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Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 1

Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English and History

Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
Persuasive Techniques
Use of Modality words
Technology skills to create a persuasive poster
Australias history in relation to the First Fleet

Section 6 of the Disability Standards for
Education (The Standards for Curriculum
Development, Accreditation and Delivery)
states that education providers, including
class teachers, must take reasonable
steps to ensure a course/program is
designed to allow any student to
participate and experience success in
The Disability Standards for Education
2005 (Cwlth) is available from:
<> select Human rights
and anti-discrimination > Disability
standards for education.

Students would benefit from
access to:
a variety of literary texts
interactive whiteboards
a variety of relevant online resources
Guided release approach

Lesson 1: Name of Lesson Why People Came to
Estimated time: 60 mins
Learning Objectives:
Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and
topic as well as the degree of formality(ACELA1504)
Recognise that ideas in literary texts can be conveyed
from different viewpoints, which can lead to different
kinds of interpretations and responses (ACELT1610)
Show how ideas and points of view in texts are

This lesson is the foundation of the unit;
therefore student comprehension of what
the unit will entitle is fundamental.

Students who need extra support help
create more specific questions to
research to minimise information found.

White board markers
history book
writing equipment
Too many captain cooks by Alan Tucker.

2 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
conveyed through the use of vocabulary,
including idiomatic expressions, objective and
subjective language, and that these can change
according to context (ACELY1698)
The reasons people migrated to Australia from Europe
and Asia, and the experiences and contributions of a
particular migrant group within a colony. (ACHHK096)
Classroom Organisation: Whole class discussion and students
are sat on the floor in front of the teacher
Learning Experiences:
Many early seafarers and settlers have different first
impressions of Australian land and the people they
encountered (reactions of the aboriginal people).
Whole group discussion on what students already
know about European settlement in Australia.
Introduce the historical narrative, Too Many Captain
Cooks by Alan Tucker. Read the Introduction and
First Impressions pages and create a mind map
showing the first impressions between the settlers and
the aboriginals
Ask students the following questions:
o What were the aboriginals first impressions of
the settlers?
o What was some of the names the settlers
used to describe the aboriginals?
o What was some of the names the aboriginals
used to describe the settlers?
Explain that over the next 4 weeks we will be looking
at exploration and colonies that came to Australia.
From here ask the students to go back to their desks.

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 3
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
In students history books they are to write 10 dot
points as to whether they think the first impressions of
the settlers were positive or negative from the
aboriginals point of view. Write answers on the board
and discuss as a class.

Lesson 2: Introduction to First Fleet (They have come to

Estimated Timing: 80 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Identify aspects of literary texts that convey details or
information about particular social, cultural and
historical contexts (ACELT1608)
Use comprehension strategies to analyse information,
integrating and linking ideas from a variety of print and
digital sources (ACELY1703)
Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and
topic as well as the degree of formality(ACELA1504)
Reasons (economic, political and social) for the
establishment of British colonies in Australia after
1800. (ACHHK093)

Classroom Organisation: Students will begin on the floor
before going back to their desks to begin their booklets

Learning Experiences:

Get the class to form a discussion circle. Discuss what they
learned in previous lesson. Read pg 22 (Captain Arthur
Philip and the Eora People) from the focus text. When

Make sure no student is sitting behind
another so that everyone can see and feel
included. Creating a positive learning
environment will allow all students to feel

If there is students unable to move onto
the floor allow students to create a circle
using their chairs.

Replay You tube Clip if students struggle
to understand the initial concepts.

Provide Support to students who may
struggle to complete the worksheet, allow
students to work together in pairs.

Too Many Captain Cooks by Alan Tucker
You tube Clip: They have come to stay
australians-episode-1/clip2/# (Appendix 1)
Writing Materials
First Fleet booklet (Appendix 1)

4 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
reading the book pause throughout. As a whole group
students will think of words that relate to that they have
learnt so far. Create a word wall. (These words will be
added to at the end of each lesson to for students to refer
back to when completing their poster).
Students will be sent back to their desks and they will watch
a you tube clip which gives them more introductory
information on the first fleet.
episode-1/clip2/# (appendix 1)
Teacher will distribute First Fleet booklets and ask students
to complete the section First Fleet Text 1 on page 6.
(appendix 1)

Lesson 3: The Role of Nouns and Adjectives (Explicit

Estimated Timing: 60minutes
Learning Objectives:
Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater
precision of meaning, and know that words can have
different meanings in different contexts (ACELA1512)
Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective
groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways
to provide a fuller description of the person, place,
thing or idea (ACELA1508)
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy
settings and characters that draw on the worlds
represented in texts students have

Have visuals on the board such as noun
and adjective for students to recite back
to. Add some examples of each so
students get a greater understanding of
the roles the words play in a text. This will
allow students concrete evidence and
support all learners.

When reading the book, make sure all
students are participating and focused.

Rabbits by John Marsden
Writing materials
White board markers
Whiteboard/interactive board
English books

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 5
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources

Classroom Organisation: Sitting at desks

Learning Experiences:
Write on the board the words noun and adjective. Ask
students what is the definition for each word and write it on
the board. This is so students are able to see what they are
looking for.
Read the book Rabbits by John Marsden
While reading the book pull out the important nouns (names
of key places, key people and important events). This will
help student with the up coming research for the persuasive
Students are to write these words down in their English
books as they will use these words as their spelling words
for the week.
As a class you can add words to the word wall.
Recap the role of Nouns and adjectives in texts to the
students. (This book is an extension on the historical
content to be taught).

Lesson 4: Learning about Persuasive Texts (Explicit

Estimated Timing: 60minutes
Learning Objectives:
Understand how texts vary in purpose, structure and
topic as well as the degree of formality(ACELA1504)
Identify and explain characteristic text structures
and language features used in imaginative, informative

Provide examples on the board to give
students necessary assistance and allow
students to discuss in pairs.

Deconstruct the task sheet and get

Appendix 2

6 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of
the text (ACELY1701)
Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective
groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways
to provide a fuller description of the person, place,
thing or idea (ACELA1508)
The nature of convict or colonial presence, including
the factors that influenced patterns of development,
aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants (including
Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples)
and how the environment changed. (ACHHK094)

Classroom Organisation: Sitting at desks
Learning Experiences:
Asks students what they can remember or know about
persuasive texts. Write all answers on the board. Ask
students to write down the dot points in their English books.
Remind them to put a header.
Use Gradual Release Approach and write down what
persuasive texts need to include and provide examples.
Explain that they will be creating their own persuasive text
and poster to persuade an audience about the aboriginals
perspective or the European perspective of colonisation in
Students will choose from a bag to decide whos
perspective they will be researching about
They will be given the task sheet and criteria sheet to look
over. Teacher will go through the task sheet as a class to
outline the expectations. (Appendix 2)
Add any words to the word wall.

students to highlight what the task
involves. Ask students questions about
the text/poster to make sure ALL students
have a basic understanding.

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 7
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
Lesson 5: Researching (Explicit Teaching)

Estimated Timing: 60minutes
Learning Objectives:
Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater
precision of meaning, and know that words can have
different meanings in different contexts (ACELA1512)
Show how ideas and points of view in texts are
conveyed through the use of vocabulary,
including idiomatic expressions, objective and
subjective language, and that these can change
according to context (ACELY1698)
Compare information from a range of
sources (ACHHS103)

Classroom Organisation: Students sat on the floor in front of
Interactive whiteboard

Learning Experiences:
Talk to students about the importance of good research and
how to get good information. Discuss concepts of key
words for the research engine and the accuracy of source.
(No Wikipedia).
On the board provide example of key words to really outline
the information students will need to find for their poster.
On the interactive white board Google information on
internet using the useful resources for both positions.
As a class go to the word wall. Together find words that
would be used as key terms when researching - these
words should be nouns and adjectives.

By writing some examples of research
questions on the board provides support
for students who may not grasp the
concept and allows them to begin their

Draw students attention to the word wall
created on the wall using the books and
other information they may have found.
This will help students when researching

Guide students with learner needs and
co-create questions where needed.


Interactive white board
White board markers
History books
Writing equipment

8 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
Ask students why nouns and verbs are important when
creating a persuasive text. Remind students that by using
their words they will be able to really influence the
Write on the board some examples of research questions.
Allow students to work together to come up with research
questions as a class. Ask students to go back to their desk
and write down 5 of the questions from the board. Walk
around them and mark them off so that their research
questions are accurate.
Revisit the task sheet and rubric to remind students what
needs to be included in the poster.
If there is time, ask students to get their computers out and
they can start researching.

Lesson 6: Name of Lesson: Deconstructing an Image

Estimated Timing: 90 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Understand how to move beyond making bare
assertions and take account of differing perspectives
and points of view (ACELA1502)
Recognise that ideas in literary texts can be conveyed
from different viewpoints, which can lead to different
kinds of interpretations and responses (ACELT1610)
Show how ideas and points of view in texts are
conveyed through the use of vocabulary,
including idiomatic expressions, objective and
subjective language, and that these can change
according to context (ACELY1698)
The nature of convict or colonial presence, including

Make sure all students are participating-
occasionally ask students who havent
said anything a question. Students with
learner needs will really benefit from this.

By working in groups allows students to
work together and share ideas.

Place the image that is being
deconstructed (from both texts) on the

Interactive white board
Appendix 3 - Image from Too Many Captain
Cooks by Alan Tucker
Appendix 3- Image from Rabbits by John
White board/ white board markers
Worksheet (Appendix 4)
Writing equipment

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 9
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
the factors that influenced patterns of development,
aspects of the daily life of the inhabitants (including
Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples)
and how the environment changed. (ACHHK094)

Classroom Organisation: Students work on their desks

Learning Experiences:
Provide each group (table) of students with the same image
from the focus text. Explain to students that they are going
to work together to deconstruct the image so they are able
to understanding its full meaning.
Examine the words, pictures and symbols in the image. Ask
students how these elements represent each party and
perhaps favour one side rather than the other.
As a class deconstruct the image and represent your
findings in a Venn diagram on the board. Ask students:
what is different? What is the same? (Appendix 3 )
Once students have completed this activity, explain that
students are now to work in their desk groups to
deconstruct an image from the text Rabbit by John
Marsden (Appendix 3).
Provide each student with a Venn diagram worksheet that
they are to fill out as well as a deconstruction worksheet.
(glue into book at the end of the lesson) (Appendix 4)
Have a group discussion to compare and contrast what
each group found.
interactive whiteboard, so students are
able to refer to a bigger image.
Lesson 7: Tone and Mood words

Estimated Timing: 90 minutes

Students will find this task engaging

Word Wall
White board/ White board markers
10 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
Learning objectives:
Identify and explain characteristic text structures
and language features used in imaginative, informative
and persuasive texts to meet the purpose of
the text (ACELY1701)
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and
persuasive print and multimodal texts,
choosing text structures, language features, images
and sound appropriate to purpose and
audience (ACELY1704)

Classroom Organisation: Students are at their desks.

Learning Experiences:
Go through the words on the word wall. Discuss as a
class what words they could include on their poster.
Write these words on the board.
Ask students what a feeling work is? Give out a
worksheet and ask students to identify the positive,
negative or neutral words. (Appendix 5)
Teacher begins discussion and asks students to
explain what feeling words have to do with the tone
and mood of a piece of literature. Hands out the notes
on tone and mood (appendix 5)
Thoroughly discuss the definitions of tone and mood,
including the elements of a story and word choice that
help you determine tone and mood.
Students are given a full lesson to finish research and
plan their posters. Mark each students plan before
allowing them to start on the poster. Discuss with the
class the options they have when creating their poster
(computer or hand drawn) and remind students what is
to be included by re addressing the task sheet
The teacher is required to walk around and engage
however make sure all students are
participating. Students who may struggle
can have their mood words modified
(made easier) and will need greater
assistance when planning and designing
their poster. Ask these students to copy
the words on the board so they are able
to reflect back onto them when engaging
in their assessment task.
Worksheet 1 positive, negative and neutral
words (Appendix 5 )
Worksheet 2 Notes on tone and mood
(Appendix 5)
Planning Sheet

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 11
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
with students and offer assistance where required.
Make sure each student is on track and focused on the

Lesson 8: First Impressions
Estimated Timing: 90 minutes
Learning objectives:
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings
and characters that draw on the worlds represented in
texts students have experienced(ACELT1612)
Navigate and read texts for specific purposes applying
appropriate text processing strategies, for example
predicting and confirming, monitoring meaning,
skimming and scanning(ACELY1702)
Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal
and informal situations, connecting ideas to students
own experiences and present and justify a point of
view (ACELY1699)
Identify points of view in the past and
present (ACHHS104)

Classroom Organisation: Students are situated on the floor but
will go back to their desks to complete activity

Learning Experiences:
Get students thinking about what influences a first
impression of someone or something
Read a few different stories in Too Many Captain Cooks
e.g. . Ask students to imagine they are one of the aboriginal
people watching from the shore as the European people
row towards the land.
Discuss what you might be thinking and feeling? Write
answers on the board e.g. curious about the way the

Students who need extra support may
need the extra time. While students have
moved on and begin their next paragraph
it may be suitable to assist students with
their ideas. Students can just write one

Idea wave is used to provide the student
with feedback on their performance so the
learner can improve their skills, and to
provide teachers with information so they
can tailor their future instruction to student
need. The teacher will use this strategy to
assess whether students have
understood and grasped the unit.

Too Many Captain Cooks by Alan Tucker
White board /markers
Writing equipment
History books
Interactive whiteboard (if needed)
12 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
people look and dress or wondering if they are friendly or
aggressive. Students will then go back to their desk and
write 3-5 ideas about how the aboriginals might be thinking
or feeling.
Then students will participate in the Idea Wave. One
volunteer begins the idea wave by sharing one idea. The
student to the right of the volunteer shares one idea; the
next student to rights shares one idea. Teacher directs the
idea wave until several different ideas have been shared. At
the end of the formal idea wave, a few volunteers who were
not included may contribute.
Students are then to write a paragraph using what they
have learned about persuasive texts to write an entry from
an aboriginal person about their feelings.
Guide students in their writing, remind them of sentence
structure, mood words etc.
Once students have completed activity, they are to swap
perspectives and write a paragraph on the first impressions
from the Europeans point of view.
They will hand their history books to the teacher for her to
mark at the end of the lesson.

Lesson 9: Finish planning and begin drafting

Estimated Timing: 80 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings
and characters that draw on the worlds represented in
texts students have experienced(ACELT1612)
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and
persuasive print and multimodal texts,
choosing text structures, language features, images
and sound appropriate to purpose and

Students who are struggling or need extra
support can have their task modified so
that the students dont have to use as
many persuasive techniques and words.

Class is designed to provide the students
who need extra help with it by providing
extra assistance during class time.

Poster paper
English books
Writing equipment
Criteria sheet

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 13
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
audience (ACELY1704)

Classroom Organisation: students at desk

Learning Experiences:
In this lesson students will have their plans marked and if
not begun, will begin the poster. Some students will create
their poster using drafts marked by the teacher in a
previous lesson. Teacher will monitor student progress to
ensure that students are making appropriate progress.
Encourage students to be creative and bold. Look back at
the criteria again with the class and readdress what is
expected of them. Remind students about the word wall
(fall back on the information)
Lesson gives teacher a chance to focus on addressing the
students struggling with ideas and concepts of their poster.
Bring these students to the floor and have a group
discussion on interesting way to present and information
that could be put on the poster.

Lesson 10: A New Land

Estimated Timing: 60 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Understand how noun groups/phrases and adjective
groups/phrases can be expanded in a variety of ways
to provide a fuller description of the person, place,
thing or idea (ACELA1508)
Understand the use of vocabulary to express greater
precision of meaning, and know that words can have
different meanings in different contexts (ACELA1512)
Understand that the starting point of a sentence gives
prominence to the message in the text and allows
for prediction of how the text will unfold(ACELA1505)

Make sure all students participate in the
mind map activity. Select students to write
things on the board and give hints to
students who may struggle. This allows
them to feel like they can contribute to the
activity just as much as other students.

If student isnt able to sit on the ground,
get students to sit at their desks or bring
their chairs in front of the board.

Interactive white board
History books
Writing equipment
You tube clip: (Appendix 6)

14 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources

Classroom Organisation: students will be sat on the floor in
front of the interactive whiteboard

Learning Experiences:
Begin with group discussion on what it would be like
for the European settles on the first fleet arriving in
Australia. Get students thinking about feelings, the
land, food, animals etc.
Create a mind map on the board. The centre will
contain the heading arriving in a new land. Students
will then add to the map one at a time with their ideas.
Explain to students they are going to be watching a
clip about the first fleet arriving in Australia and they
are going to see if there is anything they can add to
their mind map.
Once students have watched clip and mind map is
complete, students are to go to their desks and copy
the mind map into their history books.

Lesson 11: Finalising my Poster

Estimated Timing: 80 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Create literary texts using realistic and fantasy settings
and characters that draw on the worlds represented in
texts students have experienced(ACELT1612)
Plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and
persuasive print and multimodal texts,
choosing text structures, language features, images
and sound appropriate to purpose and
audience (ACELY1704)

Students may need extra time to
complete the activity. As students will
have the booklet to do once they have
finished their poster will allow time for the
teacher to walk around and assist
students will completing their poster.

Poster Paper
First Fleet booklet (Appendix 1)
Whiteboard/ white board markers

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 15
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources

Classroom Organisation: students will be working at their

Learning Experiences:
Students will be given time to finish their poster.
Begin the lesson reminding students of what they have
to have achieved by the end of the lesson. Posters will
be handed in by the end of the lesson with a criteria
Whilst students quietly work/finalise their posters,
demonstrate and explain on the board the features
students need to think about when doing an oral
Group discussion on what makes a good presentation.
Allow students to generate discussion. Focus on Voice
levels, Stance, Tone of voice, Outfit, eye contact, clear
voice etc.
Demonstrate a good and bad oral presentation to
show students the differences.
If students finish early, they are to complete the rest of
their first fleet booklet.
Remind students about dressing up (whats
appropriate and inappropriate) and discuss what will
be expected in the next lesson.
Recap what a photo story is (previously learnt)

Lesson 12: Presentation and Photo Story

Estimated Timing: 120 minutes
Learning Objectives:
Use interaction skills, for example paraphrasing,

When picking groups, put students with
different abilities together so the groups
have a range of abilities and ideas.

Encourage students to have clear voice

Interactive whiteboard
Props (Didgeridoo, toy animals, cardboard
boat, war paint etc.)
Criteria sheet
16 | Year 5 unit overview Australian Curriculum: English
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
questioning and interpreting non-verbal cues and
choose vocabulary and vocal effects appropriate for
different audiences and purposes(ACELY1796)
Clarify understanding of content as it unfolds in formal
and informal situations, connecting ideas to students
own experiences and present and justify a point of
view (ACELY1699)
Plan, rehearse and deliver presentations for defined
audiences and purposes incorporating accurate and
sequenced content and multimodal
elements (ACELY1700)
Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic,
written) and digital technologies (ACHHS106)

Classroom Organisation: will be set out with different
resources. Students will sitting at their desks with nothing on
their tables listening to the presenter

Learning Experiences:
Students will come dressed as ether a European
Settler or an aboriginal (clothing). They will used the
knowledge they have learned over the unit to
participate in re-enacting photos from the arrival of the
first fleet to the relationship between the parties.
Teacher would have set up the room and collected
recourses over the weeks to create real life
environments for them to take photos. (e.g. flags,
cardboard boat, use the interactive whiteboard as the
Slip students into different groups to create the photo
The second half of the lesson will consist of students
presenting their persuasive posters and providing
opportunities for peer feedback. Remind students that
when presenting and ask student
questions if they are struggling or need
Camera/ photo story resource
Peer checklist (Appendix 7)

Queensland Studies Authority January 2012 | 17
Teaching and learning Supportive learning environment
Teaching strategies and learning experiences Adjustments for needs of learners Resources
they need to show respect to the different points of
Students in the process will conclude the unit

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