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Our Humans nearest genetic cousins : MEANS - ALTERNATE /OR : HUMAN,

Though science more follos !arinians theor" #ut those $o not %no the Rama"an nor
Sans%rit& Actual the creation theor" is more correct as e'(laine$ in )e$a /*urans an$ also in
Ol$ #i#le
Meaning of : + e ,ust sa" Mon%e"& -ut h" that as name$ )anar : . See the real
meaning of naming )anar + Mon%e" as )ANARa : /
VANAR: Means VA NAR : means Like NAR: - Human.
VA : means ALTERNATE, Or/LIKE and NAR: - Human.
Humans :- Singular NAR: lural NARA: (nara), (narau), (nar).
M!nke"s: -Singular VANAR: lural VANARA: (vnara), (vnarau), (vnar).
T#e Sanskri$ name gi%en &i$# s'ien$i(i'all" $#a$ VANAR: are like #umans. N!$ !nl"
)" a**earan'e )u$ als! gr!u*ing R# (a'$!rs $! and s! &i$# $#e s'ien$i(i'
'!nsidera$i!n m!nke"s are named in SANSKRIT and (!ll!&ed in !$#er languages as
Humans an$ 0)anara1 are 2ENET34ALL5 ALSO 4LOSE TO each OTHER an$ genetic cross
#rea$ing as (ossi#le #" crossing the s(ecies #arriers& E&g& Hanuman + as #orn to Mother
AN6ANA An + 7non8 6ana 7Human8 9 means a Mon%e" Mother& As sai$ #" )ishnu to all !e:a,
that $uring his re incarnation as a RAMA in Treta 5uga, to create a generation in )anar 7e&g&
HANUMAN, SU2R3)A )AL3 ET48 an$ #ears 76AM-U);AN8& That as $one #" !e:a )A5U, 3N!RA,
SUR5A, 5AMA , )aruna etc ith the hel( of AN6ANA 7)irgin Mother of Hanuman8 etc& AN! SO
AS OUR -LOO! 2ROU*3N2 3S ALSO -ASE! ON Rh</- factors $eri:e$ from Rhesus + 7Rh8
And &#" VANAR s*e'ies used $! 'rea$e SENA , le$s see $#e s!me (a'$s !( gene$i's in $erms !( SANSKRIT.
And s! '#an'es !( 'r!ssing S*e'ies )arriers (!r 'rea$i!n !( $#e gene$i' genera$i!ns are m!re likel" and &ill
n!$ des$ru'$ $#e (!e$us due $! miss ma$'#ing R# (a'$!rs.

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