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Modern Physical Mediumship by Kai Muegge off PM4U

Spirits work with mediums and open physical portals:

- to show that they can influence, bent or een break the acclaimed laws of the physical
!" time-space, implicating the nature of physicality is not yet understood#
- to show they can form matter from $nothing$ and een create human forms and
manipulate it to a huge degree what implicates further %uestions about the nature of
physicality down to the insight that for e&ample spiritual healing through spirit entities
can actiely change matter and een tissue from the human body#
- to show that there are higher organi'ed entities present that not only share resp transfer
informational content ia mediums but also show that they seemingly hae an actie
access to creational processes in our time space#
- to show that they can trigger physical ways of reunion with deceased human beings
what displays their ability to influence time and space in a more palpable %uality than
simple messages, especially for attendees of s(ances#
- you may ask why they operate in a way triggering more %uestions than answers -
because it is in their nature to influence the human being to look beyond the obious, to
think the unthinkable because $the occult$, $their$ presence simply cannot be reealed to us
in a way that enables full access and understanding because there is a dimensional barrier
between us, our mental system and our abilities to comprehend are ery much limited to
the dimensional enironment we are liing in#
)t is as if you wanted to reeal to *dimensional comic book character the entire build of
the !dimensional, it doesn+t t work,
- but we can come closer with our understanding, find analogies and metaphors to come
step by step closer to what we call creator - in that sense they are enunciators, announcing
that the mystery of the conscious being within the unierse has much more aspects and is
much deeper than the positie sciences are usually claiming#
- so to set us on that track of mind and awareness e&pansion the physical aspects, the
physical entanglement in interdimensional interaction and communication is a
undeniable, necessary, important and main aspect to eentually get an insightful better
idea of the whole picture#

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