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Gifted and Talented

Methven Primary School
Aims of this PD
Start a journey of thinking and discussion about Gifted and
Talented Education at MPS
To understand the Components of gifted and talented
To develop school wide criteria for selecting children for GATE
To understand the difference between a Creative Learner,
Gifted Learner and a High Achiever.

Components of G&T Education
Five key components to a G&T Programme
1. The concept of giftedness and talent
2. Characteristics of G&T students
3. How to identify them (G&T register)
4. Programmes for these students
5. Ongoing self-review
5. Self-review
How well is Methven Primary meeting
the needs of our gifted and talented

Do we have a shared understandings about what gifted and
talented means, and how our students can be identified?
In our classrooms are we implementing good-quality differentiated
teaching for our gifted and talented students?
How are we ensuring positive outcomes for our gifted and talented

Self-review is ongoing and these questions should be reflective in
our classroom practice and as a whole staff
1. Conceptualising
Giftedness and Talent

Many theories and definitions of G & T have been developed -
there is no universally accepted theory or definition.
As a school we need to come up with our own understanding
and belief about G&T students.
Do we believe that there is a need to develop a programme for
children who have characteristics as a Gifted Learner?
Are we on the same page?

2. Characteristics of Gifted and
New Zealand policy makers and researchers have developed
useful sets of criteria that schools can use as a framework for
developing definitions:
reflect a multi-categorical approach that includes an array of
special abilities (beyond peers) eg. Intellectual, cultural, creative,
social and leadership abilities, physical, emotional and spiritual
qualities, and abilities in the visual and performing arts.
Recognise that a students gifts and talents will emerge at times
and in circumstances that are unique to that student
environmental factors important
Identification should be continuous and ongoing students
abilities and personalities change

Different Types of Giftedness
The Successful Gifted
The Creative Gifted
The Underground Gifted
The At-risk Gifted
The Twice/Multi-exceptional Gifted
The Autonomous Learner

Betts and Neihart (1988) propose six profiles of gifted and talented students.
The Successful Gifted
These students achieve highly at school and are the group most likely to
be identified as gifted and talented. They are conforming, eager for the
approval of others, and perfectionistic. They lack autonomy and
assertiveness and avoid taking risks.
The Creative Gifted
These students are highly creative but frustrated, bored, questioning, and
sometimes rebellious. They do not conform to the school system and often
challenge school rules and conventions.
The Underground Gifted
These students deny their abilities in order to fit in. They may be insecure,
shy, and quiet, avoid taking risks, and resist challenges. Many are never
identified as gifted.

Different Types of Giftedness
The At-risk Gifted
These students are resentful and angry because they feel that
the system has failed to meet their needs. They are often
perceived as rebellious loners and can be disruptive or
withdrawn. Their schoolwork is inconsistent, and their levels of
achievement fall well below their ability.
The Twice/Multi-exceptional Gifted
These students are gifted but also have a physical or sensory
disability or a learning difficulty. Often their giftedness goes
unrecognised because people fail to see past their disability.
They can become angry and frustrated and may feel
The Autonomous Learner
These students are confident, independent, and self-directed.
They are intrinsically motivated and willing to take risks. They
set goals for themselves and take responsibility for their own
Teacher Screening Checklist
In folders is a teacher screening checklist.
A couple of minutes to fill in this

High Achiever vs Gifted vs Creative
Envelops with range of criteria to put under each category
Look at 2012 G&T Register and own Class Screening
Are their overlaps? Look at differentiation of classroom
To identify students for GATE (one day school) want the gifted
category into creative.

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