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Featuring 'Iaeos ValIadolid- the "Real Thing"

direct from Southern California and liw salsa jazz!

Xavier Becerra
California's 3f st District
Democratic Caucus Vice Chair
Thursday, October 15,2009, 5-7pm
Demoaadc NatIonal Committee
South Captd Su.t. s, 1st Roor Wauet'1'n3f\ Room.Washinaton. oc

Please come and enjoy a night of

Food. fun. Mnsie, ,;, Friends!

ATaste of


Los Angeles
. ..
$2SOO PAC Host $1000 PAC Guest $1000 IndiYkkJal Host $500. $250 &$100 IncIviduaJ Guest .tit
.. RSVP to (301) 277J,sn fax (301) 277-2943

_ Yes, I wit arrand thefundnber in honor d XMer Bec:em..
fIldosad Is "" check far $ br 1rtdIYkblI(s).
_ No.1 wilnot be able Ul8ttend. but endoIed " "" contrIKIIon d $__
_ I.. IrKa'8sr8d In funre 4MIUI br Rep. Becerra tha mohoe MblndI,. perfol iilllllCe uti and/or 'f:lOI"dnc flWIRts.
Nall'III:, _

;O. S--'___DJlt,_____=...
Falc _
Retum address: P.QBox 116. HyattMfkt. MD 20781-0116 fax: (301) 2772943 email:
Conu1tMlions or"to 8eoem br Corvrea are not Q)( deduC4tie.We may accept C<lfltI'I)udons from an indMckrill up to $4-400
f*' .1ICdon. federal lawpt"lbtitI a>nerIludons to the c:ampaiIn from corporadolll,lIbcr orptlzadans, and natIanaI bu*s;fran any penon
=ntrillutinl anodler penon" fooda;from who Ildt pwrnanwre.tidInt .-....s; and from1ecknl c:ontn.I:tCn.
W. may conabalons from dtldrwt WId8' .. 18 t d1e decbIon to cona1buaa Is made and voIunariIy by dMl cHid and f
the funds are owned or c:onaoIed by the mid. To colllflly wItb flderalliIIl, we must ute our bat efcru to obtai", 1'l'Ilint:aIl\ and JUbmit the
name. ..... addres, oc:at*icn Md name cI empIoytr br 1ndMdu:als wbose eonaibutlolS aeed $2CO In an eIectk:If'l cyde.
Paid br by the DCCC and Authorized by Becerra for Congress
FEe to# COl)UfIOI

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