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Standards Scope and Sequence, Kindergarten

Quarter: 1
!"#$ & !"#$ '
()*+#",- .#$)/*$0/)
1)2 3+)*4 *"+ 5)$*#64
k.8L.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key deLalls
ln a LexL.
k.8L.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, reLell famlllar sLorles, lncludlng key deLalls.
k.8L.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy characLers, seLLlngs, and ma[or
evenLs ln a sLory.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8L.4: Ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown words ln a LexL.
k.8L.3: 8ecognlze common Lypes of LexLs (e.g.,sLorybooks, poems).
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8L.6: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, name Lhe auLhor and lllusLraLor of a sLory
and deflne Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe sLory.
k.8L7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe sLory ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL momenL ln a sLory an
lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
(*",) ;8 ()*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8L.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and

()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of Lhe book.

()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
1)2 3+)*4
k.8l.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key
deLalls ln a LexL.
k.8l.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc and reLell key
deLalls of a LexL.
k.8l.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe connecLlon beLween Lwo
lndlvlduals, evenLs, ldeas, or pleces of lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.4: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown
words ln a LexL.
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of Lhe book.
k.8l.6: name Lhe auLhor and Lhe lllusLraLor of a LexL and deflne Lhe role of each
ln presenLlng Lhe ldea or lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8l. 7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe LexL ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL person, place, Lhlng,
or ldea ln Lhe LexL an lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
(*",) ;8 ()*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8l.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds

Standards Scope and Sequence, Kindergarten
Quarter: 1
!"#$ & !"#$ '
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds (phonemes) ln
Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.(1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable words Lo
make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln decodlng
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and derlvaLlonal
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds
(phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.*
(1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable
words Lo make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln
decodlng words.
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and
derlvaLlonal sufflxes.
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
G/#$#",- H*//*$#=)
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)4
k.W.3: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo narraLe a slngle
evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order ln whlch
Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.4: (8eglns ln grade 3)
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools Lo
produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a quesLlon.
(*",) ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.10: (8eglns ln grade 3)
G/#$#",- H*//*$#=)
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)
k.W.3: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo narraLe a slngle
evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order ln
whlch Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.6.W.4: roduce
clear and coherenL wrlLlng ln whlch Lhe developmenL, organlzaLlon, and sLyle
are approprlaLe Lo Lask, purpose, and audlence.
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.4: (8eglns ln grade 3)
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools
Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a

Standards Scope and Sequence, Kindergarten
Quarter: 1
!"#$ & !"#$ '

9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed orally
or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key deLalls and
requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or clarlfy
someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh prompLlng
and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo provlde
addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed
orally or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key
deLalls and requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or
clarlfy someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh
prompLlng and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo
provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
7;"=)"$#;"4 *"+ 9$*"+*/+4
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng words
and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore word relaLlonshlps and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and belng
read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore word relaLlonshlps and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and
belng read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 2
!"#$ M !"#$ N
()*+#",- .#$)/*$0/)
k.8L.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key deLalls
ln a LexL.
k.8L.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, reLell famlllar sLorles, lncludlng key deLalls.
k.8L.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy characLers, seLLlngs, and ma[or
evenLs ln a sLory.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8L.4: Ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown words ln a LexL.
k.8L.3: 8ecognlze common Lypes of LexLs (e.g., sLorybooks, poems).
k.8L.6: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, name Lhe auLhor and lllusLraLor of a sLory
and deflne Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe sLory.
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8L. 7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe sLory ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL momenL ln a sLory an
lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
k.8L.9: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, compare and conLrasL Lhe advenLures and
experlences of characLers ln famlllar sLorles.
(*",) ;8 ()*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8L.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and

()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of Lhe book.

()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
k.8l.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key
deLalls ln a LexL.
k.8l.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc and reLell key
deLalls of a LexL.
k.8l.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe connecLlon beLween Lwo
lndlvlduals, evenLs, ldeas, or pleces of lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.4: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown
words ln a LexL.
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of a book.
k.8.6: name Lhe auLhor and Lhe lllusLraLor of a LexL and deflne Lhe role of each
ln presenLlng Lhe ldea or lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8l. 7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe LexL ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL person, place, Lhlng,
or ldea ln Lhe LexL an lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
k.8l.8: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe reasons an auLhor glves Lo
supporL polnLs ln a LexL.
k.8l.9: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy baslc slmllarlLles ln and
dlfferences beLween Lwo LexLs on Lhe same Loplc (e.g., ln lllusLraLlons,
descrlpLlons, or procedures).
(*",) ;8 ()*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8l.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 2
!"#$ M !"#$ N
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds (phonemes) ln
Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.* (1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable words Lo
make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln decodlng
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and derlvaLlonal
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds
(phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.*
(1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable
words Lo make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln
decodlng words.
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and
derlvaLlonal sufflxes.
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
G/#$#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"OP?A;4#$;/2
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)
k.W.2: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo compose
lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs ln whlch Lhey name whaL Lhey are wrlLlng abouL
and supply some lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Loplc.
k.W.3: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo narraLe a slngle
evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order ln whlch
Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.4: (8eglns ln grade 3)
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools Lo
produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
k.W. 7: arLlclpaLe ln shared research and wrlLlng pro[ecLs (e.g., explore a number
of books by a favorlLe auLhor and express oplnlons abouL Lhem).
G/#$#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"OP?A;4#$;/2
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)
k.W.2: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo compose
lnformaLlve/explanaLory LexLs ln whlch Lhey name whaL Lhey are wrlLlng abouL
and supply some lnformaLlon abouL Lhe Loplc.
k.W.3: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo narraLe a slngle
evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order ln
whlch Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.4: (8eglns ln grade 3)
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools
Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
k.W. 7: arLlclpaLe ln shared research and wrlLlng pro[ecLs (e.g., explore a
number of books by a favorlLe auLhor and express oplnlons abouL Lhem).

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 2
!"#$ M !"#$ N
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a quesLlon.
(*",) ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.10: (8eglns ln grade 3)

k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a
(*",) ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.10: (8eglns ln grade 3)
9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed orally
or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key deLalls and
requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or clarlfy
someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh prompLlng
and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo provlde
addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed
orally or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key
deLalls and requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or
clarlfy someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh
prompLlng and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo
provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
7;"=)"$#;"4 ;8 9$*"+*/+ P",6#4E
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
1";<6)+,) ;8 .*",0*,)
k.L.3: (8eglns ln grade 2)
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng words
and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.3: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word relaLlonshlps, and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: Acqulre and use accuraLely grade-approprlaLe general academlc and
7;"=)"$#;"4 ;8 9$*"+*/+ P",6#4E
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
1";<6)+,) ;8 .*",0*,)
k.L.3: (8eglns ln grade 2)
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.3: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of flguraLlve language, word relaLlonshlps,
and nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 2
!"#$ M !"#$ N
domaln-speclflc words and phrases, gaLher vocabulary knowledge when
conslderlng a word or phrase lmporLanL Lo comprehenslon or expresslon.
belng read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 3
!"#$ Q !"#$ R
()*+#",- .#$)/*$0/)
1)2 3+)*4 *"+ 5)$*#64
k.8L.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key deLalls
ln a LexL.
k.8L.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, reLell famlllar sLorles, lncludlng key deLalls.
k.8L.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy characLers, seLLlngs, and ma[or
evenLs ln a sLory.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8L.4: Ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown words ln a LexL.
k.8L.3: 8ecognlze common Lypes of LexLs (e.g.,sLorybooks, poems).
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8L.6: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, name Lhe auLhor and lllusLraLor of a sLory
and deflne Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe sLory.
k.8L7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe sLory ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL momenL ln a sLory an
lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
k.8L.9: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, compare and conLrasL Lhe advenLures and
experlences of characLers ln famlllar sLorles.
(*",) ;8 ()*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8L.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and

()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of Lhe book.
()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
1)2 3+)*4 *"+ 5)$*#64
k.8l.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key
deLalls ln a LexL.
k.8l.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc and reLell key
deLalls of a LexL.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of a book.
k.8l.6: name Lhe auLhor and lllusLraLor of a LexL and deflne Lhe role of each ln
presenLlng Lhe ldeas or lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8l. 7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe LexL ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL person, place, Lhlng,
or ldea ln Lhe LexL an lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
k.8l.8: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe reasons an auLhor glves Lo
supporL polnLs ln a LexL.
(*",) ;8 /)*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8l.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 3
!"#$ Q !"#$ R
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds (phonemes) ln
Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.* (1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable words Lo
make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln decodlng
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and derlvaLlonal
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds
(phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.*
(1hls does noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable
words Lo make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln
decodlng words.
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and
derlvaLlonal sufflxes.
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
G/#$#",- SA#"#;"
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)
k.W.1: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo compose oplnlon
pleces ln whlch Lhey Lell a reader Lhe Loplc or Lhe name of Lhe book Lhey are
wrlLlng abouL and sLaLe an oplnlon or preference abouL Lhe Loplc or book (e.g., -.
/)0,'#*& 1,," #2 . . .)
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a quesLlon.

G/#$#",- SA#"#;"
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)
k.W.1: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo compose
oplnlon pleces ln whlch Lhey Lell a reader Lhe Loplc or Lhe name of Lhe book
Lhey are wrlLlng abouL and sLaLe an oplnlon or preference abouL Lhe Loplc or
book (e.g., -. /)0,'#*& 1,," #2 . . .).
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools
Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a

9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 3
!"#$ Q !"#$ R
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed orally
or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key deLalls and
requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or clarlfy
someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh prompLlng
and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo provlde
addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed
orally or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key
deLalls and requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or
clarlfy someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh
prompLlng and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo
provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
7;"=)"$#;"4 ;8 9$*"+*/+ P",6#4E
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore word relaLlonshlps and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and belng
read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.
7;"=)"$#;"4 ;8 9$*"+*/+ P",6#4E
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and
belng read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 4
!"#$ T !"#$ U
()*+#",- .#$)/*$0/)
1)2 3+)*4 *"+ 5)$*#64
k.8L.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key deLalls
ln a LexL.
k.8L.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, reLell famlllar sLorles, lncludlng key deLalls.
k.8L.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy characLers, seLLlngs, and ma[or
evenLs ln a sLory.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8L.4: Ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown words ln a LexL.
k.8L.3: 8ecognlze common Lypes of LexLs (e.g.,sLorybooks, poems).
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8L.6: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, name Lhe auLhor and lllusLraLor of a sLory
and deflne Lhe role of each ln Lelllng Lhe sLory.
k.8L7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe sLory ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL momenL ln a sLory an
lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
k.8L.9: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, compare and conLrasL Lhe advenLures and
experlences of characLers ln famlllar sLorles.
(*",) ;8 ()*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8L.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and

()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of Lhe book.
()*+#",- 3"8;/@*$#;"*6 >)?$
1)2 3+)*4 *"+ 5)$*#64
k.8l.1: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL key
deLalls ln a LexL.
k.8l.2: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe maln Loplc and reLell key
deLalls of a LexL.
k.8l.3: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe connecLlon beLween Lwo
lndlvlduals, evenLs, ldeas, or pleces of lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
7/*8$ *"+ 9$/0:$0/)
k.8l.4: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ask and answer quesLlons abouL unknown
words ln a LexL.
k.8l.3: ldenLlfy Lhe fronL cover, back cover, and LlLle page of a book.
k.8l.6: name Lhe auLhor and lllusLraLor of a LexL and deflne Lhe role of each ln
presenLlng Lhe ldeas or lnformaLlon ln a LexL.
3"$),/*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.8l. 7: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, descrlbe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
lllusLraLlons and Lhe LexL ln whlch Lhey appear (e.g., whaL person, place, Lhlng,
or ldea ln Lhe LexL an lllusLraLlon deplcLs).
k.8l.8: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy Lhe reasons an auLhor glves Lo
supporL polnLs ln a LexL.
k.8l.9: WlLh prompLlng and supporL, ldenLlfy baslc slmllarlLles ln and
dlfferences beLween Lwo
LexLs on Lhe same Loplc (e.g., ln lllusLraLlons, descrlpLlons, or procedures).
(*",) ;8 /)*+#", *"+ .)=)6 ;8 >)?$ 7;@A6)?#$2
k.8l.10: AcLlvely engage ln group readlng acLlvlLles wlLh purpose and
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44
()*+#",- B;0"+*$#;"*6 9C#664
D/#"$ 7;":)A$4
k.8l.1: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of Lhe organlzaLlon and baslc feaLures of
a. lollow words from lefL Lo rlghL, Lop Lo boLLom, and page by page.
b. 8ecognlze LhaL spoken words are represenLed ln wrlLLen language by speclflc
sequences of leLLers.
c. undersLand LhaL words are separaLed by spaces ln prlnL.
d. 8ecognlze and name all upper- and lowercase leLLers of Lhe alphabeL.
DE;";6;,#:*6 F<*/)")44

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 4
!"#$ T !"#$ U
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds (phonemes) ln
Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.* (1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable words Lo
make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln decodlng
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and derlvaLlonal
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
k.8l.2: uemonsLraLe undersLandlng of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
a. 8ecognlze and produce rhymlng words.
b. CounL, pronounce, blend, and segmenL syllables ln spoken words.
c. 8lend and segmenL onseLs and rlmes of slngle-syllable spoken words.
d. lsolaLe and pronounce Lhe lnlLlal, medlal vowel, and flnal sounds
(phonemes) ln Lhree-phoneme (consonanL-vowel-consonanL, or CvC) words.*
(1hls does
noL lnclude CvCs endlng wlLh /l/, /r/, or /x/.)
e. Add or subsLlLuLe lndlvldual sounds (phonemes) ln slmple, one-syllable
words Lo make new words.
DE;"#:4 *"+ G;/+ ():;,"#$#;"
k.8l.3: know and apply grade-level phonlcs and word analysls skllls ln
decodlng words.
a. ldenLlfy and know Lhe meanlng of Lhe mosL common preflxes and
derlvaLlonal sufflxes.
b. uecode words wlLh common LaLln sufflxes.
c. uecode mulLl-syllable words.
d. 8ead grade-approprlaLe lrregularly spelled words.
k.8l.4: 8ead wlLh sufflclenL accuracy and fluency Lo supporL comprehenslon.
G/#$#",- H*//*$#=)
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)4
k.W.3: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo narraLe a slngle
evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order ln whlch
Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools Lo
produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a quesLlon.

G/#$#",- H*//*$#=)
>)?$ >2A)4 *"+ D0/A;4)4
k.W.3: use a comblnaLlon of drawlng, dlcLaLlng, and wrlLlng Lo narraLe a slngle
evenL or several loosely llnked evenLs, Lell abouL Lhe evenLs ln Lhe order ln
whlch Lhey occurred, and provlde a reacLlon Lo whaL happened.
D/;+0:$#;" *"+ 5#4$/#I0$#;" ;8 G/#$#",
k.W.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, respond Lo quesLlons and
suggesLlons from peers and add deLalls Lo sLrengLhen wrlLlng as needed.
k.W.6: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore a varleLy of dlglLal Lools
Lo produce and publlsh wrlLlng, lncludlng ln collaboraLlon wlLh peers.
()4)*/:E $; J0#6+ *"+ D/)4)"$ 1";<6)+,)
k.W.8: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, recall lnformaLlon from
experlences or gaLher lnformaLlon from provlded sources Lo answer a

9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#", 9A)*C#", *"+ .#4$)"#",

Standards Scope and Sequence, Grade Kindergarten
Quarter: 4
!"#$ T !"#$ U
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed orally
or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key deLalls and
requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or clarlfy
someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh prompLlng
and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo provlde
addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
7;@A/)E)"4#;" *"+ 7;66*I;/*$#;"
k.SL1: arLlclpaLe ln collaboraLlve conversaLlons wlLh dlverse parLners abouL
klndergarLen Loplcs and LexLs wlLh peers and adulLs ln small and larger groups.
a. lollow agreed-upon rules for dlscusslons (e.g., llsLenlng Lo oLhers and Laklng
Lurns speaklng abouL Lhe Loplcs and LexLs under dlscusslon).
b. ConLlnue a conversaLlon Lhrough mulLlple exchanges.
k.SL.2: Conflrm undersLandlng of a LexL read aloud or lnformaLlon presenLed
orally or Lhrough oLher medla by asklng and answerlng quesLlons abouL key
deLalls and requesLlng clarlflcaLlon lf someLhlng ls noL undersLood.
k.SL.3: Ask and answer quesLlons ln order Lo seek help, geL lnformaLlon, or
clarlfy someLhlng LhaL ls noL undersLood.
D/)4)"$*$#;" ;8 1";<6)+,) *"+ 3+)*4
k.SL.4: uescrlbe famlllar people, places, Lhlngs, and evenLs and, wlLh
prompLlng and supporL, provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.3: Add drawlngs or oLher vlsual dlsplays Lo descrlpLlons as deslred Lo
provlde addlLlonal deLall.
k.SL.6: Speak audlbly and express LhoughLs, feellngs, and ldeas clearly.
7;"=)"$#;"4 ;8 9$*"+*/+ P",6#4E
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
K;:*I06*/2 F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng words
and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore word relaLlonshlps and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and belng
read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.
7;"=)"$#;"4 ;8 9$*"+*/+ P",6#4E
k.L.1: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh grammar
and usage when wrlLlng or speaklng.
k.L.2: uemonsLraLe command of Lhe convenLlons of sLandard Lngllsh
caplLallzaLlon, puncLuaLlon, and spelllng when wrlLlng.
K;:*I06*/2 *"+ F:L0#4#$#;" *"+ !4)
k.L.4: ueLermlne or clarlfy Lhe meanlng of unknown and mulLlple-meanlng
words and phrases based on "#$%&'()'*&$ '&)%#$( )$% +,$*&$*.
k.L.3: WlLh guldance and supporL from adulLs, explore word relaLlonshlps and
nuances ln word meanlngs.
k.L.6: use words and phrases acqulred Lhrough conversaLlons, readlng and
belng read Lo, and respondlng Lo LexLs.

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