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A Single Shard Comprehension Questions

Chapter 1
1.What is a jiggeh?
2. What are honorable ways to earn a meal according to Crane-Man?
3. About how old is Tree-ar?
!. What ha""ened to Tree-ar#s "arents?
$. What is the story behind Crane-Man#s name?
%. Where do Crane-Man and Tree-ar li&e?
'. What metal ma(es celadon a gray-green color?
Chapter 2
1. What does the stage) *leather hard+ mean?
2. What was inside the "lain large s,uare bo- that Tree-ar "ic(ed u" in Min#s "ottery studio?
3. What does Min assume that Tree-ar is when he .irst disco&ers that Tree-ar is in his studio?
!. What is Tree-ar#s .irst tas( while wor(ing .or Min?
$. What meta"hor does Crane-Man use to describe Tree-ar#s hand injury?
Chapter 3
1. While Min is re"rimanding Tree-ar at the beginning o. the cha"ter) what simile does the author use to
describe how Tree-ar .eels?
2. What .ood does Tree-ar gather in the woods?
3. When Min says) */ cannot "ay you+) what does that mean to Tree-ar?
!. 0n the tenth day o. wor() what does Tree-ar ha&e to gather with the cart?
$. What is the "ro"er way to recei&e something?
%. What mention is made o. reincarnation in this cha"ter?
A Single Shard Comprehension Questions
Chapter 4:
1ummeling) a&es) 2ourd )3elicitous) 4iscous) 5ie&e) Winnowed) /m"urities) Terse
1. Why does Tree-ear bring his own bowl to Min#s house the ne-t day?
2. What did Tree-ear do with the gourd bowl a.ter he .ound it em"ty?
3. What ha""ened to the .ood Tree-ear was sa&ing .or Crane-man?
!. Why does Crane-man describe Min#s wi.e as an *artist+?
Chapter 5:
1. 6ist ! "ersonal attributes that Tree-ar e-hibits? 7e-8 loyalty.9
2. Com"are the a""rentice system to the .ormal education system in a 4enn :iagram with 2 bulleted "oints in all 3
sections o. the 4enn :iagram.
3. Com"are homelessness today with Tree-ar#s time using a T-chart; include 3 "oints .or both sections
!. Why was <ang wheeling a cart with a cloth o&er it?
$. Why do clay diggers a&oid the areas where the clay was dirty white or rusty red?
%. What does Crane-man ma(e .or Tree-ear by *"laiting+ 7which means braiding9 se&eral layers o. straw?
Chapters 6 and
Students create their o!n "ocabulary list and comprehension #uestions !ith ans!ers$
Chapter 6: % !ords !ith de&initions: #uestions !ith ans!ers
Chapter :% !ords !ith de&initions: #uestions !ith ans!ers
'r alternati"e &or absent students:
Chapter 6
5"urned "g. %=
>ailed "g. %=
/m"assi&e "g. %1
Connoisseur "g. %!
5tealth "g. %!
Taut "g. %$
-"licit "g. %$
5urre"titiously "g. %$
1runus "g. %'
1. What do the &illage children thin( about Tree-ear being an or"han?
2. Why was the emissary &isiting Ch-ul"#o and <anjin?
3. What did the "otter <ang lac(?
!. Why did Min want the emissary to .ace the ocean while loo(ing at his "ottery?
$. >ow long did commissions ty"ically last .or a "otter?
3eigned "g. '3
Chrysanthemums "g. '!
5ediment "g. '$
/ncision "g. '%
:ismissi&ely "g. ''
Commission "g. ''
3erocity "g. '?
Treacherously "g. ?=
1. What did Tree-ear say that made Min laugh .or the .irst time?
2. Which "art o. ma(ing "ottery did Min disli(e anyone watching?
3. What ha""ens to "ottery "ieces i. the tem"erature in a (iln rises too .ast?
!. 5ince Tree-ear and Crane-man do not ha&e time to ta(e wal(s or other acti&ities) what do they do instead?
$. What ha""ened to the $ melon-sha"ed "ots that were shattered on the ground?
Chapters %(13
Write a bio-"oem about one o. the main characters in the story 7Min) Min#s wi.e) Crane Man or Tree ar9. A bio-"oem
should use words that are rele&ant to the story and describe the characters. /t has ele&en lines that should .ollow this
6ine 18 the name o. the character
6ine 28 .our traits that describe the character
6ine 38 .riend o....
6ine !8 lo&er o.... 7three items9
6ine $8 who .eels... 7three items9
6ine %8 who needs... 7three items9
6ine '8 who gi&es... 7three items9
6ine ?8 who .ears... 7three items9
6ine @8 who would li(e to see... 7three items9
6ine 1=8 resident o....
6ine 118 a "ossible nic(name
+eb#uest: ,roup pro-ect

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