how the method can be extended to doubling a sum
of money such as:
$27.38 by splitting the dollars and the cents.
Give one or two examples to practise, such as $13.09 and $36.75.
Repeat the above for halving numbers, starting with some simple practice of halving
numbers to 20, including odd numbers (e.g. half of 15 is 7 ).
What do you think the answer to half of 120 will be? Why?
Establish that half of 120 is the same as half of 12 multiplied by 10, so the answer is 60.
Write on the board:
half of 120 = half of (12 10) = (half of 12) 10
Now ask for: half of 80, half of 140, half of 320. Get students to explain their answers.
Practise halving a few more multiples of 10 to 200, and multiples of 100 to 2000.
Give the class some two-digit numbers under 100 to halve, inviting them to explain their
strategies. Show them how they can always halve two -digit numbers by partitioning into
tens and ones or units, and how to halve sums of money by partitioning into dollars and
Support: provide concrete
materials where appropriate

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
markers, paper and

Sharon Tooney

cents, using diagrams similar to those for doubling.
Give one or two examples of amounts of money to halve, such as $8.26 and $14.50.

Counting In Fours or Eights
Use a counting stick.

Tell students that one end is zero. Count along the stick and back again in fours.
Point randomly at divisions on the stick, saying:
- What is this number? How do you know?
Encourage students to use multiplied by and divided by in their answers. Point out that
they can use the mid-point of the stick as a reference point. For example: I know that
halfway is 4 multiplied by 5, or 20, and the next point is 4 more, or 24.
Say that this is a good way to remember awkward facts. To remember 10 times a number is
always easy. To find 5 times a number is also easy, as it is half of 10 times the number.
For example, 10 times 4 is 40, so 5 times 4 is half of 40, or 20.
Repeat, this time counting in eights.
Support: multiplication
tables for use as a direct

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
Counting stick, paper
and pencils

Recognising Multiples of 4 or 8 (for example)
Using a 100s chart. Highlight multiples of 4, for example. Ask students to discuss the
patterns that they can see, and then to describe them. Cover part of the 100s chart with a
square of paper and ask students to identify which multiples of 4 are hidden.
For each multiple, ask one of these questions:
- How many fours are in ?
- What is divided by 4?
- Tell me two division facts that you know for ?
Move the paper square around to different positions on the grid.
Repeat with other multiples, for example multiples of 8, etc.
Support: multiplication
tables for use as a direct

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
100s Chart, paper
squares, paper and

Using Addition and Subtraction to Solve Grid Puzzles
Draw an incomplete 3 by 3 grid on the board:
164 30
20 418

Ask students to complete the grid using addition down and across. Repeat with other
When students are confident, use this grid:
297 562
Point to the empty space at the top left and ask:
- When I add 40 to this number, I get the answer 297. What is the number? How did you
work it out?
Support: provide concrete
materials where appropriate

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
3x3 grids, paper and

Sharon Tooney

Repeat with the other empty spaces.
Ask students to complete more examples of the second type of grid.

Adding and Subtracting Mentally Pairs of Two -Digit Numbers Part A
Remind the class that an easy way to add or subtract 9 to or from a number is to add or
subtract 10 then adjust the answer by 1. Reinforce that when adding, the answer is
adjusted by subtracting 1, since an extra 1 has been added. Similarly, when subtracting, the
answer is adjusted by adding 1, since 1 more than needed has been taken away.
Support each explanation using an empty number line:

Ask the class to count on in nines from 75. Stop them after about ten steps, then ask them
to count back in nines to 75. Discuss strategies.
- What is an easy way to add or subtract 19 to or from a number?
Agree it is adding or subtracting 20 then adjusting by 1. Extend to adding or subtracting 29,
39, 49, by adding or subtracting the nearest multiple of 10 and adjusting. Include crossing
the 100 boundary. Ask students to record their answers. Encourage students to dispense
with the support of the empty number line. Get them to count on or back for the multiple
of 10, and then do the adjustments.
Repeat with adding or subtracting 11, 21, 31,
- What is an easy way to add or subtract 18, 28, 58?
Support: provide concrete
materials where appropriate

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
Number lines, paper
and pencils

Adding and Subtracting Mentally Pairs of Two -Digit Numbers Part B
Establish using the nearest multiple of 10 and adjusting by 2. Provide a few practice
examples as per previous lesson. For example, use an interactive whiteboard Number
spinner with a spinner labelled 8, 9, 18, 19, 28, 29.
Start with a score of 250. Spin the spinner. Ask students to subtract the number rolled from
the score and to record their answers. The game ends when the score becomes a one-digit
Relate the strategies to the context of money. Set a problem such as :
- I bought a bag of apples for 75c and a melon for 69c. How much did they cost altogether?
- How can we work this out mentally?
Take feedback and jot on the board: 75c + 70c = 145c and 145c 1c = 144c.
Establish that 144c is better expressed as $1.44. Repeat with a problem such as:
- Melons now cost 85c. How much more do they cost?
Give out copies of BLM: Shop Prices to pairs of students. Explain that list A and list B show
the prices of items in two different shops. Students should select one price from each list.
Working mentally, Student A should find the total of the two items, while Student B finds
their difference. They then check each others answers and discuss errors. On the next turn,
the students swap roles. Repeat several times.

Support: provide concrete
materials where appropriate

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
IWB, whiteboard,
markers, paper and
pencils, Shop Prices

Sharon Tooney

Ask students to explain how any errors in the sums and differences activity from the
previous lesson were made.
Write on the board: 53 + 24. Demonstrate how to do this calculation by adding the tens
first. Ask students to partition the numbers.
53 + 24 = (50 + 3) + (20 + 4) = (50 + 20) + (3 + 4) = 70 + 7 = 77
Work through other examples with the class. Demonstrate an example which crosses the
tens boundary:
38 + 43 = (30 + 8) + (40 + 3) = (30 + 40) + (8 + 3) = 70 + 11 = 81
Support: provide concrete
materials where appropriate

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
markers, paper and




Sharon Tooney




Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies,
or technology, to solve problems MA2-2WM
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the
reasoning used MA2-3WM
uses mental and written strategies for addition and
subtraction involving two-, three-, four and five-digit
numbers MA2-5NA
Background Information
Students should be encouraged to estimate answers before
attempting to solve problems in concrete or symbolic form.
There is still a need to emphasise mental computation, even
though students can now use a formal written method.
When developing a formal written algorithm, it will be
necessary to sequence the examples to cover the range of
possibilities, which include questions without trading,
questions with trading in one or more places, and questions
with one or more zeros in the first number. This example
shows a suitable layout for the decomposition method:

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: plus, add, addition, minus, the difference between,
subtract, subtraction, equals, is equal to, empty number line,
strategy, digit, estimate, round to, change (noun, in
transactions of money).
Word problems requiring subtraction usually fall into two
types either 'take away' or 'comparison'.
Take away How many remain after some are removed? eg
'I have 30 apples in a box and give away 12. How many
apples do I have left in the box?'
Comparison How many more need to be added to a group?
What is the difference between two groups? eg 'I have 18
apples. How many more apples do I need to have 30 apples
in total?', 'Mary has 30 apples and I have 12 apples. How
many more apples than me does Mary have?'
Students need to be able to translate from these different
language contexts into a subtraction calculation. The word
'difference' has a specific meaning in a subtraction context.
Difficulties could arise for some students with phrasing in
relation to subtraction problems, eg '10 take away 9' should
give a response different from that for '10 was taken away
from 9'.
Apply place value to partition, rearrange and regroup
numbers to at least tens of thousands to assist calculations
and solve problems
select, use and record a variety of mental strategies to
solve addition and subtraction problems, including word
problems, with numbers of up to and including five digits, eg
159 + 23: 'I added 20 to 159 to get 179, then I added 3 more
to get 182', or use an empty number line:

- pose simple addition and subtraction problems and apply
appropriate strategies to solve them
use a formal written algorithm to record addition and
subtraction calculations involving two-, three-, four- and five-
digit numbers, eg

solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of
change to the nearest five cents, with and without the use of
digital technologies
solve addition and subtraction problems involving money,
with and without the use of digital technologies
-use a variety of strategies to solve unfamiliar problems
involving money
-reflect on their chosen method of solution for a money
problem, considering whether it can be improved
calculate change and round to the nearest five cents
use estimation to check the reasonableness of solutions to
addition and subtraction problems, including those involving
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


Apply place
value to
rearrange and
regroup numbers
to at least tens of
thousands to
calculations and
solve problems

Doubles of Multiples
Ask students:
- What is double 3? What is double 30?
Continue with other pairs e.g. 8, 80; 6, 60
Repeat asking students to find doubles of hundreds e.g. 300, 100, 200, 400. Record doubles
for reference:
- How can we use these facts to double numbers like 320?
Work through double 300 and double 20 600 + 40 = 640
Repeat asking students to double other three-digit numbers up to 500. Record for
Display the table below. Point to a number and ask students to halve the number. Discuss
the methods the students used. Repeat.
60 190 490 180 240
460 230 90 300 470
120 70 480 30 360
380 250 500 270 150
What happens when we halve an odd multiple of ten? What is the inverse operation to
Support: provide concrete
materials where

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
Whiteboard, markers,
paper and pencils

Addition Families
Write on the board: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9
Ask students to add these up. Agree on finding pairs which sum to 10 and count up in 10s to
get the answer.
Write on board 3 + 4 + 7. Remind students of the method of finding pairs that sum to 10.
Discuss responses and highlight the pair that sums to 100. Give students similar lists of
three multiples of 10 to add. Discuss responses.
Organise students into groups of 3 or 4 and give each group the cards from Addition
Families. (see attached)
The groups play a matching pairs activity. They place the cards face down. In turn they turn
two cards over and keep them if they are equal e.g. 3 + 2 +7 12
When all pairs have been claimed students ask each other for pairs which will complete
their family. e.g. If a student has 3 + 2 + 7 and 12 he/she could ask another player have you
got 30 + 20 + 70 and 120? if the player has the cards, he/she must surrender them. At the
Support: concrete materials
to support addition
Addition Families
Cards, whiteboard,
markers, paper and

Sharon Tooney

end of game the winner is the student who has collected the most families.

Addition Spiders
Draw on the board the first empty-box statement of a spider diagram: 140 + +
- What pairs of numbers could complete this number sentence?
- Which pair was the easiest to find? Why?
Make connections to previous lessons. Extend the spider diagram by adding more empty-
box statements:

Discuss efficient methods for completing the diagram.
Display the following table:

How many sets of four squares can you find that add up to 200. Have students create
addition spiders to demonstrate answers.
Support: provide Addition
Spider BLM for students and
concrete materials to
support addition

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions
Whiteboard, markers,
paper and pencils,
table of figures

Add or Subtract the Nearest Multiple Of 10, Then Adjust Part A
Introduce quick fire questions involving multiples of 10 e.g. 80 30, 20 + 40, 50 30.
Extend to adding three multiples of 10 e.g. 20 + 50 + 10 = or: 40 + 30 20 =
Now consider 60 + 20. Identify answer.
What if the calculation were 60 + 19? Discuss.
Repeat interactively with a series of examples adding 9, 19, 29, 39 etc.
Refine explanations by modelling on a number line e.g. 60 + 19 =

Now consider 57 + 20. Identify answer.
What if the calculation were 57 + 19? Discuss.
Repeat interactively with a series of examples starting with any two-digit number, adding 9,
19, 29, 39 etc.
Refine explanations by modelling on a number line. e.g. 47 + 39

24 + 9 = 86 + 9 =
Support: provide blank
number lines for students
to work from

Extension: increase the
complexity of the questions.
Encourage working
Number lines,
whiteboard, markers,
paper and pencils

Sharon Tooney

24 + 19 = 86 + 19 =
24 + 29 = 86 + 29 =
Ask students for the answers and discuss their methods and the pattern. Ask them to
extend the pattern.
Discuss crossing the 100 boundary.
Repeat for subtraction. Write:
34 9 = 86 9 =
34 19 = 86 19 =
34 29 = 86 29 =

Add or Subtract the Nearest Multiple Of 10, Then Adjust Part B
Write on the board 56 30; ask students for the answer. Repeat for 56 29. Refer to
previous lesson to establish prior knowledge.
Give children further examples to complete e.g. 63 19, 78 39 etc.
Invite children to explain their strategies. Refine explanations by modelling on an empty
number line. What is 56 28?
Draw on the board:
Invite a child to model on a number line e.g.

Establish the answer will be 28.
Refine model to show the tens jumps can be replaced by one jump to the nearest 10, and
then adjust with an addition.
Play race to zero in pairs. Each child starts by writing 250. Take it in turns to roll the 9, 9,
19, 19, 29, 29 dice. Subtract the dice roll from their number each time. First to get down to
a units number is the winner.
Support: provide blank
number lines for students
to work from

Number lines,
whiteboard, markers,
paper and pencils

Revision and Assessment


Sharon Tooney


9+6+1 90+60+10

16 160 21
6+5+4 60+50+40 90+80+40
15 150 210
4+5+3 40+50+30 9+7+2
Sharon Tooney

12 120 18
4+9+7 40+90+70 90+70+20
20 200 180
5+8+6 50+80+60 3+6+8
19 190 17
Sharon Tooney

30+60+80 5+8+4 50+80+40
170 17 190
5+7+4 50+70+20
14 140
20+40+50 110
Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies,
or technology, to solve problems MA2-2WM
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the
reasoning used MA2-3WM
uses mental and informal written strategies for
multiplication and division MA2-6NA
Background Information
An inverse operation is an operation that reverses the effect
of the original operation. Addition and subtraction are
inverse operations; multiplication and division are inverse
Linking multiplication and division is an important
understanding for students in Stage 2. They should come to
realise that division 'undoes' multiplication and
multiplication 'undoes' division. Students should be
encouraged to check the answer to a division question by
multiplying their answer by the divisor. To divide, students
may recall division facts or transform the division into
a multiplication and use multiplication facts, eg is the same
as .
The use of digital technologies includes the use of

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: multiply, multiplied by, product, multiplication,
multiplication facts, tens, ones, double, multiple, factor,
shared between, divide, divided by, division, halve,
remainder, equals, is the same as, strategy, digit.
As students become more confident with recalling
multiplication facts, they may use less language. For
example, 'five rows (or groups) of three' becomes 'five
threes' with the 'rows of' or 'groups of' implied. This then
leads to 'one three is three', 'two threes are six', 'three
threes are nine', and so on.
The term 'product' has a meaning in mathematics that is
different from its everyday usage. In mathematics, 'product'
refers to the result of multiplying two or more numbers
Students need to understand the different uses for the =
sign, eg 4 3 = 12, where the = sign indicates that the right
side of the number sentence contains 'the answer' and
Recall multiplication facts up to 10 10 and related division facts
count by fours, sixes, sevens, eights and nines using skip counting
use the term 'product' to describe the result of multiplying two or
more numbers, eg 'The product of 5 and 6 is 30'
use mental strategies to build multiplication facts to at least 10
10, including:
using the commutative property of multiplication, eg 7 9 = 9 7
using known facts to work out unknown facts, eg 5 7 is 35, so 6
7 is 7 more, which is 42
using doubling and repeated doubling as a strategy to multiply by
2, 4 and 8, eg 7 8 is double 7, double again and then double again
using the relationship between multiplication facts, eg the
multiplication facts for 6 are double the multiplication facts for 3
factorising one number, eg 5 8 is the same as 5 2 4, which
becomes 10 4
recall multiplication facts up to 10 10, including zero facts, with
find 'multiples' for a given whole number, eg the multiples of 4
are 4, 8, 12, 16,
relate multiplication facts to their inverse division facts, eg 6 4 =
24, so 24 6 = 4 and 24 4 = 6
determine 'factors' for a given whole number, eg the factors of 12
are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
use the equals sign to record equivalent number relationships
involving multiplication, and to mean 'is the same as', rather than to
mean to perform an operation, eg 4 3 = 6 2
- connect number relationships involving multiplication to factors of
a number, eg 'Since 4 3 = 6 2, then 4, 3, 2 and 6 are factors of 12'
- check number sentences to determine if they are true or false and
explain why, eg 'Is 7 5 = 8 4 true? Why or why not?'
Develop efficient mental and written strategies, and use
appropriate digital technologies, for multiplication and for division
where there is no remainder
multiply three or more single-digit numbers, eg 5 3 6
model and apply the associative property of multiplication to aid
mental computation, eg 2 3 5 = 2 5 3 = 10 3 = 30
- make generalisations about numbers and number relationships, eg
'It doesn't matter what order you multiply two numbers in because
the answer is always the same'
use mental and informal written strategies to multiply a two-digit
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney

should be read to mean 'equals', compared to a statement of
equality such as 4 3 = 6 2, where the = sign should be
read to mean 'is the same as'.
number by a one-digit number, including:
using known facts, eg 10 9 = 90, so 13 9 = 90 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 90 +
27 = 117
multiplying the tens and then the units, eg 7 19: 7 tens + 7 nines
is 70 + 63, which is 133
using an area model, eg 27 8

using doubling and repeated doubling to multiply by 2, 4 and 8, eg
23 4 is double 23 and then double again
using the relationship between multiplication facts, eg 41 6 is 41
3, which is 123, and then double to obtain 246
factorising the larger number, eg 18 5 = 9 2 5 = 9 10 = 90
- create a table or simple spreadsheet to record multiplication facts,
eg a 10 10 grid showing multiplication facts
use mental strategies to divide a two-digit number by a one-digit
number where there is no remainder, including:
using the inverse relationship of multiplication and division, eg 63
9 = 7 because 7 9 = 63
recalling known division facts
using halving and repeated halving to divide by 2, 4 and 8, eg 36
4: halve 36 and then halve again
using the relationship between division facts, eg to divide by 5,
first divide by 10 and then multiply by 2
- apply the inverse relationship of multiplication and division to
justify answers, eg 56 8 = 7 because 7 8 = 56
record mental strategies used for multiplication and division
select and use a variety of mental and informal written strategies
to solve multiplication and division problems
- check the answer to a word problem using digital technologies
Use mental strategies and informal recording methods for division
with remainders
model division, including where the answer involves a remainder,
using concrete materials
- explain why a remainder is obtained in answers to some division
use mental strategies to divide a two-digit number by a one-digit
number in problems for which answers include a remainder, eg 27
6: if 4 6 = 24 and 5 6 = 30, the answer is 4 remainder 3
record remainders to division problems in words, eg 17 4 = 4
remainder 1
interpret the remainder in the context of a word problem, eg 'If a
car can safely hold 5 people, how many cars are needed to carry 41
people?'; the answer of 8 remainder 1 means that 9 cars will be

Sharon Tooney


facts up to 10
10 and related
division facts

Develop efficient
mental and
strategies, and
use appropriate
technologies, for
and for division
where there is no

Use mental
strategies and
methods for
division with

Students explore division problems involving remainders, using counters eg We have to
put the class into four even teams but we have 29 students. What can we do? Students
make an array to model the solution and record their answer to show the connection with
multiplication eg 29 = 4 7 + 1.
Students could interpret the remainder in the context of a word problem eg Each team
would have 7 students and one student could umpire. Students could record the answer
showing the remainder eg 29 4 = 7 remainder 1. The teacher could model recording
the students solutions, using both forms of recording division number sentences.
The teacher sets further problems that involve remainders eg A school wins 125
computers. If there are seven classes, how many computers would each class receive?
Since only whole objects are involved, students discuss possible alternatives for sharing
remainders. Students write their own division problems, with answers involving
Support/Extension: adjust
complexity of questions
Counters, paper and

Ancient Egyptian Long Multiplication
The teacher explains to the students that the Ancient Egyptians had a different number
system and did calculations in a different way. They used doubling to solve long
multiplication problems eg for 11 23 they would double, and double again,
1 23 = 23
2 23 = 46
4 23 = 92
8 23 = 184
1+ 2 + 8 = 11, so they added the answers to 1 23, 2 23 and 8 23 to find 11 23.
184 +
Students are encouraged to make up their own two-digit multiplication problems and use
the Egyptian method to solve them.
Support: concrete materials,
multiplication tables to
support answering
Paper and pencils

Factors Game
The teacher prepares two dice, one with faces numbered 1 to 6 and the other with faces
numbered 5 to 10. Each student is given a blank 6 6 grid on which to record factors from
1 to 60. Students work in groups and take turns to roll the two dice and multiply the
numbers obtained. For example, if a student rolls 5 and 8, they multiply the numbers
together to obtain 40 and each student in the group places counters on all of the factors of
40 on their individual grid ie 1 and 40, 2 and 20, 4 and 10, 5 and 8. The winner is the first
student to put three counters in a straight line, horizontally or vertically.
Support: concrete materials
to aide answering questions

Dice, 6x6 grids,
counters, paper and

Students find a space to stand in the classroom. The teacher asks students in turn to
answer questions eg What are the factors of 16? If the student is incorrect they sit down.
Support: multiplication
tables as direct reference

Sharon Tooney

The teacher continues to ask the same question until a correct answer is given. When a
student gives a correct answer, they take a step closer to another student and may tip
them if within reach. The tipped student sits down. The question is then changed. Play
continues until one student remains, who then becomes the questioner. This game is
designed for quick responses and repeated games.
9 New From Old
Students are asked to write a multiplication and a division number fact. Each student uses
these facts to build new number facts
eg Starting with12 3 = 4 Starting with 3 2 = 6
24 3 = 8 6 2 = 12
48 3 = 16 12 2 = 24
96 3 = 32 24 2 = 48
Possible questions include:
- what strategy did you use?
- what other strategies could you use?
- what strategy did you use?
- did you use the relationship between multiplication and division facts?
Support: concrete materials
where needed
paper and pencils

Revision and Assessment


Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the
reasoning used MA2-3WM
represents, models and compares commonly used fractions
and decimals MA2-7NA
Background Information
In Stage 2 Fractions and Decimals 2, fractions with
denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 100 are studied.
Denominators of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 were introduced in Stage 2
Fractions and Decimals 1.
Fractions are used in different ways: to describe equal parts
of a whole; to describe equal parts of a collection of objects;
to denote numbers (eg is midway between 0 and 1 on the
number line); and as operators related to division (eg
dividing a number in half).
Money is an application of decimals to two decimal places.
Refer also to background information in Fractions and
Decimals 1.

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: whole, part, equal parts, half, quarter, eighth,
third, sixth, fifth, tenth, hundredth, one-sixth, one-tenth,
one hundredth, fraction, numerator, denominator, whole
number, number line, is equal to, equivalent fractions,
decimal, decimal point, digit, place value, round to, decimal
places, dollars, cents.
The decimal 1.12 is read as 'one point one two' and not 'one
point twelve'.
Refer also to language in Fractions and Decimals 1.
Investigate equivalent fractions used in contexts (ACMNA077)
model, compare and represent fractions with
denominators of 2, 4 and 8; 3 and 6; and 5, 10 and 100
model, compare and represent the equivalence of fractions
with related denominators by redividing the whole, using
concrete materials, diagrams and number lines
record equivalent fractions using diagrams and numerals
Recognise that the place value system can be extended to
tenths and hundredths, and make connections between
fractions and decimal notation (ACMNA079)
recognise and apply decimal notation to express whole
numbers, tenths and hundredths as decimals
investigate equivalences using various methods
identify and interpret the everyday use of fractions and
decimals, such as those in advertisements
state the place value of digits in decimal numbers of up to
two decimal places
use place value to partition decimals of up to 2 decimal
partition decimals of up to two decimal places in non-
standard forms
apply knowledge of hundredths to represent amounts of
money in decimal form
model, compare and represent decimals of up to two
decimal places
apply knowledge of decimals to record measurements,
interpret zero digit(s) at the end of a decimal
recognise that amounts of money are written with two
decimal places
use one of the symbols for dollars ($) and cents (c)
correctly when expressing amounts of money
use a calculator to create patterns involving decimal
place decimals of up to 2 decimal places on a number line
round a number with one or two decimal places to the
nearest whole number
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


fractions used in

Recognise that
the place value
system can be
extended to
tenths and
hundredths, and
fractions and
decimal notation

A Pikelet Recipe
Students explore dividing wholes into equal parts and use sharing diagrams to divide by
fractions. The activity aims to promote partwhole conceptual understanding and to assist
students perform fraction computations based on using a sound understanding of the
fraction concept.
1. Place 4 identical empty cylindrical clear plastic tumblers near each other on a table.
- I want to pour half a glass of drink. Who can show me where about on the glass I would
need to fill it to?
Provide the student with a thin piece of masking tape to record his or her answer. A
marking pen can be used to identify the exact level.
- Who thinks that this is the place we should fill the tumbler to get half a glass?
Allow an opportunity for class discussion and if the student wishes, he or she can move
the tape.
- How can we know if we are right?
2. Put out another transparent tumbler with vertical sides.
- Can you show me where I would have to fill this glass to get one-quarter of a glass?
Attach a small piece of thin black tape at the indicated location.
- Does this look correct? (Adjust as directed.)
Draw a sketch of the tumbler on the board. Ask one student to add a line to your diagram
on the board to show one-quarter of a glass.
3. Put out three empty transparent tumblers with vertical sides and one tumbler full of
- By pouring, and using any of these other glasses, show me exactly a third of a glass of
water? What fraction remains in the glass?
Draw a sketch of the three tumblers on the board. Ask one student to add a line to your
diagram on the board to show one-third of a glass.
- Who can show me two-thirds of a glass by drawing a line on the glass I have drawn on the
4. I have 6 cups of milk. A recipe needs of a cup of milk. How many times can I make the
recipe before I run out of milk? Can you draw your answer?
5. I have 6 cups of milk. A recipe needs one-quarter ( ) of a cup of milk. How many times
can I make the recipe before I run out of milk? Can you draw your answer?
6. Draw what would happen if I have 6 cups of milk and a recipe needs three-quarters
( ) of a cup of milk. How many times can I make the recipe before I run out of milk?
7. Who can draw what would happen if I have 6 cups of milk and a recipe needs one-third
( ) of a cup of milk? How many times can I make the recipe before I run out of milk?
8. I have 6 cups of milk. A recipe needs two-thirds ( ) of a cup of milk. How many times can I
Support: representations of
fractions as a reference
A pouring jug full of
water (food colouring
or cordial, optional),
4 cylindrical clear
plastic tumblers, thin
strips of masking
tape or similar.

Sharon Tooney

make the recipe before I run out of milk? Can you draw your answer?

Lamington Bars : Forming Equivalent Fractions
Students encounter partitioning a rectangle in two directions. The activity aims to promote
partwhole conceptual understanding leading to simple fraction multiplication.
1. Lamingtons are pieces of sponge cake covered in chocolate icing and dipped in shredded
coconut. Mrs Packer makes excellent lamingtons and she likes to put a layer of whipped
cream in the middle of her lamingtons. Mrs Packer starts with a large rectangular sponge
2. Distribute rectangular sheets of brown paper. Show by folding the piece of paper how
Mrs Packer could make four lamington bars.

Check to see which way the paper has been divided. If your students use different methods
to form quarters ask them if each person would still get the same cut of cake. If all students
create quarters by folding in the same direction take your piece of paper and fold it a
different way to the direction the class has chosen. Compare the different ways of forming
quarters shown above. Ask your students to show how the pieces of cake are equal.
3. I am going to make eight smaller lamington bars. Fold the rectangle into eighths as

If I wanted to eat this much (show three-quarters of the horizontally divided rectangle) how
many of the smaller lamington bars would this be equal to? Remember that you have to
explain your answer.
Support: representations of
fractions as a reference
Brown paper, paper
and pencils

Mrs Packers Visitors : Comparing Fractions
Students encounter partitioning a rectangle into different amounts and comparing the
resulting fractions.
1. Mrs Packer was expecting guests. She made five lamington bars and put them on two
tables ready for the guests. As each guest arrived Mrs Packer asked the guest to choose a
table. Once seated, the guests cannot change tables but must equally share the lamington
bars with all the guests at the table.
2. Mrs Packer has placed one lamington bar on one table and four lamington bars on the
other table.

Place one rectangular sheet of brown paper on one table and four rectangles of brown
paper on another table.
3. Mrs Packer is expecting eight guests. I want eight of you to play the part of the guests.
The aim is to get as much of the lamington bars as you can but you cannot change tables
after you sit down and everyone must wait until the last person sits down to share the
Support: representations of
fractions as a reference
Tables, brown paper,
paper and pencils

Sharon Tooney

lamington bars at their table. Send eight students out of the class and give each one a
number to represent the order in which they should return. As each student comes in and
sits down, ask the class to record how much each person at that table will receive.
Remember that as you sit down you will have to explain why you chose the table you sat at.
4. Show by folding the piece of paper how much each person on your table receives. What
would be the best solution? Record your answer.
5. Repeat the activity with two lamington bars on one able and three on the other.

Related Fractions 1 : One-Half, One-Quarter and One-Eighth
Students explore the relationships between the unit fractions , and through dividing a
continuous unit. They then express the equivalence between various units, as well as the
relationship between the unit fraction and the whole. The activity aims to promote an
understanding of the relationship between unit fractions with related denominators.
1. Write the fractions one-half ( ), one-quarter ( ) and one-eighth ( ) on the board. Hold
up a paper streamer approximately 90 cm long. Using this paper streamer, how could you
make one of these fractions? Allow the students some time to think about the question.
Which of these fractions will be the easiest to make? Why? Focus the questions on: How do
you know that you have one-half (or one-quarter or one-eighth)?
2. Fold the paper streamer in half and then fold one half in half. Unfold the streamer and
display it to the class. Point to each part in turn and ask:
- What fraction of the streamer is this part? How do you know?
3. If I fold one-quarter in half, what will I have? Fold the quarter in half and, as before, point
to each part in turn and ask:
- What fraction of the streamer is this part? How do you know?
Emphasise reversibility: If I fold the quarter in half I get two-eighths and two eighths is the
same as one quarter.
4. Which is the biggest part? Which is the smallest part? Can anyone see two fractions that
would be the same as another fraction?
5. Show me two-eighths. Show me two-quarters. Show me two-halves.
6. Draw the streamer and show how halves, quarters and eighths are related to each other.
Support: representations of
fractions as a reference
markers, paper and
pencils, paper

Revision and Assessment


Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies,
or technology, to solve problems MA2-2WM
measures, records, compares and estimates the masses of
objects using kilograms and grams MA2-12MG
Background Information
In Stage 2, students should appreciate that formal units
allow for easier and more accurate communication of
measures. Students are introduced to the kilogram and
gram. They should develop an understanding of the size of
these units, and use them to measure and estimate.

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: mass, measure, scales, kilogram, gram.
The term 'scales', as in a set of scales, may be confusing for
some students who associate it with other uses of the word
'scales', eg fish scales, scales on a map, or musical scales.
These other meanings should be discussed with students.
Use scaled instruments to measure and compare masses
recognise the need for a formal unit smaller than the
recognise that there are 1000 grams in one kilogram, ie
1000 grams = 1 kilogram
use the gram as a unit to measure mass, using a scaled
associate gram measures with familiar objects, eg a
standard egg has a mass of about 60 grams (Reasoning)
record masses using the abbreviation for grams (g)
compare two or more objects by mass measured in
kilograms and grams, using a set of scales
interpret statements, and discuss the use of kilograms
and grams, on commercial packaging (Communicating,
Problem Solving)
interpret commonly used fractions of a kilogram, including
, , , and relate these to the number of grams
solve problems, including those involving commonly
used fractions of a kilogram (Problem Solving)
record masses using kilograms and grams, eg 1 kg 200 g
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


Use scaled
instruments to
measure and
compare masses

Calibrated Elastic Band
Students work in a small group to hang known masses (in grams) from a large, thick elastic
band. Masses will need to be large enough to stretch the elastic band or use thinner elastic
bands for smaller masses. Students calibrate the stretch by marking and labelling the levels
on a backboard of cardboard or paper. Students use the scale to measure and record the
mass of other objects from the classroom. It may be necessary to have a supply of elastic
bands available as the elastic band may not return to its original length if used repeatedly
or with objects of a large mass. Check the mass of the objects by measuring with a set of
Support: peer tutor
grouping strategies
Large elastic bands,
nail or hook,
cardboard, paper
clips, objects to
compare, paper and

How Heavy Are My Books?
Students work individually or in pairs to select six books and estimate the mass of the books
in kilograms and grams. Students select appropriate scales to weigh the books. Students
find and record the mass of each individual book and then calculate the mass of the six
books by adding the six results. Students check their calculation by weighing the six books
and commenting on any variation from their calculation. The final report should include the
reasons for the selection of the measuring device.
Support: peer tutor
grouping strategies
Assorted scales,
books, pencils and

Which Scales?
Students work in small groups to trial and record the smallest and largest masses that can
be accurately measured on various measuring devices. The devices may include bathroom
scales, kitchen scales, balances, etc. Ensure that the students are conversant in how to read
the scale on each measuring device and that the scales are set at zero. Students may need
reminding to handle the equipment carefully and to check that scales have been placed on
a firm, flat surface.
Support: peer tutor
grouping strategies
Different measuring
devices, different
objects to weigh,
paper and pencils

Toy Story
Students bring a toy from home to be weighed. In small groups, students weigh and record
the mass of each toy. Students find the total mass of all toys in the group by weighing, by
also by adding the masses.
Extension: students graph
the mass of each toy in the
Toys, scales, paper
and pencils

Fruit Salad
Students work in pairs or small groups to select a measuring device and then measure the
mass of individual pieces of fruit, or vegetables. Students estimate then calculate how many
pieces would be needed to make a kilogram. Students check their calculations by working
with other groups to weigh and count 1 kilogram of the fruit or vegetables.
Support: peer tutor
grouping strategies
Fruit, vegetables,
kitchen scales,
pencils and paper

Aussies Abroad
Students work in small groups to investigate the gross and net weights of small plastic jars
and large glass containers of vegemite. If several different examples are used, each
container can be examined by a small group and then rotated to the next group. Students
determine which containers would hold the greater volume of vegemite and find how many
of each container would fit into a 10kilogram carton
Support: use of calculators

Extension: compare the
vegemite containers by
finding the best value for
Different size jars of
vegemite, scales,
calculators, paper
and pencils

Sharon Tooney

Mass Measurement Story Problem
Provide students with a variety of problems involving mass, in which they need to
determine the operation required to solve the problem. Examples include:
1. Selmas body weight is 22 kilograms, while Kiaras body weight is 3 kilograms heavier
than Selma. How heavy is Kiara?
2. Aquilas mum wants to make a cake. She bought 585 grams of flour, 250 grams of eggs,
and 150 grams of sugar. What is the total weight of the things that Aquila bought?
3. Andi had 1 kilogram of candy. After she gave some to Nadia, she still has 290 grams left.
How heavy was the candy that Andi gave to Nadia?
4. The limit of the baggage that each person can bring in the aeroplane is 20 kilograms.
Mitchells baggage weighs 24000 gram. How much over the limit is this?
5. Zandas mum bought 17 kg of rice, while Wendy and Cassies mum bought 15 kg and 22
kg. What is the total weight of rice that was bought?
Discuss how the students solved each problem and their results.

Making Chocolate Cake
Present the following recipe to the class:
Recipe for Chocolate Cake:
4 eggs (1 egg is about 75 gram)
150 gram of sugar
100 gram of hazelnut, finely ground
5 tablespoons cocoa powder (1 table spoon is about 10 gram)
300 g dark chocolate
100ml whipping cream (50 ml is about 50 gram)

Possible questions:
- What is the total mass of this chocolate cake?
- What is the total mass of 5 chocolate cakes?
- If I ate half of the cake, what would be the mass of the part I ate?
Support: concrete materials
to answer questions
Chocolate cake
recipe, paper and

Light Challenges
Students use the "feel" of 10 grams to make some guesses about light objects. They are not
allowed to use any measuring scales to help with Their guesses.
Students put each of Their guesses on named pieces of paper in the challenge containers to
be checked at the end of the lesson. Possible challenge stations include:
Challenge 1: How many paper clips in 10 grams?
Challenge 2: How many drawing pins 20 grams?
Challenge 3: How many cm cubes in 50 grams?
Challenge 4: How many marbles in 40 grams?
Challenge 5: How many teaspoons of rice in 30 grams?
After students have moved through the challenges and posted their prediction, determine
the answer to each as a class, using scales to measure.
Check student predictions and have students make generalisations about their prediction

10 gram weights,
variety of materials,
paper and pencils

Sharon Tooney

verses the correct answer for each challenge.

Revision and Assessment


Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the
reasoning used MA2-3WM
identifies, describes, compares and classifies angles MA2-
Background Information
A simple 'angle tester' can be made by placing a pipe-cleaner
inside a straw and bending the straw to form two arms.
Another angle tester can be made by joining two narrow
straight pieces of card with a split-pin to form the rotatable
arms of an angle.

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: angle, arm, vertex, right angle, acute angle, obtuse
angle, straight angle, reflex angle, angle of revolution.
The use of the terms 'sharp' and 'blunt' to describe acute and
obtuse angles, respectively, is counter-productive in
identifying the nature of angles. Such terms should not be
used with students as they focus attention on the external
points of an angle, rather than on the amount of turning
between the arms of the angle.
Compare angles and classify them as equal to, greater than
or less than a right angle (ACMMG089)
compare angles using informal means, such as by using an
'angle tester'
recognise and describe angles as 'less than', 'equal to',
'about the same as' or 'greater than' a right angle
classify angles as acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex or a
describe the size of different types of angles in relation
to a right angle, eg acute angles are less than a right
angle (Communicating)
relate the turn of the hour hand on a clock through a
right angle or straight angle to the number of hours
elapsed, eg a turn through a right angle represents the
passing of three hours (Reasoning)
identify the arms and vertex of the angle in an opening, a
slope and/or a turn where one arm is visible and the other
arm is invisible, eg the bottom of an open door is the visible
arm and the imaginary line on the floor across the doorway
is the other arm
create, draw and classify angles of various sizes, eg by
tracing along the adjacent sides of shapes
draw and classify the angle through which the minute
hand of a clock turns from various starting points
(Communicating, Reasoning)
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


Compare angles
and classify
them as equal
to, greater than
or less than a
right angle

Measuring Angles in the Classroom
Students use the windmill pattern as an angle tester to measure and record at least three
different angles found in the classroom. Students record an acute, an obtuse and a right
Discuss how the angles on the windmill sheet can be used as informal units to measure other
- What have we learnt about angles?
Discuss strategies that students might use to copy and measure angles in the classroom in
terms of windmill units.
- How would I measure an angle?
- How have we used the windmill angle tester to measure other angles?
Students measure, draw and label at least three corners (including an acute, an obtuse and a
right angle) in the classroom.
Discuss students responses and the range of angle sizes found.
- Who had the smallest angle?
- Who had the largest angle?
- How big are these angles?
- How many windmill angles fit into an acute angle?
- How many windmill angles fit into an obtuse angle?
Support: individual
assistance as required
Bent straws,
Windmill BLM or
pencils and paper

Measuring Body Angles
Students investigate and record angles made by parts of their body, using the windmill angle
tester to measure the angles.
Discuss different angles that can be made with the human body. Stand with one arm straight
out to the side, then bend your arm at the elbow. Have students do the same, and discuss the
angles they can make. Revise the use of terminology arms and vertex, before discussing the
arms and vertex in the body angles. Ask a student to hold her arm out straight and ask what
the angle is at the elbow. Introduce the term straight angle.
- Can you show us how to make an angle with a part of your body?
- What angles can you see when I bend my arm like this?
- How would you describe these angles?
- What angles can you make with your elbow?
- When I make an angle with my elbow, where are the arms and the vertex of the angle?
- How big is the angle at the elbow when an arm is held straight out from the body?
- What could we call this angle?
Have your students work in pairs to:
make different body angles and discuss these with their partner
complete the body angles sheet.
Discuss students answers to the body angles questions. Focus on the largest and smallest
Extension: Point out that
some angles go beyond a
straight angle, e.g. most
people can bend their
wrist more than six
windmill angles. Such
angles are called reflex
angles. Find some more
Windmill BLM, Body
Angles BLM, pencils
and paper

Sharon Tooney

angles which students can make by bending their wrists.
What were the easiest angles to find or make?
Can anybody tell us about body angles which we havent already discussed?
What are the largest and smallest angles you can make with your wrist?
Can you estimate the size of these in windmill angles?

Drawing Two-Line Angles
Students draw diagrams that can represent angles in any situation. They investigate the
similarity between two-line angles in different locations.
Revise and discuss situations in which the size of an angle may change. These may include
body angles, the hands of a clock, or scissors. Discuss how angles on objects or in different
situations can be fixed or changeable.
- We have discussed how the angles on some objects are fixed or dont change, and angles on
other objects can change by opening or turning.
- Tell us about some angles in this room that are fixed.
- Tell us about objects in this room that have changeable angles
Discuss how to draw an angle diagram that could represent
any of these situations and ask students to demonstrate on
the board.
- How can you draw an angle so that it can look like either a fixed angle or one that can be
Ask students to suggest the angles on objects or shapes that could be represented by the
angle diagrams on the chalkboard. Introduce and discuss the drawing two-line angles sheet.
Have your students complete the drawing two-line angles sheet.
Discuss students answers to the worksheet questions. Review the different types of angles
students have identified. Review the different parts of angles on a variety of objects.
- What is the same about all the angles you have found?
- What can you tell us about the parts of these angles?
- What have you learnt about angles?
Support: have students
work in pairs to complete
the drawing two-line
angles sheet.

extension: Discuss what it
means to say that angle is
an abstract concept
(Angle is an abstract
concept because it
represents the same idea
occurring in different
situations; it is abstracted
from all those contexts.
Similarly, the angle
diagrams above are called
abstract diagrams because
they do not represent any
particular angle but what
is common to all angles of
that size, in different
Objects with movable
arms, Drawing Two-
Line Angles BLM,
pencils and paper,
access to angle
testers and pattern

Measuring The Angle Of Opening Of Doors
Students are introduced to the concept of a one-line angle by measuring the angle of opening
of a door. Students measure the angle of opening of a door using the house activity sheet and
a floating door, using pattern block corners.
Open and close the classroom door slowly. Discuss how the door turns or pivots on the
hinges. Discuss the angle of opening of the door by looking at the top edge and then the
bottom edge. Discuss how to visualise the arm formed by the doorway at the bottom edge.
Demonstrate opening the classroom door to about 45 and the door on the house worksheet
or the model house to about 45 and use a bent straw to check that the angles are equal.
Discuss how the angle could be measured with pattern block corners.
- Describe what is happening when this door opens and closes?
- What allows the door to swing this way?
- How could we describe this in mathematical terms?
- How could I measure the angle of opening?
Support: individual
assistance as required,
peer tutor grouping
House BLM, A5 card,
pattern blocks,
scissors and bent
straw; optional
model house for

Sharon Tooney

- How could I make the same angle of opening with the model door or house worksheet
door? How could I measure this angle?
Activity A
Have pairs of students prepare their house worksheets and lay the sheets on their desks.
Explain how Student A will select a pattern block angle and open the house door to match the
angle without their partner seeing. Student B will estimate which pattern block angle was
chosen. The players measure the angle and then reverse the roles.
Activity B
Demonstrate to the students how to fold the A5 card to make a floating door. Hold the
floating door upright on a desk. Discuss how one arm of the angle must be imagined when
the door is opened. Ask your students to make a floating door and repeat the activity of
measuring the opening with a pattern block.
Discuss the different angles that can be made when the door is opened. Ensure students
understand that part of the angle when a door is opened needs to be imagined or
remembered, as it cannot be seen.
- What are the largest and smallest angles you can make when you open the door?
- In an angle of opening, where is the vertex? Where are the arms of the angle?

Revision and Assessment


Sharon Tooney


Sharon Tooney

Body Angles
Raise one arm at your side, like this:
What angle sizes can you make?
Draw the smallest angle and the largest angle.

Make your hand flat and then make an angle
At your wrist, like this:
What angle sizes can you make?
Draw the smallest angle and the largest angle.

Complete the drawing of a school student to
make the following angles:
angle right arm raised = 3 windmill angles
angle at right elbow = 2 windmill angles
angle left arm raised = 5 windmill angles
angle at left elbow = 4 windmill angles

Sharon Tooney

Drawing Two-Line Angles
Part 1. Each of these objects makes an angle. Draw the angles on each object.

Part 2. Draw the three angles separately here:

Part 3. Find a way to check that the angles you drew in Part 2 are the same size as the angles you found in
Part 1. Write how you measured the angles.
Sharon Tooney

Part 4. Here is another angle:

Draw and label three different objects that make an angle this size:

Part 5. What is an angle?

Sharon Tooney


Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the
reasoning used MA2-3WM
makes, compares, sketches and names three-dimensional
objects, including prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and
spheres, and describes their features MA2-14MG
Background Information
When using examples of Aboriginal rock carvings and other
Aboriginal art, it is recommended that local examples be
used wherever possible. Consult with local Aboriginal
communities and education consultants for such examples.
Refer also to background information in Three-Dimensional
Space 1.

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: object, two-dimensional shape (2D shape), three-
dimensional object (3D object), cone, cube, cylinder, prism,
pyramid, sphere, top view, front view, side view, isometric
grid paper, isometric drawing, depth.
Refer also to language in Three-Dimensional Space 1.
Investigate and represent three-dimensional objects using
identify prisms (including cubes), pyramids, cylinders,
cones and spheres in the environment and from drawings,
photographs and descriptions
investigate types of three-dimensional objects used in
commercial packaging and give reasons for some being
more commonly used (Communicating, Reasoning)
sketch prisms (including cubes), pyramids, cylinders and
cones, attempting to show depth
compare their own drawings of three-dimensional
objects with other drawings and photographs of three-
dimensional objects (Reasoning)
draw three-dimensional objects using a computer
drawing tool, attempting to show depth
sketch three-dimensional objects from different views,
including top, front and side views
investigate different two-dimensional representations of
three-dimensional objects in the environment, eg in
Aboriginal art (Communicating)
draw different views of an object constructed from
connecting cubes on isometric grid paper
interpret given isometric drawings to make models of
three-dimensional objects using connecting cubes
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


Investigate and
represent three-
objects using

Identify Prisms
Identify and name 3D objects, using concrete models, including; cubes, pyramids, cylinders,
cones and spheres. Discuss the properties of each shape.
Using the school play equipment as an example of 3D shapes in the environment, have the
students make a detailed sketch of the equipment.
Students should then be encouraged to identify the different 3D shapes used in the make-
up of the school play equipment and label these on their diagram.
Discuss the different 3D shapes used in the play equipment. Possible questions:
- What 3D shapes did you identify within the play equipment?
- What was the predominant shape used? Why do you think this was the case?
- What purpose did each shape play in the functionality of the play equipment?
- Is there any piece of the equipment that you think could have better utilised a different
3D shape? Why?
Support: individual
assistance as required
3D models, paper
and pencils

3D Shapes in Construction
Provide students with a variety of pictures of buildings from around the world. Have them
identify and draw the 3D shapes that make up the buildings construction. Explain to
students that a photograph is a 2D representation of a 3D object and so we are unable to
see the entire object. Keeping this in mind, have the students predict, how many of the 3D
shapes they believe went into the construction of the building (obviously this does not
involve predicting the number of bricks, for example, but rather columns etc)

Students should be encouraged to compare their drawings to exact drawings of 3D shapes
to check for accuracy and to determine how to improve on their attempts.
Support: individual
assistance as required
3D models, pictures
of buildings and/or
landmarks, paper and

Different Views
Provide students with concrete examples of 3D shapes. Students work in small groups to
share a selection of shapes.
Students need to select one shape at a time and draw and label the shape. They then need
to draw the shape from different views including; top, front and side views.
Students should present their sketches in a table using the headings; 3D Shape, Top View,
Front View and Side View at the top of each column.
Support: individual
assistance as required, peer
tutor grouping strategies,
provide ready-made tables
3D models, paper
and pencils

Drawing Shapes on Isometric Paper
Teach the students how to draw a cube on isometric paper:
Extension: make and draw
shapes, such as, the
Isometric paper,
pencils. Whiteboard,
IWB isometric paper

Sharon Tooney

Provide students with examples of isometric drawings of interlocking cubes. Have the
students use the images to create the shapes themselves using interlocking cubes and then
draw the shapes on isometric paper using the diagrams as a guide. Possible examples:

Creating and Drawing Shapes from Interlocking Cubes
Have students create a series of shapes using 3,4, 5............ interlocking cubes. Have
students draw their shapes on isometric paper or alternatively, have the students work in
pairs and draw their partners shapes.
Provide students with a series of interlocking cube shape diagrams and have them
determine the number of cubes within each one. Possible examples:

Support: Allow students
who are unable to visualise
the number of cubes used in
the 2
part of the lesson,
make a model using
interlocking cubes
Extension: Use more
complex diagrams, such as,
the following:

Isometric paper,
pencils. Whiteboard,
IWB isometric paper

Drawing 3D Shapes With Computers
Have students experiment with drawing individual 3D shapes using computer software
and/or online tools.
When students have become proficient in drawing individual shapes, see if they can create
a 3D image of a building, for example.
Possible online tools/downloadable programs include:
Alternatively 3D shapes can be created using Word:
Step 1: Launch Microsoft Word, and click the Insert tab at the top of the screen, then click
the Shapes button.
Step 2: Click one of the shapes, such as a circle, from the drop-down selection menu. None
of the shapes are 3D; youll add that look in a later step. The cursor turns into a plus sign.
Step 3: Drag the cursor on the Word page to form the shape. Click the shape to open the
new orange Drawing Tools tab at the top of the screen and the related ribbon below the
Support: individual support
as needed

Extension: encourage
students that are capable of
creating shapes without
assistance to incorporate
shapes into 3D designs and
or constructions
Computers, paper
and pencils

Sharon Tooney

Step 4: Click the 3-D Effects button on the ribbon. Without clicking, hover the cursor over
the options available, moving from button to button for options such as turning a flat circle
into a 3D cone.
Step 5: Experiment with hovering over the options in the drop-downs fly-out menus as
well, with 3D shape lighting and direction choices.
Step 6: Click an actual 3D effect to see it instantly take shape on the Word page.

Revision and Assessment


Sharon Tooney

STAGE: Year 4
ES1 S1 S2 S3

1 2 3 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A student:
uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to
represent, mathematical ideas MA2-1WM
describes and compares chance events in social and
experimental contexts MA2-19SP
Background Information
Theoretically, when a fair coin is tossed, there is an equal
chance of obtaining a head or a tail. If the coin is tossed and
five heads in a row are obtained, there is still an equal
chance of a head or a tail on the next toss, since each toss is
an independent event.

Students should be able to communicate using the following
language: chance, event, possible, impossible, likely, unlikely,
less likely, more likely, most likely, least likely, equally
likely, experiment, outcome.
Describe possible everyday events and order their chances of
occurring (ACMSP092)
use the terms 'equally likely', 'likely' and 'unlikely' to describe the
chance of everyday events occurring, eg 'It is equally likely that you
will get an odd or an even number when you roll a die'
compare the chance of familiar events occurring and describe the
events as being 'more likely' or 'less likely' to occur than each other
order events from least likely to most likely to occur, eg 'Having
10 children away sick on the same day is less likely than having one
or two away'
compare the likelihood of obtaining particular outcomes in a
simple chance experiment, eg for a collection of 7 red, 13 blue and
10 yellow marbles, name blue as being the colour
most likely to be drawn out and recognise that it is impossible to
draw out a green marble
Identify everyday events where one occurring cannot happen if the
other happens (ACMSP093)
identify and discuss everyday events occurring that cannot occur
at the same time, eg the sun rising and the sun setting
Identify events where the chance of one occurring will not be
affected by the occurrence of the other (ACMSP094)
identify and discuss events where the chance of one event
occurring will not be affected by the occurrence of the other, eg
obtaining a 'head' when tossing a coin does not affect the
chance of obtaining a 'head' on the next toss
explain why the chance of each of the outcomes of a second
toss of a coin occurring does not depend on the result of the
first toss, whereas drawing a card from a pack of playing cards
and not returning it to the pack changes the chance of
obtaining a particular card or cards in future draws
compare events where the chance of one event occurring is not
affected by the occurrence of the other, with events where the
chance of one event occurring is affected by the
occurrence of the other, eg decide whether taking five red lollies
out of a packet containing 10 red and 10 green lollies affects the
chance of the next lolly taken out being red, and
compare this to what happens if the first five lollies taken out are
put back in the jar before the sixth lolly is selected
Learning Across The Curriculum
Cross-curriculum priorities

Aboriginal &Torres Strait Islander histories & cultures
Asia & Australias engagement with Asia

General capabilities

Critical & creative thinking
Ethical understanding
Information & communication technology capability
Intercultural understanding
Personal & social capability

Other learning across the curriculum areas

Civics & citizenship
Difference & diversity
Work & enterprise
Sharon Tooney


Describe possible
everyday events
and order their
chances of

everyday events
where one
occurring cannot
happen if the
other happens

Identify events
where the
chance of one
occurring will
not be affected
by the
occurrence of the

Take-away Dice
In pairs, students play the following game to investigate the concept of fairness. In turns,
they throw two dice and subtract the smaller number from the larger number eg if 4 and
6 is thrown, they calculate 6 4 = 2.
Player A scores a point if the answer is 0, 1, or 2. Player B scores a point if the answer is 3, 4,
or 5.
Students play the game and are asked to comment on whether the game is fair and why.
Students are asked how the rules of the game could be changed to make the game fairer
and how they could be changed so it is impossible for one student to lose.
Support: concrete materials
to solve subtraction
problems, peer tutoring
strategies for grouping
Dice, paper and

Sample Bags
Students place four counters or blocks (eg three blue and one white) into a bag. The
teacher discusses with the students the chance of drawing out a blue block.
Possible questions include:
- would you have a good chance or a poor chance of drawing out a blue block? Why?
- what colour block is most likely to be drawn out? Why?
Students could trial their predictions by drawing a block out of the bag a number of times,
recording the colour and replacing the block each time. Students discuss their findings.
The colours are then swapped to three white blocks and one blue block. The teacher
discusses with the students the chance of drawing out a blue block from this new group.
Possible questions include:
- would you have a good chance or a poor chance of drawing out a blue block? Why?
- what colour block is most likely to be drawn out? Why?
Students complete a number of trials and discuss the results.
Students are encouraged to make summary statements eg If there are lots of blue blocks
you have a good chance of getting a blue block.
Support: summary
statement that only require
insertion of word explaining
Counters or blocks,
bag, paper and

Is It Fair?
The class is organised into four teams. Each team is allocated a colour name: red, blue,
green or yellow.
The teacher has a bag of counters composed of 10 red, 5 blue, 4 green and 1 yellow. The
students are told that there are twenty counters and that each colour is represented in the
bag. The composition of counters is not revealed to the students.
The teacher draws a counter from the bag and a point is given to the team with the
corresponding colour. The counter is then returned to the bag and the process is repeated
for twenty draws.
Individually, the students are then asked to predict the composition of coloured counters in
the bag, explain their prediction and state whether the game is fair.
Possible questions include:
Support: peer tutoring
strategies for grouping
Bag, counters, paper
and pencils

Sharon Tooney

- what happens if one colour is not included?
- have you tried using a diagram to help you with your predictions?
- what are some possible explanations?
- how will you know if your generalisations are reasonable?
Students are then told the composition of colours in the bag and are asked to name the
colours most and least likely to be drawn out.

Musical Chairs
Students play the game Musical Chairs removing one chair each time. The chance of each
student getting a chair is discussed. The game is repeated with three or more chairs
removed at a time and students are asked to comment on whether there is more or less
chance of getting out compared to the original game.
Variation: Other games could be played where an aspect of the game is changed to affect
the chance of various outcomes occurring.
Chairs, music CD

Combination Dressing
Students are told that they will be given three t-shirts and two pairs of trousers and are
asked to predict how many different combinations of clothes they could make from them.
They work out a strategy and follow it to calculate the number of combinations and
compare the results to their predictions.
Support: provide cardboard
cut-outs of clothes to make
combinations with
Paper and pencils

Revision and Assessment


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