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A local repository holds metadata about objects, work flows, and data flows. Typically each developer will have one,
and another local repository in your DEV/QA/PRD environment where the jobs are scheduled/run.

A central repository manages version control, check-in/out of objects, and can be used as part of a release
management strategy. The central repository can execute any jobs.

A profiler repository stores metadata on profiled object(s).

Metadata used in the data cleansing transforms.

Repoistory is nothing but a kind of staging layer created with in the database with help of BODS e.g. if you want to
extract raw data from single table (oracle ) and you want to segregate only relevant data into another table you can
do it in BODS with the help of repositories. By creating a staging layer ('repository') you can send segregated data
into it . You can see in oracle also where the data has stored.

repository can be cateogrised into a) Local b) central

A local repository holds process data structure like data flow,work flows,transformation datastore etc.

A central repository collate access of repository to multiple users.

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