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Modify Standards in Relation to Global Education

1. Type out the standard and the source of the standard:

A. Ninth Grade Chicago Public School (CPS) Social Science Curriculum Map: Quarter 1, nit 1 !heme "
#dentit$ (#ntroduction to Geograph$)
%$ the end o& thi' unit 'tudent' (ill be able to in)e'tigate and anal$*e ho( the interaction bet(een earl$
group' o& human' and geograph$ led to the de)elopment o& )ariou' culture' and ci)ili*ation'. Student' (ill
al'o be able to in)e'tigate and anal$*e the interaction' bet(een contemporar$ 'ocietie' and (hat role
geograph$ pla$' in tho'e interaction' and in creating uni+ue cultural identitie' throughout the (orld.
%. Ninth Grade CPS Social Science Curriculum Map: Quarter ,, nit - !heme " Po(er (.e&ining Po(er)
%$ the end o& thi' unit 'tudent' (ill be able to in)e'tigate and anal$*e the )ariou' de&inition' o& political,
economic and cultural dominance, ho( po(er de)eloped, ho( it i' u'ed &or both good and bad and ho( it i'
di'tributed and it i' u'ed in the modern (orld.
C. Ninth Grade CPS Social Science Curriculum Map: Quarter -, nit / !heme " Con&lict0Compromi'e (1h$
i' !here No Peace2)
%$ the end o& thi' unit 'tudent' (ill be able to in)e'tigate and anal$*e (h$ (ar i' 'o pre)alent throughout
hi'tor$, it' e&&ect on culture', 'ocietie' and the de)elopment and decline o& ci)ili*ation'.
2. Identify how you could integrate global perspecties!co"petencies into each standard.
A. 1. Identity: Culture i' a (a$ o& li&e o& a group o& people (ho 'hare 'imilar belie&', )alue', and cu'tom'.
(3o( are di)er'e identitie' and culture' ali4e and di&&erent2) ,. Geography: People adapt to and
modi&$ their en)ironment. (1hat doe' the (a$ (e interact (ith our en)ironment' re)eal about our
)alue' and hi'tor$2) -. Geography: Mo)ement and migration o& people and idea' a&&ect' the pa't,
pre'ent, and &uture. (.oe' mo)ement a&&ect an e5i'ting communit$2 .oe' mo)ement a&&ect a ne(
communit$2 1h$03o(2
%. 1. #olitics: Politic' i' a proce'' to determine (ho go)ern' and &or (hat purpo'e'. (3o( i' po(er
gained, u'ed, 6u'ti&ied, and abu'ed in political '$'tem'2) ,. $istory: !he 'tud$ o& political, economic,
and 'ocial pattern' re)eal' continuit$ and change o)er time. (3o( do pa't people, place', idea', and
e)ent' in&luence later generation'2) -. Identity: Culture a&&ect' one7' indi)idual identit$ and belie&
'$'tem. (1hat ma4e' people (ho the$ are2 1hat thing' 'hape identit$2)
C. 1. %iics: !he action' o& indi)idual', group', and0or in'titution' a&&ect 'ociet$ through intended and
unintended con'e+uence'. (3o( do citi*en' " both indi)iduall$ and collecti)el$ " in&luence
go)ernment polic$2) ,. $istory: 8no(ledge o& the pa't help' u' under'tand the (orld and ma4e better
deci'ion' about the &uture. (3o( ha' the (orld changed and ho( might it change in the &uture2) -.
$istory: !he 'tud$ o& political, economic, and 'ocial pattern' re)eal' continuit$ and change o)er time.
(3o( ha' the (orld changed and ho( might it change in the &uture2)
&. E'plain specific lesson plan "odifications for each standard in order to de"onstrate
global perspecties!co"petencies (indicate which global co"petencies you are targeting)
A. Modi&ication: Create a compilation &rom
Creation m$th' &rom around the (orld (ith lin4' to cultural and political a'pect' o& each culture.
Global Competenc$ < 1. #n)e'tigate the (orld be$ond their immediate en)ironment, &raming 'igni&icant
problem' and conducting (ell=cra&ted and age=appropriate re'earch.
Modi&ication: Sho( the 'hort &ilm Barrio de Paz about >cuadorian gang $outh (ho band together not to
commit crime' but to pro)ide 'er)ice' to their 'truggling communit$ and )olunteer Nel'a Curbelo(ho (ho
initiated the mo)ement.
Global Competenc$ < ,. ?ecogni*e per'pecti)e', other'7 and their o(n, articulating and e5plaining 'uch
per'pecti)e' thought&ull$ and re'pect&ull$.
%. Modi&ication: @ie( )ideo and read article on Pulit*er Center on Cri'i' ?eporting (Pro6ect: Pa4i'tan and
#ndia " !he ?eal Nuclear Challenge) http:00pulit*ercenter.org0pro6ect'0india=pa4i'tan=nuclear=arm'race=china=
Global Competenc$ < 1. #n)e'tigate the (orld be$ond their immediate en)ironment, &raming 'igni&icant
problem' and conducting (ell=cra&ted and age=appropriate re'earch.
C. Modi&ication: Photo' and &ir't=hand account' o& genocide in .ar&ur. http:00(((.dar&urdar&ur.org0main0
Global Competenc$ < ,. ?ecogni*e per'pecti)e', other'7 and their o(n, articulating and e5plaining 'uch
per'pecti)e' thought&ull$ and re'pect&ull$.
*. Su""atie assess"ent
A. +1. ,nit 1 -./: R$.0112.13 4$ST.0112.0 CPS ?each Per&ormance !a'4 &or prea''e''ment.
!eacher=created per&ormance a''e''ment Primar$ Standard' A''e''ed: R$.0112.1 3 4$ST.0112.03 S5.6.*
(te5t dependent +ue'tion' that mea'ure 'tudent'7 comprehen'ion and pro)ide them (ith the e)idence needed to
de)elop their argument (riting piece).
%. +2. ,&: !eacher=created per&ormance a''e''ment (in&ormation (riting). Primar$ Standard' A''e''ed:
R$.0112.&, 4$ST.0112.2, S5.0112.*3 RI.0112.1 (te5t dependent +ue'tion' that mea'ure 'tudent'7
comprehen'ion and pro)ide them (ith the e)idence needed to de)elop their in&ormational (riting piece).
C. +&. ,7: !eacher=created per&ormance a''e''ment (argument (riting). Primar$ Standard' A''e''ed: R$.01
12.8, 4$ST.0112.*, S5.0112.23 (te5t dependent +ue'tion' that mea'ure 'tudent'7 comprehen'ion and pro)ide
them (ith the e)idence needed to de)elop their argument (riting piece).
Globally co"petent students are able to perfor" the following four co"petences:
1. #n)e'tigate the (orld be$ond their immediate en)ironment, &raming 'igni&icant problem' and conducting
(ell=cra&ted and age=appropriate re'earch.
,. ?ecogni*e per'pecti)e', other'7 and their o(n, articulating and e5plaining 'uch per'pecti)e' thought&ull$
and re'pect&ull$.
-. Communicate idea' e&&ecti)el$ (ith di)er'e audience', bridging geographic, lingui'tic, ideological, and
cultural barrier'.
D. !a4e action to impro)e condition', )ie(ing them'el)e' a' pla$er' in the (orld and participating re&lecti)el$.

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