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By Julie Snow
Activity Title

So Silly

Curricular Domain

Language Development

Curricular Goal
Central Concepts

The students will identify/review what are nouns, verbs and adjectives.
They will associate a specific color with one if these language forms and
they will create sentences, both correct and choppy, to build their language
skills. They will also illustrate their favorite silly sentence.

Additional domains
that may be
enhanced by this
activity (incidental

Reading, writing, speaking, listening, following directions, drawing, team



I will observe the whole group interaction as well as individual

interactions. Perhaps addressing questions to them every so often. I will
take mental notes as to which students seemed involved in the activity and
which students seemed to be withdrawn.

Age of Children

First Grade

Number of

Student pairs

Location for
Activity (indoor or

Indoor and at group tables


So Silly activity sheets A, B, C, crayons, pencils and scissors


Ant, hung, salty, sick, leg, ran, hot, hoped, pig, kite, apple, sleepy, dirty,
ate, candy, wrote, funny, child, blue, sang


Begin this lesson by maybe saying some silly sentences yourself out loud
to the class. Break the ice by making the children laugh. Then, lead them
into the lesson plan by asking them to say some silly sentences to the class.
Follow this up by pairing the students to work in individual groups.

Opening, Body,

As a class, review the parts of speech of what a noun, verb and adjective
are. Then arrange the students to work in pairs and hand out activity sheets
A and B. Instruct the students to color the word balloons according to the

Structure of
Content Area:
Inquiry Tools:


directions on the activity sheet= nouns red, verbs blue and adjectives
yellow. Next, have the students cut the cards apart on the dashed lines.
Explain that most sentences are formed according to familiar patterns and
that the simplest sentences are built with a single noun and a single verb.
Ask the students to build sentences by combining various red cards, blue
cards and yellow cards. After they work for about five minutes, hand out
activity sheet C and explain to the students they will be creating silly
sentences according to a common sense pattern that is more complex than
the noun and verb pattern. Instruct the groups to randomly select cards of
the correct colors and place them in the labeled rectangles. And have them
take turns reading the resulting silly sentences to each other. Lastly, hand
out worksheet D to each student and have each of them copy a favorite
silly sentence and illustrate it. Finally, ask each student to show their
illustration and explain it to the class.
Before lining up to head to lunch, ask each student to form a simple noun
and verb sentence to recite before they take their place in line.

Family/Community Ask the parents to discuss what activities their child worked on at school
for the day, and ask them to expand on their childs knowledge by taking
them to the park or various other fun places and playing a noun/verb game
by describing what they see.
Bias Area



Teach the children how to sign the words they are using on their
vocabulary list.

Technology used?


Link to Grade
Level Content

This activity is a great precursor to building peer social relationships,

using advanced motor skills and cognitive learning/thinking and

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