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Jerry Moles(petitioner) bought ro! M"ri"no #iolos" o$ner o #iolos"
%ublishing &ouse " linotype printing !"'hine(se'on(h"n( !"'hine). Moles
pro!ise( #iolos" th"t $ill p"y the ull "!ount "ter the lo"n ro! #)%
$orth %*+,+++.++ $ill be rele"se(. %riv"te respon(ent on return issue( "
'ertii'"tion $herein he $"rr"te( th"t the !"'hine $"s in A-. 'on(ition,
together $ith other e/press $"rr"nties. Ater the rele"se o the o the !oney
ro! #)%, %etitioner re0uire( the 1espon(ent to "''o!plish so!e o the
re0uire!ents. On $hi'h the (epen("nt 'o!plie( the re0uire!ents on the
s"!e ("y.
On 2ove!ber 34, .455, petitioner $rote priv"te respon(ent th"t the
!"'hine $"s not un'tioning properly. The petitioner oun( out th"t the s"i(
!"'hine $"s not in goo( 'on(ition "s e/perts "(vise( "n( it $"s $orth
lesser th"n the pur'h"se pri'e. Ater sever"l telephone '"lls reg"r(ing the
(ee'ts in the !"'hine, priv"te respon(ent sent t$o te'hni'i"ns to !"6e
ne'ess"ry rep"irs but they "ile( to put the !"'hine in running 'on(ition
"n( sin'e then the petitioner $"n un"ble to use the !"'hine "ny!ore.
.. 9hether there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty o its 0u"lity or itness.
3. 9hether the hi((en (ee'ts in the !"'hine is sui'ient to $"rr"nt "
res'ission o the 'ontr"'t bet$een the p"rties.
.. It is gener"lly hel( th"t in the s"le o " (esign"te( "n( spe'ii' "rti'le sol(
"s se'on(h"n(, there is no i!plie( $"rr"nty "s to its 0u"lity or itness or
the purpose inten(e(, "t le"st $here it is sub:e't to inspe'tion "t the ti!e o
the s"le. On the other h"n(, there is "lso "uthority to the ee't th"t in " s"le
o se'on(h"n( "rti'les there !"y be, un(er so!e 'ir'u!st"n'es, "n i!plie(
$"rr"nty o itness or the or(in"ry purpose o the "rti'le sol( or or the
p"rti'ul"r purpose o the buyer.
S"i( gener"l rule, ho$ever, is not $ithout e/'eptions. Arti'le .*;3 o our
Civil Co(e, $hi'h $"s t"6en ro! the 7nior! S"les A't, provi(es:
<Art. .*;3. In " s"le o goo(s, there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty or 'on(ition "s
to the 0u"lity or itness o the goo(s, "s ollo$s:
(.) 9here the buyer, e/pressly or by i!pli'"tion, !"6es 6no$n to the
seller the p"rti'ul"r purpose or $hi'h the goo(s "re "'0uire(, "n( it "ppe"rs
th"t the buyer relies on the seller=s s6ill or :u(g!ent ($hether he be the
gro$er or !"nu"'turer or not), there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty th"t the goo(s
sh"ll be re"son"bly it or su'h purpose><

3. 9e h"ve to 'onsi(er the rule on re(hibitory (ee'ts 'onte!pl"te( in Arti'le
.*;. o the Civil Co(e. A re(hibitory (ee't !ust be "n i!pere'tion
or (ee't o su'h n"ture "s to engen(er " 'ert"in (egree o i!port"n'e. An
i!pere'tion or (ee't o little 'onse0uen'e (oes not 'o!e $ithin the
'"tegory o being re(hibitory.
As "lre"(y n"rr"te(, "n e/pert $itness or the petitioner '"tegori'"lly
est"blishe( th"t the !"'hine re0uire( !":or rep"irs beore it 'oul( be use(.
This, plus the "'t th"t petitioner never !"(e "ppropri"te use o the !"'hine
ro! the ti!e o pur'h"se until "n "'tion $"s ile(, "ttest to the !":or
(ee'ts in s"i( !"'hine, by re"son o $hi'h the res'ission o the 'ontr"'t o
s"le is sought. The "'tu"l in(ing, thereore, o the tri"l 'ourt th"t the
!"'hine is not re"son"bly it or the p"rti'ul"r purpose or $hi'h it $"s
inten(e( !ust be uphel(, there being "!ple evi(en'e to sust"in the s"!e.
At " bel"te( st"ge o this "ppe"l, priv"te respon(ent '"!e up or the irst
ti!e $ith the 'ontention th"t the "'tion or res'ission is b"rre( by
pres'ription. 9hile it is true th"t Arti'le .*5. o the Civil Co(e provi(es
or " pres'riptive perio( o si/ !onths or " re(hibitory "'tion, " 'ursory
re"(ing o the ten pre'e(ing "rti'les to $hi'h it reers $ill reve"l th"t s"i(
rule !"y be "pplie( only in '"se o i!plie( $"rr"nties. The present '"se
involves one $ith "n e/press $"rr"nty. Conse0uently, the gener"l rule on
res'ission o 'ontr"'t, $hi'h is our ye"rs sh"ll "pply. Consi(ering th"t the
origin"l '"se or res'ission $"s ile( only one ye"r "ter the (elivery o the
sub:e't !"'hine, the s"!e is $ell $ithin the pres'riptive perio(. This is
"si(e ro! the (o'trin"l rule th"t the (eense o pres'ription is $"ive( "n(
'"nnot be 'onsi(ere( on "ppe"l i not r"ise( in the tri"l 'ourt, "n( this '"se
(oes not h"ve the e"tures or "n e/'eption to s"i( rule.
G.R. No. 73913 January 31, 1989
JERRY T. MOLES, petitioner,
DIOLOSA, respon(ents.
Zoilo V. De la Cruz, Jr., Kenneth Barredo, Romeo Sabig and Natalio V.
Sitjao for petitioner.
Rolando N. !edalla and Joe ". "uinez, Jr., for pri#ate repondent.
This petition or revie$ on $ertiorari "ss"ils the (e'ision o the then
Inter!e(i"te Appell"te Court
(is!issing the 'o!pl"int ile( by herein
petitioner "g"inst the herein priv"te respon(ent in the or!er Court o First
Inst"n'e o 2egros O''i(ent"l in Civil C"se 2o. .?@3. thereo.
The "'tu"l b"'6(rop o this 'ontroversy, "s 'ulle( ro! the
sho$s th"t on M"y .5, .45@, petitioner Jerry T. Moles
'o!!en'e( " suit "g"inst priv"te respon(ent M"ri"no M. #iolos" in the
"ores"i( tri"l 'ourt, )r"n'h IA in )"'olo( City, or res'ission o 'ontr"'t
$ith ("!"ges. %riv"te respon(ent !ove( to (is!iss on the groun( o
i!proper venue, invo6ing thereor S"les Invoi'e 2o. +5*A e/e'ute(
bet$een petitioner "n( priv"te respon(ent on April 3?, .455 $hi'h provi(es
th"t "ll :u(i'i"l "'tions "rising ro! this 'ontr"'t sh"ll be institute( in the
City o Iloilo.
This $"s oppose( by petitioner $ho "verre( th"t there is no
or!"l (o'u!ent evi(en'ing the s"le $hi'h is subst"nti"lly verb"l in
'h"r"'ter. In "n or(er ("te( June 3?, .45@, the tri"l 'ourt (enie( the !otion
to (is!iss, hol(ing th"t the 0uestion o venue 'oul( not be resolve( "t s"i(
st"ge o the '"se. The subse0uent !otion or re'onsi(er"tion $"s li6e$ise
Conse0uently, priv"te respon(ent, invo6ing the "ores"i( venue stipul"tion,
pre'ee(e( to this Court on " petition or prohibition $ith preli!in"ry
in:un'tion in B.1. 2o. C4+5@, 0uestioning the v"li(ity o the or(er (enying
his "ores"i( t$o !otions "n( see6ing to en:oin the tri"l 'ourt ro! urther
pro'ee(ing $ith the '"se. This petition $"s (is!isse( or l"'6 o !erit in "
resolution o the Court, ("te( Febru"ry 5, .454, "n( $hi'h be'"!e in"l on
M"r'h .*, .454. There"ter, priv"te respon(ent ile( his "ns$er "n(
pro'ee(e( to tri"l.
The "ore'ite( re'or(s est"blish th"t so!eti!e in .455, petitioner nee(e( "
linotype printing !"'hine or his printing business, The LM %ress "t
)"'olo( City, "n( "pplie( or "n in(ustri"l lo"n $ith the #evelop!ent )"n6
o the %hilippines. (herein"ter, #)%) or the pur'h"se thereo. An "gent o
S!ith, )ell "n( Co. $ho is " rien( o petitioner intro(u'e( the l"tter to
priv"te respon(ent, o$ner o the #iolos" %ublishing &ouse in Iloilo City,
$ho h"( t$o "v"il"ble !"'hines. There"ter, petitioner $ent to Iloilo City
to inspe't the t$o !"'hines oere( or s"le "n( $"s inor!e( th"t the s"!e
$ere se'on(h"n( but un'tion"l.
On his se'on( visit to the #iolos" %ublishing &ouse, petitioner together
$ith 1ogelio Dus"y, " letter press !"'hine oper"tor, (e'i(e( to buy the
linotype !"'hine, Mo(el .C. The tr"ns"'tion $"s b"si'"lly verb"l in n"ture
but to "'ilit"te the lo"n "ppli'"tion $ith the #)%, " pro or!" invoi'e,
("te( April 3?, .455 "n( rele'ting the "!ount o %*+,+++.++ "s the
'onsi(er"tion o the s"le, $"s signe( by petitioner $ith "n "((en(u! th"t
p"y!ent h"( not yet been !"(e but th"t he pro!ise( to p"y the ull "!ount
upon the rele"se o his lo"n ro! the "ore!entione( b"n6 on or beore the
en( o the !onth.
Although the "gree( selling pri'e $"s only %C+,+++.++,
the "!ount on the invoi'e $"s in're"se( by %.+,+++.++, s"i( in're"se being
inten(e( or the pur'h"se o ne$ !"tri'es or s"i( !"'hine.
So!eti!e bet$een April "n( M"y, .455, the !"'hine $"s (elivere( to
petitioner=s publishing house "t T"ngub, )"'olo( City $here it $"s inst"lle(
by one Crispino Es'uri(o, "n e!ployee o respon(ent #iolos". Another
e!ployee o the #iolos" %ublishing &ouse, To!"s %lon("y", st"ye( "t
petitioners house or "l!ost " !onth to tr"in the l"tter=s 'ousin in oper"ting
the !"'hine. $
7n(er ("te o August 34, .455, priv"te respon(ent issue( " 'ertii'"tion
$herein he $"rr"nte( th"t the !"'hine sol( $"s in A-. 'on(ition, together
$ith other e/press $"rr"nties.
%rior to the rele"se o the lo"n, " represent"tive ro! the #)%, )"'olo(,
suppose(ly inspe'te( the !"'hine but he !erely loo6e( "t it to see th"t it
$"s there .
The inspe'tor=s re'o!!en("tion $"s "vor"ble "n(, there"ter,
petitioner=s lo"n o %*+,+++.++ $"s gr"nte( "n( rele"se(. &o$ever, beore
p"y!ent $"s !"(e to priv"te respon(ent, petitioner re0uire( the or!er, in
" letter ("te( Septe!ber ?+, .455, to "''o!plish the ollo$ing, $ith the
e/pl"n"tions in(i'"te( by hi!:
..) Crosse( 'he'6 or %.*,C+5..+ representing.
") % .+,+++.++-Overpri'e in the !"'hine:
b) %3+?.++-Freight "n( h"n(ling o the !"'hine>
') %3+?.++-Sh"re in the ele'tri' rep"ir> "n(
() %*,+++.++- Insur"n'e th"t Crispin $ill 'o!e b"'6 "n(
rep"ir the linotype !"'hine "t seller=s "''ount "s provi(e(
in the 'ontr"'t> "ter Crispin h"s put everything in or(er
$hen he goes ho!e on Sun("y he $ill return the 'he'6 o
3) Oi'i"l re'eipt in the "!ount o % *+,+++.++ "s ull
p"y!ent o the linotype !"'hine.
These $ere i!!e(i"tely 'o!plie( $ith by priv"te respon(ent "n( on the
s"!e ("y, Septe!ber ?+,.455, he re'eive( the #)% 'he'6 or %*+,+++.++.
It is to be note( th"t the "ores"i( oi'i"l re'eipt 2o. +C*., ("te(
Septe!ber ?+, .455 "n( prep"re( "n( signe( by priv"te respon(ent,
e/pressly st"tes th"t he re'eive( ro! the petitioner the #)% 'he'6 or
%*+,+++.++ issue( in our "vor in ull p"y!ent o one (.) 7nit Mo(el .C
Linotype M"'hine "s per %ro forma Invoi'e ("te( April 3?, .455.
On 2ove!ber 34, .455, petitioner $rote priv"te respon(ent th"t the
!"'hine $"s not un'tioning properly "s it nee(e( " ne$ (istributor b"r. In
the s"!e letter, petitioner unbur(ene( hi!sel o his griev"n'es "n(
senti!ents in this $ise.
9e bought this !"'hine in goo( "ith be'"use $e truste(
you very !u'h being our el(er brother in printing "n(
publishing business. 9e (i( not hire "nybo(y to loo6 over
the !"'hine, !u'h !ore "s6 or " reb"te in your pri'e o
%C+,+++.++ "n( believe( $h"t your truste( t$o !en,
To!"s "n( Crispin, s"i( "lthough they $ere hi(ing the
re"l "n( "'tu"l 'on(ition o the !"'hine or your business
7ntil l"st $ee6, $e oun( out the $orst ever to h"ppen to
us. 9e h"ve been 'he"te( be'"use the e/pert o the
Linotype !"'hine ro! M"nil" s"ys, th"t the !ost he $ill
buy your !"'hine is "t %*,+++.++ only. ...
%riv"te respon(ent !"(e no reply to s"i( letter, so petitioner eng"ge( the
servi'es o other te'hni'i"ns. L"ter, "ter sever"l telephone '"lls reg"r(ing
the (ee'ts in the !"'hine, priv"te respon(ent sent t$o te'hni'i"ns to !"6e
the ne'ess"ry rep"irs but they "ile( to put the !"'hine in running
'on(ition. In "'t, sin'e then petitioner $"s never "ble to use the !"'hine.
On Febru"ry .@, .45@, not h"ving re'eive( ro! priv"te respon(ent the
"'tion re0ueste( in his pre'e(ing letter "s herein beore st"te(, petitioner
"g"in $rote priv"te respon(ent, this ti!e $ith the $"rning th"t he $oul( be
or'e( to see6 leg"l re!e(ies to prote't his interest.
Obviously in response to the oregoing letter, priv"te respon(ent (e'i(e( to
pur'h"se " ne$ (istributor b"r "n(, on M"r'h .;, .45@, priv"te respon(ent
(elivere( this sp"re p"rt to petitioner through one %e(ro C"n(i(o. &o$ever,
$hen there"ter petitioner "s6e( priv"te respon(ent to p"y or the pri'e o
the (istributor b"r, the l"tter "s6e( petitioner to sh"re the 'ost $ith hi!.
%etitioner thus in"lly (e'i(e( to in(orse the !"tter to his l"$yer.
An e/pert $itness or the petitioner, one Bil Leg"spin", (e'l"re( th"t he
inspe'te( the linotype !"'hine involve( in this '"se "t the inst"n'e o
petitioner. In his inspe'tion thereo, he oun( the ollo$ing (ee'ts: (.) the
verti'"l "uto!"ti' stop lever in the '"sting (ivision $"s $orn out> (3) the
:ustii'"tion lever h"( " slight bre"'h (b"l"n" in the (i"le't)> (?) the
(istributor b"r $"s $orn out> (C) the p"rtition "t the entr"n'e 'h"nnel h"( "
te"r> (*) there $"s no <pie st"'6er< tube entr"n'e> "n( (;) the slou'h "r!
lever in the (riving (ivision $"s $orn out.
It turne( out th"t the s"i( linotype !"'hine $"s the s"!e !"'hine th"t
$itness Leg"spin" h"( previously inspe'te( or Sy )rothers, " ir! $hi'h
"lso $"nte( to buy " linotype !"'hine or their printing est"blish!ent.
&"ving oun( (ee'ts in s"i( !"'hine, the $itness inor!e( Sy )rother
"bout his in(ings, hen'e the pur'h"se $"s "borte(. In his opinion, !":or
rep"irs $ere nee(e( to put the !"'hine b"'6 in goo( running 'on(ition.
Ater tri"l, the 'ourt a &uo ren(ere( " (e'ision the (ispositive portion o
$hi'h re"(s:
:u(g!ent is hereby ren(ere( "s ollo$s:
(.) #e'reeing the res'ission o the 'ontr"'t o s"le
involving one linotype !"'hine 2o. .C bet$een the
(een("nt "s seller "n( the pl"inti "s buyer>
(3) Or(ering the pl"inti to return to the (een("nt "t the
l"tter=s pl"'e o business in Iloilo City the linotype
!"'hine "ore!entione( together $ith "ll "''essories th"t
origin"lly $ere (elivere( to the pl"inti>
(?) Or(ering the (een("nt to return to the pl"inti the
su! o Forty Thous"n( %esos (%C+,+++.++) representing
the pri'e o the linotype !"'hine, plus interest "t the leg"l
r"te 'ounte( ro! M"y .5, .45@ $hen this "'tion $"s
institute(, until ully p"i(>
(C) Or(ering the (een("nt to in(e!niy the pl"inti the
su! o Four Thous"n( Five &un(re( %esos (%C,*++.++)
representing une"rne( in'o!e or "'tu"l ("!"ges>
(*) Or(ering the (een("nt to p"y the pl"inti the su! o
One Thous"n( %esos (%l,+++.++) or "ttorney=s ees.
Costs "g"inst the (een("nt.
Fro! this (e'ision, priv"te respon(ent "ppe"le( to the Inter!e(i"te
Appell"te Court $hi'h reverse( the :u(g!ent o the lo$er 'ourt "n(
(is!isse( petitioner=s 'o!pl"int, hen'e the present petition.
9e in( !erit in petitioner=s '"use.
On the !"tter o venue, priv"te respon(ent relies on the "ore!entione(
S"les Invoi'e 2o. +5;A $hi'h "llege(ly re0uires th"t the proper venue
shoul( be Iloilo City "n( not )"'olo( City. 9e "gree $ith petitioner th"t
s"i( (o'u!ent is not the 'ontr"'t evi(en'ing the s"le o the linotype
!"'hine, it being !erely " preli!in"ry !e!or"n(u! o " propos"l to buy
one linotype !"'hine, using or su'h purpose " printe( or! use( or
printing :ob or(ers in priv"te respon(ent=s printing business. As
hereinbeore e/pl"ine(, this issue on venue $"s brought to 7s by priv"te
respon(ent in " spe'i"l 'ivil "'tion or prohibition $ith preli!in"ry
in:un'tion in B.1. 2o. C4+5@. Ater 'onsi(ering the "lleg"tions 'ont"ine(,
the issues r"ise( "n( the "rgu!ents "((u'e( in s"i( petition, "s $ell "s the
'o!!ents thereto, the Court (is!isse( the petition or l"'6 o !erit.
1espon(ent 'ourt erre( in reopening the s"!e issue on "ppe"l, $ith "
'ontr"ry ruling.
Further!ore, it $"s error or the respon(ent 'ourt, "ter "(opting the "'tu"l
in(ings o the lo$er 'ourt, to reverse the l"tter=s hol(ing th"t the s"les
invoi'e is !erely " pro forma !e!or"n(u!. The re'or(s (o not sho$ th"t
this in(ing is groun(e( entirely on spe'ul"tion, sur!ises or 'on:e'tures "s
to $"rr"nt " revers"l thereo.
In "'t, "s hereinbeore st"te(, priv"te
respon(ent e/pressly "(!itte( in his oi'i"l re'eipt 2o. +C*., ("te(
Septe!ber ?+, .455, th"t the s"i( s"les invoi'e $"s !erely " pro
forma invoi'e. Conse0uently, the printe( provisions therein, espe'i"lly sin'e
the printe( or! use( $"s or purposes o other types o tr"ns"'tions, 'oul(
not h"ve been inten(e( by the p"rties to govern their tr"ns"'tion on the
printing !"'hine. It is obvious th"t " venue stipul"tion, in or(er to bin( the
p"rties, !ust h"ve been intelligently "n( (eliber"tely inten(e( by the! to
e/'lu(e their '"se ro! the regle!ent"ry rules on venue. Det, even su'h
inten(e( v"ri"n'e !"y not ne'ess"rily be given :u(i'i"l "pprov"l, "s, or
inst"n'e, $here there "re no restri'tive or 0u"liying $or(s in the "gree!ent
in(i'"ting th"t venue '"nnot be l"i( in "ny pl"'e other th"n th"t "gree( upon
by the p"rties,
"n( in 'ontr"'ts o "(hesion.
2o$, $hen "n "rti'le is sol( "s " se'on(h"n( ite!, " 0uestion "rises "s to
$hether there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty o its 0u"lity or itness. It is gener"lly
hel( th"t in the s"le o " (esign"te( "n( spe'ii' "rti'le sol( "s se'on(h"n(,
there is no i!plie( $"rr"nty "s to its 0u"lity or itness or the purpose
inten(e(, "t le"st $here it is sub:e't to inspe'tion "t the ti!e o the s"le. On
the other h"n(, there is "lso "uthority to the ee't th"t in " s"le o "
se'on(h"n( "rti'les there !"y be, un(er so!e 'ir'u!st"n'es, "n i!plie(
$"rr"nty o itness or the or(in"ry purpose o the "rti'le sol( or or the
p"rti'ul"r purpose o the buyer.
In " line o (e'isions ren(ere( by the 7nite( St"tes Supre!e Court, it h"(
theretoore been hel( th"t there is no i!plie( $"rr"nty "s to the 'on(ition,
"("pt"tion, itness, or suit"bility or the purpose or $hi'h !"(e, or the
0u"lity, o "n "rti'le sol( "s "n( or " se'on(h"n( "rti'le.
Thus, in in(ing or priv"te respon(ent, the respon(ent 'ourt 'ite( the ruling
in Sion #. 'go, et al.
to the ee't th"t unless goo(s "re sol( "s to r"ise
"n i!plie( $"rr"nty, "s " gener"l rule there is no i!plie( $"rr"nty in the
s"le o se'on(h"n( "rti'les.
S"i( gener"l rule, ho$ever, is not $ithout e/'eptions. Arti'le .*;3 o our
Civil Co(e, $hi'h $"s t"6en ro! the 7nior! S"les A't, provi(es:
Art. .*;3. In " s"le o goo(s, there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty
or 'on(ition "s to the 0u"lity or itness o the goo(s, "s
(.) 9here the buyer, e/pressly or by i!pli'"tion, !"6es
6no$n to the seller the p"rti'ul"r purpose or $hi'h the
goo(s "re "'0uire(, "n( it "ppe"rs th"t the buyer relies on
the seller=s s6ill or :u(g!ent ($hether he be the gro$er or
!"nu"'turer or not), there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty th"t the
goo(s sh"ll be re"son"bly it or su'h purpose>
/ / /
In Drumar !ining Co. #. !orri Ra#ine !ining Co.,
the #istri't Court
o Appe"ls, ?r( #istri't, C"liorni", in "pplying " si!il"r provision o l"$,
=There is nothing in the 7nior! S"les A't (e'l"ring there
is no i!plie( $"rr"nty in the s"le o se'on(h"n( goo(s.
Se'tion .5?* o the Civil Co(e (e'l"res there is no
i!plie( $"rr"nty or 'on(ition "s to the 0u"lity or itness
or "ny p"rti'ul"r purpose, o goo(s supplie( un(er "
'ontr"'t to sell or " s"le, e/'ept (this gener"l st"te!ent is
ollo$e( by "n enu!er"tion o sever"l e/'eptions). It
$oul( see! th"t the legisl"ture inten(e( this se'tion to
"pply to "ll s"les o goo(s, $hether ne$ or se'on(h"n(.
In sub(ivision . o this se'tion, this l"ngu"ge is use(:
$here the buyer ... !"6es 6no$n to the seller the
p"rti'ul"r purpose or $hi'h the goo(s "re re0uire(, "n( it
"ppe"rs th"t the buyer relies on the seller=s s6ill or
:u(g!ent ... there is "n i!plie( $"rr"nty th"t the goo(s
sh"ll be re"son"bly it or su'h purpose.=
Further!ore, "n( o " !ore (eter!in"tive role in this '"se, " perus"l o p"st
A!eri'"n (e'isions
li6e$ise reve"ls " unior! p"ttern o rulings to the
ee't th"t "n e/press $"rr"nty '"n be !"(e by "n( "lso be bin(ing on the
seller even in the s"le o " se'on(h"n( "rti'le.
In the "ore'ite( '"se o !ar(man #. )allbe$(, $hile hol(ing th"t there
$"s "n e/press $"rr"nty in the s"le o " se'on(h"n( engine, the 'ourt s"i(
th"t it $"s not error to reuse "n instru'tion th"t upon the s"le o
se'on(h"n( goo(s no $"rr"nty $"s i!plie(, sin'e se'on(h"n( goo(s !ight
be sol( un(er su'h 'ir'u!st"n'es "s to r"ise "n i!plie( $"rr"nty.
To repe"t, in the '"se beore 7s, " 'ertii'"tion to the ee't th"t the linotype
!"'hine bought by petitioner $"s in A-. 'on(ition $"s issue( by priv"te
respon(ent in "vor o the or!er. This '"nnot but be 'onsi(ere( "s "n
e/press $"rr"nty. &o$ever, it is priv"te respon(ent=s sub!ission, th"t the
s"!e is not bin(ing on hi!, not being " p"rt o the 'ontr"'t o s"le bet$een
the!. This 'ontention is beret o subst"n'e.
It !ust be re!e!bere( th"t the 'ertii'"tion $"s " 'on(ition ine &ua
non or the rele"se o petitioner=s lo"n $hi'h $"s to be use( "s p"y!ent or
the pur'h"se pri'e o the !"'hine. %riv"te respon(ent "ile( to reute this
!"teri"l "'t. 2either (oes he e/pl"in $hy he !"(e th"t e/press $"rr"nty
on the 'on(ition o the !"'hine i he h"( not inten(e( to be boun( by it. In
"'t, the respon(ent 'ourt, in (e'l"ring th"t petitioner shoul( h"ve "v"ile( o
the re!e(y o re0uiring rep"irs "s provi(e( or in s"i( 'ertii'"tion, thereby
'onsi(ere( the s"!e "s p"rt "n( p"r'el o the verb"l 'ontr"'t bet$een the
On the b"sis o the oregoing 'ir'u!st"n'es, the ines'"p"ble 'on'lusion is
th"t priv"te respon(ent is in(ee( boun( by the e/press $"rr"nty he e/e'ute(
in "vor o herein petitioner.
9e (is"gree $ith respon(ent 'ourt th"t priv"te respon(ents e/press
$"rr"nty "s to the A-. 'on(ition o the !"'hine $"s !erely (e"ler=s t"l6.
%riv"te respon(ent $"s not " (e"ler o printing or linotype !"'hines to
$ho! 'oul( be "s'ribe( the suppose( resort to the usu"l e/"gger"tions o
tr"(e in s"i( ite!s. &is 'ertii'"tion "s to the 'on(ition o the !"'hine $"s
not !"(e to in(u'e petitioner to pur'h"se it but to 'onir! in $riting or
purposes o the in"n'ing "spe't o the tr"ns"'tion his represent"tions
thereon. Or(in"rily, $h"t (oes not "ppe"r on the "'e o the $ritten
instru!ent shoul( be reg"r(e( "s (e"ler=s or tr"(er=s t"l6>
'onversely, $h"t
is spe'ii'"lly represente( "s true in s"i( (o'u!ent, "s in the inst"nt '"se,
'"nnot be 'onsi(ere( "s !ere (e"ler=s t"l6.
On the 0uestion "s to $hether the hi((en (ee'ts in the !"'hine is sui'ient
to $"rr"nt " res'ission o the 'ontr"'t bet$een the p"rties, $e h"ve to
'onsi(er the rule on re(hibitory (ee'ts 'onte!pl"te( in Arti'le .*;. o the
Civil Co(e. A re(hibitory (ee't !ust be "n i!pere'tion or (ee't o su'h
n"ture "s to engen(er " 'ert"in (egree o i!port"n'e. An i!pere'tion or
(ee't o little 'onse0uen'e (oes not 'o!e $ithin the '"tegory o being
As "lre"(y n"rr"te(, "n e/pert $itness or the petitioner '"tegori'"lly
est"blishe( th"t the !"'hine re0uire( !":or rep"irs beore it 'oul( be use(.
This, plus the "'t th"t petitioner never !"(e "ppropri"te use o the !"'hine
ro! the ti!e o pur'h"se until "n "'tion $"s ile(, "ttest to the !":or
(ee'ts in s"i( !"'hine, by re"son o $hi'h the res'ission o the 'ontr"'t o
s"le is sought. The "'tu"l in(ing, thereore, o the tri"l 'ourt th"t the
!"'hine is not re"son"bly it or the p"rti'ul"r purpose or $hi'h it $"s
inten(e( !ust be uphel(, there being "!ple evi(en'e to sust"in the s"!e.
At " bel"te( st"ge o this "ppe"l, priv"te respon(ent '"!e up or the irst
ti!e $ith the 'ontention th"t the "'tion or res'ission is b"rre( by
pres'ription. 9hile it is true th"t Arti'le .*5. o the Civil Co(e provi(es or
" pres'riptive perio( o si/ !onths or " re(hibitory "'tion " 'ursory
re"(ing o the ten pre'e(ing "rti'les to $hi'h it reers $ill reve"l th"t s"i(
rule !"y be "pplie( only in '"se o i!plie( $"rr"nties. The present '"se
involves one $ith "n( e/press $"rr"nty. Conse0uently, the gener"l rule on
res'ission o 'ontr"'t, $hi'h is our ye"rs
sh"ll "pply. Consi(ering th"t
the origin"l '"se or res'ission $"s ile( only one ye"r "ter the (elivery o
the sub:e't !"'hine, the s"!e is $ell $ithin the pres'riptive perio(. This is
"si(e ro! the (o'trin"l rule th"t the (eense o pres'ription is $"ive( "n(
'"nnot be 'onsi(ere( on "ppe"l i not r"ise( in the tri"l 'ourt,
"n( this
'"se (oes not h"ve the e"tures or "n e/'eption to s"i( rule.
9&E1EFO1E, the :u(g!ent o (is!iss"l o the respon(ent 'ourt is hereby
1EAE1SE# "n( SET ASI#E, "n( the (e'ision o the 'ourt a &uo is hereby
SO O1#E1E#.

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