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Lesson Plan

Class: Stage 3, Year 5 26 students

Date: Duration: 30 mins (Lessons 1-4), 45 mins (Lesson 5)

Key Learning Area: Religious Education

Lesson Topic: Penance
Recent Prior Experience (specific relevant concepts, skills and values the school students have experienced prior to this lesson):
Students (Ss) have an understanding that Penance is one of the two sacraments of healing celebrated in the Catholic Church.
Ss understand that Penance is about asking for forgiveness of sin and reconciliation with God.

Syllabus Outcome:
C3.2 - Explain how Word,
symbol and ritual are used in
sacramental and non-
sacramental celebrations.

Classroom Outcome:
Demonstrate an
understanding of the
importance of the sacrament
of Penance.

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

By the end of this lesson, the students will:

Learn about the significance of the
sacrament of Penance in the life of the
Learn about the Word, symbols and rituals
of the sacrament of Penance.
Reflect on the parable The Lost Sheep,
understand its meaning and relate the
parable to the sacrament of Penance.


T will observe through whole class discussion Ss understanding
about what Penance is.
T will use Popcorn brainstorm as a pre-assessment to find out the
prior knowledge of the Ss.
T will purposefully rove around the classroom to observe each
student in his or her learning.

T will make anecdotal records during purposeful roving when Ss are
working on their rich task to use during parent/teacher interviews.
T will mark presentations using the rubric created for the task that
Ss will also be given. T will provide written and verbal feedback to
be used for reports and parent/teacher interviews.
Lesson 1: Ss Religion books, Music for reflection:, Good News Bible (Luke 15: 1-7), Sydney CEO
Unit 5.7: We celebrate the sacraments (Unit Content 3).
Lesson 2: Sydney CEO Unit 5.7: We celebrate the sacraments (Unit Content 3), Resource Sheet 4, Storytelling pieces, Ss Religion books, Class
iPads, Class laptops.
Lesson 3/4: Sydney CEO Unit 5.7: We celebrate the sacraments (Unit Content 3), Class Prayer Planning Guide (Resource Sheet 5), Penance weebly
site:, Task Rubric, Class iPads, Class laptops.
Lesson 5: Class laptop, SmartBoard, Task Rubrics, Ss Religion books.

Lesson Content / Indicators of Learning
(What is Taught):
Note key skills, concepts and values
addressed in each section. Link to your
Indicators of Learning.
Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher (T) will do and what students
(Ss) will do.
Assessment and Evaluation

Ss Religion books
Music for reflection:
Good News Bible (Luke 15: 1-7)
Sydney CEO Unit 5.7: We
celebrate the sacraments (Unit
Content 3)

Lesson Content Explanation:
Popcorn brainstorm: Ss call out one
word that either relates to or
describes the word Penance. T
writes each word on the White
Board around Penance.
Cinquain poem: Ss complete a 5
line poem in the following structure:
Line 1: Title (1 word)
Line 2: Describe the title (2 words)
Line 3: Actions of the title (3 words)
Line 4: Feelings to do with the title (4
Line 5: Title or word to sum up (1 word)

Indicators of Learning:
Learn about the significance of the
sacrament of Penance in the life of
the Church.
Reflect on the parable The Lost
3 mins

5 mins

10 mins

4 mins

8 mins

Ss gather on floor quietly in front of the White Board.
Teacher (T) writes the word Penance on the board and explains to
Ss that they will be doing a Popcorn brainstorm as a class.
T initiates discussion about the words that Ss have called out,
questioning their reasoning and understanding of those words.
Relating to the words Ss have called out, the T will explain that
Penance is a celebration of Gods love and mercy for us. Penance
is when we confess our sins and God shows forgiveness towards
us, allowing us to continue to live as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
T writes any additional significant words on the board if Ss did not
say them.
Ss move to their desks and get their Religion books out.
Ss are to individually write a Cinquain poem using the words about
Penance that have been written on the board.
Ss share their poem with their desk partner.
Ss raise their hand if they want to share their partners poem with
the class. T allows roughly 5 poems to be shared with the whole
Ss are instructed to sensibly find their own space within the
classroom for reflection. Ss are to sit or lie down with their eyes
T begins playing calming music as background sounds and uses
The Good News Bible to read the story of The Lost Sheep (Luke 15:
Once the scripture has been read, T asks Ss the following reflective
o Have you ever lost something that is precious to you?
o How did you feel when you found it again?
o How might we find ourselves lost?
o How can we be found?
T uses the Popcorn
brainstorm as an
informal pre-
assessment to find out
the prior knowledge of
the Ss.
T will observe through
whole class discussion
Ss understanding about
what Penance is.
T will mark poems to
gain an insight into the
depth of understanding
from Ss.

Evaluation question:
Was the cinquain poem
effective in getting Ss to
think about Penance at an
in depth level?
Sheep, understand its meaning
and relate the parable to the
sacrament of Penance.

Ss are asked to think about the story and these questions for the
next lesson.
Sydney CEO Unit 5.7: We
celebrate the sacraments (Unit
Content 3)
Resource Sheet 4
Storytelling pieces
Ss Religion books
Class iPads
Class laptops

Indicators of Learning:
Reflect on the parable The Lost
Sheep, understand its meaning
and relate the parable to the
sacrament of Penance.

2 mins

5 mins

3 mins

5 mins

15 mins
T sets up resources for the Storytelling Approach of The Lost Sheep
(Luke 15: 1-7) while Ss are at recess.
Ss enter classroom in a sensible and calm manner, sitting in a circle
on the floor.
Using Resource Sheet 4 as a guide, T portrays the story of The Lost
T and Ss wonder together as the T reads the following:
I wonder
I wonder if you have ever lost something that is precious to you.
I wonder how you felt after you had found it again.
I wonder who the lost sheep in that story could really be.
I wonder what Jesus was trying to teach the people by telling this
I wonder how we can be lost.
I wonder how we can be found.
Ss remain in their circle and T leads a discussion about the
relationship between a shepherd and sheep, and what this could
symbolise as Catholics and our relationship with God.
T explains that Ss will now be telling a story about something being
lost and found in their lives. They can tell this story through a
recount in their Religion books, they can film themselves talking
using an iPad, they can create a poster and use images, or they can
create a PowerPoint (this allows Ss to express themselves in their
desired way).

T will use purposeful
roving to observe Ss in
their learning and to
identify their level of
understanding of the

Evaluation question:
Did Ss benefit from both
hearing the story of The
Lost Sheep in the previous
lesson and seeing the story
in this lesson?
Sydney CEO Unit 5.7: We
celebrate the sacraments (Unit
Content 3)
Class Prayer Planning Guide
(Resource Sheet 5)
Penance weebly site:
Task Rubric
Class iPads
Class laptops

Indicators of Learning:
Learn about the significance of the
sacrament of Penance in the life of
the Church.
Learn about the Word, symbols and
rituals of the sacrament of

10 mins

2 mins

18 mins

*In lessons 3 and 4 Ss will be working on a rich task to be
presented in lesson 5*
Ss gather on floor in front of the Whiteboard.
T explains to Ss that they will be completing a task in pairs that will
be presented to the class on Friday. Ss will be given 2 Religion
lessons (plus extra class time if needed) to prepare a class prayer
on the theme of Penance. Ss will be given a Planning Guide to
assist them and are able to utilise a Resource page on the Penance
Weebly site that has been set up by the T.
Ss are given a task rubric so they understand the expectations for
the task. They will be asked to present their class prayer in an ICT
presentation for 2-3 minutes.
T notes that Ss will not actually be leading the class in prayer this
Friday, they will be presenting the prayer information to the class.
For the remainder of the term however, each pair will lead the class
in prayer on Friday mornings starting from next week.
The main focus for this activity is to use appropriate Word, symbol,
and ritual.
Ss move into their pairs and T hands out a task rubric to each S, as
well as a Planning Guide to each pair. (Ss may choose their own
partner for this task as long as the T approves the partnership).
Each pair can have a class iPad and class laptop in order to prepare
the presentation.
Ss begin working on their task.
T will purposefully rove
around the classroom to
observe each student in
his or her learning.
T will make anecdotal
records during
purposeful roving when
Ss are working on their
rich task to use during

Evaluation question:
Were Ss engaged in the
learning of the task?

Sydney CEO Unit 5.7: We
celebrate the sacraments (Unit
Content 3)
Class Prayer Planning Guide
(Resource Sheet 5)
Penance weebly site:
Task Rubric
Class iPads
Class laptops

Indicators of Learning:
30 mins

T directs Ss to move into their presentation partnerships to continue
working on their tasks.
T will answer any questions or provide assistance to any groups
who ask for it.
Ss have whole lesson to work on tasks.
T will purposefully rove
and provide assist to Ss
if they require it.
T will make anecdotal
records during
purposeful roving when
Ss are working on their
rich task to use during

Evaluation questions:
Were Ss on task during the
Learn about the significance of the
sacrament of Penance in the life of
the Church.
Learn about the Word, symbols and
rituals of the sacrament of

Did Ss have enough time to
complete their
Class laptop
Task Rubrics
Ss Religion books

Lesson Content Explanation:
Triangle Square Circle
system: In workbooks Ss draw a
small triangle and next to it write 3
key points that they have learned
from their Religion lessons this
week. Next Ss draw a square and
write 2 things that have squared
with their thinking (things that make
sense to them). Finally they draw a
circle and write 1 thing that is going
round in their head about what
they have learned.

Indicators of Learning:
Learn about the significance of the
sacrament of Penance in the life of
the Church.
Learn about the Word, symbols and
rituals of the sacrament of

1 min

34 mins

5 mins

5 mins

Ss sit down quietly for presentations.
T reminds Ss of the class rules about respecting those that are
presenting by sitting silently and listening attentively.
T has computer connected to the SmartBoard.
Each group will present their 2-3 minute presentation using ICT
integration. T will choose groups to come up one at a time and
T will assess the presentations using the rubric that Ss had been
given. T will write positive comments for Ss and will address any
areas of improvement.
After all presentations, T will initiate discussion about how Ss chose
appropriate Word, symbol and ritual for their class prayer and why
this is important.
Ss move to their desks and get out their Religion workbooks.
Ss are to reflect on their learning for the week using the Triangle
Square Circle system (Ss are familiar with this way of reflection).
After completing this Ss hand their workbooks up to be marked.
T will mark
presentations using the
rubric created for the
task that Ss will also be
given. T will provide
written and verbal
feedback to be used for
reports and

Evaluation question:
Did all Ss show an
understanding of the task
and meet the criteria set on
the rubric?

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