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1eacher CandldaLe: Allson Mlller and Shellle kaclllas

unlL 1lLle: unmasklng Lhe Mask
LengLh of Class erlod: 30 Mlns Lach
Approx. # of SLudenLs ln Lach Class: 23
8eglnnlng uaLe for Lhls unlL: Sprlng 2014
Lndlng uaLe for 1hls unlL: 2014

uescrlpLlon: Masks have served mulLlple purposes ln many culLures pasL and
presenL. 1hls unlL wlll explore why people creaLe and wear masks and
how masks can be made uslng mlxed medla.

unlL ob[ecLlves: Lesson 1:
1. SLudenLs wlll answer quesLlons on a worksheeL regardlng Lhelr prlor
knowledge abouL masks and mask-maklng.
2. SLudenLs wlll dlscuss and research why people ln varlous culLures
wear masks and whaL meanlngs Lhose masks convey (soclal dlsgulse,
proLecLlon, enLerLalnmenL, socleLal role, and/or emoLlonal conLenL)
MCvA3.18(PC), MCvA3.1A(A)
3. SLudenLs wlll dlscuss Lhe aesLheLlc quallLles of Lhe masks from Lhe
uemocraLlc 8epubllc of Congo and by conLemporary Lsklmo mask-
maker 1erresa WhlLe, focuslng on shape, llne quallLy, and asymmeLry.
MCvA3.2A(A), MCvA3.18(PC)
4. SLudenLs wlll skeLch a mask deslgn ln pencll Lo creaLe an
asymmeLrlcal mask whlch conveys an emoLlon. MCvA3.2A(L)
3. SLudenLs wlll work ln small-groups Lo ldenLlfy whaL emoLlons Lhey
have chosen for Lhelr masks and why Lhose emoLlons are lmporLanL Lo
6. upon Leacher approval of Lhelr deslgns, sLudenLs wlll consLrucL 3u
wearable masks, uslng posLer board, whlch conveys a speclflc
7. SLudenLs wlll lncorporaLe lmplled and slmulaLed LexLure conLrasLs
on Lhelr masks uslng palnL, yarn and magazlne cllpplngs.
MCvA3.1A(), MCvA3.18(), MCvA3.1A(L), MCvA3.2A(L),
8. SLudenLs wlll examlne and pracLlce pronounclng new vocabulary
words relaLed Lo masks and mask-maklng.

Lesson 2:

1. SLudenLs wlll dlscuss Lhe formal and aesLheLlc properLles of Lhe
palnLlng !"#$# by Lmll nolde. MCvA3.2A(A), MCvA3.18(PC)
2. SLudenLs wlll share Lhelr research on masks and mask-maklng wlLh
Lhe class.
3. SLudenLs wlll publlsh Lhelr research on masks and mask-maklng on
Lhe class blog.
3. SLudenLs wlll examlne and evaluaLe how lmplled/slmulaLed
LexLures, asymmeLrlcal balance, conLrasL/varleLy of LexLures and color
express emoLlons ln Lhe masks Lhey have made. MCvA3.1A()
MCvA3.1u(L), MCvA3.2A(L), MCvA3.2C(L)
4. SLudenLs wlll documenL and evaluaLe Lhelr masks. MCvA3.2A(A)
3. SLudenLs wlll answer quesLlons on a worksheeL regardlng Lhelr
currenL undersLandlng of masks and mask-maklng.

SLudenLs rlor knowledge: 4.1A() 4.3A () 4.2A() 4.2l(L)4.18(PC)
ConnecLlons: Soclal SLudles, 1heaLer (urama)
CommunlLy: 1heaLer-1he CoLerle, mask maker, cosLume shop, flre deparLmenL-
hosplLal-sporLs Leams (mask as proLecLlon)
Mlssourl SLandards: MCvA3.1A(), MCvA3.18(), MCvA3.1A(), MCvA3.1u(L),
MCvA3.2A(L), MCvA3.2C(L), MCvA3.2A(A), MCvA3.18(PC),
"=;:C9=< D:EF=< E;=9G=@GEB
CreaLlng: 3. Cr. 1A. Comblne ldeas Lo generaLe an lnnovaLlve ldea for arL-
3. Cr. 2A. LxperlmenL and develop skllls ln mulLlple arL-maklng
Lechnlques and approaches Lhrough pracLlce.
3. Cr. 28. uemonsLraLe quallLy crafLsmanshlp Lhrough care for and use
of maLerlals, Lools and equlpmenL.
8espondlng: 3. 8e. 1A. Compare one's own lnLerpreLaLlon of a work of arL wlLh Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlon of oLhers.
3. 8e. 2A. ldenLlfy and analyze culLural assoclaLlons suggesLed by vlsual
3. 8e. 18. lnLerpreL arL by analyzlng characLerlsLlcs of form and
sLrucLure, conLexLual lnformaLlon, sub[ecL maLLer, vlsual elemenLs, and
use of medla Lo ldenLlfy ldeas and mood conveyed.
ConnecLlng: 3. Co. 2A. Apply formal and concepLual vocabularles of arL and deslgn
Lo see surroundlngs ln new ways Lhrough arL-maklng.
1echnology lnLegraLlon: camera, hoLoshop, vldeo pro[ecLor

Cvervlew of unlL:
-?EEC9 .9?
1lLle: &'(")*+, )-( !"#$
uescrlpLlon SLudenLs wlll explore why people creaLe and wear
masks and Lhen creaLe Lhelr own masks uslng mlxed
-?EEC9 *AC
1lLle .(/0(1)*+, 2+ )-( !"#$
uescrlpLlon AfLer creaLlng Lhelr own masks (lesson 1) sLudenLs wlll
documenL and reflecL upon Lhelr work.

$@; -?EEC9 /<=9B
1eacher CandldaLe: Allson Mlller and Shellle kaclllas
School: Sunnyhlll LlemenLary
Lesson number: uay 1
LengLh of Class erlod: 30 mlns
ApproxlmaLe number of SLudenLs ln Lach Class: 23
8eglnnlng uaLe for Lhls Lesson: Sprlng 2014
Lndlng uaLe for Lhls Lesson: 2014

0=H 8 .IJ?K;:>?E
Llnks Lo 8 PablL of Mlnds
uevelop CrafL __x__ undersLand ArL Worlds__x__
Lngage/erslsL___ SLreLch and Lxplore____
Lnvlslon__x__ Cbserve__x__
Lxpress__x__ 8eflecL____

DCK=IF<=@H =9G 0?L:9:;:C9E M'9;@CGFK?G =9G 2?:9LC@K?GN
-Pard and sofL Ldge
-Surface CuallLy
-1erresa WhlLe
-1exLure ConLrasL

-:E; CL #=;?@:=<E M$2*N M&:9G =9G 9FOI?@ CLN
23 of Lhe followlng:
PskeLch paper
-posLerboard 12"x14"
-Lempera palnL-varleLy of colors
-palnL brushes-varleLy of slzes

-3 seLs of modlfled Lools

- mask and mask-maklng worksheeL
- Lask checkllsLs
- vocabulary worksheeL
-3 classroom compuLers wlLh Adobe CreaLlve SulLe (hoLoshop) lnsLalled on Lhem
-compuLer-alded deslgn Lools for use wlLh hoLoshop
-arLlcles and research Lools locaLed ln Lhe mask and mask-maklng Learnlng CenLer

2?ECF@K?E MQ..&4 $@; ,GFK=;:C9 JCF@9=<ER@?ECF@K?E4 SCF;FI?4 T?IE:;?E4 3COOF9:;HN M<:E; UN
-ArLlcles abouL masks and mask-maklng Lo be deLermlned by Leacher
-!LmmeLL kelly - WhaL's My Llne?" - hLLp://
- 8e a Clown: 1echnlques from a 8eal Clown (Culck SLarLs for klds!), 8on 8urgess, PeaLher 8arberle (lllusLraLor),
-8lngllng 8ros Clown College" - hLLp://
-Marvel Comlcs -
-naLlonal Pockey League -
-naLlonal looLball League -

$@;RD:EF=< 3F<;F@? ,V=OW<?
-1he hanLom of Lhe Cpera - hLLp://
-nlck Cave -
-Afrlcan ueformlLy Masks (wlLh verLlcal mouLh) - hLLp://
-lconlc Masks ln Movle PlsLory - hLLp://
-!eff Semmerllng and Son[a Schaefer, Mask Makers - (AbsLracLs: Splral MaLerlal, LeaLher
- !eff Semmerllng and Large llarlng AbsLracL MaLerlal: LeaLher - Son[a Schaefer)
-Mbangu Mask - hLLp://
-1erresa WhlLe - hLLp://

$G=W;:C9E LC@ %W?K:=< /CWF<=;:C9E
Modlfled supplles, maLerlals and lnsLrucLlons as deLermlned by Leacher.

/@?W=@=;:C9E MK<=EE@CCOE =9GRC@ #=;?@:=<EN
ro[ecLor for lmages - owerpolnL
1he posLerboard wlll be precuL and maLerlals wlll be prepared before class.
1he compuLers wlll be on and Adobe CreaLlve SulLe (hoLoshop) wlll be open.
CompuLer-alded deslgn Lools for hoLoshop wlll be prepared.
1he pro[ecLor wlll be poslLloned ln a dlrecLlon where lL wlll noL recelve glare from any llghL sources.
1he Leacher wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh a Lask checkllsL.
1he lnsLrucLor wlll supply Lhree seLs of modlfled Lools.
SLudenLs may move Lhelr chalrs durlng Lhe presenLaLlon ln order Lo see or hear Lhe presenLaLlon more clearly.
SLudenLs who deslre Lo research masks and mask-maklng wlll be provlded wlLh arLlcles and oLher resources aL
Lhe Learnlng CenLer.
1eacher wlll dlvlde sLudenLs lnLo small dlscusslon groups.

%=L?;H 'EEF?E =9G /@CK?GF@?E
non-Loxlc maLerlals wlll be used

-?EEC9 7B
Llnks Lo 8 PablLs of Mlnds
uevelop CrafL ____ undersLand ArL Worlds__x__
Lngage/erslsL_x__ SLreLch and Lxplore__x__
Lnvlslon____ Cbserve__x__
Lxpress__x__ 8eflecL__x__

DCK=IF<=@H =9G 0?L:9:;:C9E M'9;@CGFK?G =9G 2?:9LC@K?GN
Lmll nolde
1exLure ConLrasL

-:E; CL #=;?@:=<E M$2*N M&:9G =9G 9FOI?@ CLN
-magazlne scraps
-hole puncher
-sLamps, cardboard, oLher alLernaLlve palnLlng uLenslls
- Lask checkllsLs
-3 classroom compuLers wlLh Adobe CreaLlve SulLe (hoLoshop) lnsLalled on Lhem, wlLh lnLerneL capablllLy

2?ECF@K?E MQ..&4 $@; ,GFK=;:C9 JCF@9=<ER@?ECF@K?E4 SCF;FI?4 T?IE:;?E4 3COOF9:;HN M<:E; UN
-nelson ALklns Museum of ArL

$@;RD:EF=< KF<;F@? ,V=OW<?
-hanLom of Lhe Cpera, Clowns, 8aLman

$G=W;:C9E LC@ %W?K:=< /CWF<=;:C9E
Modlfled supplles, maLerlals and lnsLrucLlons as deLermlned by Leacher.

/@?W=@=;:C9E MK<=EE@CCOE =9GRC@ #=;?@:=<EN
ro[ecLor for lmages-owerpolnL
1he pro[ecLor wlll be poslLloned ln a dlrecLlon where lL wlll noL recelve glare from any llghL sources.
1he Leacher wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh a Lask checkllsL.
1he Leacher wlll provlde sLudenLs wlLh compuLer wlLh whlch Lo Lype and upload class blog enLrles abouL masks
and mask-maklng.
1he compuLers wlll be on and Adobe CreaLlve SulLe (hoLoshop) wlll be open.
CompuLer-alded deslgn Lools for hoLoshop wlll be prepared.
1he lnsLrucLor wlll supply Lhree seLs of modlfled Lools.
SLudenLs may move Lhelr chalrs durlng Lhe presenLaLlon ln order Lo see or hear Lhe presenLaLlon more clearly.

%=L?;H 'EEF?E =9G /@CK?GF@?E
no safeLy lssues anLlclpaLed
SLudenLs may move Lhelr chalrs durlng Lhe presenLaLlon Lo see or hear Lhe presenLaLlon more clearly.


-?EEC9 8 -?EEC9 /<=9


1eacher wlll provlde a worksheet with questions regardlng sLudenLs' prlor knowledge abouL masks and mask-

1eacher wlll ask:
WhaL ls a mask?
Who wears masks?
Where do we flnd masks?
WhaL are masks made ouL of?

1eacher wlll show Lhe masks from Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc of Congo and by conLemporary Lsklmo mask maker
1erresa WhlLe.

Ask of masks from Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc of Congo
1. WhaL ls Lhls mask made of?
2. ls Lhls mask asymmeLrlcal or symmeLrlcal?
3. WhaL makes Lhls mask AsymmeLrlcal?
4. WhaL klnd of emoLlon does Lhls mask convey?
3. WhaL oLher klnd emoLlons can masks convey?
6. Why do you Lhlnk ls Lhe mouLh verLlcal?
7. Pow ls Lhls mask dlfferenL from oLher masks you have seen?

Ask of Lhe masks 1erresa WhlLe makes:
1. WhaL ls Lhls mask made of?
2. Pow can you Lell Lhls mask ls asymmeLrlcal?
3. WhaL klnd of emoLlon does Lhls mask convey?
4. Pow ls Lhls mask dlfferenL from Lhe masks from Lhe uomlnlcan 8epubllc of Congo?

3@?=;:9XR(F:G?G /@=K;:K?
- 1he Leacher wlll demonsLraLe how Lo assemble Lhe mask over a llve feed vldeo pro[ecLor, whlch wlll be
poslLloned so LhaL lL wlll noL recelve glare from any llghL sources.

0:E;@:IF;:C9 CL O=;?@:=<EB
- 1here wlll be sclssors, glue, penclls, markers, and erasers already on Lhe Lable ln blns.
- Cne sLudenL from each Lable wlll geL up Lo reLrleve paper, posLerboard, palnL, and palnL brushes.
- 1he Leacher wlll provlde modlfled Lools Lo Lhe sLudenLs who need Lhem.

1he compuLers wlll be on and Adobe CreaLlve SulLe (hoLoshop) wlll be open.
CompuLer-alded deslgn Lools wlll be prepared and locaLed wlLh Lhe compuLers.
SLudenLs wlll vlew a presenLaLlon abouL masks by Lhe Leacher. 1he Leacher wlll share an arLlcle abouL masks
and mask-maklng chosen wlLh lnpuL from sLudenLs. 1he Leacher wlll glve a demo on how Lo make a mask. 1he
sLudenLs wlll Lhen skeLch Lhelr own asymmeLrlcal masks uslng pencll on paper. 1he sLudenLs wlll share wlLh
Lhelr small-groups whlch emoLlons Lhey have chosen and why Lhose emoLlons are lmporLanL Lo porLray ln Lhelr
masks. AfLer Lhelr masks have been approved by Lhe Leacher, Lhey wlll creaLe 3u masks uslng posLer-board.

- 1he Leacher wlll glve lndlvlduallzed lnsLrucLlons for deslgnlng a mask on hoLoshop.
- 1he Leacher wlll glve lndlvlduallzed lnsLrucLlons Lo sLudenLs aL Lhe Learnlng CenLer, asslsLlng Lhem ln chooslng
an arLlcle regardlng masks and mask-maklng Lo share wlLh Lhe whole class.

'9 /@CX@?EE $EE?EEO?9;B
Pow are you explorlng asymmeLry?
Pow are you expresslng emoLlon?
Why do you Lhlnk Lhe emoLlon you chose ls lmporLanL Lo porLray ln a mask?
Pow can you lmprove Lhe crafL?
Pow do you envlslon your mask Lo look when you are flnlshed?

3<?=9 FW /@CK?GF@?EB
3 mlnuLes before class ends sLudenLs wlll puL away supplles and clean up Lhelr Lable.

WhaL ls Lhe purpose of a mask?
Why are some masks asymmeLrlcal ln deslgn?
lf you could name your mask whaL would Lhe LlLle be?

%FWW<?O?9;=< $K;:>:;H M:L L:9:EZ?G ?=@<HNB
lf sLudenLs flnlsh early Lhey can conLlnue Lo add deLalls Lo Lhelr mask.

-?EEC9 7 -?EEC9 /<=9


uo you remember who wears masks?
WhaL are masks used for?
Pow do masks make you feel?

Show lmage of Lmll nolde's !"#$# (1911)

1. Pow ls Lhe composlLlon arranged?
2. Pow does Lhls plece make you feel?
3. WhaL do Lhe colors ln Lhls palnLlng make you feel?
4. Pow ls Lhls plece of arLwork slmllar Lo Lhe masks we saw yesLerday?
3. Pow ls Lhls plece dlfferenL from Lhe masks we saw yesLerday?
6. WhaL can you Lell me abouL Lhe faces ln Lhls palnLlng?
7. Why do you Lhlnk Lhe arLlsL creaLed a palnLlng of masks?
8. WhaL do you Lhlnk he ls Lrylng Lo say Lo us?

3@?=;:9XR(F:G?G /@=K;:K?
1he Leacher wlll demo how Lo add LexLures uslng mlxed medla over a llve feed vldeo pro[ecLor, whlch wlll be
poslLloned so lL wlll noL recelve glare from llghL sources.
1he Leacher wlll glve examples of bodlly poses LhaL ald ln expresslng a deslred emoLlon uslng Lhe mask.

0:E;@:IF;:C9 CL O=;?@:=<EB
1here wlll be sclssors, glue, penclls, markers, and erasers already on Lhe Lables ln blns. 1he Leacher wlll pass
ouL Lhe masks for Lhe sLudenLs Lo flnlsh. Cne sLudenL from each Lable wlll reLrleve mlxed medla supplles.

SLudenLs wlll flnlsh creaLlng Lhelr masks. Cnce Lhey are done each sLudenL wlll pose ln fronL of a backdrop of
Lhelr cholce. 1he Leacher wlll Lhen Lake a plcLure of Lhe sLudenL. Cnce every sLudenL's plcLure has been Laken
Lhe Leacher wlll arrange Lhe lmages on hoLoshop. uslng sLudenL lnpuL Lhe Leacher wlll creaLe a dlglLal collage
LhaL wlll express a range of emoLlons and allow sLudenLs Lo compose an overall composlLlon.

SLudenLs wlll share Lhe research Lhey have done on masks and mask-maklng.

'9 /@CX@?EE $EE?EEO?9;B
1. Pow are you lncorporaLlng LexLure conLrasL?
2. WhaL ls Lhe emoLlon you are porLraylng?-how are you showlng Lhls?
3. WhaL deLalls are needed?
3<?=9 FW /@CK?GF@?EB
13 mlnuLes before class ls over sLudenLs wlll puL away supplles and clean up Lhelr spaces.


-1he Leacher wlll provlde a worksheeL wlLh quesLlons for sLudenLs Lo answer regardlng Lhelr currenL
undersLandlng of masks and mask-maklng, whlch Lhe Leacher wlll provlde. 1he worksheeL wlll lnclude Lhe
followlng quesLlons, whlch wlll also be dlscussed.

-WhaL ls Lhe name of your mask?
-WhaL emoLlon does your mask porLray?
-WhaL ls asymmeLry?
-Lxplaln LexLure conLrasL.
-Pow many LexLures are on your mask?
-WhaL would you do dlfferenLly lf you made anoLher mask?

%FWW<?O?9;=< $K;:>:;H M:L L:9:EZ?G ?=@<HNB
-lf flnlshed early, sLudenLs can vlew Lhe books on masks LhaL Lhe Leacher wlll provlde.

1:9=< $EE?EO?9;B
-8ubrlc ALLached

!9O=EY:9X ;Z? #=EY
,VK??GE 3@:;?@:=

oor crafLsmanshlp. Cood crafLsmanshlp. Lxemplary

LlLLle varleLy - 0-1
Cood varleLy - 2-3
LxcellenL varleLy - 4-3
$EHOO?;@H :9 O=EY

uoes noL dlsplay
______________ ulsplays asymmeLry.
,OC;:C9 :9 O=EY

orLrays emoLlon
orLrays emoLlon
orLrays emoLlon very
#:V?G O?G:=

oor use of mlxed
medla - 0-1 Lypes of
Cood use of mlxed
medla - 2-3 Lypes of
LxcellenL use of mlxed
medla - 4-3 Lypes of

oor use of color - llLLle
Cood use of color -
good plannlng.
LxcellenL use of color -
exemplary plannlng.
2?L<?K;:C9 LxhlblLs poor reflecLlon
LxhlblLs good reflecLlon
LxhlblLs exemplary
reflecLlon skllls.
%O=<<PX@CFW G:EKFEE:C9E oor parLlclpaLlon -
llLLle enLhuslasm, does
noL sLay on Lask.
Cood parLlclpaLlon -
good enLhuslasm, sLays
on Lask.
LxcellenL parLlclpaLlon -
greaL enLhuslasm, sLays
on Lask.
DCK=IF<=@H oor knowledge of
vocabulary - can deflne
and pronounce few
vocabulary words.
Cood knowledge of
vocabulary - can deflne
and pronounce mosL
vocabulary words.
LxcellenL knowledge of
vocabulary - can deflne
and pronounce all
vocabulary words.
2?E?=@KZ \
LxhlblLs poor research
and presenLaLlon skllls.
LxhlblLs good research
and presenLaLlon skllls.
LxhlblLs exemplary
research and
presenLaLlon skllls.
/CE;P;?E; Shows llLLle knowledge
of Lhe hlsLorlcal and
soclal conLexL of masks
and Lhe processes used
ln mask-maklng.
Shows good knowledge
of Lhe hlsLorlcal and
soclal conLexL of masks
and Lhe processes used
ln mask-maklng.
Shows exemplary
knowledge of Lhe
hlsLorlcal and soclal
conLexL of masks and
Lhe processes used ln


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