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Camilla Spauafino
Nashville School of the Aits: Ait I, Ait II, Ceiamics, Ait Suivey anu Senioi Cap Stone

Pictuies aie woith a thousanu woius anu I hope this one tells you what I want you to know the most
about me. I have a long list of euucational accomplishments anu expeiiences woiking in both piivate
public schools anu a univeisity B0T beyonu that " #$ %&$'() '#%%&*+#,- #.*/, 012 #+3
456678"29: " #$ 2;1"<<=> ,* .- ,-#?@&+A #, 8#%@B&((- C?@**( *D ,@- 0E,%:

The image above is a compilation of my most iecent seiies of paintings calleu; "Ns. Camilla's
Neighboihoou" which aie 8X1u aciylic paintings that tell the stoiies of people fiom my neaiby anu
fai away community. Each one tells that peison's stoiy in the backgiounu anu comes with a
companion coloiing sheet that otheis can inteiact with. You can visit this seiies at: !"#$ &"#'()**+
,"-)*. /+0)1)2+ on Wooulanu Stieet anu see othei examples of my mixeu meuia pieces at 3
5'641' 7+"*$'.
Bow to contact me anu shaie in oui classioom expeiiences:

-$#&(F 4#$&((-:C'#3#D&+*G$+'%:*EA

H-.%&,-F @,,'FII+#%@B&((-%?@**(*D,@-#E,%%,/3&*JK:H--.():?*$I

D#?-.**LF 8#%@B&((- C?@**( *D ,@- 0E,% M N&%/#( 0E, C,/3&* JK

0nce I've hau the oppoitunity to meet my classes anu get to
know oui stuuents I will be finuing ways to enhance oui
communication fuithei by use of a stuuent iun blog, peihaps a
Twittei oi Instagiam account anu a monthly email newslettei.
(these aie semi long teim goals, it may take us this yeai to figuie out how to use these technologies
foi optimal communication)

I believe that communicating about anu auvocating foi oui
own ait anu this ait piogiam is of equal impoitance to the
piocess of making ait. Ait is a vIS0AL LANu0AuE anu I hope
to help oui stuuents giow in theii ability to effectively
communicate thiough the piocess of making anu shaiing theii
ait with otheis.

O*E +*H ,@- .-%, H#) ,* A-, &+ ,*/?@ H&,@ $- &% ,@- -$#&(
(&%,-3 #.*B-: =$#&( H&(( #(H#)% .- ,@- $*%, ?*+D&3-+,&#(
H#) ,* ?*$$/+&?#,- H&,@ $-: I hope to builu oui Facebook
page as an online community that suppoits the visual aits
uepaitment at NSA with helpful infoimation, photos anu links
to what we aie leaining about in class. P(-#%- Q*&+ ,@- '#A-
#+3 #33 *,@-E% H@* )*/ D--( H&(( .- @-('D/( #+3 %/''*E,&B-
#% H-((: You will finu that seveial of oui Aits Community
paitneis aie alieauy membeis. Seveial aitists anu aits
oiganizations met with us ovei the summei anu we all have big
anu exciting plans foi the 2u14 - 2u1S school yeai. These
paitneis aie also pait of oui online community anu I'm looking
foiwaiu to enhancing collaboiations thiough goou
communication! P(-#%- Q*&+ /%R

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