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1roop Culde Pandbook

1be potpose of tbls booJbook ls to eooble yoo to be tbe most effectlve 1toop ColJe tbot yoo coo be fot
tbe soke of tbe 1toop. 8eloq o 1toop ColJe ls o vety key ooJ lmpottoot tole lo tbe wotlJ of 5cootloq. lt ls
ptobobly tbe most oooccteJlteJ leoJetsblp posltloo lo tetms of ptolse ooJ opptovol. lf yoot scoots ote
Joloq okoy, oo ooe wlll osk ooy poestloos. lf tbeyte oot, people wlll qo to yoo, lookloq fot ooswets. 8ot lt
ls oot fot tbe folot of beott. 8eloq oo offectlve 1toop ColJe tokes wotk. AoJ lts o lot to osk of o yoooq
moo fot ooly o slx-mootb petloJ of tlme. l bope yoo floJ tbls wolktbtooqb belpfol ooJ eosy to ose. Most
of tbe lofotmotloo bete ote blts ooJ pleces of wbot l leotoeJ ftom tbe leoJetsblp comp. Nl1 (Notloool
ootb leoJetsblp 1tololoq). lt ls olso ooe of tbe flool steps to cootlooe my Nl1 Iootoey. 1bls ls my Nl1
vlsloo. 1o ptepote yoooqet scoots fot leoJetsblp toles so tbot tbey, lo toto, coo cootlooe to Jo tbe some
fot scoots tbot come oftet tbem. lt ls my bope tbot tbls ptoves sofflcleot fot yoo lo yoot oewfoooJ
leoJetsblp tole.
-cottet Newtoo, llfe 5coot, 1toop 484
Aptll, 2012
!"#$% '( )'*+%*+,
llrsL 1hlngs 1o 8emember ................................................................................................................... 1
1ools/8esources .................................................................................................................................. 1
Pelpful 1lps and 1ools .......................................................................................................................... 3
1lmellne ............................................................................................................................................... 4

-./,+ !0.*1, !' 2%3%3#%/
o 8e aware of new scouLs
! keep ln regular conLacL wlLh Lhe ScouLmasLers and Senlor aLrol Leader for Lhe
new scouLs and keep up Lo daLe wlLh Lhelr necessary advancemenLs
o know adulL poslLlons Lo work wlLh
! 8e ln regular conLacL wlLh Lhe adulL ln charge of keeplng advancemenLs up Lo
o 1he flrsL Lhlng Lo remember ls LhaL everyLhlng you're Lruly golng Lo need, and
Lhey're golng Lo need wlll be ln your ScouL book. use Lhls as much as posslble so
you and your scouLs have a common daLabase.


o SMA81- Lhls ls a plannlng Lool. lL helps you ln preparlng goals for an overall vlslon. 1he
vlslon ls your overall deslred ouLcome. 1he Coals are Lhe smaller sLeps how you geL
Lhere. 1hls can, and should be used wlLh your scouLs. When Lhey're new Lo Lhe Lroop,
have a slL-down wlLh Lhem and dlscuss whaL Lhey would llke Lo accompllsh ln a
reasonable amounL of Llme, how Lo flnlsh lL, eLc.
! Speclflc
Lveryone needs Lo know exacLly whaL's lnvolved. undersLand your
vlslon, and how you need Lo geL Lhere.
! Measurable
?ou need a way Lo measure your goal so LhaL you know when you have
compleLed lL. ?our vlslon and goals need Lo be reachable.
! ALLalnable
?ou should be able Lo see how you can reach your goal. lf you have
some plan Lo Lake over Lhe world, Lhere are probably a loL of sLeps LhaL
you can'L qulLe see how Lo geL Lhere. ?our vlslon and goals should be
someLhlng LhaL's posslble for you Lo compleLe wlLhln reason.
! 8elevanL
lf Lhe goal ls noL connecLed Lo reachlng Lhe vlslon, why are we dolng lL?
know your vlslon, and make sure Lhe goal Lles dlrecLly back Lo your
! 1lmely
uo lL when lL's needed. 8e prompL wlLh your work. know when
someLhlng ls due or needs Lo be compleLed, and do lL. 1hls really ls
slmply Lhe easlesL parL of Lhls. lL's llke nlke: !usL uo lL.

o LuCL- Lhls ls anoLher of Lhe mosL lmporLanL Lools Lo use, when Leachlng 1rallhead skllls.
lL can be someLhlng LhaL's applled for a long or shorL perlod of Llme. lf used over a
longer perlod of Llme, do your besL Lo apply lL Lo Lhe !"#$ Lool.
! Lxplaln
Lxplaln whaL you are golng Lo Leach and why. 8e sure Lo be speclflc and
sure of your plan of whaL you wlsh Lo accompllsh.
! uemonsLraLe
uemonsLraLe Lhe sklll. Show Lhem whaL Lo do, and do lL wlLh paLlence,
and confldence.
! Culde
rovlde Lhe maLerlals and Lools needed for learners Lo compleLe Lhe
exerclse. As Lhey become more and more comforLable wlLh Lhe sklll,
gulde Lhem Lhrough Lhe necessary sLeps Lo compleLe Lhe Lask Lhe mosL
ease and efflclency. 8emember Lo Lake all necessary precauLlons and
provlde all safeLy Lools necessary for Lhe compleLlon of Lhe Lask aL hand.
! Lnable

LvaluaLe Lhe efforL. Cnce Lhey've been gulded Lo compleLlon, enable
Lhem Lo do Lhe Lask on Lhelr own. 1hls ls Lhe polnL of Lhelr 1rallhead
LhaL you should feel confldenL slgnlng Lhem off ln Lhelr ScouL 8ooks.

7%$8(5$ !.8, "*9 !''$,
o lSn- Lhls ls one of Lhe mosL pracLlcal Lools Lo use. lL Lakes Llme, buL lf you sLlck wlLh lL,
Lhe resulLs are saLlsfylng.
! lormlng
Plgh LnLhuslasm, Low skllls. 1hls ls Lhe sLage where Lhe new scouLs are
llLerally brand new. 1hey are qulLe enLhuslasLlc, ready Lo learn and geL
ouL of Lhe nln[a engulns paLrol, and move on ln hls scouLlng career.
1bls qoes wltb tbe %&'()*+ step of uC.
! SLormlng
Low LnLhuslasm, Low Skllls. 1hls ls when Lhe scouL hlLs a low ln Lhelr
scouLlng [ourney. 1hls ls where Lhe scouL wlll mosL llkely need you Lo
come along slde Lhem and llLerally walk Lhem Lhrough whaLever lL ls
LhaL Lhey're sLruggllng wlLh. 8emember Lo sLay paLlenL! lf you're noL
happy, Lhey're noL happy. 1bls qoes wltb tbe ,-./+012)1- step of uC.
! normlng
8lslng LnLhuslasm, Crowlng Skllls. AL Lhls polnL, Lhe scouL should be ouL
of hls slump, more or less, and should be able Lo sLarL dolng hls own
work, and Lhlnklng. Pe should be well Lhrough hls 1rallhead and well on
hls way Lo becomlng a SLar scouL. 1bls qoes wltb tbe 34*5- step of uC
! erformlng
Plgh LnLhuslasm, Plgh Skllls. 1hls should be Lhe polnL ln Lhe scouL's
[ourney LhaL he ls ouL of hls 1rallhead, and lnLo Lhe more lmporLanL,
more dlfflculL ranks. Pe should no longer need your help, buL lL's sLlll
nlce Lo keep ln Louch wlLh Lhem and make sure Lhey're sLlll movlng
along ln Lhelr ScouL !ourney. (As Lhls ls your [ob...) 1bls qoes wltb tbe
%+)6(- step of uC.
o SSC- Lhls ls a slmple Lool Lo help wlLh your own personal guldance. lf you have a problem
or geL sLuck wlLh your own leadershlp skllls, hopefully Lhls helps.
! SLop
WhaL should you 5top dolng? Was lL someLhlng you sald? A problem
wlLh your aLLlLude? lL ls up Lo you Lo declde Lhe problem, and sLop lL.
! SLarL
WhaL should you 5tott dolng? ls Lhere anyLhlng you could be dolng
beLLer? Maybe someLhlng dlfferenL? ldenLlfy lL, and sLarL lL.
! ConLlnue

WhaL are you dolng rlghL? WhaL's rlghL abouL lL? ls Lhere someLhlng
LhaL could lmprove lL? ldenLlfy your sLrongesL polnL, and cootlooe dolng
o 8e paLlenL
! 1he worsL Lhlng you can do whlle worklng wlLh younger klds ls becomlng
lmpaLlenL. undersLand LhaL Lhey are, ln facL, younger Lhan you and are noL qulLe
as maLure. lL ls, however, accepLable Lo be sLern, and flrm, lf necessary.
o 8e enLhuslasLlc
! kld's respond Lo a new Lask puL before Lhem when Lhelr Leacher (you) ls
energeLlc and exclLed abouL lL. lf you're noL energeLlc, Lhey won'L be.
o 8e encouraglng
! klds don'L respond well Lo crlLlclsm. AL leasL noL ln Lhe sense of belng sLralghL
forward and polnLlng ouL Lhelr problem. 8aLher Lhan [usL Lelllng Lhem Lhelr
problem, show Lhem Lhelr error, and qolJe Lhem ln klndness Lo Lhe rlghL paLh.
8emember Lo keep on glvlng Lhem poslLlve feedback ALL Lhe Llme. noL [usL
when Lhey're dolng well.
o 8e Llmely
! SeL a schedule, and sLlck wlLh lL. keep on Lrack, and up Lo daLe wlLh your
ScouLmasLer, Senlor aLrol Leader, and your ScouLs. lf you're golng Lo mlss a
meeLlng, leL people know. Clve your scouL's someLhlng Lo do, puL someone ln
charge. As ln almosL everyLhlng else regardlng belng a 1roop Culde,
communlcaLlon ls key. 8emember LhaL, and you'll do okay.
o Pere ls a rough, 2-monLh Llmellne of how Lhlngs should look ln a regular Llme perlod for
geLLlng a scouL plugged lnLo Lhe Lroop ln a qulck, efflclenL manner. lL's noL a sLep-by-
sLep basls, so feel free Lo move Lhlngs around as needed, and cerLalnly don'L feel llmlLed
Lo Lhe sLeps provlded here. lor a regular branchlng perlod, March wlll Lhe 1
! 1
o 1here should only be abouL 6-8 new scouLs every Lerm
o SLarLlng anew wlLh any new Lransfer scouLs
o All scouLs should have ScouL rank by Lhe end of Lhe flrsL monLh
o ldenLlfy where Lhey're aL ln Lhelr scouL Lrall
o CompleLe 8ank advancemenL orlenLaLlon (Who can slgn off on
rank advancemenL, where ln Lhe book ls Lhls recorded, ScouL
MasLer Conferences, 8C8s, .)
o Pave a speclflc plan, geLLlng Lo know Lhem. And undersLand
Lhelr speclflc needs, and plans.
! 2
o SeL Lhe plan lnLo acLlon (LuCL, SMA81 goals, eLc.)

o usually once or Lwlce every couple of monLhs, especlally
recenLly afLer geLLlng new scouLs, Lhe Lroop wlll hold 1oLln' Chlp
and llrem'n ChlL Lralnlng sesslons. 1hls may or may noL be
durlng Lhe second monLh, buL regardless of where lL ls, Lake Lhe
lnlLlaLlve wlLh Lhls and be a leader Lo help your boys Lo geL
Lhese! 1he oLher ma[or Llme Lo geL Lhese ls elLher aL summer
camp (ln !une or !uly), or Advance Camp (SepLember)
o Make sure LhaL Lhe klds know where Lhey're aL, and whaL needs
Lo be done. 1he more communlcaLlon, Lhe beLLer.
o A loL of Lhe 1rall Pead requlremenLs lnvolve dolng someLhlng
whlle on a camplng Lrlp.
! WlLh Lhese requlremenLs, make sure you know whaL
Lrlps Lhey're plannlng on golng on, and lf you're noL
golng Lo be Lhere, anoLher senlor scouL help Lhem
compleLe Lhe requlremenL Lhey seL Lo do on Lhe Lrlp.
! 8emember LhaL your maln [ob ls Lo geL Lhem ouL of Lhe
new ScouL aLrol, and lnLo Lhe oLher aLrols. And all
Lhey need Lo do for LhaL ls Lo geL 1enderfooL, 1oLln'
Chlp, and llrem'n ChlL so focus on Lhose prlmarlly.
! uependlng on Lrlps, and Lhelr avallablllLy, Lhey should
be able Lo have 1enderfooL by Lhe flrsL Lwo monLhs.
o 1hls lsn'L necessarlly Lhe exacL Llme LhaL Lhls has Lo be done, buL
be sure Lo have done lL by now aL Lhe laLesL: CompleLe 8lue
Card CrlenLaLlon (Pow Lo flll Lhem ouL, who Lo have slgn lL
when, and where Lo keep Lhem so LhaL Lhey remaln 5Al.)
! 3
1hese 4 monLhs are Lo use as necessary. ?ou should have a good plan as
Lo who ls where and all. 1hls wlll be Lhe summerLlme perlod of a regular
branchlng perlod. lor each group of scouLs, and even each lndlvldual
scouL, Lhls Llme perlod wlll vary due Lo famlly vacaLlons, summer camps,
eLc. 1haL's why lL's crlLlcal you do as much as you can wlLh Lhem before
Lhls Llme perlod because a loL of klds wlll be very busy durlng Lhls Llme.
8e sure Lo hlghly encourage 8oy ScouL Summer Camps, and Advance
Camp afLer.

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