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Lesson Plan: Class Lesson for

Primary School
Year level(s): 1
Lesson Focus: English
Learning area/ACARA focus: Understand concepts about print and screen,
including how different types of texts are organised using page numbering,
tables of content, headings and titles, navigation buttons, bars and
links (ACELA1450)
Class size: Approximately 25
Date/Time: Friday, the 22
August 2014

Background Information
Students can say all of the words from the List Words, from Unit 22 off Sound
Waves. They understand the definitions of the words and can put the words
correctly into sentences. They know how to use scissors correctly and can cut
on straight lines. Since they are Year 1s they can get easily distracted and do
tasks quite slowly.
Teaching/Learning Purpose(s) (written in terms of outcomes)
To enable students to recognise the various /s/ sounds that is used in their
List Words.

Preparation (Checklist):
- Photocopy 27 copies of the List words
- Have 5 buckets with the /s/ sounds on each bucket: s, ss, se, x, c
- Place the 5 buckets around the classroom
- Have a word search made up with this list words and next week list
words, just in case students finish early (25 copies)
- Have the laminated list words next to my chair
- On the smart board have the list words up
- Have my own copy of the List Words cut up already
- Have some of the words they made up with the /s/ sound on
Wednesday cut up

Learning Experiences:
1. How will I engage the learners?
- Praise (by verbal, house points, stickers) those who are engaging in the
activities, sitting up and listening to me
- Choose an interesting activity, which gives the students a chance to
move around the classroom, so they arent sitting in the same spot for
the whole lesson
- I will sound enthusiastic, when explain the task
- Remind them that those who are working hard, and who finish the task
and are able to answer my questions at the end will receive house
points, or a sticker

2. Student tasks and activities (what will the students do to achieve the
lesson purpose(s)? 44 Murdoch University
Gain attention (2mins)
- Get everyone sitting on the mat
- Ask for everyones attention, look around the class, praise those who are
sitting on their bottoms and looking at me. Comment to those who arent.
- Pose a question: This week you guys have been learning about a particular
sound off Sound wave, can anybody tell me what the sound is?
- If they have no clue, point to the smart board, where the list words will be
- Get them all to make the /s/ sound
- Explain different ways to make a /s/ sound: ss, s, se, x, c
- Tell them if they finish the activity before everyone else to come up to me
so I can get them to do something else (word search)
Explain Activity (3mins)
- Everyone will be given a sheet, they are to cut out around the words, on the
dotted lines (show them as an example)
- There are buckets around the rooms with the various /s/ sounds on them
(show them a bucket)
- Once you have your words cut out, place the words in the buckets
- Emphasis that they need to do this quickly but to think about what they are
Doing the Activity (10mins)
- Walk around the classroom
- If students are not on task, stare at them, if no response, say there name
and point to their word or if I am standing close by give them a gentle tap on
the shoulder to remind them to stay on task
- If any students look confused, ask them if they need any help and give them
the necessary help e.g. explain again the task, talk to them about the /s/
- Once students have words cut up encourage them to put the words into the
correct buckets
- If students are taking too long to cut all the list words out, just tell them to
start to put the words they have already cut up into the buckets
- If students finish before the 10mins is given, then start to give out the word
searches and remind them what they have to do with a word search

Conclusions (5mins)
- Once the 10 minutes is up, ask all the children to come sit back on the mat
- Pick 5 students to stand up and bring me the 5 buckets
- Ask the students to tell me what letters make up the /s/ sound: ss, s, c,
x, c
- Get words out from the buckets and ask the students if the word is in the
correct bucket (have some of my List Words in the wrong bucket)
- If I pull out a word from one of the buckets where it doesnt belong, see if
students can tell me why? And then get them to place the word in the correct
- Pull out the word cat and ask the students to say the word and then ask
them if it makes a /s/ sound
- Get out a few of the words they made up with the /s/ sound on Wednesday
and get them to put them in the correct words
- Ask them what they have learnt today
- Remind them the key learning concept that different letters can make up
the /s/ sound
- Thank them for their attention and hand the classroom back over to the
3. Conclusion (how do you summarise the learning and relate it to the lesson
I will be asking the students what they have learnt today at the end of the
lesson to see if one of the things they can tell me is that different letters can
make up the /s/ sound. I also will be trying to trick the students by making
sure I grab the wrong word out of the wrong bucket to see if they can pick it
up that the word doesnt belong there because of the different letters to
make that sound.

Assessment and evaluation: (How do you know the students have achieved
the learning purpose(s). Evaluate your own performance)

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