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Strategy Name Strategy # ____2____

Drawing and Illustrating

Brief Description (in your own words):

This strategy lets students make things like sketches, drawings, or diagrams to help illustrate
ideas. They can be used for different subjects and allow students to use their illustrations to help
them connect with the material. They can use words for explanations or labels, or simply draw
stuck figures to get the point across.

How you plan to use this strategy in your Practicum, Internship, Student
Teaching, or in your own classroom:

I would have the students use drawings to help learn about certain content in P.E. If the content,
for example were about the body, I would have them sketch out the parts we are discussing so
they get a better understanding. This will let students remember the body because they recreated
it and were able to visualize it. If they were learning about a certain sport, I would have them
draw out certain things about that sport or have them come up with a designated play if the sport
used plays during their game.

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