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CHAPTER 4 Marketing Objectives

Objective 1: Market Penetration

Gaining new customers who do not use veet
Pushing Veet to customers already using Veet
Trying to gain competitors share by offering improved perceived value to the customers
By dispelling myths of Hair removal cream like:
Hair removal cream and razors act in the same way.
The more often you remove body hair, the thicker it will get.
People with sensitive skin cannot use Veet.

Objective 2: Line Extension Market Development

Developing new products according to the current needs of customers and tackling competition

Objective 3: Brand Extension

CHAPTER 5: Market Segments

Segment 1: Women Aged 17 to 35 years old
Segment 2: Men Aged 17 to 35 years old
Segment 3: Mature Women Aged 36 to 47 years old

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