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. 1. Orga11ize clie11tccire .. o.o
And collaboration. . Collabofative teaderst!ff . . . a
Arrives at clinical with am le time to re are for re ort. 0.0
0.0 l_Ada ts to chan in clinical situations
I Documentation is accurate and timely (should complete at least 0.0
/ one example of narrative nursing note, though this may only be +o (\ \ b

_ L
2. Evaluate a plan of J;oordinated careJor diverse o.o
I populations across the.lifespanwho have a variety of
health states in acute care, long term care and community
settin s. Generalist Nursin Practice .

1 Demonstrates EB therapeutic communication skills with diverse
Lpat1ent opulations and families
I Selects evidence based nursing diagnoses and interventions to
Lmanage common problems and needs of patients
i Evaluates need for patient and famil education and 0.0
' Recognizes need for and effecti1tely interacts with 0.0
! interprofessiona! team in planning and providing care to diverse
i patient populations.
I 3. Provide patient care using clinical reasoning and ethical
I -
i Judgment that supports a safe standard of care, advocacy
I for patients, and an improved health care environment
I (Health Care Envaronment)
[Assesses client's current mental and ph sical health status 0.0
j identifies changes in patient status and reports prompt! 0.0
I_ Performs medication administration and clinical procedures safely 0.0
[_!\rticulates client medication and treatment plan 0.0
i 4_ Evaluate professional behaviors that reflect core values
i and an interdisci lina ractice. Professionalism
f Works independently as well as a part of the team.
I Demonstrates non-judgmental attitude, is courteous and 0.0 ()

U OLA- q 0:
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r-I _D_e_m_o_n_st_ra_t_e_s_a_cc_o_u_n_ta_b_i_li .;__fo_r_a_c_t_io_n_s _________ ___.. __ o_.0---j tt'.>CJk \ +t' cd-1 Vt_ U.X
I Respects diverse cultural groups 0.0
self in therapeutic manner, servin as a role model. 0.0 1 fc,&;) OJlf . a%
loisplciys initiative and interest in learnin 0.0
/ Participated in the following activities while on the unit (please V I - 0 lA. .P, r' 0vp
: place a check mark in the appropriate column for each). p raqn
1) Attend T earn Meetings 0
2) Sitting in on Group Sessions with Patients / t J 0-r.A.
3) Sitting in on one-to-ones with patients / '""\ /)
, \ V'1J
4) Observing medication set-up and administration with RN fo /.ewvn ()t.{,AJ '3
5) Facilitating a group teaching session with patients ya
'"C(c{ QOod.
6) Assisting with admissions/discharges v'-- V ' J ()
7) Sit in on Family sessions
8) Interacting with patients in one-to-ones or by spending
time with patients in community rooms
9) Assisting with ADLs
Ms M) f(_,,fJ Lf t 3 / t '-{


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