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Dr.Bhikkhu Bodhipala,
Departe!t o" Reli#io!, $ali a!d Buddhi%t Studie%, Tail!adu Thelo#i&al Sei!ar',
)*+ 0,)
-hether %o(&alled .ell e/ol/ed a!ki!d i% a re"i!ed o!e or !ot0 The a! %hould
1e i" .e are !ot h'po&rite% a% "ar a% p%'&holo#i&al poi!t o" /ie. 2NO3.
-e are the hua! ra&e i#!ora!t i! a!' a%pe&t% 1oth i! %&ie!&e a!d te&h!olo#' a% .ell
a% i!
%piritual %ta!dard a!d e/er' o!e i% e!#ul"ed .ith the three 1a%i& ipuritie% o" #reed,
delu%io! a!d
hatred. A% lo!# a% .he! the a!ki!d %u""er% "ro all %ort% o" !e#ati/e ipa&t% due to
the%e 1a%i&
de"ilee!t% that pre&i%el' ea!% a! %till #ro.% a!d e/ol/e% de%pite there i% a /a%t
i! the "ield o" %&ie!&e a!d te&h!olo#'. -he! %&ie!&e te&h!olo#' #ro.% a! li/e% i! the
peripheral le/el addi&ted to %e!%ual e!4o'e!t% ultiatel' #ro. ore %el"(&e!tered,
#reed', a!d
e/e!tuall' a!i"e%t% a% .ar a!d .orld .ar.
Buddhi% i% !othi!# 1ut %&ie!&e o" i!d. Still the attai!e!t o" Ni11a!a, the
e/er' o!e i% a %ort o" i!%a!e per%o!. No.(a(da'% like a "ood, editatio! i% a u%t "or .ell
o" a!ki!d to ake a pea&e"ul %o&iet' thu% aki!# a .arle%% .orld. Moder! li"e %t'le
%hould !ot
to 1e a #rud#e! "ello. 1ei!#, !atural thi!#%, e!/iro!e!t, !ei#h1ori!# !atio!, a%
.ell a%
!ei#h1or pla!et.
So the Buddha %oe.hat t.o thou%a!d %i5 hu!dred 'ear% 1a&k prea&hed hi% philo%oph'
i! a !ut(
%hell a% "ollo.%,
2Re"rai! "ro all e/il doi!#%,
$roote all the .hole%oe a&tio!%,
$uri"' the de"iled i!d .The%e are the tea&hi!#% o" all the Buddha6%3
$uri"i&atio! o" the i!d .ould 1e "ul"illed o!l' 1' pra&ti&i!# editatio!. U!"ortu!atel'
i! the%e
da'% all ki!d% o" editati/e pra&ti&e% treated 4u%t a% a! alter!ati/e %'%te o" edi&i!e
%piritual pur%uit. So, a&&ordi!# to oder! i!terpretatio!% a!' %'%te o" editatio! i%
o14e&t rather tha! a %piritual 7ue%t. But the Buddha !e/er &o!%idered hi% %'%te o"
editatio! a%
ere a ki!d o" a!tidote "or ph'%i&al aile!t. I" a %'%te o" %piritual e5er&i%e pra&ti&ed
4u%t a
patholo#i&al reed' it i% 4u%t i%leadi!# a!d #i/i!# a .ro!# i!terpretatio! o" %piritual
The hi%tor' Buddhi% pro/e% o! a!' o&&a%io! The Buddha !e/er tau#ht the popula&e a
o" editatio! 4u%t to &ure a di%ea%e. I! hi% Satipattha!a di%&our%e he i% /er' &lear.
The Buddha thu% ope!% hi% outh3 There i% u!i7ue path "or the puri"i&atio! o" 1ei!#%8 "or
&e%%atio! o" pai!8 the attai!e!t o" k!o.led#e a!d "or the reali9atio! o" Ni11a!i& pea&e.
are &alled the Fou!datio! o! Mi!d"ul!e%%3. So the Buddha i% /er' &lear that he
#uara!teei!# o!l'
Ni11a!a !ot a ph'%i&al &ure. So the Buddha i% /er' &lear i! hi% approa&h that the purpo%e
editatio! i% o!l' "or the e!li#hte!e!t. E/e! %oe :uru% o" oder! da'% #uara!tee the
i!!o&e!t people "or ear!i!# o!e' throu#h pra&ti&i!# editatio!. Thi% i% utterl'
u!ethi&al a!d a
%i!. Su&h #uru% e5ploit the pu1li& ho alread' i! &ra/e o" o!e' 1' a%%uri!# %u&h "al%e
hood. So
ediatio! %hould 1e oti/ated "or %upra u!da!e purpo%e !ot "or a u!da!e purpo%e.
O! the
other ha!d editatio! i% pra&ti&ed "or #et rid o" &ertai! e!tal de"e&t% a% "ollo.%,
i; For reo/i!# te!%io!, depre%%io!
ii; For e!tal pea&e
iii; For &ali!# the i!d
i/; For ipro/i!# eor' a!d &o!&e!tratio! i! %tudie%
/; For ipro/i!# a!a#erial %kill% et&.,
I" the hua! i!d i% "ree "ro 1a%i& de"ilee!t%, the i!d i% %et ri#ht. The Buddha %a'%
2i" the
i!d i% %et ri#ht, e/er'thi!# i% %et ri#ht3.
So, the purpo%e o" pra&ti&i!# editatio! %hould 1e "or puri"'i!# the i!d i! order 1a%i&
ipuritie%. -he! the i!d i% puri"ied, it i% %et ri#ht8 thi% i% the "i!al #oal Ni11a!a. The
Ni11a!a i% a &o1i!atio! o" t.o $ali .ord%, Nir < /a!a , !ir ea!% !o, or !ot or &ea%ed
to e5i%t,
/a!a ea!% &ra/i!# or #reed or de%ire. So the ter Ni11a!a ea!% &e%%atio! o" #reed or
or de%ire. I" a i!d i% "reed "ro de%ire, delu%io! a!d #reed it a&hie/e% E!li#hte!e!t
all the ipuritie% o" i!d.
BASIC DEFI=EMENTS> Buddhi% &la%%i"ied the e!tal ipuritie% i!to "ourtee! t'pe%.
Other.i%e there are "ourtee! u!.hole%oe "a&tor% .hi&h i!"lue!&e% a per%o! to or to
&oit a!
u!.hole%oe deed.
i; Moha (((((( Delu%io!
ii; Ahirika (((((( Shaele%%!e%% to do a! ioral deed
iii; A!ottappa((( Utter re&kle%%!e%%, !ot ha/i!# a !oral dread i.e !o "ear
to &oit a .ro!# deed
i/; Uddha&&a(((( Di%tra&tio! o" the i!d, re%tle%%!e%% a!d a1%e!t i!ded
/; =o1ha((((((((( :reed, &ra/i!#, de%ire
/i; Mi&&ha Ditthi((( -ro!# /ie.
/ii; Ma!a(((((((((((( Co!&eit, e5&e%%i/e pride i! o!e%el"
/iii; Do%a ((((((((((( hatred, a!#er,
i5; I%%a ((((((((((((((( E!/', di%&o!te!t due to other% po%%e%%io!%
5; Ma&&haria((((((( ?ealou%', %el"i%h!e%%
5i; @ukku&&a((((((((( .orr'i!# a1out di%&o!te!te!t, !ot to 1e %ati%"ied
5ii; Thi!a ((((((((((((( Sloth, la9i!e%%, !ot to 1e a&ti/e
5iii; Middha (((((((((( Torpor, %lo. i! all a&tio!%
5i/; Ai&iki&&ha ((((((( S&epti&al dou1t a1out #ood a&tio!, a1out &harit' a!d
a1out kari& e""e&t%
The a1o/e %aid "ourtee! "a&tor% are %hortl' &alled i!d de"ilee!t%. A% lo!# a% i" o!e i%
.ith e/e! a %i!#le "a&tor o" the%e de"ilee!t% he i% !ot a "reed a!. A! a&tio! either it i%
e!tal a&tio! or a /er1al or a ph'%i&al deed .hi&h i% do!e o! the i!"lue!&e o" a!' o!e o"
"a&tor%8 it .ill 1e o1/iou%l' a! u!.hole%oe a&t .hi&h .ould &au%e to ake a !e#ati/e
e""e&t. Further ore %u&h deed% .ould i!e/ita1l' i!4ure other% or the doer hi%el" a!d
aki!# di%haro!' ao!# the "ello. 1ei!#%.
=ike.i%e, a% de%&ri1ed a1o/e there are %oe .hole%oe "a&tor% al%o .hi&h are "ourtee!
!u1er a% "ollo.%, .hi&h are re%po!%i1le "or ari%i!# o" .hole%oe &o!%&iou%!e%%.
i; Saddha (((((((((((((((((( "aith or &o!"ide!&e i! a #ood deed or Dhara
ii; Sati ((((((((((((((((((((((( Mi!d"ul!e%% or a.are!e%%
iii; Hiri (((((((((((((((((((((( Moral %hae to &oit a %i!"ul a&t
i/; Ottappa ((((((((((((((( Moral "ear to &oit a %i!
/; Alo1ha ((((((((((((((((( No!(#reed, #e!ero%it'
/i; Aoha ((((((((((((((((( No!(delu%io!, .i%do
/ii; Metta (((((((((((((((((( =o/i!# ki!d!e%%
/iii; @aru!a ((((((((((((((((( Copa%%io!
i5; Ado%a (((((((((((((((((( No!(hatred , #ood .ill
5; Mudita (((((((((((((((( Appre&iati/e 4o' i! other% .ell 1ei!#
5i; Upekkha (((((((((((((( E7ua!iit'
5ii; Saa /a&a ((((((((( Ri#ht %pee&h
5iii; Saa kaa!ta (( Ri#ht a&tio!
5i/; Saa a4i/a ((((((((( Ri#ht li/elihood
The%e "ourtee! .hole%oe e!tal "a&tor% prote&t o!e "ro the e/il% a!d tra!%"or% o!e%
&o!%&iou%!e%% a!d ele/ate o!e to hi#her %piritual le/el. I" a per%o! a&t% o! the i!"lue!&e
o" the%e
.hole%oe e!tal "a&tor% all a&tio! %hall 1e .hole%oe a&tio! re%ulti!# #ood kari&
e""e&t%, !ot
o!l' helpi!# the doer hi%el" 1ut al%o the "ello. 1ei!#% e/e!tuall' aki!# a pea&e"ul
a!d .arle%% .orld.
It i% /er' iporta!t thi!# to !ote that the%e t.o %et% o" "ourtee! "a&tor% %hould !ot 1e
treated a%
a!tidote% "or !e#ati/e "a&tor% or at&hed a!d u!.hole%oe "a&tor% %hould !ot 1e
repla&ed 1' the
.hole%oe "a&tor% 1ut there %hould 1e t.o %eparate %tri/i!#% to reo/e "ir%t
"a&tor% "ro the i!d a!d %iulta!eou%l' to &ulti/ate .hole%oe "a&tor%. So a&&ordi!# to
Buddha the "ir%t %et i% &o!&er!ed .ith to 2re"rai! "ro doi!# all u!.hole%oe deed%3 a!d
%e&o!d o!e i% &o!&er!ed .ith to 2proote all .hole%oe deed%3. Bur "or puri"'i!# o!e6%
o!e ha% to pra&ti&e editatio! .ithout pra&ti&i!# puri"i&atio! o" the i!d i% ipo%%i1le.
A&&ordi!#l' editatio! pra&ti&e help% to reo/e the u!.hole%oe "a&tor%
&oplee!ti!# the
&ulti/atio! .hole%oe deed%.
The ter Meditatio! ha% it% o.! ea!i!#, a% .ell a% the ter Buddhi%t editatio! al%o
ha% it%
o.! ea!i!# di""eri!# "ro the &oo! u%a#e a!d "ro the other %'%te o" editatio!.
hi% e!li#hte!e!t "or "ort' "i/e 'ear% o" hi% i%%io!ar' li"e had 1ee! tea&hi!# the a!&ie!t
popula&e o" I!dia deali!# .ith the %u14e&t% all .alk% o" hua! li"e %u&h a% %o&iolo#',
oralit', politi&%, a!al'%i% o" a4or "our elee!t%, "i/e %e!%e%, atoi%, lo#i&, o&&ult
etaph'%i&%, philo%oph' "i!all' i!d trai!i!#, the pra&ti&e o" editatio! or i!d
A% alread' e!tio!ed that Buddhi% i% !othi!# 1ut a %&ie!&e o" %tud' o" hua! i!d a%
editatio! o1/iou%l' ea!% i!d trai!i!# purported "or Ni11a!a, the e!li#hte!e!t.
%'%te o" editatio! pra&ti&e &a! 1e &ate#ori9ed i!to t.o 1road di/i%io!% a&&ordi!# to
the !ature
o" pra&ti&e a!d it% re%ult%. The "ir%t %'%te or ethod i% &alled SAMATHA BHAAANA
a!d the
other o!e i% &alled AI$ASSANA BHAAANA. Saatha Bha/a!a ea!% &o!&e!tratio! o"
i!d i! Buddhi% there "ort' %u14e&t% "or pra&ti&i!# editatio!. I! Aipa%%a!a %'%te
there i%
o!l' o!e ethod te&h!i&all' &alled i! $ali Satipattha!a .hi&h ea!% 2i!%i#ht3
The di""ere!&e! Saatha a!d Aipa%%a!a BCo!&e!tratio! a!d I!%i#ht; i% the "orer
o!e i%
"o&u%i!# the i!d o! o!l' o!e editati/e o14e&ti/e thu% %tilli!# the i!d. The re%ult .ill
%uppre%%i!# the u!.hole%oe "a&tor% o" the i!d 1ut !ot 1e &opletel' eradi&ated
Aipa%%a!a .ill reo/e all the "etter% a!d the pra&titio!er %hall 1e "reed "ro the
ultiatel' o!e attai!% Full(E!li#hte!e!t, Ni11a!a. I! &o!&e!tratio! ethod i.e i!
Bha/a!a the de"ilee!t% are i#!ored i!%tead o" reo/i!# the a% %u&h u!.hole%oe
"a&tor% are
%uppre%%ed .he! a!d i" &o!&e!tratio! pra&ti&e i% %topped the de"ilee!t% take their o.!
.he! tie arri/e% the' &au%e o!e to "all "ro ri#hteou%!e%%.
But Aipa%%a!a i% a! i!%i#ht editatio! .hi&h help% a pra&titio!er to reo/e e!tal
a!d "etter%. Thi% %'%te o" editatio! help% the pra&titio!er to ide!ti"' the "a&ultie% o" the
.hether the' are .hole%oe or u!.hole%oe. I! Aipa%%a!a, the editatio! pra&titio!er
doe% !ot
per"or a!'thi!# i!%tead he .at&he%, %ee%, k!o.%, a.are o" the a&tualitie% a% the' are, i"
there i%
a .ro!# thou#ht he k!o.% it i% .ro!# thou#ht, like.i%e i" there i% a #ood thou#ht he
k!o.% that
it i% a #ood thou#ht. I! Buddhi%t poi!t o" /ie. Meditatio! i% !ot a %tru##le !ot to 1e
o/er.heled a!d to &o!7uer a!'thi!# i! a %tru##le. There i% !o per"ora!&e either 1'
1od' or
1' i!d %u&h a% e5pe&ti!# %oethi!#, aki!# a thru%t, !ot re4e&ti!#, !ot i#!ori!# a thi!#.
A&&ordi!# to thi% %'%te o" editatio!, there are o!l' t.o &hoi&e% .hat .e ha/e to do, i"
.a!t to i#!ore 'our i!d a!d "o&u% it o! o!e o14e&t it .ill 1e 2Saatha Bha/a!a3 o! the
ha!d i" 'ou .a!t to de/elop 'our 2I!%i#ht3 editatio! Aipa%%a!a, Aipa%%a!a :!a!a3 o!e
ha% to
1e a.are o" all o! #oi!#% that all happe! out o" o!e6% 1od', o! the 1od' a!d .ithi! the
Shortl', a&&ordi!# to Buddhi%t %'%te o" editatio!, it i% either &o!&e!trati!# the i!d or
k!o.i!# the i!d.
Tripitaka, Sutta $itaka, Di#ha Nika'a, Di&our%e
Here 1e#i!% the pra&ti&al %e%%io!% o" Buddhi%t Meditatio! a&&ordi!# to Buddha6%
di%&our%e &alled Maha Satipattha!a Sutta. I! hi% di%&our%e the Buddha 1e#i!% the
pra&ti&e o" ANA$ANA SATI, A!a ea!% i!hali!# a!d Apa!a ea!% e5hali!#
ea!% &o!&e!trati!# the "lo. o" i!hali!# a!d e5hali!# "ro the !ae o" the o!e
&ould u!der%ta!d that thi% pra&ti&e i% a Saatha ethod. The Buddha 1e#i!% .ith
Saatha ethod "ir%t i! hi% di%&our%e.
$RE RECIISITE> For pra&ti&i!# a!' ki!d o" editatio! .e !eed &ertai!
i; Meditatio! Cell> Cell ea!% priaril' it %hould 1e &al
a!d 7uiet pla&e, it a' 1e &o!"i!ed %all roo .hi&h i%
te&h!i&all' &alled &loi%ter, a! ope! pla&e, a park, "oot o"
a tree, %hortl' %peaki!# a!' %ere!e pla&e.
ii; $o%ture> The Buddha re&oe!d% &ro%%(le##ed po%ture
&alled lotu% po%ture.
iii; A!' &o!/e!ie!t po%ture a &hair, a %tool, &u%hio! i!
.hi&h the head a!d %pi!e %hould 1e kept i! the
perpe!di&ular po%itio!.
i/; The duratio! o" a %itti!# %hould 1e at lea%t *0 i!ute%, i"
the pra&titio!er .a!t% to o1%er/e the ipro/ee!t% a!d
the a5iu &a! 1e e/e! D hour% i! a da'.
A!apa!a %ati> A&&ordi!# to the .ord% o" the Buddha> B,; A di%&iple Beither a o!k
or hou%e hold a!; ha/i!# retired to the "ore%t or to the "oot o" a tree or a lo!el'
pla&e , %it% .ith le#% &ro%%ed Blotu% po%ture ;the 1od' held ere&t i!te!t o!
i!d"ul!e%%. B*; Co!%&iou%l' he i!hale%, .hile i!hali!# a lo!# 1reath he k!o.% that
I a i!hali!# a lo!# i!1reathe3 .=ike.i%e .hile e5hali!# a lo!# 1reath he k!o.%
/er' .ell. BE; I" it i% %hort k!o.% /er' .ell that either i!hale or e5hale.BF; The
pra&titio!er i% i!d"ul a1out hi% !atural "lo. o" i!hali!# a!d e5hali!# a% %u&h
.ithout aki!# a!' thru%t o! !atural "lo. .ithout rupturi!# it.B+;The pra&titio!er i%
i!d"ul o" hi% !atural "lo. o" i!hali!# a!d e5hali!# a% %u&h .ithout aki!# a!'
thru%t i! it . The pra&titio!er !ot %uppo%ed to do a!'thi!# o! the 1reath 1ut 4u%t to
.at&h it.
The Buddha "urther e5plai!% that a di%&iple %hould .at&h the .hole 1od' o" the
1reath that ea!% he ha% to 1e a.are o" 1e#i!!i!# o" the 1reath, pro&e%%i!# o" the
1reath a!d "i!all' the e!d o" the ea&h 1reath either i!hali!# or e5hali!#.
The Buddha6% e5aple> ?u%t a% a %kil"ul tur!er or a tur!er6% appre!ti&e BHere the
Buddha e!tio!% a1out the .heel i! a potter' .hi&h i% rotated .hile aki!# a
earthe! pot or 4ar; .he! the tur!er ake% a lo!# tur! he k!o.% that it i% a lo!# tur!
like.i%e i" it i% %hort he k!o.% /er' .ell that it i% a %hort tur!. So a% to e/er' 1reath
%hould 1e !oted. I! Buddhi%t 'o#a %'%te i!hale a!d e5hale are take! a% %eparate
1reathe%. Thu% the pra&titio!er i% a.are o" the ari%i!# a!d peri%hi!# o" the ea&h
The purpo%e o" editatio! pra&ti&e i% to attai! E!li#hte!e!t. ANA$ANA
SATI i% a Saatha ethod i.e &o!&e!tratio!. I! thi% pra&ti&e the 1a%i&
de"ilee!t% a!d u!.hole%oe "a&tor% .ill !ot 1e eradi&ated 1ut %uppre%%ed.
A% %u&h o!e ha% to pra&ti&e Aipa%%a!a Bha/a!a "or puri"'i!# the i!d
.ithout %tai! o" ipuritie%, %o that o!e &a! attai! e!li#hte!e!t. But "or the
1e#i!!er% A!apa!a Sati i% al.a'% re&oe!ded a% a prelii!ar' trai!i!#
.hi&h .ould help the pra&titio!er to de/elop 2I!%i#ht "a&ult'3 2the
AI$ASSANA :NANA3. A"ter a%teri!# o/er the trai!i!# o" A!apa!a Sati
o!e &a! pra&ti&e Aipa%%a!a .ith "ull &oprehe!%io!, .ithout de/iati!# "ro
the Buddha6% i!%tru&tio!.
-hether it i% a "ortu!ate thi!# or !ot i! oder! tie% Buddha6% Aipa%%a!a i%
tau#ht i! di""ere!t .a'% a!d ethod% &laii!# that ea&h .a' i% traditio!al

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