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Standard Method of Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens SCOPE LL This test method covers determi- nation of compressive strength of cylin- drical concrete specimens such as, molded cylinders and drilled cores. It is, limited to concrete having a unit weight in excess of 50 Ibvft? (800 kg/m’) 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. 13 This standard may involve haz ardous materials, operations, and equip: ‘ment. This standard does ‘not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with its use. I isthe responsi bility of whoever uses this standard to consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations Prior to use, 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. 2 AASHTO Standards: 723. Making and Curing Concrete Test Speci- mens in the Field Obsaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of Con crete Load Verification of Testing Machines Making and Curing Concrete Test Speci- mens in the Labora tory Capping Cylindrical Concrete Specimens 22. ASTM Standards C683 Test Method for Com- T2.4 T6897 T 126 T 231 asp for Soon 21.1, Secon 62, Seton 74 tesing of © arter by 12 cont yin AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 22-92! (ASTM DESIGNATION: C 39-86") pressive and Flexural Strength of Conerete Under Field Conditions ‘Test Method for Com- pressive Strength of Concrete Cylinders Cast in Place in Cylin- drical Molds Methods of Calibra- tion of Force-Mea- suring Instruments for Verifying the Load In- ication of Testing Machines can En 3. SUMMARY OF METHOD 341 This method consists of applying 4 compressive axial load to molded cyl- inders or cores at arate which is within a prescribed range until failure occurs. ‘The compressive strength of the speci men is calculated by dividing the ma ‘mum load attained during the test by the ‘cross-sectional area of the specimen, 4. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 4.1 Care must be exercised in the interpretation ofthe significance of com: pressive strength determinations by this ‘method since strength is not a fundamen: tal or intrinsic property of concrete made from given materials. Values obtained will depend on the size and shape of the specimen, batching, mixing procedures, the methods of sampling, molding, and fabrication and the age, temperature, and ‘moisture conditions during curing, 42° This test method may be used to determine compressive strength of cy lindrical specimens prepared and cured in accordance with Methods T 23, T 24 T 126, T 231, and ASTM C 873, 4.3. ‘The resuits of this test may be used as a basis for quality control of ‘concrete proportioning, mixing, and Placing operations; determination of compliance with specification; control for evaluating effectiveness of admix: (ures and similar uses, 5. APPARATUS S.A Testing Machine—The testing machine shall be of a type having suffi- cient capacity and capable of providing the rates of loading prescribed in Sec- tion 7.5 S.L.1 Verification of calibration of the testing machines in accordance ith Method T 67 is required under the t lowing conditions: S.LL1 After an elapsed interval since the previous verification of 18 months maximum, but preferably after an interval of 12 months. $11.2 On original installation or re location of the machine. S113 Immediately after making re- pairs or adjustments which may in any way affect the operation of the (weighing) system or the values dis- played, except for zero adjustments that ‘compensate for the weight of tooling, or specimen, or both, oF S.lL4 Whenever there is reason to doubt the accuracy ofthe results, without regard to the time interval since the last verification, 5.1.2 Design—The design of the ma cchine must include the following fea S121 The machine must be power ‘operated and must apply the load contin- luously rather than intermittently, and without shock. IFit has only one loading fate (meeting the requirements of Section 7.5), it must be provided with a supple- ‘mental means for loading at a rate suit- able for verification. This supplemental means of loading may be power or hhand operated, The space provided for test specimens shall be large enough to ac- commodate, in a readable position, an clastic calibration device which is of suf- ficient capacity to cover the potential loading range of the testing machine and ‘which complies with the requirement of ASTM E 74 NOTE 1—The type of elastic calibration device most generally available and. most commoaly used for this purpose isthe circus proving ring, SLB Accuracy—The accuracy of the testing machine shall be in accor- dance with the following provisions: 5.13.1 The percentage of error for the loads within the proposed range of use of the testing machine shall not ex- ceed * 1.0 percent of the indicated load 5.132 The accuracy of the testing machine shall be verified by applying five test loads in four approximately equal increments in ascending order. The difference between any two successive test loads shall not exceed one-third of the difference between the maximum and ‘minimum test loads, $.133 The test load as indicated by the testing machine and the applied load ‘computed from the readings ofthe verfi- cation device shall be recorded at each test point. Calculate the error, E, and the percentage of error, Ep, for each point from these data as follows: E=A-B Ep = 100 (A ~ ByB where: A = load, Ibf (or N) indicated by the ‘machine being verified, and B = applied load, Ibf (or M) as deter mined by the calibrating device. 5.13.4 The report on the verification of a testing machine shall state within what loading range it was found to con- form to specification requirements rather than reporting a blanket acceptance or rejection. In no case shall the loading range be stated as including loads below the value which is 100 times the smallest change of load that can be estimated on the load-indicating mechanism of the testing machine or loads within that por. tion of the range below 10 percent of the ‘maximum range capacity. METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING $135 In no case shall the loading range be stated as including loads outside the range of loads applied during the veri- fication test The indicated load of a test- ing machine shall not be corrected either by calculation or by the use of a calibra: tion diagram to obtain values within the required permissible variation 5.2 The testing machine shall be equipped with two steel bearing blocks with hardened faces (Note 2), one of which is a spherically seated block that will bear onthe upper surface ofthe spec: imen, and the other a solid block on which the specimen shall rest. Bearing faces of, the blocks shall have a minimum dimen- sion at least 3 percent greater than the diameter of the specimen to be tested Except for the concentric circles de- scribed below, the bearing faces shall not depart from a plane by more than 0.001, in, (0.025 mm) in any 6 in. (152 mm) of blocks 6 in. in diameter or larger, or by ‘more than 0.001 in. in the diameter of any smaller Block; and new blocks shall bbe manufactured within one-half of this tolerance. When the diameter of the bear ing face of the spherically seated block ‘exceeds the diameter of the specimen by ‘more than ', in. (13 mm), concentric cr cles not more than '/; in. (0.8 mm) deep ‘and not more than "Vy in. (1.2 mm) wide shall be inseribed to facilitate proper cen- tering. NOTE 2—It is desirable thatthe beating faces of blocks used for compression testing of concrete have a Rockwell hardness of not Jess than $5 HRC. 5.21 Bottom bearing blocks shall ‘conform to the following requirements: 5.21.1 The bottom beating block is specified for the purpose of providing readily machinable surface for mainte- nance of the specified surface conditions (Note 3). The top and bottom surfaces shall be parallel to each other. The block may be fastened to the platen of the test- ing machine. Its least horizontal dimen- sion shall be at least 3 percent greater than the diameter of the specimen to be tested. Concentric circles as described in Section 5.2 are optional on the bottom block. Final centering must be made With reference to the upper spherical block when the lower bearing block is used to assist in centering the specimen, 722 “The center of the concentric rings, when provided, or the center of the block itself ‘must be directly below the center of the spherical head. Provision shall be made fon the platen of the machine to assure such a position The bottom bearing block shall be a least 1 in. (25 mm) thick when new, and at least 0.9 in. (22.5 mm) thick after resurfacing operations, except when the block is in full and intimate contact with the lower platen of the testing ma chine, the thickness may be reduced to "% in. (10 mm). NOTE 3-If the testing machine isso de- signed that the platen itself can be readily maintained inthe specified surface condition, 8 bottom block is not required 5.2.2 The spherically seated bearing block shall conform to the following re- quirements: The maximum diameter of the bearing face of the suspended spheri cally seated block shall not exceed the values given below: Maximum Diameter Diameter Test Specimens of Baring Face __in-tam) in m 2131) 102) 3196) 5 am 4102) 614165) 6s2) 10 G34) 8203) 1 am NOTE 4— Square bearing faces are permis: sible, provided the diameter of the largest pos- sible’ inscribed circle does not exceed the above diameter, 52.22 The center ofthe sphere shall coincide with the surface of the bearing face within a tolerance of * 5 percent of the radius of the sphere. The diameter of the sphere shall be at least 75 percent of the diameter ofthe specimen to be tested 52.23 The ball and the socket must be so designed by the manufacturer that the steel in the contact area does not per- manently deform under repeated use, with loads up to 12000 psi (82.7 MPa) fon the test specimen (Note 5). NOTE 5—The prefered contact area i in the form of a ring (described as prefered “pearing” area) as shown in Figure 1 52.24 The curved surfaces of the socket and the spherical portion shall be

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