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Dont get Eaten

Zombies are roaming the halls and stealing brains from

students that are tardy.

Daily Goal:
1. Be in the room at your desk working on the warm-up
when the tardy bell rings

Students who have reached the goal will receive a token to
be put in their classs bowl. When the bowl is filled we will
earn part of the zombie. When he is complete we will learn
how we can defeat the zombie scourge!

Dont Get Eaten
Undesirable Behavior Targeted:
Tardies, defined as any student entering the classroom after the tardy bell has wrung without a
pass from another teacher.
Desirable (expected) Behavior Targeted:
On-time, defined as student being at their assigned seat with their materials out working on
the warm-up when the tardy bell has wrung.
Types of positive reinforcements - Reinforced when & how?
1. Immediate R+ : This will be a glass rock/bead used in aquariums. Each class will have a
different color. These will be given out when the tardy bell rings while the students
complete their warm-ups. When they finish their warm-up they can place the rock in their
1. Delayed R+ : This will be the accumulation of the glass rocks in the classs fish bowl.
When the bowl is filled the students will get part of their zombie put up on the board. The
bowl will then be emptied and we start again. This will be done after the warm-up when
students have placed their rocks in the bowl.
2. Novel Interactive Learning Activity : The students will compare zombieism to HIV and
the flu in a disease transmission lab.
Interactive Learning Activity
When they have completed their zombie we will do a disease transmission lab modified to
model the spread of zombieism and compared to the spread of the flu. We will discuss ways
to prevent the disease and how viruses work-ie. why you cant take antibiotics for it .
Teaching Desired Behaviors:
1. Tell them what the desired behavior is.
2. Model what is looks like.
3. Practice
4. Praise students who perform the behavior.

Teaching the Plan:
I would like to teach the students the plan at the beginning. Killeen has a tardy lock-out
policy which takes the work for marking the student absence away from the teacher but
also eats up class time. If I can start by teaching them the desired behavior and practicing
it maybe I can save class time for everyone.
Across Class Periods:
I will teach all of my classes the desired behavior and if some are finding it easier than
others I can cut their zombie into smaller pieces making them have to work longer to earn
the lab. I could also make the token smaller if they were filling their bowls up too fast.
Instead of the glass rocks use gravel. I will have the bowls on display and since every
class will have a different color and a different zombie it will encourage class
competitions. Once a class has earned their activity I will find a different intermediate but
keep the same goal, maybe increasing to everyone has to be on-time to receive the token.

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