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day 20 of the menstrual cycle of a young woman. Whether her cycle was ovulatory or not may be validly
assessed by the reported serum levels of
a) FSH
b) LH
c) Estradiol
d) Progesterone
Answer: Progesterone
3. The neurons may get irreversibly damaged if exposed to significant hypoxia for
a) 8 min
b) 2 min
c) 30 sec
d) 15 sec
Answer: 8 min.
1. Most accurate measurement of extracellular fluid volume (ECF) can be done by using
a) Sucrose
b) Mannitol
c) Inulin
d) Aminopyrine
Answer: Inulin
2. There is a mid-cycle shift in the basal body temperature (BBT) after ovulation in women. This is caused by:
a) FSH-peak
b) LH-peak
c) Estradiol
d) Progesterone
Answer: Progesterone
3. Various cells respond differentially to a second messenger (such as increased cAMP) because they have
a) Receptors
b) Enzymatic composition
c) Nuclei open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d) Membrane lipids
Answer: Enzymatic composition
4. A shift of posture from supine to upright posture is associated with cardio-vascular adjustments. Which of
the following is NOT true in this context?
a) Rise in central venous pressure
b) Rise in heart rate
c) Decrease in cardiac output
d) Decrease in stroke volume
Answer: Rise in central venous pressure
5. Osteoclast has specific receptor for:
a) Parathyroid hormone
b) Calcitonin
c) Thyroxin
d) Vit D3
Answer: Calcitonin
6. All are correct about potassium balance except.
a) Most of potassium is intracellular
b) Three quarter of the total body potassium is found in skeletal muscle.
c) Intracellular potassium is released into extra- cellular space in response to severe injury or surgical
d) Acidosis leads to movement of potassium from extracellular to intracellular fluid compartment.
Answer: Acidosis leads to movement of potassium from extracellular to intracellular fluid compartment.
7. Hypocalcaemia characterized by all except
a) Numbness and tingling of circum-oral region
b) Hyperactive tendon reflexes and positive Chvosteks sign
c) Shortening of Q-T interval in ECG
d) Carpo-pedal spasm
Answer: Shortening of Q-T interval in ECG
8. Dystrophic gene mutation leads to:
a) Myasthenia gravis open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
b) Motor neuron disease
c) Poliomyelitis
d) Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Answer: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
9. The hormone associated with cold adaption is:
a) Growth hormone
b) Thyroxin
c) Insulin
d) Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
Answer: Thyroxin
10. Father to son inheritance is never seen in case of:
a) Autosomal dominant inheritance
b) Autosomal recessive inheritance
c) X- linked recessive inheritance
d) Multi-factorial inheritance
Answer: X- linked recessive inheritance
11. Brain lipid binding protein is expressed by which of the following:
a) Mature astrocytes
b) Oligodendrocytes
c) Purkinje cells
d) Pyramidal neurons
Answer: Mature astrocytes
12. In angina pectoris, the pain radiating down the left arm is mediated by increased activity in afferent
(sensory) fibres contained in the:
a) Carotid branch of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve
b) Phrenic nerve
c) Vagus nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve
d) Thoracic splanchnic nerve
Answer: Thoracic splanchnic nerve
13. A 55-year-old male accident victim in casualty urgently needs blood. The blood bank is unable to open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
determine his ABO group, as his red cell group and plasma group do not match. Emergency transfusion of
patient should be with:
a) RBC corresponding to his red cell group and colloids/crystalloid.
b) Whole blood corresponding to his plasma group.
c) O positive RBC and colloids/ crystalloid.
d) AB negative whole blood.
Answer: O positive RBC and colloids/ crystalloid
14. Although more than 400 blood groups have been identified, the ABO blood group system remains the
most important in clinical medicine because:
a) It was the blood group system to be discovered
b) It has four different blood groups A, B, AB, O (H)
c) ABO (H) antigens are present in most body tissues and fluids
d) ABO (H) antibodies are invariably present in plasma when persons RBC lacks the corresponding antigen
Answer: ABO (H) antibodies are invariably present in plasma when persons RBC lacks the corresponding
15. The mechanism that protects normal pancreas from auto-digestion is
a. Secretion of bicarbonate
b. Protease inhibitors present in plasma
c. Proteolytic enzyme secreted in inactive form
d. The resistance of pancreatic cells
Answer: Proteolytic enzyme secreted in inactive form
1. In the following food items, which one has the highest Glycemic index?
a) Corn flakes
b) Brown rice
c) Ice-cream
d) Whole wheat bread
Answer: Corn flakes
2. Several hormones regulate the tubular re-absorption of water and electrolytes at different sites in the
nephron. Which of the following combination is correct?
a) Angiotensin in distal tubule open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
b) Aldosterone in collecting ducts
c) ADH in proximal tubule
d) ANP in loop of Henle
Answer: Aldosterone in collecting ducts
3. Inflation of lungs induces further inflation is explained by:
a) Hering-Breuer inflation reflex
b) Hering-Breuer deflation reflex
c) Heads paradoxical reflex
d) J-reflex
Answer: Heads paradoxical reflex
4. If you calculate the plasma osmolality of a child with plasma Na+ 125 mEq/l, glucose 108 mg/dl, and BUN
(blood urea nitrogen) 140 mg/dl, the most appropriate answer would be:
a) 300 mOsm/ kg
b) 306 mOsm/ kg
c) 312 mOsm/ kg
d) 318 mOsm/ kg
Answer: 306 mOsm/ kg
5. Relative color and luminosity of photoreceptive input under changing light conditions are regulated and
maintained by
a) Muller cells
b) Amacrine cells
c) Ganglion cells
d) Retinal astrocytes
Answer: Amacrine cells
6. Exposure to darkness leads to increased melatonin secretion. It is brought about by:
a) Decreasing the activity of suprachiasmatic nuclei
b) Increasing the serotonin N-acetyl transferase
c) Decreasing the hydroxy-indole-o-methyl transferase activity
d) Blocking the release of nor-epinephrine from sympathetic nerve terminals
Answer: Increasing the serotonin N-acetyl transferase open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
1. The inhibitory neurotransmitter in CNS neurons is
a) Glutamate
b) Aspartate
c) Gamma-amino butyric acid
d) Taurine
Answer: Gamma-amino butyric acid
2. Which one of the following clearly states the role of cerebellum in motor performance?
a. Planning and programming of movement
b. Convert abstract thought into voluntary action
c. Initiation of skilled voluntary action
d. Smoothens and coordinates ongoing movements
Answer: Smoothens and coordinates ongoing movements
3. Which of the following phrase adequately describes Pacinian corpuscles?
a. A type of pain receptors
b. Slowly adapting touch receptors
c. Rapidly adapting touch receptors
d. Located in the joints
Answer: Rapidly adapting touch receptors
4. Ovulation is associated with sudden rise in:
a. Prolactin
b. Testosterone
c. LH
d. Oxytocin
Answer: LH
5. The normal adult human electroencephalogram (EEG):
a. Will show high frequency waves during stage 3 sleep
b. Shows alpha rhythm when a person is awake but inattentive
c. Has lower frequency waves during mental activity
d. Is predominated by large amplitude waves during REM sleep open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Answer: Shows alpha rhythm when a person is awake but inattentive
6. The afferent fibers which are most sensitive to local anesthetic belong to group:
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
Answer: C
7. Lower esophageal sphincter:
a. Has no tonic activity
b. Has a tone which is provided by the sympathetic system
c. Relaxes on increasing abdominal pressure
d. Relaxes ahead of the peristaltic wave
Answer: Relaxes ahead of the peristaltic wave
8. Drinking can be induced by:
a. Electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus
b. Osmotic stimulation of supra-optic nucleus
c. Lesions in the para-ventricular nucleus
d. Neuronal lesion of the pre-optic nucleus
Answer: ?
9. When information memorized afterwards is interfered by the information learnt earlier, it is called:
a. Retroactive inhibition
b. Proactive inhibition
c. Simple inhibition
d. Inhibition
Answer: Proactive inhibition
10. Wedged hepatic venous pressure represents pressure in:
a. Main portal vein
b. Main hepatic vein
c. Sinusoids
d. Central vein radicles open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Answer: Sinusoids
11. The pressure-volume curve is shifted to the left in:
a. Mitral regurgitation
b. Aortic regurgitation
c. Mitral stenosis
d. Aortic stenosis
Answer: Aortic stenosis
12. The intrafusal fibers of the striated skeletal muscles are innervated by one of the following type of motor
neurons. Choose the correct answer:
a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Gamma
d. Delta
Answer: Gamma
13. The correct sequence of cell cycle is:
a. G0-G1-S-G2-M
b. G0-G1-G2-S-M
c. G0-M-G2-S-G1
d. G0-G1-S-M-G2
Answer: G0-G1-S-G2-M
1. Erythropoiesis is promoted by all of the following except:
b) Thyroxin
c) Estrogen
d) Prolactin
Answer: Estrogen
2. Which of the following is the best-known metabolic function of the lung?
a. Inactivation of serotonin open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
b. Conversion of angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II
c. Inactivation of Bradykinin
d. Metabolism of basic drugs by cytochrome P-450 system
Answer: Conversion of angiotensin-I to angiotensin-II
3. When the aviator is subjected to negative G:
a. The hydrostatic pressure in veins of lower limb increases
b. The cardiac output decreases
c. Black out occurs
d. The cerebral arterial pressure rises
Answer: The cerebral arterial pressure rises
4. Which combination of the following statements is correct with reference to hypoxia?
A. When it is severe; causes stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
B. It leads to the accumulation of hydrogen and lactate ions
C. It causes decrease in cerebral blood flow
D. If it is chronic, causes rightward shift of oxygen Hb curve
a. All of the above statements are correct
b. B and C
c. A, B and D
d. B, C and D
Answer: A, B and D
6. Which one of the following acts to increase the release of Ca2+ from endoplasmic reticulum?
a. Inositol tri-phosphate
b. Parathyroid hormone
c. 1, 25-dihydroxy Cholecalciferol
d. Di-acyglycerol
Answer: Inositol tri-phosphate
7. If a single spinal nerve is cut, the area of tactile loss is always greater than the area of loss of painful
sensations, because:
a. Tactile information is carried by myelinated fast conducting fires
b. Tactile receptors adapt quickly
c. Degree of overlap of fibres carrying tactile sensation is much less open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d. In the primary sensory cortex tactile sensation is represented on a larger area
Answer: Degree of overlap of fibres carrying tactile sensation is much less
1. Phantom limb sensations are best described by:
a. Weber Fechner Law
b. Fechners law of degeneration
c. Pascals law
d. Law of projection
Answer: Law of projection
2. In a fetus the insulin secretion begins by:
a) 3rd month
b) 5th month
c) 7th month
d) 9th month
Answer: 3rd month
3. Which of the following hormones is an example of a peptide hormone?
a) Parathormone
b) Adrenaline
c) Cortisol
d) Thyroxin
Answer: Parathormone
1. All of the following transport processes follow saturation kinetics except:
a) Facilitated diffusion
b) Na+-Ca2+ exchanger
c) Simple diffusion
d) Na+ coupled active transport
Answer: Simple diffusion
2. An antero-lateral cordotomy relieving pain in right leg is effective because it interrupts the:
a. Left dorsal column open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
b. Left ventral spino-thalamic tract
c. Left lateral spino-thalamic tract
d. Right lateral spino-thalamic tract
Answer: Left lateral spino-thalamic tract
4. Pulmonary function abnormalities in interstitial lung diseases include all of the following except:
a. Reduced vital capacity
b. Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio
c. Reduced diffusion capacity
d. Reduced total lung capacity
Answer: Reduced FEV1/FVC ratio
5. Which of the following situations will lead to increased viscosity of blood?
a. Fasting state
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Multiple myeloma
d. Amyloidogenesis
Answer: Multiple myeloma
6. Fetal hemoglobin has all the following characteristic features except:
a. Strong affinity for 2, 3-DPG
b. Oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to left
c. At low fetal PO2 gives up more oxygen to tissues than adult hemoglobin
d. Forms 80% of hemoglobin at birth
Answer: Strong affinity for 2, 3-DPG
7. According to Myogenic hypothesis of renal auto-regulation, the afferent arterioles contract in response to
stretch induced by:
a. NO release
b. Nor-adrenaline release
c. Opening of Ca2+ channels
d. Adenosine release
Answer: Opening of Ca2+ channels
8. Beta waveforms in electroencephalogram designate which of the following states of the patient: open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
a. Deep Anesthesia
b. Surgical Anesthesia
c. Light Anesthesia, eyes closed, relaxed
d. Awake/alert state
Answer: Awake/alert state
1. Which of the following organs secrete zinc in large amounts in man?
a) Seminal vesicle
b) Prostate
c) Epididymis
d) Vas
Answer: Prostate
2. Cushings triad include all except?
a) Hypertension
b) Bradycardia
c) Hypothermia
d) Irregular respiration
Answer: Hypothermia
3. Vanilloid receptors are activated by?
a) Pain
b) Vibration
c) Touch
d) Pressure
Answer: Pain
4. The sodium-potassium pump is an example of?
a) Active transport
b) Passive transport
c) Facilitated diffusion
d) Osmosis
Answer: Active transport open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
5. Which one of the following acts as a second messenger?
a) Mg++
b) Cl-
c) Ca++
d) PO4+3
Answer: Ca++
6. Follicular stimulating hormone receptors are present on?
a) Theca cells
b) Granulosa cells
c) Leydig cells
d) Basement membrane of ovarian follicle
Answer: Granulosa cells
7. All of the following factors influence hemoglobin dissociation curve except
a) Chloride ion concentration
b) CO2 tension
c) Temperature
d) 2, 3 BPG levels
Answer: Chloride ion concentration
8. The main difference between REM sleep and wakefulness is?
a) EEG de-synchronization
b) Rapid eye movements
c) Decreased muscle tone
d) Penile erection
Answer: Decreased muscle tone
9. On electromyography, all of the following features suggest denervation except?
a) Unregulated firing of individual muscle fibers
b) Small short duration poly-phasic action potentials
c) Presence of positive sharp waves
d) Spontaneous firing of motor units
Answer: Small short duration poly-phasic action potentials open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
10. Which one of the following is correct statement regarding coronary blood flow?
a) Coronary blood flow is directly related to perfusion pressure and inversely related to resistance
b) Coronary blood flow is inversely related to perfusion pressure and directly related to resistance
c) Coronary blood flow is directly related to perfusion pressure and also to resistance
d) Coronary blood flow is inversely related to perfusion pressure and also resistance
Answer: Coronary blood flow is directly related to perfusion pressure and inversely related to resistance
1. Regarding Golgi tendon organ true is
a) Dynamic length
b) Static length
c) Muscle tension
d) Stimulates the motor neurons of the same
Answer: Muscle tension
2. Increase in threshold level on applying sub-threshold, slowly rising stimulus is k/a
(AIIMS May 08)
a) Adaptation
b) Accommodation
c) Refractoriness
d) Electro-tonus
Answer: Accommodation
3. Nor-adrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine receptor belong to which family?
a) 7 pass receptor
b) 2 pass receptor
c) 5 pass receptor
d) Ligand gated
Answer: 7 pass receptor
4. Pulmonary circulation differ from systemic circulation
a) Decreased blood volume during systole
b) Pulmonary vasoconstriction in response to hypoxia
c) Pulmonary vaso-dilation in response to hypoxia
d) Increased basal vasoconstrictor tone open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Answer: Pulmonary vasoconstriction in response to hypoxia
5. Turbulence occurs with
a) Low density of blood
b) Reynoldss number < 1000
c) Increase in radius of vessel
d) Decrease in flow rate
Answer: Increase in radius of vessel
6. Mean arterial pressure (MAP)
a) (SBP + 2 DBP)/3
b) (DBP + 2 SBP)/3
c) (SBP + 3 DBP)/2
d) (DBP + 3 SBP)/2
Answer: (SBP + 2 DBP)/3
7. Which of the following favors filtration at the arteriolar end of the capillary bed?
a) Decrease in hydrostatic pressure of capillaries
b) Increase in hydrostatic pressure of capillaries
c) Increase in oncotic pressure of capillaries
d) Decrease in oncotic pressure of interstitium
Answer: Increase in hydrostatic pressure of capillaries
1. Iron is actively absorbed in:
a) Stomach
b) Duodenum and proximal jejunum
c) Large intestine
d) Ileum
Answer: Duodenum and proximal jejunum
2. Bile acids are synthesized from
a) Cholesterol
b) Amino acids
c) Bilirubin open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d) Protein
Answer: Cholesterol
3. Aldosterone receptors are present in all except
a) Liver
b) Colon
c) Hippocampus
d) Distal nephron
Answer: Liver
4. True about free water clearance is
a) Regulated by ADH
b) Regulated by Aldosterone
c) Increased by Frusemide
d) None of the above
Answer: Regulated by ADH
5. Oxygen delivery to tissues depends on all except
a) Cardiac output
b) Type of fluid administered
c) Hemoglobin concentration
d) Affinity of hemoglobin for Oxygen
Answer: Type of fluid administered
6. In isometric exercise all are increased except:
a) Heart rate
b) Cardiac output
c) Mean arterial pressure
d) Systemic vascular resistance
Answer: Systemic vascular resistance
7. Juxta-glomerular apparatus lies in relation to
a) Proximal convoluted tubule
b) Ascending loop of Henle
c) Descending loop of Henle open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d) Glomerulus
Answer: Glomerulus
8. Renin is secreted by
a) PCT
b) DCT
c) Collecting duct
d) Juxta-glomerular apparatus
Answer: Juxta-glomerular apparatus
9. Liver synthesizes all, except
a) C3 complement component
b) Haptoglobin
c) Fibrinogen
d) Immunoglobulin
Answer: Immunoglobulin
10. Cerebral blood flow is regulated by all except
a) Blood pressure
b) Arterial PCO2
c) Potassium ions
d) Cerebral metabolic rate
Answer: Potassium ions
11. True regarding endothelin-1 are all except
a) Broncho-dilatation
b) Vasoconstriction
c) Decreased GFR
d) Has inotropic effect
Answer: Broncho-dilatation
Endothelin-1 is a 21 amino acid peptide produced by vascular endothelium.
Function of Endothelin-1:
Vasoconstriction open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Cardiac stimulation (Inotropic)
Decrease renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate
Stimulates aldosterone secretion
Release ANP
12. True about blood pressure measurement is all except
a) Cuff width should be 40% of arm circumference
b) Diastolic blood pressure is indicated by fourth Korotkoff sound
c) Small cuff measures spuriously elevated Diastolic blood pressure
d) Monkenberg sclerosis causes pseudo-hypertension
Answer: Diastolic blood pressure is indicated by fourth Korotkoff sound
1. Sertoli cells in the testis have receptors for:
a) FSH
b) LH
c) Inhibin
d) Progesterone
Answer: FSH
2. Bicarbonate is maximally absorbed in:
a) PCT
b) DCT
c) Collecting duct
d) Thick ascending loop of Henle
Answer: PCT
3. Which of the following is correctly matched?
a) B cells-Somatostatin
b) D cells-Glucagon
c) G cells- Gastrin
d) A Cells-Insulin
Answer: G cells- Gastrin
4. Following change is noted during exercise: open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
a) Increased blood flow to the muscles after half minute of exercise
b) Increase in cerebral blood flow due to increase in systolic blood pressure
c) Body temperature increases
d) Lymphatic flow from muscle decreases
Answer: Body temperature increases
5. In a normal person, which of the following occurs when he changes to supine position from standing?
a) Cerebral perfusion increase
b) Heart rate settles to a higher level
c) Immediate increase in venous return
d) Decreased perfusion to apex
Answer: Immediate increase in venous return
6. The mechanism of action of surfactant is:
a) Breaks the structure of water in the alveoli
b) Lubricates the flow of CO2 diffusion
c) Makes the capillary surface hydrophilic
d) Binds O2
Answer: Breaks the structure of water in the alveoli
7. About myocardial O2 demand, true is:
a) Inverse relation with heart rate
b) Directly proportional to mean arterial pressure
c) Inverse relation to cardiac work
d) Has a constant relation to the external work done by the heart
Answer: Directly proportional to mean arterial pressure
8. All of the following occur when the increased blood flows through systemic capillaries except:
a) Increase in hematocrit
b) Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left
c) Increased protein content
d) Decrease in pH
Answer: Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the left
9. Regarding nitric oxide, false is: open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
a) Present in low concentration in cigarette smokers
b) Important role in penile erection
c) Helps to regulate vascular tone
d) Acts through cAMP
Answer: Acts through cAMP
10. Which of the following is not true about CSF?
a) Removable of CSF during dural tap causes intense intra-cranial headache
b) Normally contain no neutrophils
c) Formed by arachnoid villi
d) CSF pH less than plasma
Answer: Formed by arachnoid villi
1. Rods & Cones are differ in all except
a) Light Sensitivity
b) Wavelength
b) Acuity
d) Signal Transduction
Answer: Signal Transduction
2. Somatomedin mediates
a) Lipolysis
b) Gluconeogenesis
c) Glucose taken up by cells
d) Deposition of chondroitin sulfate
Answer: Deposition of chondroitin sulfate
3. Muscle spindle detects
a) Muscle Length
b) Muscles tension
c) Muscle stretch
b) Proprioception
Answer: Muscle Length open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
4. High affinity of fetal Hb for O2 due to:
a) Decreases 2, 3 DPG
b) Reduced pH
c) Increase releases of CO2
d) Oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to right
Answer: Decreases 2, 3 DPG
5. Estrogens action on carbohydrate metabolism
a) Increase uptake of glucose through increase in insulin sensitivity
b) Glycolysis increase
c) Increasing central adipose deposition
d) Worsening of NIDDM
Answer: Increase uptake of glucose through increase in insulin sensitivity
6. Capacitance of sperm takes place in:
a) Seminiferous tubules
b) Epididymis
c) Vas deference
d) Uterus
Answer: Uterus
7. Not done by insulin
a) Glycogen synthesis
b) Glycolysis
c) Lipogenesis
d) Ketogenesis
Answer: Ketogenesis
8. True about spinocerebellar tract is:
a) Equilibrium
b) Smoothens and coordinates movement
c) Learning induced by change in vestibulo-ocular reflex
d) Planning and programming
Answer: Smoothens and coordinates movement open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
10. Maximum potassium ions secretion is seen in
a) Saliva
b) Gastric secretion
c) Jejunal secretion
d) Colonic secretion
Answer: Saliva
11. Cortical representation of body in the cerebrum is
a) Horizontal
b) Vertical
c) Tandem
d) Oblique
Answer: Vertical
12. For color vision, which is true?
a) Independent of wavelength of light
b) Dependents on intensity discrimination
c) Involves opponent color cells
d) Minimum at fixation point
Answer: Involves opponent color cells
13. Physiological response to smoking, are all except:
a) Decreased HDL
b) Increase hematocrit
c) Decreased carboxy-hemoglobin
d) Increase heart rate and increase catecholamine release
Answer: Decreased carboxy-hemoglobin
1. Highest concentration of potassium is seen in?
a) Bile
b) Pancreatic juice
c) Ileal secretions
d) Rectum open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Answer: Rectum (?)
2. Substance P is released in response to pain in periphery by?
a) Endothelium
b) Mast cells
c) Nerve terminals
d) Plasma
Answer: Nerve terminals
3. Transection at the level of mid pons leads to?
a) Hyperventilation
b) Asphyxia
c) Apnea
d) Rapid and shallow breathing
Answer: Apnea
4. Pacemaker regulating rate of respiration
a) Pneumotaxic centre
b) Dorsal group of nucleus
c) Pneumotaxic centre
d) Pre-Botzinger complex
Answer: Pre-Botzinger complex
1. Intrinsic factor of Castle is secreted by
a) Chief cells
b) Parietal cells
c) Mucous cells
d) Beta cells
Answer: Parietal cells
2. The main cause of increased blood flow to exercising muscles is
a) Raised blood pressure
b) Vasodilatation due to local metabolites
c) Increased sympathetic discharge to peripheral vessels open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d) Increased heart rate
Answer: Vasodilatation due to local metabolites
3. Appetite stimulated by all except
a) Agouti related peptide
b) Melanocyte concentrating hormone
c) Melanocyte stimulating hormone
d) Neuropeptide Y
Answer: Melanocyte stimulating hormone
4. True about spinocerebellar tract is:
a) Equilibrium
b) Smoothens and coordinates movement
c) Learning induced by change in vestibulo-ocular reflex
d) Planning and programming
Answer: Smoothens and coordinates movement
5. Capacitance of sperm takes place in:
a) Seminiferous tubules
b) Epididymis
c) Vas deference
d) Uterus
Answer: Uterus
6. Somatomedin mediates:
a) Deposition of chondroitin sulfate
b) Lipolysis
c) Gluconeogenesis
d) Decreased rate of glucose uptake by cells
Answer: Deposition of chondroitin sulfate
7. Not done by insulin
a) Glycogen synthesis
b) Glycolysis
c) Lipogenesis open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d) Ketogenesis
Answer: Ketogenesis
8. Hyper-aldosteronism is associated with all except:
a) Hyper-natremia
b) Hypo-kalemia
c) Hypertension
d) Metabolic acidosis
Answer: Metabolic acidosis
1. A man is given continuous testosterone. It would lead to
a) Azoospermia
b) Increased sperm motility
c) Increase spermatogenesis
d) Increased Gonadotropins
Answer: Azoospermia
2. Cyanosis in trauma is interpreted as
a) Early sign of hypoxia
b) Late sign of hypoxia
c) Absence of cyanosis means adequate tissue ventilation
d) Absence of cyanosis means adequate tissue oxygenation
Answer: Late sign of hypoxia
3. About neuro-peptide Y all are true except
a) Contain 36 amino acid residues
b) Its level decreases during starvation
c) Decrease thermogenesis
d) It is mediated through melanocorticotropin hormone
Answer: Its level decreases during starvation
4. Which of the following is produced by stomach and has role in control of food intake?
a) Ghrelin
b) Insulin Like Growth Hormone-I open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
c) Orexin
d) Cholecystokinin
Answer: Ghrelin
5. Not absorbed from the PCT
a) Na+
b) Phosphate
c) HCO3-
d) H+
Answer: H+
6. Negative intra-pleural pressure is due to
a) Uniform distribution of surfactant
b) Negative intra-alveolar pressure
c) Absorption by lymphatics
d) Presence of cartilage in upper airway
Answer: Absorption by lymphatics
7. Pacemaker regulating the rate of respiration
a) Pneumotaxic centre
b) Dorsal group of nucleus
c) Apneustic centre
d) Pre-Botzinger Complex
Answer: Pre-Botzinger Complex
8. Co2 diffuses more easily through the respiratory membrane than o2 because it is
a) Less dense
b) More soluble in plasma
c) Less molecular weight
d) Less PCO2 in the alveoli
Answer: More soluble in plasma
9. Not a stimulus for normal or resting ventilation?
a) Stretch receptors
b) J receptors open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
c) PO2
d) PCO2
Answer: J receptors
10. Hypoxemia independent of
a) Altitude
b) PaCO2
c) Hb
d) FiO2 (Fractional O2 content)
Answer: Hb
11. Gas used to measure the diffusion capacity of lung
a) CO
b) NO
c) CO2
d) Nitrogen
Answer: CO
12. Which of the following is not permeable through the blood brain barrier?
a) Water
b) Gas
c) Proteins
d) Lipophilic drugs
Answer: Proteins
1. True regarding animals that are chronically exposed to cold?
a) Increased sympathetic stimulation
b) Increased vagal action
c) Increased insulin levels in blood
d) Decrease blood supply to adipose tissue.
Answer: Increased sympathetic stimulation
2. True about shunt vessels:
a) Evenly distributed throughout the skin open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
b) Role in nutrition
c) Play a role in thermoregulation
d) No automatic nervous regulation
Answer: Play a role in thermoregulation
3. Vasomotor centre of medulla is associated with?
a) Acts with the cardio-vagal centre to maintain B.P.
b) Independent of cortico-hypothalamic inputs
c) Influenced by baro-receptors not chemo-receptors
d) Essentially silent in sleep
Answer: Acts with the cardio-vagal centre to maintain B.P.
4. Energy expenditure in resting state depends on
a) Lean body mass
b) Adipose tissue
c) Resting heart rate
d) Exercise
Answer: Lean body mass
5. The primary direct stimulus for excitation of central chemo-receptors regulating ventilation is?
a) Increased H+
b) Increased CO2
c) Increased O2
d) Decreased CO2
Answer: Increased H+
6. True regarding myocardial O2 demand?
a) Inversely related to heart rate
b) Has constant relation to external cardiac work
c) Directly proportional to duration of systole
d) Negligible at rest
Answer: Has constant relation to external cardiac work
7. Angiotensin II causes all of the following except:
a) Stimulation of thirst open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
b) Aldosterone secretion
c) Increased ADH SECRETION
d) Vasodilatation
Answer: Vasodilatation
8. Maximum postprandial motility is seen in:
a) Ascending colon
b) Transverse colon
c) Descending colon
d) Sigmoid colon
Answer: Sigmoid colon (?)
9. CSF pressure is mainly regulated by:
a) Rate of CSF formation
b) Rate of CSF absorption
c) Cerebral blood flow
d) Venous pressure
Answer: Rate of CSF absorption
10. Which of the following statement is true?
a) Fluid coming from the descending limb of loop of Henle is hypotonic
b) Descending limb of Henle is permeable to solute
c) If clearance of a substance is greater than GFR, then tubular secretion must be present
d) Clearance of a substance is always more than GFR if there is tubular secretion
Answer: If clearance of a substance is greater than GFR, then tubular secretion must be present
11. Nitrogen narcosis is caused due to:
a) Nitrogen inhibits dismutase enzyme
b) Increase production of nitrous oxide
c) Increase solubility of nitrogen in nerve cell membrane
d) Decrease in oxygen free radicals
Answer: Increase solubility of nitrogen in nerve cell membrane
1 Which of the following is not the primary function of gut flora? open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
a) Synthesis of short chain fatty acids
b) Increased proliferation of epithelial cells
c) Production of vitamin k
d) Fermentation of mucin
Answer: Fermentation of mucin
2. Tidal volume excessive load is prevented by activation of which of the following receptors:
a) J receptors
b) Thoracic muscle spindle
c) Bronchial stretch receptors
d) Arterial baro-receptor
Answer: Bronchial stretch receptors
3. Adrenaline, nor-adrenaline and dopamine act through:
a) Single pass receptor
b) Four pass receptor
c) Seven pass receptor
d) Ligand gated receptor
Answer: Seven pass receptor
4. Nobel Prize for sequencing insulin structure was given to:
a) Banting and Macleod
b) Sanger
c) Charles Best
d) Paul Berg
Answer: Sanger
2. Mean arterial pressure is calculated as:
a) (SBP + 2DBP)/3
b) (DBP + 2SBP)/3
c) (SBP + 3DBP)/2
d) (DPB + 3SBP)/2
Answer: (SBP + 2 DBP)/3
AIIMS MAY 2012 open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
1. CSF pressure is mainly regulated by
a) Rate of CSF formation
b) Rate of CSF absorption
c) Cerebral Blood Flow
d) Venous Pressure
Answer: Rate of CSF absorption
2. On exposure to cold, a neonate shows all of the following mechanism for heat production EXCEPT:
a) Shivering
b) Crying and flexion of body like fetus position
c) Cutaneous Vasoconstriction
d) Increased production of Nor-adrenaline for breakdown of brown fat in adipose tissue
Answer: Shivering
3. Without external cues, the sleep-wake cycle in humans:
a) Does not continue
b) Continue with cycle length of 24 hours
c) Continue with cycle length of less than 24 hours
d) Continue with cycle length of more than 24 hours
Answer: Continue with cycle length of 24 hours
4. All of the following are true for ADH, except
a) Post-operative increase in secretion
b) Neuro-secretion
c) Increased secretion when plasma osmolality is low
d) Act on distal tubule and increase permeability
Answer: Increased secretion when plasma osmolality is low
5. Critical Closing volume is
a) Volume at the end of forceful expiration
b) Volume at the end of forceful inspiration
c) Volume remaining after Functional Residual Capacity is measured
d) Close to Residual Volume
Answer: Close to Residual Volume open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
6. During moderate exercise, blood flow to brain
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) No effect
d) First increases then decrease
Answer: No effect
7. Ventricular Depolarization starts from
a) Postero-basal part of ventricle
b) Basal part of ventricle
c) Uppermost part of Inter-ventricular septum
d) Left part of Inter-ventricular septum
Answer: Left part of Inter-ventricular septum
8. Left lobe is responsible for
a) Appreciation of Music
b) Spatial orientation
c) Fine Motor Movement / Visual Stimuli Processing
d) Written and Spoken Language
Answer: Written and Spoken Language
1. All are second messenger except
a) Cyclic AMP
b) IP3
c) Guanylyl cyclase
d) DAG
Answer: Guanylyl cyclase
2. All are true regarding blood supply increase in muscles during exercise, except
a) Local metabolite
b) Increased arterial pressure
c) Cholinergic stimulation
d) Decreased beta adrenergic stimulation open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
Answer: Decreased beta adrenergic stimulation
3. End diastolic volume increases due to
a) Decrease in total blood volume
b) Increase in intra-pericardial pressure
c) Increase in negative intra-thoracic pressure
d) Decrease in ventricular compliance
Answer: Increase in negative intra-thoracic pressure
4. Clamping of carotid artery below the carotid sinus is likely to produce
a) Increase in vasomotor centre activity
b) Increase in discharge of carotid sinus afferent nerves c) Increase in vagal parasympathetic activity
d) Baro-receptor adaptation
Answer: Increase in vasomotor centre activity
5. Self stimulation could be induced experimentally most effectively from which part of brain?
a) Medial forebrain bundle
b) Area around aqueduct of sylvius
c) PV region of hypothalamus
d) Mesencephalon
Answer: Medial forebrain bundle
6. Kinemyograhy is used for:
a) Monitoring of neuromuscular function
b) Monitoring of muscle spindle activity
c) Monitoring of exercise capacity
d) Monitoring of depth of anesthesia
Answer: Monitoring of neuromuscular function
7. A politician is shot in the back during a rally at level of T8 vertebra .immediately after the shot he loses all
the sensation below level of lesion.
No recovery is noted even after proper treatment. All of the following are the possible reason for his non-
recovery, except
a) Lack of endo-neural tubes
b) Lack of growth factors open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
c) Presence of glial scar
d) Lack of myelin inhibiting substance
Answer: Lack of myelin inhibiting substance
1. Most common end product of progesterone metabolism found in urine is
a) Pregnanetriol
b) Pregnanediol
c) Pregnenolone
d) 17-hydroxy-Pregnenolone
Answer: Pregnanediol
Progesterone is a C21 steroid secreted by the corpus luteum, the placenta and the follicle (in small
Progesterone is nearly completely degraded in liver. The major product of degradation is Pregnanediol
which is excreted in urine as glucuronide and sulfate conjugates.
2. Which of the following is the true for the pulmonary neuro-endocrine cells?
a) Contain Catecholamines
b) Contain serotonin
c) Have only cholinergic nerve supply
d) Respond to a decrease in Po2
Answer: Contain serotonin and Respond to a decrease in Po2
3. Ficks law of diffusion explains
a) Active diffusion along concentration gradient
b) Passive diffusion along concentration gradient
c) Both of these
d) None of these
Answer: Passive diffusion along concentration gradient
4. In a normal person, which of the following occurs when he changes to supine position from standing?
a) Cerebral perfusion increase
b) Heart rate settles to a higher level
c) Immediate increase in venous return open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
d) Decreased perfusion to apex
Answer: Immediate increase in venous return
5. Release of synaptic vesicles from the pre-synaptic terminals is inhibited by?
a) Preventing depolarization of nerve impulse
b) Inhibition of conduction of nerve impulse
c) Prevention of Ca2+ influx
d) Prevention of Na+ influx
Answer: Prevention of Ca2+ influx
6. A cell membrane is damaged by insertion of micro-needle, repair shall occur by which of the following
a) Lateral movement of proteins
b) Resealing by lipid bi-layer
c) Enzymatic reaction
d) Hydrophobic interaction
Answer: Resealing by lipid bi-layer
7. Cyanosis does not develop in severe anemia because of
a) It requires critical concentration of reduced hemoglobin in blood.
b) In anemia, the blood flow through the skin is decreased.
c) In anemia, the hemoglobin has greater oxygen carrying capacity per unit gram of hemoglobin.
d) Due to decreased oxygen carrying capacity of blood
Answer: It requires critical concentration of reduced hemoglobin in blood.
8. Which of the following statements is true about ESR in tuberculosis?
a) ESR confirms recovery from TB
b) ESR remains normal
c) ESR value are increased due to decrease in size of the RBCs
d) ESR values are increased due to formation of larger aggregates of RBCs
Answer: ESR value are increased due to decrease in size of the RBCs
1. Blood testis barrier is between open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
a) Sertoli and Sertoli cells
b) Leydig and Myoid cells
c) Sertoli and Germ cells
d) Sertoli and Spermatid
Answer: Sertoli and Sertoli cells
2. Trans-cutaneous nerve stimulation to relieve pain acts by
a) Gate way theory of pain
b) Central pain
c) Allodynia
d) Referred pain
Answer: Gate way theory of pain
3. Fertilized ovum reaches the uterine cavity in
a) 7-8 days
b) 6-7 days
c) 5- 6
d) 3-4 days
Answer: 3-4 days
6. Metabolite of progesterone in urine is
a) Pregnanediol
b) 17-OH Progesterone
c) Pregnanetriol
d) 17 Keto-steroid
Answer: Pregnanediol
1. True about Nuclear bag fibers
a) Sense dynamic length of muscle
b) Involved in reciprocal innervation
c) Alpha motor neuron stimulation
d) Senses muscle tension
Answer: Sense dynamic length of muscle open in browser PRO version Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
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2. Receptor of joint capsule and ligaments is
a) Slow adapting
b) Fast adapting
c) Different to slow and fast adapting
d) Non-adapting
Answer: Slow adapting

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