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Storytelling: Becoming an epic poet

In the spirit of the epic poet, Homer, you will tell us a story. Heres how:
1.) Choose a character from Gree mythology. !ou may choose a go", go""ess,
or human.
#.) $esearch the life %or immortality) of your character an" choose one goo" story
to share with the au"ience.
&.) 'earn the story( !ou "o not nee" to prepare a script. $ather, )e prepare" to
tell the story in a way that will inform an" entertain your au"ience.
*.) +ractice telling your story to your frien"s, family, or mirror. ,or on facial
e-pression, intonation, etc.
..) Incorporate the use of props in your presentation
/.) 0se original %that means 1written )y you2) epithets an" Homeric similes in
your presentation.
3.) !ou will ha4e a win"ow of #5* minutes to tell your story.
!ou will )e gra"e" on how well you meet each of the a)o4e re6uirements with
emphasis put on your apparent nowle"ge of the story an" your a)ility to
entertain the au"ience.
Storytelling: Becoming an epic poet
In the spirit of the epic poet, Homer, you will tell us a story. Heres how:
1. Choose a character from Gree mythology. !ou may choose a go", go""ess,
or human.
#. $esearch the life %or immortality) of your character an" choose one goo" story
to share with the au"ience.
&. 'earn the story( !ou "o not nee" to prepare a script. $ather, )e prepare" to
tell the story in a way that will inform an" entertain your au"ience.
*. +ractice telling your story to your frien"s, family, or mirror. ,or on facial
e-pression, intonation, etc.
.. Incorporate the use of props in your presentation
/. 0se original %that means 1written )y you2) epithets an" Homeric similes in
your presentation.
3. !ou will ha4e a win"ow of #5* minutes to tell your story.
!ou will )e gra"e" on how well you meet each of the a)o4e re6uirements with
emphasis put on your apparent nowle"ge of the story an" your a)ility to
entertain the au"ience.

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